c++ - hackerrank project euler #1 terminated due to timeout - c++

There are many discussions on this topic. I went through them, but none helped.
The question seems fairly simple:
If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or
5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.
Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below N.
Input Format First line contains T that denotes the number of test
cases. This is followed by T lines, each containing an integer, N.
Output Format For each test case, print an integer that denotes the
sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below N.
Constraints 1≤T≤10^5 1≤N≤10^9
However, for two test cases, most probably the ones with a large input, my code results in terminated due to timeout.
Here is my code:
int main() {
unsigned long long int n,t;
unsigned long long int sum;
for(unsigned long long int i=3;i<n;i++){
if(i%3==0 || i%5==0){
return 0;
Why is it not working for large inputs even with unsigned long long int?

I suggest using two loops of addition and eliminating the expensive % operator.
Given that all the numbers that are divisible by 3 are also all the numbers that have the 3 added. So rather testing a number for divisibility by 3 and summing them, only sum the numbers that are multiples of 3.
For example:
for (int i = 0; i < n; i = i + 3)
sum += i;
If you also include the loop for 5, you would have all the values summed.
Also, subtract the values that are multiples of 15.
On the other hand, applying a little algebra and calculus, you could simplify the formula, then implement it.
Some Analysis
The quantity of values divisible by 3 are less then N/3. So for N = 13, there are 4 multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9, 12. So the limit is N/3.
Breaking down algebraically, we see that the numbers for N = 13, are:
[1] (3 * 1) + (3 * 2) + (3 * 3) + (3 * 4)
Factoring out the common multiplying of 3 yields:
[2] 3 * ( 1 + 2 + 3 + 4)
Looking at equation [2], this yields 3 * sum(1..N).
Using the formula for summation:
(x * (x + 1)) / 2
the equation can be simplified to:
[3] 3 * ( 4 * (4 + 1) ) / 2
Or replacing the total values by N/3 this formula comes out to:
[4] 3 * ((N/3) * ((N/3) + 1) ) / 2
The simplification of equation [4] is left as an exercise for the reader.

I tried in python , you can check
def multiple(n):
return n*(n+1)/2
def sum(n):
return multiple(n/3)*3 + multiple(n/5)*5 - multiple(n/15)*15
for i in xrange(int(raw_input())):
n = int(raw_input()) - 1
print sum(n)

The problem timeout is probably set at a value that disallows brute force algorithms like yours. You can calculate the sum for any given value of N in constant time using the closed formula for summation of successive integers and De Morgan's laws.

#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main() {
/* Enter you`enter code here`r code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT */
long long int t, N, i=0, sum3=0, sum5=0, sum35=0;
cin >> t;
cin >> N;
sum3 = 3 * ((N/3) * ((N/3) + 1) ) / 2;
sum5 = 5 * ((N/5) * ((N/5) + 1) ) / 2;
sum35 = 15 * ((N/15) * ((N/15) + 1) ) / 2;
cout << sum3 + sum5 - sum35 << endl;
return 0;


Range queries on a binary string?

We are given a binary string S of length n, in which each character is either '1' or '0'.
And we are asked to perform several queries on the string.
In each query we are given integers L and R.
And we have to tell the value of sub-string S[l..r], in decimal representation.
Sample testcase:
1011 (string S)
5 (number of queries)
1 1 (l, r)
2 2
1 2
2 4
1 4
1 (1 * 2^0 == 1)
3 (0 * 2^2 + 1 * 2^1 + 1 * 2^0)
11 (1 * 2^3 + 0 * 2^2 + 1 * 2^1 + 1 * 2^0 = 11)
1 < N < 10^5
1 < Q < 10^5
As the number can be very large, we are required to print it modulo 10^9 + 7.
So basically we need to convert binary representation sub-string S[l..r] in it's decimal.
I pre-computed the results of S[i...n-1] for all i:[0, n-1] in array B.
So now B[i] represents the decimal number representation of sub-string S[i..n-1].
vector<int> pow(1e5, 1);
for(int i = 1; i < 1e5; i++) {
pow[i] = (pow[i - 1] * 2) % mod;
string s;
getline(cin, s);
vector<int> B(n, 0);
int prev = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
B[(n - 1) - i] = (prev + (s[(n - 1) - i] == '1' ? pow[i] : 0)) % mod;
prev = B[(n - 1) - i];
while(q--) {
int l, r;
cin >> l >> r;
cout << ((B[l] - (r + 1 < n ? B[r + 1] : 0) + mod) % mod) / pow[n - (r + 1)]<< "\n";
return 0;
With the above approach only sample testcase got passed and all other cases are giving the wrong answers(WA).
I even tried using Segment tree for this problem but that is also not working.
What is the correct approach to solve this problem ?
Define V[k] to be the value of the digits of S starting with the kth one.
Then the value of the substring S[l..r] = (V[l] - V[r+1]) / 2^(n - r - 1). (Something like that, I may have an off by one error. Play with small examples.)
Now the useful fact about 10^9 + 7 is that it is a prime. (The first 10 digit prime.) Which means that dividing by 2 is the same as multiplying by 2^(10^9 + 5). Which is a constant that you can figure out with repeated squaring. And raising that constant to a high power can be done very efficiently using repeated squaring.
With this you can create a lookup table for V, and then do your queries in time O(log(n)).
This seems the same as regular sum range-queries, except (1) we need to store the partial sums mod 10^9 + 7, (2) during retrieval, we need to "shift" the relevant sections of the full sum by the length of the sections on their right. To "shift" in this case would mean multiplying by 2^(length_of_suffix) mod 10^9 + 7. And of course sum the sections mod 10^9 + 7.
But btilly's answer seems much simpler :)

sum multiples in a given range

well I want to sum up the multiples of 3 and 5. Not too hard if I want just the sum upon to a given number, e.g. -> up to 60 the sum is 870.
But what if I want just the first 15 multiples?
well one way is
void summation (const unsigned long number_n, unsigned long &summe,unsigned int &counter );
void summation (const unsigned long number_n, unsigned long &summe,unsigned int &counter )
unsigned int howoften = 0;
summe = 0;
for( unsigned long i = 1; i <=number_n; i++ )
if (howoften <= counter-1)
if( !( i % 3 ) || !( i % 5 ) )
summe += i;
counter = howoften;
But as expected the runtime is not accceptable for a counter like 1.500.000 :-/
Hm I tried a lot of things but I cannot find a solution by my own.
I also tried a faster summation algorithm like (dont care bout overflow at this point):
int sum(int N);
int sum(int N)
int S1, S2, S3;
S1 = ((N / 3)) * (2 * 3 + (N / 3 - 1) * 3) / 2;
S2 = ((N / 5)) * (2 * 5 + (N / 5 - 1) * 5) / 2;
S3 = ((N / 15)) *(2 * 15 + (N / 15 - 1) * 15) / 2;
return S1 + S2 - S3;
or even
unsigned long sum1000 (unsigned long target);
unsigned long sum1000 (unsigned long target)
unsigned int summe = 0;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i<=target; i+=3) summe+=i;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i<=target; i+=5) summe+=i;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i<=target; i+=15) summe-=i;
return summe;
But I'm not smart enough to set up an algorithm which is fast enough (I say 5-10 sec. are ok)
The whole sum of the multiples is not my problem, the first N multiples are :)
Thanks for reading, and if u have any ideas, it would be great
Some prerequisites:
(dont care bout overflow at this point)
Ok, so lets ignore that completely.
Next, the sum of all numbers from 1 till n can be calculated from (see eg here):
int sum(int n) {
return (n * (n+1)) / 2;
Note that n*(n+1) is an even number for any n, so using integer artihmetics for /2 is not an issue.
How does this help to get sum of numbers divisible by 3? Lets start with even numbers (divisble by 2). We write out the long form of the sum above:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... + n
multiply each term by 2:
2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + ... + 2*n
now I hope you see that this sum contains all numbers that are divisible by 2 up to 2*n. Those numbers are the first n numbers that are divisble by 2.
Hence, the sum of the fist n numbers that are divisble by 2 is 2 * sum(n). We can generalize that to write a function that returns the sum of the first n numbers that are divisble by m:
int sum_div_m( int n, int m) {
return sum(n) * m;
First I want to reproduce your inital example "up to 60 the sum is 870". For that we consider that
60/3 == 20 -> there are 20 numbers divisble by 3 and we get their sum from sum_div_m(20,3)
60/5 == 12 -> there are 12 numbers divisible by 5 and we get their sum from sum_div_m(12,5)
we cannot simply add the above two results because then we would count some numbers double. Those numbers are those divisible by 3 and 5, ie divisible by 15
60/15 == 4 -> there are 4 numbers divisble by 3 and 5 and we get their sum from sum_div_m(4,15).
Putting it together, the sum of all numbers divisible by 3 or 5 up to 60 is
int x = sum_div_m( 20,3) + sum_div_m( 12,5) - sum_div_m( 4,15);
Finally, back to your actual question:
But what if I want just the first 15 multiples?
Above we saw that there are
n == x/3 + x/5 - x/15
numbers that are divisble by 3 or 5 in the range 0...x. All division are using integer arithmetics. We already had the example of 60 with 20+12-4 == 28 divisble numbers. Another example is x=10 where there are n = 3 + 2 - 0 = 5 numbers divisible by 3 or 5 (3,5,6,9,10). We have to be a bit careful with integer arithmetics, but no big deal:
15*n == 5*x + 3*x - x
-> 15*n == 7*x
-> x == 15*n/7
Quick test: 15*28/7 == 60, looks correct.
Putting it all together the sum of the first n numbers divisible by 3 or 5 is
int sum_div_3_5(int n) {
int x = (15*n)/7;
return sum_div_m(x/3, 3) + sum_div_m(x/5, 5) - sum_div_m(x/15, 15);
To check that this is correct we can again try sum_div_3_5(28) to see that it returns 870 (because there are 28 numbers divisble by 3 or 5 up to 60 and that was the initial example).
PS Turned out that the question is really only about doing the maths. Though that isnt a big surprise. When you want to write efficient code you should primarily take care to use the right algorithm. Optimizations based on a given algorithm often are less effective than choosing a better algorithm. Once you chose an algorithm, often it does not pay off to try to be "clever" because compilers are much better at optimizing. For example this code:
int main(){
int x = 0;
int n = 60;
for (int i=0; i <= n; ++i) x += i;
return x;
will be be optimized by most compilers to a simple return 1830; when optimizations are turned on because compilers do know how to add all numbers from 1 to n. See here.
You can do it in compile time recursively by using class templates/meta functions if your value is known in compile time. So there will be no runtime cost.
template<int n>
struct Sum{
static const int value = n + Sum<n-1>::value;
struct Sum<0>{
static constexpr int value = 0;
int main()
constexpr auto x = Sum<100>::value;
// x is known (5050) in compile time
return 0;

from number of possible pairs get the size of the original array

I have this function
public int numberOfPossiblePairs(int n)
int k=2;
if (k>n-k) { k=n-k;}
int b=1;
for (int i=1, m=n; i<=k; i++, m--)
return b;
Which gets the number of pairs you can make from given number of items, so for example, if you have an array of 1000 items, you can make 499,500 pairs. But what I actually need is the opposite. In other words a function that would take 499500 as the parameter, and return 1000 as the original number of unique items that could produce that many pairs. (Would be a bonus if it could also handle imperfect numbers, like 499501, of which there is no number of unique items that makes exactly that many unique pairs, but it would still return 1000 as the closest since it produces 499500 pairs.)
I realize I could just incrementally loop numberOfPossiblePairs() until I see the number I am looking for, but seems like there should be an algorithmic way of doing this rather than brute forcing it like that.
Your problem boils down to a little algebra and can be solved in O(1) time. We first note that your function does not give the number of permutations of pairs, but rather the number of combinations of pairs. At any rate the logic that follows can be easily altered to accommodate permutations.
We start off by writing the formula for number of combinations choose k.
Setting n = 1000 and r = 2 gives:
1000! / (2!(998)!) = 1000 * 999 / 2 = 499500
Just as numberOfPossiblePairs(1000) does.
Moving on in our exercise, for our example we have r = 2, thus:
total = n! / ((n - 2)! * 2!)
We now simplify:
total = (n * (n - 1)) / 2
total * 2 = n^2 - n
n^2 - n - 2 * total = 0
Now we can apply the quadratic formula to solve for n.
Here we have x = n, a = 1, b = -1, and c = -2 * total which give:
n = (-(-1) +/- sqrt(1^2 - 4 * 1 * (-2 * total))) / 2
Since we are only interested in positive numbers we exclude the negative solution. In code we have something like (Note, it looks like the OP is using Java and I am not an expert here... the following is C++):
int originalNumber(int total) {
int result;
result = (1 + std::sqrt(1 - 4 * 1 * (-2 * total))) / 2;
return result;
As for the bonus question of returning the closest value if the result isn't a whole number, we could simply round the result before coercing to an integer:
int originalNumber(int total) {
int result;
double temp;
temp = (1 + std::sqrt(1 - 4 * 1 * (-2 * total))) / 2;
result = (int) std::round(temp);
return result;
Now when values like 500050 are passed, the actual result is 1000.55, and the above would return 1001, whereas the first solution would return 1000.

Divide array into smaller consecutive parts such that NEO value is maximal

On this years Bubble Cup (finished) there was the problem NEO (which I couldn't solve), which asks
Given array with n integer elements. We divide it into several part (may be 1), each part is a consecutive of elements. The NEO value in that case is computed by: Sum of value of each part. Value of a part is sum all elements in this part multiple by its length.
Example: We have array: [ 2 3 -2 1 ]. If we divide it like: [2 3] [-2 1]. Then NEO = (2 + 3) * 2 + (-2 + 1) * 2 = 10 - 2 = 8.
The number of elements in array is smaller then 10^5 and the numbers are integers between -10^6 and 10^6
I've tried something like divide and conquer to constantly split array into two parts if it increases the maximal NEO number otherwise return the NEO of the whole array. But unfortunately the algorithm has worst case O(N^2) complexity (my implementation is below) so I'm wondering whether there is a better solution
EDIT: My algorithm (greedy) doesn't work, taking for example [1,2,-6,2,1] my algorithm returns the whole array while to get the maximal NEO value is to take parts [1,2],[-6],[2,1] which gives NEO value of (1+2)*2+(-6)+(1+2)*2=6
#include <iostream>
int maxInterval(long long int suma[],int first,int N)
long long int max = -1000000000000000000LL;
long long int curr;
if(first==N) return 0;
int k;
for(int i=first;i<N;i++)
if(first>0) curr = (suma[i]-suma[first-1])*(i-first+1)+(suma[N-1]-suma[i])*(N-1-i); // Split the array into elements from [first..i] and [i+1..N-1] store the corresponding NEO value
else curr = suma[i]*(i-first+1)+(suma[N-1]-suma[i])*(N-1-i); // Same excpet that here first = 0 so suma[first-1] doesn't exist
if(curr > max) max = curr,k=i; // find the maximal NEO value for splitting into two parts
if(k==N-1) return max; // If the max when we take the whole array then return the NEO value of the whole array
return maxInterval(suma,first,k+1)+maxInterval(suma,k+1,N); // Split the 2 parts further if needed and return it's sum
int main() {
int T;
std::cin >> T;
for(int j=0;j<T;j++) // Iterate over all the test cases
int N;
long long int NEO[100010]; // Values, could be long int but just to be safe
long long int suma[100010]; // sum[i] = sum of NEO values from NEO[0] to NEO[i]
long long int sum=0;
int k;
std::cin >> N;
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
std::cin >> NEO[i];
suma[i] = sum;
std::cout << maxInterval(suma,0,N) << std::endl;
return 0;
This is not a complete solution but should provide some helpful direction.
Combining two groups that each have a positive sum (or one of the sums is non-negative) would always yield a bigger NEO than leaving them separate:
m * a + n * b < (m + n) * (a + b) where a, b > 0 (or a > 0, b >= 0); m and n are subarray lengths
Combining a group with a negative sum with an entire group of non-negative numbers always yields a greater NEO than combining it with only part of the non-negative group. But excluding the group with the negative sum could yield an even greater NEO:
[1, 1, 1, 1] [-2] => m * a + 1 * (-b)
Now, imagine we gradually move the dividing line to the left, increasing the sum b is combined with. While the expression on the right is negative, the NEO for the left group keeps decreasing. But if the expression on the right gets positive, relying on our first assertion (see 1.), combining the two groups would always be greater than not.
Combining negative numbers alone in sequence will always yield a smaller NEO than leaving them separate:
-a - b - c ... = -1 * (a + b + c ...)
l * (-a - b - c ...) = -l * (a + b + c ...)
-l * (a + b + c ...) < -1 * (a + b + c ...) where l > 1; a, b, c ... > 0
O(n^2) time, O(n) space JavaScript code:
function f(A){
let negatives = [];
let prefixes = new Array(A.length).fill(0);
let m = new Array(A.length).fill(0);
for (let i=1; i<A.length; i++){
if (A[i] < 0)
prefixes[i] = A[i] + prefixes[i - 1];
m[i] = i * (A[i] + prefixes[i - 1]);
for (let j=negatives.length-1; j>=0; j--){
let negative = prefixes[negatives[j]] - prefixes[negatives[j] - 1];
let prefix = (i - negatives[j]) * (prefixes[i] - prefixes[negatives[j]]);
m[i] = Math.max(m[i], prefix + negative + m[negatives[j] - 1]);
return m[m.length - 1];
console.log(f([1, 2, -5, 2, 1, 3, -4, 1, 2]));
console.log(f([1, 2, -4, 1]));
console.log(f([2, 3, -2, 1]));
console.log(f([-2, -3, -2, -1]));
This blog provides that we can transform the dp queries from
dp_i = sum_i*i + max(for j < i) of ((dp_j + sum_j*j) + (-j*sum_i) + (-i*sumj))
dp_i = sum_i*i + max(for j < i) of (dp_j + sum_j*j, -j, -sum_j) ⋅ (1, sum_i, i)
which means we could then look at each iteration for an already seen vector that would generate the largest dot product with our current information. The math alluded to involves convex hull and farthest point query, which are beyond my reach to implement at this point but will make a study of.

Finding the smallest possible number which cannot be represented as sum of 1,2 or other numbers in the sequence

I am a newbie in C++ and need logical help in the following task.
Given a sequence of n positive integers (n < 10^6; each given integer is less than 10^6), write a program to find the smallest positive integer, which cannot be expressed as a sum of 1, 2, or more items of the given sequence (i.e. each item could be taken 0 or 1 times). Examples: input: 2 3 4, output: 1; input: 1 2 6, output: 4
I cannot seem to construct the logic out of it, why the last output is 4 and how to implement it in C++, any help is greatly appreciated.
Here is my code so far:
using namespace std;
const int SIZE = 3;
int main()
//Lowest integer by default
int IntLowest = 1;
int x = 0;
//Our sequence numbers
int seq;
int sum = 0;
int buffer[SIZE];
//Loop through array inputting sequence numbers
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
cout << "Input sequence number: ";
cin >> seq;
buffer[i] = seq;
sum += buffer[i];
int UpperBound = sum + 1;
int a = buffer[x] + buffer[x + 1];
int b = buffer[x] + buffer[x + 2];
int c = buffer[x + 1] + buffer[x + 2];
int d = buffer[x] + buffer[x + 1] + buffer[x + 2];
for (int y = IntLowest - 1; y < UpperBound; y++)
//How should I proceed from here?
return 0;
What the answer of Voreno suggests is in fact solving 0-1 knapsack problem (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knapsack_problem#0.2F1_Knapsack_Problem). If you follow the link you can read how it can be done without constructing all subsets of initial set (there are too much of them, 2^n). And it would work if the constraints were a bit smaller, like 10^3.
But with n = 10^6 it still requires too much time and space. But there is no need to solve knapsack problem - we just need to find first number we can't get.
The better solution would be to sort the numbers and then iterate through them once, finding for each prefix of your array a number x, such that with that prefix you can get all numbers in interval [1..x]. The minimal number that we cannot get at this point is x + 1. When you consider the next number a[i] you have two options:
a[i] <= x + 1, then you can get all numbers up to x + a[i],
a[i] > x + 1, then you cannot get x + 1 and you have your answer.
you are given numbers 1, 4, 12, 2, 3.
You sort them (and get 1, 2, 3, 4, 12), start with x = 0, consider each element and update x the following way:
1 <= x + 1, so x = 0 + 1 = 1.
2 <= x + 1, so x = 1 + 2 = 3.
3 <= x + 1, so x = 3 + 3 = 6.
4 <= x + 1, so x = 6 + 4 = 10.
12 > x + 1, so we have found the answer and it is x + 1 = 11.
(Edit: fixed off-by-one error, added example.)
I think this can be done in O(n) time and O(log2(n)) memory complexities.
Assuming that a BSR (highest set bit index) (floor(log2(x))) implementation in O(1) is used.
1 create an array of (log2(MAXINT)) buckets, 20 in case of 10^6, Each bucket contains the sum and min values (init: min = 2^(i+1)-1, sum = 0). (lazy init may be used for small n)
2 one pass over the input, storing each value in the buckets[bsr(x)].
for (x : buffer) // iterate input
buckets[bsr(x)].min = min(buckets[bsr(x)].min, x)
buckets[bsr(x)].sum += x
3 Iterate over buckets, maintaining unreachable:
int unreachable = 1 // 0 is always reachable
for(b : buckets)
if (unreachable >= b.min)
unreachable += b.sum
return unreachable
This works because, assuming we are at bucket i, lets consider the two cases:
unreachable >= b.min is true: because this bucket contains values in the range [2^i...2^(i+1)-1], this implies that 2^i <= b.min. in turn, b.min <= unreachable. therefor unreachable+b.min >= 2^(i+1). this means that all values in the bucket may be added (after adding b.min all the other values are smaller) i.e. unreachable += b.sum.
unreachable >= b.min is false: this means that b.min (the smallest number the the remaining sequence) is greater than unreachable. thus we need to return unreachable.
The output of the second input is 4 because that is the smallest positive number that cannot be expressed as a sum of 1,2 or 6 if you can take each item only 0 or 1 times. I hope this can help you understand more:
You have 3 items in that list: 1,2,6
Starting from the smallest positive integer, you start checking if that integer can be the result of the sum of 1 or more numbers of the given sequence.
1 = 1+0+0
2 = 0+2+0
3 = 1+2+0
4 cannot be expressed as a result of the sum of one of the items in the list (1,2,6). Thus 4 is the smallest positive integer which cannot be expressed as a sum of the items of that given sequence.
The last output is 4 because:
1 = 1
2 = 2
1 + 2 = 3
1 + 6 = 7
2 + 6 = 8
1 + 2 + 6 = 9
Therefore, the lowest integer that cannot be represented by any combination of your inputs (1, 2, 6) is 4.
What the question is asking:
Part 1. Find the largest possible integer that can be represented by your input numbers (ie. the sum of all the numbers you are given), that gives the upper bound
UpperBound = sum(all_your_inputs) + 1
Part 2. Find all the integers you can get, by combining the different integers you are given. Ie if you are given a, b and c as integers, find:
a + b, a + c, b + c, and a + b + c
Part 2) + the list of integers, gives you all the integers you can get using your numbers.
cycle for each integer from 1 to UpperBound
for i = 1 to UpperBound
if i not = a number in the list from point 2)
i = your smallest integer
This is a clumsy way of doing it, but I'm sure that with some maths it's possible to find a better way?
EDIT: Improved solution
//sort your input numbers from smallest to largest
input_numbers = sort(input_numbers)
//create a list of integers that have been tried numbers
tried_ints = //empty list
for each input in input_numbers
//build combinations of sums of this input and any of the previous inputs
//add the combinations to tried_ints, if not tried before
for 1 to input
//check whether there is a gap in tried_ints
if there_is_gap
//stop the program, return the smallest integer
//the first gap number is the smallest integer