opengl glRasterPos*() changes arguments - opengl

This is a part of my code and it's result in opengl/c++(using visual studio 2013):
GLint *raspos = new GLint[];
glRasterPos2i(56, 56);
glGetIntegerv(GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION, raspos);
cout << " , X : " << raspos[0] << " and " << " Y : " << raspos[1];
X : 125 and Y : 125
i can't understand what's going on! why glRasterPos2i changes the arguments ?

The coordinates passed to glRasterPos are subject to the transformation pipeline. The values you retrieve is the raster position in window coordinates after undergoing those transformations.

Because the raster position is transform by the current projection and modelview matrices just like an ordinary vertex is, but querying GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION is retrieving the window space coordinates.


Fbx SDK up axis import issues

I have some problems when trying to import fbx files in a 3D application, using the Autodesk SDK.
When I'm exporting a mesh from 3ds Max and choose Y as the up axis in the exporter options, the vertices aren't transformed and the Z axis is still used as the up axis for the points coordinates in the file. This is expected, as I'm supposed to transform the scene to my defined axis system afterwards.
In the importer code, I'm veriyfing the axis system and I'm converting the scene to the one with Y as the up axis:
FbxAxisSystem axisSystem(FbxAxisSystem::eYAxis, FbxAxisSystem::eParityOdd, FbxAxisSystem::eRightHanded); ```
FbxAxisSystem sceneAxisSystem = fbxScene->GetGlobalSettings().GetAxisSystem();
if (sceneAxisSystem != axisSystem)
However, the exported file already has the axis system similar with the one I'm using (the up axis is Y), so there is no convertion taking place.
If I export the same mesh from Blender or Maya, the axis system is the same too.
The only different attribute in the file exported from 3ds Max is the OriginalUpAxis attribute, which is 2 (Z), compared to 1, as it would be when exported from Maya.
I tried to export the mesh with Z as the up axis, the vertices are in the same positions as before, the scene conversion takes place this time (or at least the if statement fires), but when I'm trying to convert the vertices positions, I'm getting an identity matrix, which makes me believe that axisSystem.ConvertScene(fbxScene) does nothing:
FbxMesh *fbxMesh = meshNode->GetMesh();
FbxAMatrix& transform = meshNode->EvaluateGlobalTransform();
unsigned numFbxVertices = fbxMesh->GetControlPointsCount();
FbxVector4* lControlPoints = fbxMesh->GetControlPoints();
/*I'm getting an identity matrix here
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
std::cout << transform.GetColumn(0).Buffer()[0] << transform.GetColumn(0).Buffer()[1] << transform.GetColumn(0).Buffer()[2] << transform.GetColumn(0).Buffer()[3] << std::endl;
std::cout << transform.GetColumn(1).Buffer()[0] << transform.GetColumn(1).Buffer()[1] << transform.GetColumn(1).Buffer()[2] << transform.GetColumn(1).Buffer()[3] << std::endl;
std::cout << transform.GetColumn(2).Buffer()[0] << transform.GetColumn(2).Buffer()[1] << transform.GetColumn(2).Buffer()[2] << transform.GetColumn(2).Buffer()[3] << std::endl;
std::cout << transform.GetColumn(3).Buffer()[0] << transform.GetColumn(3).Buffer()[1] << transform.GetColumn(3).Buffer()[2] << transform.GetColumn(3).Buffer()[3] << std::endl;
Is this an SDK bug? Any advice?
EDIT: It looks like node->ResetPivotSetAndConvertAnimation() for each node in the scene resets the transformation matrices too, that's why I was having this problem. Now it works perfect.

OpenSceneGraph: analysing a scenegraph

I want to read a 3D Model through OSG and learn the 3D model information about vertices, normals and texture coordinates etc.
I do not understand the code below (complete tutorial from here ). why are we using prset->index(ic) as an index? I am confused. (* verts) is the vertex array but what is the prset->index(ic) ?
for (ic=0; ic<prset->getNumIndices(); ic++) { // NB the vertices are held in the drawable -
osg::notify(osg::WARN) << "vertex "<< ic << " is index "<<prset->index(ic) << " at " <<
(* verts)[prset->index(ic)].x() << "," <<
(* verts)[prset->index(ic)].y() << "," <<
(* verts)[prset->index(ic)].z() << std::endl;
If your drawable uses indexed primitives, you need to de-reference the triangle vertices looking into the indices array, as you might re-use shared vertices of the vertex array.
Something like this.

Computation of the matrix inverse using the Eigen C++ library introduces noise

I have a publish-subscribe type of a node that receives pose information (position and orientation) from the subscribed data stream and it should compute the inverse and publish out.
In order to do so I'm creating a 4-by-4 homogeneous transformation matrix from the original pose data.
Inverse it using the Eigen C++ template library, convert the transformation matrix back to position and orientation form and publish it.
When I plotted the published data stream I noticed some noise so I ended up publishing the original data too for comparison, here is what I did:
convert original_pose to TF matrix, named as original_TF
convert original_TF back to pose, named as original_pose_
publish original_pose_
inverse original_TF assign to inverted_TF
convert inverted_TF to pose, named as inverted_pose_
publish inverted_pose_
When I plot the X, Y, Z position fields, I'm seeing a significant amount of noise (spikes and notches in the visual below) in the inverted pose data. Since I'm using the same functions to convert the original pose to TF and back, I know that those equations aren't the source of the noise.
Blue is the original, whereas red is the inverted.
Here is the code. Really nothing extraordinary.
bool inverse_matrix(std::vector<std::vector<double> > & input, std::vector<std::vector<double> > & output)
// TODO: Currently only supports 4-by-4 matrices, I can make this configurable.
// see
Eigen::Matrix4d input_matrix;
Eigen::Matrix4d output_matrix;
Eigen::VectorXcd input_eivals;
Eigen::VectorXcd output_eivals;
input_matrix << input[0][0], input[0][1], input[0][2], input[0][3],
input[1][0], input[1][1], input[1][2], input[1][3],
input[2][0], input[2][1], input[2][2], input[2][3],
input[3][0], input[3][1], input[3][2], input[3][3];
cout << "Here is the matrix input:\n" << input_matrix << endl;
input_eivals = input_matrix.eigenvalues();
cout << "The eigenvalues of the input_eivals are:" << endl << input_eivals << endl;
if(input_matrix.determinant() == 0) { return false; }
output_matrix = input_matrix.inverse();
cout << "Here is the matrix output:\n" << output_matrix << endl;
output_eivals = output_matrix.eigenvalues();
cout << "The eigenvalues of the output_eivals are:" << endl << output_eivals << endl;
// Copy output_matrix to output
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
int in = i/4;
int im = i%4;
output[in][im] = output_matrix(in, im);
return true;
-- Edit 1 --
I printed out the eigenvalues of the input and output matrices of the inverse_matrix function.
Here is the matrix input:
0.99916 -0.00155684 -0.0409514 0.505506
0.00342358 -0.992614 0.121267 0.19625
-0.0408377 -0.121305 -0.991775 1.64257
0 0 0 1
The eigenvalues of the input_eivals are:
Here is the matrix output:
0.99916 0.00342358 -0.0408377 -0.438674
-0.00155684 -0.992614 -0.121305 0.39484
-0.0409514 0.121267 -0.991775 1.62597
-0 -0 0 1
The eigenvalues of the output_eivals are:
-- Edit 2 --
I don't quite understand what you are plotting. Is it original_pose.{X,Y,Z} and inverted_pose.{X,Y,Z}? Then the "spikes" will really depend on the orientation-part of the matrix.
I am plotting original_pose_{position.x, position.y, position.z} and inverted_pose_{position.x, position.y, position.z} where the complete data that's published is <variable_name>{position.x, position.y, position.z, orientation.w, orientation.x, orientation.y, orientation.z}.
Can you elaborate on "the "spikes" will really depend on the orientation-part of the matrix."?
Also, how is your description related to the code-snippet? (I don't see any matching variable names).
I've identified that the source of the noise is the inversion, which is the item number 4 in my description: inverse original_TF assign to inverted_TF. To relate one another, I'm calling the function as follows:
isSuccess = inverse_matrix(original_TF, inverted_TF);
How do you store "poses" (is that the vector<vector> in your snippet)?
Yes, I'm storing them in 2-dimensional vectors of type double.
At any point, do you use Eigen::Transform to store transformations, or just plain Eigen::Matrix4d?
No, I'm only using Eigen::Matrix4d locally in the inverse_matrix function to be able to make use of the Eigen library for computation.

Skeletal animation, transformation multiplication

I have implemented a skeletal animation system where I seem to be missing one last detail for it to work properly.
I have made an animation which only a part of the character has bones. In this image The stickman has a waving arm, but the arm waves at the wrong place compared to the rest of the stickman. (You barely see it between his legs)
I will try to outline the basics of my matrix computation to see if I am doing something wrong.
Computation of bone specific absolute and relative animation matrix (based on my keyframe matrix data):
if (b == this->root) {
b->absoluteMatrix = M;
} else {
b->absoluteMatrix = b->parent->absoluteMatrix * M;
b->skinningMatrix = b->absoluteMatrix * inverse(b->offsetMatrix);
if (this->currentAnimationTime == 0) {
cout << "Bone '" << b->name << "' skinningMatrix:\n";
cout << "Bone '" << b->name << "' absoluteMatrix:\n";
cout << "Bone '" << b->name << "' offsetMatrix:\n";
cout << "---------------------------------\n";
skinningMatrix which I send to the GPU. This prints the following:
where offsetMatrix is a transform that transforms from mesh space to bone space in bind pose.
In my shader I then do:
layout(location = 0) in vec4 v; // normal vertex data
newVertex = (skinningMatrix[boneIndex.x] * v) * weights.x;
newVertex = (skinningMatrix[boneIndex.y] * v) * weights.y + newVertex;
newVertex = (skinningMatrix[boneIndex.z] * v) * weights.z + newVertex;
Any hints on what could be wrong with my computations?
I am currently working through skeletal animation myself, and the only thing I noticed which may be an issue is with how you use the offset matrix from ASSIMP. The matrix in question is a matrix which "transforms from mesh space to bone space in bind pose".
To my knowledge this matrix is intended to be used 'as-is', which will essentially take your vertices into the bones local space, which you will than multiply by a 'new' global joint pose which will take the vertices from bone space to model space.
When you inverse the matrix, you are transforming the vertices into model space again, and than with your current animation frames global joint pose, pushing the vertices even further.
I believe your solution will be to remove the inverting of your offset matrix, which will result in your vertices moving from 'model-joint-model'.

How do I access shape position in SFML?

I'm using SFML to draw in C++. It was going well until I tried accessing the position of a circle I drew on the screen. Code:
sf::Shape RootCircle = sf::Shape::Circle(300, 30, 30, sf::Color::Blue);
cout << "X: " << RootCircle.GetPosition().x << endl;
cout << "Y: " << RootCircle.GetPosition().y << endl;
It's consisting telling me that the x and y positions are set to 0. What am I missing?
By calling the sf::Shape::Circle() constructor, only the offset relative to the position is set to 300,30. To actually set the position of the circle, you need to call:
rootCircle.SetPosition(300.0f, 30.0f);
Note that by setting the position to 300,30, whatever offset is specified in the Circle() constructor will be relative to the actual position specified.