c# Regex- Remove string which developed only combination of special charter - regex

I am looking for regular expression by which I can ignore strings which is only combination of All special charters.
List<string> liststr = new List<string>() { "a b", "c%d", " ", "% % % %" ,"''","&","''","'"}; etc...
I need result of this one
{ "a b", "c%d"}

You can use this, too, to match string without any Unicode letter:
var liststr = new List<string>() { "a b", "c%d", " ", "% % % %", "''", "&", "''", "'" };
var rx2 = #"^\P{L}+$";
var res2 = liststr.Where(p => !Regex.IsMatch(p, rx2)).ToList();
I also suggest creating the regex object as a private static readonly field, with Compiled option, so that performance is not impacted.
private static readonly Regex rx2 = new Regex(#"^\P{L}+", RegexOptions.Compiled);
... (and inside the caller)
var res2 = liststr.Where(p => !rx2.IsMatch(p)).ToList();

Use this one :
It matches at least one alphanumeric character. Doing this, it will take any string that is not only symbols/special chars. It does the output you want, see here : demo

You can use a very simple regex like
Regex regex = new Regex(#"^[% &']+$");
[% &'] Is the list of special characters that you wish to include
List<string> liststr = new List<string>() { "a b", "c%d", " ", "% % % %" ,"''","&","''","'"};
List<string> final = new List<string>();
Regex regex = new Regex(#"^[% &']+$");
foreach ( string str in liststr)
if (! regex.IsMatch(str))
Will give an output as
final = {"a b", "c%d"}


Replace occurence in a String in Kotlin

I have two list of Strings. Now I want to replace every occurence of a word in the first list at index i with a word in the second list at index i of a sentence.
So if I have
list a=("am","I","my")
list b=("are","You","your")
I want the sentence "I am an amateur"
to become "You are an amateur"
What is cleanest way to do that in Kotlin (without for loop)?
First split the string to a list of its words and then map each word if it exists in list a to the corresponding word in list b. Finally rejoin the string:
val a= listOf("am","I","my")
val b= listOf("are","You","your")
val str = "I am an amateur"
val new = str
.map { val i = a.indexOf(it); if (i < 0) it else b[i] }
.joinToString(" ")
Another way of doing the same thing is:
var new = " $str "
a.forEachIndexed { i, s -> new = new.replace(" $s ", " ${b[i]} ") }
new = new.trim()
although this is closer to a for loop.
I assume there is no punctuation, all whitespaces are spaces and so on.
val m = a.zip(b).toMap()
return s.split(' ').joinToString(" ") { m[it] ?: it }
First you create a map m for more efficient... mapping. Then
Split the string to get a list of words
Map all words: if m contains the word, then return the value (i.e. the replacement), otherwise return the original word (since we shouldn't replace it).
Join all words, separate them by spaces.
You can use the regular expression \b\w+\b to match words in a sentence and then call replace function with the lambda that provides a replacement string for each match:
val input = "I am an amateur, alas."
val wordsToReplace = listOf("I", "am", "my")
val wordsReplaceWith = listOf("You", "are", "your")
val wordRegex = """\b\w+\b""".toRegex()
val result = wordRegex.replace(input) { match ->
val wordIndex = wordsToReplace.indexOf(match.value)
if (wordIndex >= 0) wordsReplaceWith[wordIndex] else match.value
If there are a lot of word in your lists, it makes sense to build a map of them to speed up searches:
val replaceMap = (wordsToReplace zip wordsReplaceWith).toMap()
val result = wordRegex.replace(input) { match ->
replaceMap[match.value] ?: match.value
I think the simplest way is to create a set of regex you want and replace the string by iteration. Let's say you want to replace the word "am", your regex will be "\bam\b". You can use "(?i)\bam\b" if you want it not to be case sensitive. To make "I am an amateur" to "You are an amateur"
val replacements = setOf("\\bam\\b" to "are",
"\\bI\\b" to "You",
"\\bmy\\b" to "your")
replacements.forEach {
str = str.replace(Regex(it.first), it.second)

Regex for multiple strings including spaces

I need a regex for filtering out a query. For example, I get a query input as below.
state:CA AND country:US OR postalcode:8888
Here, I need to extract terms based on " AND ", " OR " (any case). Can someone please provide the regex with which I can extract terms like "state:CA", "country:US" etc?
I want to consider the spaces before and after the AND, OR as the other terms might contain "and", "or" as part of string.
Eg: state:OR AND country:US
I have tried something like this
With this, I could find the patterns " AND ", " OR ". But, how to make it case-insensitive?
What flavor or regex are you using ?
If the value in your key/pair values will always be comprised of one word only, this would do:
Test it here.
Since your values are comprised by more than one word only, I think you should be splitting the string into key/value pairs instead of using regexes.
Here's how you could do it in javascript:
var s = 'state:New York AND country:US OR postalcode:8888'
var dataBlocks = s.replace(/AND|and|And|OR|Or/g, '|').split('|')
for(var i = 0; i < dataBlocks.length; i++) dataBlocks[i] = dataBlocks[i].trim()
//your resulting array would like like
//Array [ "state:New York", "country:US", "postalcode:8888" ]
The same solution, in C#:
Regex r = new Regex(#"AND|and|And|OR|Or");
var s = "state:New York AND country:US OR postalcode:8888";
var keyValuePairs = r.Replace(s, "|").Split(new char[] { '|' }).Select(z =>
var keyValue = z.Trim().Split(new char[] { ':' });
return new KeyValuePair<string, string>(keyValue.FirstOrDefault(), keyValue.LastOrDefault());
foreach (var keyValuePair in keyValuePairs)
Console.WriteLine("Key: {0}\tValue:{1}", keyValuePair.Key, keyValuePair.Value);

regex equals to something exactly but does not equal to something else

my regex query below does an exact match of a word say Bob or Bill for example
var regExp = new RegExp("^" + inputVal + "$", 'i');
what i want it to do is match anything exactly (Bob or Bill Etc) but not match Fred
so match anything exactly except for Fred, does that make sense?
anyone help me out as to how i do that?
i thought id show my actual script instead, what im doing is searching a table, and im page load i want to hide rows that contain a string. so if exlucde lenght is greater than 0 hide that row...
function searchPagingTable(inputVal, tablename, fixedsearch, exclude) {
var table = $(tablename);
table.find('tr:not(.header)').each(function (index, row) {
var allCells = $(row).find('td');
if (allCells.length > 0) {
var found = false;
allCells.each(function (index, td) {
if (fixedsearch == 1) {
var regExp = new RegExp("^" + inputVal + "$", 'i');
else if (exclude.length > 0)
var regExp = new RegExp("^(?!" + exclude + ")", "i");
else {
var regExp = new RegExp(inputVal, 'i');
if (regExp.test($(td).text())) {
found = true;
return false;
if (found == true) $(row).show().removeClass('exclude'); else $(row).hide().addClass('exclude');
That would be
var exclude = "Fred"
var regExp = new RegExp("^(?!.*" + exclude + ")", "i");
This regex matches any string except those that contain Fred. It doesn't actually match any characters in the string, but that's sufficient if you're just looking for a true/false result.
This will also find strings that contain Alfred or Fredo, so if you don't want that, you need to tell the regex only to look for entire words using word boundaries:
var regExp = new RegExp("^(?!.*\\b" + exclude + "\\b)", "i");
You need to make sure that your exclude string only contains ASCII letters/digits (or underscores) for this to work correctly.
You could populate a list of names you wish to match against:
var validNames = ['bob', 'bill'];
Then lowercase each input and match against the list:
if (validNames.indexOf(inputVal.toLowerCase()) != -1) {
// it's a good name
For older browsers you have to shim Array.indexOf()
var re = new RegExp('^\\s*Fred\\s*$','i');
if (inputVal.match(re)) {
// Fred has been found
} else {
// Anything has been found

scala regex for strings with double quotes

I am struggling to concatenate a message with two texts into a single text using regex in scala
original message = "part1 "+" part2"
original message = "part1 " + " part2"
original message = "part 1 "+ " part2"
concatenated message = "part1 part2"
What I am using is this code below (to replace atleast the + sign with null)
val line:String = """"text1"+"text2"""" //My original String which is "text1"+"text2"
val temp_line:String = line.replaceAll("\\+","")
It works fine and results "text1""text2". Is there a way to get the output "text1 text2" using regex?
Please help. Thanks in advance
This is really not an ideal problem for regexes, but okay:
val Part = """"([^"]*)"(.*$)""".r // Quotes, non quotes, quotes, then the rest
val Plus = """\s*\+\s*(.*)""".r // Plus with optional spaces, then the rest
def parts(s: String, found: List[String] = Nil): String = s match {
case Part(p,rest) => rest match {
case "" => (p :: found).map(_.filter(c => !c.isWhitespace)).reverse.mkString(" ")
case Plus(more) => parts(more, p :: found)
case x => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$p :$x:")
case x => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"|$x|")
This just takes the input string apart piece by piece; you can add printlns if you want to see how it works. (Note that + is a special character in regex, so you need to escape it to match it.)
scala> parts(""""part1 "+" part2"""")
res1: String = part1 part2
scala> parts(""""part1 " + " part2"""")
res2: String = part1 part2
scala> parts(""""part 1 "+ " part2"""")
res3: String = part1 part2

using RegExp to split string but store whitespace (space or crlf) to items

sample input (orgtext = a[crlf]b[space]c[crlf] )
I like to store each word a,b, c to the words array with the original suffix crlf or space. Currently calling SPLIT drops the suffix as its separator, but I like to store separator as well. Can I adjust regexp to return also suffix and still split?
Words = new Array;
var ar: Array = orgtext.split( /\s+/ );
for (var i:int = 0; i<ar.length;i++ )
Words.push( ar[i] +"suffix here" );
Generally you would use keep calling exec with an expression that uses the global (g) so that the lastIndex will be set.
var input : String = "asd asd asd asd";
var output : Array = new Array();
var expr : RegExp = /[^\s]+(?:$|\s+)/g;
var result : Object = expr.exec(input);
while(result != null)
result = expr.exec(input);
Depending on the number of matches you can expect, it might be faster to use...
... which will capture all possible matches in one exec(). The matches will be available in result[1] ... result[n]