Is it possible to directly query and return 2 fields per object? - calabash

For example when querying a screen in an app, can I only return the text of an object and the center_y coordinate?
So far I've gotten just the text by using the query :
query("CalendarCellView", :text)
but can I get just the text and center_y fields returned in the results hash (without editing the hash myself)?

It isn't. There isn't support for multiple selectors at the moment, which would be necessary to select multiple parts of the output. There aren't even selectors for some elements at all - see the answer in this post Calabash iOS: how to get value using query command. I don't think there is a selector for center_y.
This leaves you with a map or select as the only option.


Mapping user spreadsheet columns to database fields

I’m not sure where to start on this project. I know how to read the contents of the excel spreadsheet, I know how to identify the header row, I know how to loop over the contents. I believe I have the UX portion worked out but I am not sure how to process the data.
I’ve googled and only found .Net solutions but I’m looking for a ColdFusion/Lucee solution.
I have a working form allowing me to map a user's spreasheet column to my database values (this is being kept simple for this post; user does not have direct access to the database).
Now that I have my data, I'm not sure how to loop over the data results. I believe there will be several loops (an outer and an inner). Then of course I also need to loop over the file contents but I think if I can get the headings mapped out,I can figure out the remaining.
Any good links, tutorials, or guides would be greatly appreciated.
Some pseudo code might be enough to get me started.
User uploads form
System reads headers and content.
User is presented form with a list of columns from their uploaded spreadsheet to match with available database fields (eg “column1” matches “customer name”.
User submits form.
Now what?
Here is what the data looks like AFTER the mapping has been done in my form. The column deliiter is the ::: and within the column the ||| indicates the ID associated with the selected column value. I've included the id and the column value since I plan on displaying the mapping again as a confirmation. Having the ID saves a trip to the database.
If I understand correctly, your question is: how do you provide the user a form allowing them to map their spreadsheet columns to that of the database
Since you have their spreadsheet column names, and you have the database column names, then this problem is essentially a UI/UX problem. You need to show both lists, and allow the user to map them. I can imagine several approaches to this. My first thought would be some sort of drag/drop operation, as follows:
Create a list of boxes, one for each field in your database table, and include the field name in (or above) the box. I'll call this the db field list. Then, create another list for each column from the spreadsheet, which I'll call the spreadsheet column list. The user would drag/drop items from the spreadsheet column list to the db field list.
When a mapping has been completed by the user, you would store the column/field names in as data for the DOM element of the db field list box. Then upon submission, you would acquire the mapping data by visiting each box and adding it to an array. Then you would serialize that array into JSON and send that to your form submission handler.
This could be difficult or easy, depending on your knowledge of UI implementations using JavaScript. jQuery makes this easy (if you know jQuery). There's even a jquery UI plugin that does this:
A quick search for javascript drag drop would help, and here's a few articles I found:
You would also need to submit the array of mappings using javascript. You could search for that as well, and here's an article I found:

Reading Sharepoint List Calculated field from PowerShell

I am trying to pull data from a SharePoint list. The field is a calculated column that takes a yes or no answer and changes the words to archived and non-archived.
I can see the data being formatted correctly in the calculated column in IE but when I try to pull the data it shows up as nothing when I check the variable data.
$site = get-spsite https://extranet./sites/site
$web = get-spweb -Identity https://extranet/sites/site
$View = $list.Views["LISTVIEW"]
$listitems = $list.Getitems($view)
foreach ($listitem in $listitems) {
I have tried this also but get an indexing a null variable error.
$mailboxdb = $listitem.Fields["mailboxdb"] -as [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldCalculated];
I see this also in the $listitems output. ows_MailboxDb='string;#Archived'
But when I check $mailboxdb its empty.
Found this but I don't know what it means by stored results.
In Powershell, although you can reference any field in the list in your script, you can only compare retrieve values from "static" fields - that is, you cannot use calculation fields. PowerShell will not complain - but you will not get results in your script. This is because the .Net library for Sharepoint will not do the field calculation for you - that only happens inside the Sharepoint UI itself.
If you need to have access to a "calculated" field, you actually need to have two fields - the calculated field (usually hidden) and a "stored result" field, which must be updated from the calculated value in the last step of the "Update" workflow. Then you can use the "stored value" field in PowerShell - and also, incidentally, in View calculations in Sharepoint.
You basically have two options here. You can have Powershell do the calculation for you, which is probably the simpler of the two options given the basic nature of your calculation.
The second option, as mentioned at the end of your post is to create a new field which can store the result of the calculation. In your case, you could call it status. Then you would create a workflow that runs whenever a list item is updated or created that stores the results of the calculated field in the results field. This seems redundant to me if you have this field for no other reason than to use the value of the calculated field in a PowerShell script.

Find model returns undefined when trying to get the attribute of a model by first finding the model by another attribute?

I would like to do something like:
App.Model.find({unique_attribute_a: 'foo'}).objectAt(0).get('attribute_b')`
basically first finding a model by its unique attribute that is NOT its ID, then getting another attribute of that model. (objectAt(0) is used because find by attribute returns a RecordArray.)
The problem is App.Model.find({unique_attribute_a: 'foo'}).objectAt(0) is always undefined. I don't know why.
Please see the problem in the jsbin.
It looks like you want to use a filter rather than a find (or in this case a findQuery). Example here:
App.Model.find({ unique_attribute_a: 'foo' }) converts the query to an ajax query string:
Ember data expects your server to return a filtered response. Ember Data then loads this response into an ImmutableArray and makes no assumption about what you were trying to find, it just knows the server returned something that matched your query and groups that result into a non-changable array (you can still modify the record, just not the array).
App.Model.filtler on the other hand just filters the local store based on your filter function. It does have one "magical" side affect where it will do App.Model.find behind the scenes if there are no models in the store although I am not sure if this is intended.
Typically I avoid filters as it can have some performance issues with large data sets and ember data. A filter must materialize every record which can be slow if you have thousands of records
Someone on irc gave me this answer. Then I modified it to make it work completely. Basically I should have used filtered.
App.Office.filter( function(e){return e.get('unique_attribute_a') == 'foo'}).objectAt(0)
Then I can get the attribute like:
App.Office.filter( function(e){return e.get('unique_attribute_a') == 'foo'}).objectAt(0).get('attribute_b')
See the code in jsbin.
Does anyone know WHY filter works but find doesn't? They both return RecordArrays.

String Ids are not quoted in dependent batch-request to api. Workaround?

I'm currently trying to query the facebook api to retrieve some data via batch-requests with two fql queries.
One of the queries fetches a set of album ids in the form of:
Select aid FROM album WHERE ...
While the other one tries to retrieve photos for the found albums:
SELECT ... FROM photo WHERE aid IN ({result=album_ids:$.*.aid})
Where 'album_ids' is the name of the first query.
Most of the time this works perfectly but sometimes a album comes along with an aid containing a '_' - Which would be perfectly fine since the documentation specifies the aid as string.
However the jsonpath in the second query does not quote the ids according to the facebook api:
Parser error: unexpected '_xxxxx' at position xx
SELECT ... FROM photo WHERE aid IN (10000xxxxxxxxxx_xxxxx)
The json result for the first query clearly has them quoted:
Am i missing something here or does facebook wrongly skip to quote the ids in the second query even though they are clearly strings.
As far as i see in the facebook-api and jsonpath specs this should be working.
Or is there a work-around to get this to behave as expected? (Except of doing the quoting client-side and with two seperate requests).
Right now i'm trying to change my query as suggested here: Quoting/escaping jsonpath elements for in clause of dependent fql queries
But maybe there is a way without completely re-structuring the queries itself.

How can i query to get the multiple values in SimpleDB (AWS)

In that Picture i have colored one part. i have attribute called "deviceModel". It contains more than one value.. i want to take using query from my domain which ItemName() contains deviceModel attribute values more than one value.
Senthil Raja
There is no direct approach to get what you are asking.. You need to manipulate by writing your own piece of code. By running SELECT query you will get the item Attribute-value pair. So here you need to traverse each each itemName() and count values of your desire attribute.
I think what you are refering to is called MultiValued Attributes. When you put a value in the attribute - if you don't replace the existing attribute value the values will multiply, giving you an array of items connected to the value of that attribute name.
How you create them will depend on the sdk/language you are using for your REST calls, however look for the Replace=true/false when you set the attribute's value.
Here is the documentation page on retrieving them: (look under Using Amazon SimpleDB -> Using Select to Create Amazon SimpleDB Queries -> Queries on Attributes with Multiple Values)