I am writing a code for console application in using Visual studio 2010 on windows 7. I have included the libraries used in this but when I am building the program with header files only it is unable to include "stdafx.h" header file. This is my code.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stgetriggersample.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
return 0;
I am getting this error:
error C1189: #error : "include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH"
"stdafx.h" header file is present in my current directory.
The content of "stgetriggersample.h" is
// StGETriggerSample.h : main header file for the PROJECT_NAME application
#pragma once
#ifndef __AFXWIN_H__
#error "include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH"
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
// CStGETriggerSampleApp:
// See StGETriggerSample.cpp for the implementation of this class
class CStGETriggerSampleApp : public CWinApp
// Overrides
virtual BOOL InitInstance();
// Implementation
extern CStGETriggerSampleApp theApp;
The content of "stdafx.h" is:
// stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,
// or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
// are changed infrequently
#pragma once
#include "targetver.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
// TODO: reference additional headers your program requires here
I tried writing the code with the option Not Using Precompiled Headers but still I get the same error.
How this can be corrected. Thanks
Perhaps you have been trying to fix this so hard, that, in fact, you have broken something. Let's go through proper configuration of pre-compiled headers usage in Visual Studio (I will use options names from VS2012):
Enable usage of PCH: Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Precompiled Headers -> Precompiled Header -> Use (/Yu).
Set name of precompiled header: Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Precompiled Headers -> Precompiled Header File. In your case you should see there standard PCH name (stdafx.h). You may change that if you want.
(In fact, the most important step) Enable PCH generation: Header is not enough. You also need a .cpp file, that is responsible for PCH content generation (since only source files can be compiled). In you case, you have default stdafx.cpp attached to your project. Click it with RMB, then: Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Precompiled Headers -> Precompiled Header -> Create (/Yc).
From now on, first non-empty line of every source file attached to your project (including the one from step 3, responsible for PCH generation) should look like this:
#include "PCH_NAME"
Where PCH_NAME is the name of precompiled header set in step 2.
After all these settings are set this way, I would suggest you to:
Clean your solution.
Check in project properties paths of Output Directory and Intermediate Directory. Delete them (I hope they don't contain any code - they shouldn't).
In solution folder (*), you should also see folder with name like: your solution name-cc50b4e6. Delete it.
This will make full reset of your solution (including IntelliSense database etc.). Then, open your project and compile it.
(*) - In your solution folder, by default. If you have valid Fallback Location set, it will be placed there.
In the code:
#ifndef __AFXWIN_H__
#error "include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH"
it looks like StGETriggerSample.h is checking that stdafx.h has been #included by looking for the compile guard macro AFXWIN_H__. However, stdafx.h is not actually defining this guard macro, it's just relying on the statment "#pragma once" to avoid multiple inclusions. So even if stdafx.h has been included, the #error statement will always trigger.
To fix, add the compile guard
#ifndef __STDAFX_H__
#define __STDAFX_H__
// ... yadda yadda yadda...
#endif // __STDAFX_H__
to your stdafx.h. You can remove the #pragma once statement from stdafx.h if you want to, but it's not necessary.
As an aside, your code is also attempting to #include stdafx.h if it hasn't already been included, but then causing the compile error anyways. I'm pretty sure you only want to do one or the other...
I have been running into the same problem every time when I try to run a code.
"Unable to start the program ---- the system cannot find the specific file.
I looked a different solution for previous versions of Visual Studio, but it doesn't seem to work.
This is the problem that occurs:
The problem is tha your project is missing stdafx.h. This file is auto-generated by MSVS.
The easiest fix - at least if you're relatively new to MSVS - is to simply create a new project, and copy/paste your source from the original, "corrupted" project.
Another solution is to disable "precompiled headers":
If you do not use precompiled headers in your project, set the
Create/Use Precompiled Header property of source files to Not Using
Precompiled Headers. To set this compiler option, follow these steps:
In the Solution Explorer pane of the project, right-click the project name, and then click Properties.
In the left pane, click the C/C++ folder.
Click the Precompiled Headers node.
In the right pane, click Create/Use Precompiled Header, and then click Not Using Precompiled Headers.
NOTE: If you choose to disable precompiled headers, then be sure to delete #include "stdafx.h" from all your source files.
For more information, look here:
Precompiled Header Files
StdAfx.h for Novices
Creating a new C++ project in Visual Studio should create a new stdafx.h.
Alternatively, "Setting Project > Properties > Precompiled headers > Not using Precompiled headers", then deleting #include stdafx.h from your .cpp files should fix the startup error.
... But there's also a third approach ...
You could manually create your own stdafx.* files and add them to the project.
// stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files, or project
// specific include files that are used frequently, but are changed infrequently
#pragma once
// TODO: reference additional headers your program requires here
// stdafx.cpp : source file that includes just the standard includes
// hello_cpp.pch will be the pre-compiled header
// stdafx.obj will contain the pre-compiled type information
#include "stdafx.h"
// TODO: reference any additional headers you need in STDAFX.H // and not in this file
#pragma once
// Including SDKDDKVer.h defines the highest available Windows platform.
// If you wish to build your application for a previous Windows platform, include WinSDKVer.h and
// set the _WIN32_WINNT macro to the platform you wish to support before including SDKDDKVer.h.
#include <SDKDDKVer.h>
I beg your pardon if this question has been already answered, but I have been trying to implement precompiled headers in my game engine with no success so far.
My precompiled header is called UtilBase.h:
#pragma once
#if !defined(NF3D_UTIL_BASE_H)
#define NF3D_UTIL_BASE_H
// This is a precompiled header.
#pragma message("Compiling precompiled header.")
// Include engine specific files.
#include <Utilities\Platform\Types.h>
// Include external header files (STL, Win32 API, Direct3D 11, etc)
// There are some typedefs here:
typedef __int32 int32; // And so on.
Although this is against the standards, I included UtilBase.h in other headers because I need access to some of its contents. It is also included in all .cpp files, first line, from the current project (the solution has two projects).
I need it in some headers because it stores some typedefs that are used in function declarations. For example, I have some file called Window.h:
#pragma once // And include guards that are omitted here
int32 NF3DCreateWindow();
The associated source file is called UtilBase.cpp and has only one line of code:
#include <Utilities\UtilBase.h>
The project has been set up correctly in my opinion:
for all platforms and configurations.
UtilBase.cpp has this setting:
However, when I compile I get this error:
1>Source Files\Utilities\UtilBase.cpp(2): error C2857: '#include' statement specified with the /YcD:\New Frontiers\NewFrontiers3D\Header Files\Utilities\UtilBase.h command-line option was not found in the source file
which points to the only line in UtilBase.cpp (#include <Utilities\UtilBase.h>).
Why does this happen and what can I do to make it work? I will gladly send any further information about this scenario. Thank you very much in advance.
Finally made it! For anybody in my situation here is what I did: in project settings, Precompiled Header File tag, I added $(ProjDir)\Header Files\Utilities\UtilBase.h and it was evaluated to the full path of the file. The correct way is to simply add the file: Utilities\UtilBase.h and that's it.
Thank you for your support.
try #ifndef instead of #if !defined
I'm working on a VC++ project in VS 2012 that takes about 8-10 minutes for a full compile. I know PCH can speedup compile times by upto 10x. I have currently disabled PCH in my project and I'm including header files where they are needed. How do I get started with PCH? I've looked everywhere for "how to" guides but all I got is the docs.
I'm assuming I'll have to :
Configure my project for PCH, creating a blank PCH header file
Collect headers from every .cpp file and place it into the PCH header file
Modify every file removing all header imports
Recompile and hope that nothing goes wrong ;)
How do I get started with this (specifically #1)? Have you modified a project to use PCH and what are the stumbling blocks or common problems/issues therein? Can PCH cause any problems or is it just the same compile-time/runtime behaviour as normal includes? Is there a tool to automate the process or do I have to go thru 500 .cpp files by hand and modify it to use PCH?
And last but not least, what is the compilation time speedup I can expect with PCH? Is it 2x-10x? Or would it just go like 30% faster? (which does not justify the time involved)
After configuring my project to use PCH, full-compile times were down to half, and incremental builds occurred almost instantly. PCH is a very effective way to speedup compile times, and I highly recommend it.
Althouh dsharlet mentions many important points, he skips some crucial steps that I had to eventually figure out. So here is the complete guide to configuring your project to use PCH:
Getting started with PCH in a VC++ project
Backup your src dir and any other directories that contain source code ... (you'll need this in case anything goes wrong)
Create 2 files in your project, Globals.cpp and Globals.h .. (choose any name but stick to it)
Right click Globals.cpp and open Properties, choose Configuration > All configurations
Go to C/C++ | Precompiled Header, and fill these in:
Precompiled Header : Create (/Yc)
Precompiled Header File : Globals.h
Open Globals.cpp and add this one line in, and nothing more: #include "Globals.h"
Right click your VC++ project and open Properties, choose Configuration > All configurations
Go to C/C++ | Precompiled Header, and fill these in:
Precompiled Header : Use (/Yu)
Precompiled Header File : Globals.h
Open all the .h and .cpp files in your project, and add this at the very top: #include "Globals.h". If you DONOT want to include every file manually, you can use the Force Include /FI[name].
Open Globals.h and add the following in: (its very important you have #pragma once at the top)
#pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <wctype.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <math.h>
// Windows SDK
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 // _WIN32_WINNT_WINXP
#include <SDKDDKVer.h>
// Windows API
#include <windows.h>
These includes are typical candidates for your PCH file
Remove the includes that you're not using
Go through your project and collect any more header files that do not change often
Using find and replace, search for each of the #include's in your PCH file, and remove them from all the .h and .cpp files in your project.
Do a full compile and ensure everything is working okay. Here are some solutions for common problems you'll encounter:
PCH file includes itself:
Your PCH file is including a header that includes the PCH header file again, creating a kind of circular dependency. Double click the error to take you to the offending file, and simply remove the line that says #include "Globals.h"
Undefined symbol X
Although all your project files can include the PCH header, the files included inside the PCH header cannot include the PCH header! (as stated above) so you'll need to add back any imports that were previously in the file. (diff the file with the backup version)
Cannot find symbol logf
Sometimes the global PCH file does not behave as expected, and breaks compiling with crazy errors that are impossible to solve. You can then turn off PCH for individual source code files.
Right click your .cpp file and open Properties, choose Configuration > All configurations
Go to C/C++ | Precompiled Header, and fill these in:
Precompiled Header : Not Using Precompiled Headers
Remove the line #include "Globals.h" in your .cpp file
Add back whatever imports the file originally had. (diff the file with the backup version)
Here's how I use PCH with decent results:
Go to the project properties, C/C++|PCH set Precompiled Header option to 'Use'. Set Precompiled Header File to something you want.
Go to the properties of a cpp file you want to be the PCH, and set the Precompiled Header option to 'Create' (it will have defaulted to 'Use' from the project property setting).
Include the pch header in all your cpp files in the project (basically, the ones that have 'Use' set for the Precompiled Header option). I suppose you could turn off 'Use' for some cpp files in the project instead of add the include for the PCH, but I've never tried that...
At this point, the project should still build and behave exactly as it used to, but there may not be any real improvement in compile time. Now, you'll need to move some of your #include "...h" to the PCH header file (and delete the includes of those files from elsewhere in the project). The includes that you should move to the PCH header should be headers that are included in many files, but change infrequently. Examples: STL headers, windows.h, core functionality headers from your project, etc.
Once PCH is set up, it should be transparent. It's basically just helping the compiler cache some intermediate compilation data. In other words, if you turned off PCH in your project, everything should still build exactly as it would have with PCH turned on (except slower!)
The speedup entirely depends on how much code is moved into the PCH (how much included code from headers is moved from arbitrary cpp files to the PCH header). I've seen multiple times improvement, but haven't benchmarked it precisely. I definitely felt like it was worth doing when I've gone through the trouble to use PCH on a big project.
I've inherited some code that did something like this,
Header: HeaderFile.h
#include "FilesInProject"
Class A
Cpp: HeaderFile.cpp
#include "HeaderFile_pch.h" //(1)
#include "HeaderFile.h"
//More code
I understand what a precompiled header is for and what the code is doing here (sort of). When I copy these files into my project, this is so I can update deprecated code but not effect the original project, VS2010 chocks on line (1). VS2010 Saying it can't find that file.
I've gone between the two projects and I can't find any differences in settings.
What am I missing and why is it okay to imbed PCH's in headers like this instead of actually moving them to a file called HeaderFile_pch.h. Is this some kind of macro hack?
For starters, there is no such file as Headerfile_pch.h either in the samples you provided above nor likely on your local fs.
Visual C++ allows you to define several ways of setting up precompiled header files. The most common is to enable it for ALL source files at the project configuration level, Under Configuration Properties/C++/Precompiled Headers, setting "Precompiled Header", select "Use". The same location, setting "Precompiled Header File", is usually "stdafx.h" but can be anything you choose. All files will get this setting (thus the configuration at the project level) EXCEPT....
One file is responsible for generating the PCH file. That file is typically the stdafx.cpp file in your project, but again, it can be whatever single source you desire. Most just setup a dummy cpp file that has one thing in it: #include "myheader.h" (duh).. Configuring Precompiled Headers for THAT ONE FILE, switch from "Use" to "Create". This ensures that if the prime-header for PCH gets out of synch that source file is recompiled first to regenerate the PCH data file before the others are kicked off.
The one attribute of this that is absolutely mandatory: that include header (myheader.h or whatever you're calling it) must be the first include in any source file you're compiling that is participating in using pch including (hopefully obviously) the file you specified as the "generator" (the one marked as "Create" in the prior paragraph).
Lastly, you can disable pch on a file-by-file basis if this is a problem due to unusual conditions in your build environment (i.e. 3rd party headers that do stupid things).
There are other ways of configuring PCH setting in Visual Studio, but this is by far the most common.
What are the effects of including stdafx.h in my header files?
I started on a C++ project in Linux/Eclipse CDT and imported it into Visual C++/Windows.
In Visual C++, I started using precompiled headers to speed up compilation and defined stdafx.cpp and stdafx.h.
Here's my stdafx.h
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
and my stdafx.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
In every .h and .cpp file, I have the following:
#pragma once //if in a header file
#include "stdafx.h"
For both release and debug, I have "Create Precompiled Header (/Yc)". It compiled fine in debug mode, but in release mode it keeps reporting
error LNK2005: ___##_PchSym_#00#UfhvihUaszlaDUwlxfnvmghUnnlUhixUnnlPeDUnnlPeDUivovzhvUvmgrgbOlyq# already defined in A.obj
If I switch both to "Use precompiled header", I get in both Debug and Release
fatal error C1854: cannot overwrite information formed during creation of the precompiled header in object file:
Does anyone know what's going on?
You put "create precompiled header" only for stdafx.cpp. Then "use precompiled header" for all of the other ".cpp" files. Finally, have include "stdafx.h" at the start of each ".cpp" file (not usually in the header files.
The /Yc compiler option is used to create a pre-compiled header for a compilation action. The /Yu option instructs the compiler to use a pre-compiled header.
You will always use the /Yu option in project settings.
In the property pages for your stdafx.cpp file, the /Yc option will be set.
It is important to understand that there are separate compilation options for each .cpp file
See here for details of the /Y options.
You put the #pragma once before the #include "stdafx.h" which I think is causing the compiler to ignore the #pragma once directive.
Also, I don't think you should be putting the #include "stdafx.h" line into the header files at all.
The results of using "stdafx.h" are not influenced by the PreCompiled Header system. If you turn off Create PCH/Use PCH, the code compiles and creates the same output, except it does so slower. This is also why you can use it in portable code (unlike #pragma once)