If I pass in a path from the command line, "~" expands to my home directory:
(defn -main
"I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
[& args]
(doseq [arg args]
(println arg)))
britannia:uberjar srseverance$ java -jar args-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar ~/158.clj
/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/srseverance/158.clj
But if I try to use a path-file containing ~, I can't find the file.
user> (with-open [r (clojure.java.io/reader "~/158.clj")]
(doall (line-seq r)))
FileNotFoundException ~/158.clj (No such file or directory) java.io.FileInputStream.open0 (FileInputStream.java:-2)
How do I take a string like, "~/158.clj" and get back something clojure.java.io/reader can use, such as "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/srseverance/158.clj"?
You can define
(defn expand-home [s]
(if (.startsWith s "~")
(clojure.string/replace-first s "~" (System/getProperty "user.home"))
and use it to resolve home directory:
(clojure.java.io/reader (expand-home "~/158.clj"))]
You could also look into fs library definition of expand-home, which solves the ~foo problem outlined in bfontaine's comment below:
(let [homedir (io/file (System/getProperty "user.home"))
usersdir (.getParent homedir)]
(defn home
"With no arguments, returns the current value of the `user.home` system
property. If a `user` is passed, returns that user's home directory. It
is naively assumed to be a directory with the same name as the `user`
located relative to the parent of the current value of `user.home`."
([] homedir)
([user] (if (empty? user) homedir (io/file usersdir user)))))
(defn expand-home
"If `path` begins with a tilde (`~`), expand the tilde to the value
of the `user.home` system property. If the `path` begins with a
tilde immediately followed by some characters, they are assumed to
be a username. This is expanded to the path to that user's home
directory. This is (naively) assumed to be a directory with the same
name as the user relative to the parent of the current value of
(let [path (str path)]
(if (.startsWith path "~")
(let [sep (.indexOf path File/separator)]
(if (neg? sep)
(home (subs path 1))
(io/file (home (subs path 1 sep)) (subs path (inc sep)))))
Addressing bfontaine's comment, we can get correct results for ~user and ~root by asking the system instead:
(require '[clojure.java.shell :refer [sh]])
(defn bash [command]
(sh "bash" "-c" command))
(defn expand [path]
(-> (str "echo -n " path)
(expand "~")
;; => /home/teodorlu
(expand "~teodorlu")
;; => /home/teodorlu
(expand "~root")
;; => /root
Though, just use this for trusted code!
(expand "`cat ~/.passwords`")
;; => All my passwords!
How to include all files inside a folder using clojure.
Here is my code:
(defn LoadFiles[]
(include "utils")
But the above code is not working.
As far as i know, there's no include in clojure (correct me if i'm wrong).
You should use use or require for that.
This one should probably work (for all the .clj files in utils top level, but you can easily extend it to be recursive):
(defn list-sources [path]
(map #(str path "." (second (re-matches #"^(\w+)\.clj$" (.getName %))))
(filter #(.isFile %) (file-seq path))))
(run! #(require (vector (symbol %) :refer :all))
(list-sources (java.io.File. "utils")))
Maybe something like:
(defn load-files [dir]
(doseq [f (file-seq (File. dir))
:when (.isFile f)]
(load-file (.getAbsolutePath f))))
(load-files "utils")
This piece of code runs on the server and it detects the changes to a file and sends it to the client. This is working for the first time and after that the file length is not getting updated even the I changed the file and saved it. I guess the clojure immutability is the reason here. How can I make this work?
(def clients (atom {}))
(def rfiles (atom {}))
(def file-pointers (atom {}))
(defn get-rfile [filename]
(let [rdr ((keyword filename) #rfiles)]
(if rdr
(let [rfile (RandomAccessFile. filename "rw")]
(swap! rfiles assoc (keyword filename) rfile)
(defn send-changes [changes]
(go (while true
(let [[op filename] (<! changes)
rfile (get-rfile filename)
ignore (println (.. rfile getChannel size))
prev ((keyword filename) #file-pointers)
start (if prev prev 0)
end (.length rfile) // file length is not getting updated even if I changed the file externally
array (byte-array (- end start))]
(println (str "str" start " end" end))
(.seek rfile start)
(.readFully rfile array)
(swap! file-pointers assoc (keyword filename) end)
(doseq [client #clients]
(send! (key client) (json/write-str
{:changes (apply str (map char array))
:fileName filename}))
There is no immutability here. In the rfiles atom, you store standard Java objects that are mutable.
This code works well only if data are appended to the end of the file, and the size is always increasing.
If there is an update/addition (of length +N) in the file other than at the end, the pointers start and end won't point to the modified data, but just to the last N characters and you will send dummy stuff to the clients.
If there is a delete or any change that decrease the length,
array (byte-array (- end start))
will throw a NegativeArraySizeException you don't see (eaten by the go bloc?). You can add some (try (...) catch (...)) or test that (- end start) is alway positive or null, to manage it and do the appropriate behaviour: resetting the pointers?,...
Are you sure the files you scan for changes are only changed by appending data? If not, you need to handle this case by resetting or updating the pointers accordingly.
I hope it will help.
EDIT test environment.
I defined the following. There is no change to the code you provided.
;; define the changes channel
(def notif-chan (chan))
;; define some clients
(def clients (atom {:foo "foo" :bar "bar"}))
;; helper function to post a notif of change in the channel
(defn notify-a-change [op filename]
(go (>! notif-chan [op filename])))
;; mock of the send! function used in send-changes
(defn send! [client message]
(println client message))
;; main loop
(defn -main [& args]
(send-changes notif-chan))
in a repl, I ran:
repl> (-main)
in a shell (I tested with an editor too):
sh> echo 'hello there' >> ./foo.txt
in the repl:
repl> (notify-a-change "x" "./foo.txt")
str0 end12
:bar {"changes":"hello there\n","fileName":".\/foo.txt"}
:foo {"changes":"hello there\n","fileName":".\/foo.txt"}
repl> (notify-a-change "x" "./foo.txt")
str12 end12
:bar {"changes":"","fileName":".\/foo.txt"}
:foo {"changes":"","fileName":".\/foo.txt"}
in a shell:
sh> echo 'bye bye' >> ./foo.txt
in a repl:
repl> (notify-a-change "x" "./foo.txt")
str12 end20
:bar {"changes":"bye bye\n","fileName":".\/foo.txt"}
:foo {"changes":"bye bye\n","fileName":".\/foo.txt"}
Subj. There's a working program, which basically copies filesystem trees recursively. Somehow println from inside the recursive function won't show any output.
build-album calls traverse-dir; I can see the "10" in the console, but never any "11"s -- should be a lot of them. (println "11") can't possibly miss the path of execution, since files get really copied (the line above). This is not quite nice, since the project is meant as a console application, reporting to the user each copied file, lest he should suspect freezing. This is no joke, because the app is intended to upload albums to mobile phones.
(defn traverse-dir
"Traverses the (source) directory, preorder"
[src-dir dst-step]
(let [{:keys [options arguments]} *parsed-args*
dst-root (arguments 1)
[dirs files] (list-dir-groomed (fs/list-dir src-dir))
dir-handler (fn [dir-obj]
"Processes the current directory, source side;
creates properly named directory destination side, if necessary"
(let [dir (.getPath dir-obj)
step (str dst-step *nix-sep* (fs/base-name dir-obj))]
(fs/mkdir (str dst-root step))
(traverse-dir dir step)))
file-handler (fn [file-obj]
"Copies the current file, properly named and tagged"
(let [dst-path (str dst-root dst-step *nix-sep* (.getName file-obj))]
(fs/copy file-obj (fs/file dst-path))
(println "11")
(concat (map dir-handler dirs) (map file-handler files))))
(defn build-album
"Copy source files to destination according
to command line options"
(let [{:keys [options arguments]} *parsed-args*
output (traverse-dir (arguments 0) "")]
(println "10")
Might be the problem with lazy sequences: you build a lazy seq which is never realized and thus the code never executes. Try calling doall on the result of traverse-dir:
(doall (concat (map dir-handler dirs) (map file-handler files))))
Let's say I need to create the following directory structure in Clojure:
| \--b1
| \--b2
Instead of doing procedural things like the following:
(def a (File. "a"))
(.mkdir a)
(def b (File. a "b"))
(.mkdir b)
;; ...
... is there a clever way to somehow represent the above actions as data, declaratively, and then create the hierarchy in one fell swoop?
a quick and simple approach would be to make a vector of dirs to create and map mkdir on to it:
user> (map #(.mkdir (java.io.File. %)) ["a", "a/b" "a/b/c"])
(true true true)
or you can specify your dir structure as a tree and use zippers to walk it making the dirs on the way:
(def dirs ["a" ["b" ["b1" "b2"]] ["c" ["c1"]]])
(defn make-dir-tree [original]
(loop [loc (zip/vector-zip original)]
(if (zip/end? loc)
(zip/root loc)
(recur (zip/next
(do (if (not (vector? (zip/node loc)))
(let [path (apply str (interpose "/" (butlast (map first (zip/path loc)))))
name (zip/node loc)]
(if (empty? path)
(.mkdir (java.io.File. name))
(.mkdir (java.io.File. (str path "/" name))))))
(make-dir-tree dirs)
arthur#a:~/hello$ find a
If you are doing a lot of general systems administration then something heavier may be in order. The pallet project is a library for doing system administration of all sorts on physical and cloud hosted systems (though it tends to lean towards the cloudy stuff). Specifically the directory
Another option if you want to easily handle creating recursive directories is to use .mkdirs
user> (require '[clojure.java.io :as io]')
user> (.mkdirs (io/file "a/b/c/d"))
You can use absolute path eg. /a/b/c/d or else it will be created relative to the path you initiated the repl from.
Also handy to check if given path is not an existing directory
user> (.isDirectory (io/file "a/b/c/d"))
In clojure.java.io, there is a io/resource function but I think it just loads the resource of the current jar that is running. Is there a way to specify the .jar file that the resource is in?
For example:
I have a jar file: /path/to/abc.jar
abc.jar when unzipped contains some/text/output.txt in the root of the unzipped directory
output.txt contains the string "The required text that I want."
I need functions that can do these operations:
(list-jar "/path/to/abc.jar" "some/text/")
;; => "output.txt"
(read-from-jar "/path/to/abc.jar" "some/text/output.txt")
;; => "The required text that I want"
Thanks in advance!
From Ankur's comments, I managed to piece together the functions that I needed:
The java.util.jar.JarFile object does the job.
you can call the method (.entries (Jarfile. a-path)) to give the list of files but instead of returning a tree structure:
it returns an enumeration of filenames:
/dir-1/file-1, /dir-1/file-2, /dir-1/dir-2/file-3, /dir-1/dir-3/file-4
The following functions I needed are defined below:
(import java.util.jar.JarFile)
(defn list-jar [jar-path inner-dir]
(if-let [jar (JarFile. jar-path)]
(let [inner-dir (if (and (not= "" inner-dir) (not= "/" (last inner-dir)))
(str inner-dir "/")
entries (enumeration-seq (.entries jar))
names (map (fn [x] (.getName x)) entries)
snames (filter (fn [x] (= 0 (.indexOf x inner-dir))) names)
fsnames (map #(subs % (count inner-dir)) snames)]
(defn read-from-jar [jar-path inner-path]
(if-let [jar (JarFile. jar-path)]
(if-let [entry (.getJarEntry jar inner-path)]
(slurp (.getInputStream jar entry)))))
(read-from-jar "/Users/Chris/.m2/repository/lein-newnew/lein-newnew/0.3.5/lein-newnew-0.3.5.jar"
;=> "The list of built-in templates can be shown with `lein help new`....."
(list-jar "/Users/Chris/.m2/repository/lein-newnew/lein-newnew/0.3.5/lein-newnew-0.3.5.jar" "leiningen")
;; => (new/app/core.clj new/app/project.clj .....)