Parsing a C++ file to a XML file - c++

I am looking to find some parsers that will help me converting a C++ file that describes a test case into a XML file.
I have found one parser named GCC-XML but I didn't find any other one. I need a parser that will convert everything in my C+ file
Has someone ever used a C++ to XML parser ?

If you're talking about just data members of the c++ files then I personally like using tinyXML for outputing data to an XML file. If you mean literally you want some format of your entire c++ file in an XML form then I apologize for being unable to give you a good answer. TinyXML has a pretty simple set of functions to use if that is what you're looking for, and shouldn't take more than 10 - 20 minutes to learn how to efficiently output your data.


How to convert .trc file type to text file using C++?

I have got a trace file that is binary in nature. I want to convert it to a text file and convert the data inside it to decimal form. I mean I am not sure, how to do this. This .trc file contains data in the form of telegrams and I want to extract particular kind of telegram and save them in text file which is readable in nature. I have to do all of this using C++.
Do you suggest any other language for it or does anyone has any idea about doing this in C++?
Binary trace files are usually encoded in proprietary formats. And there are applications or profilers specifically built to parse them.
Unless you know the file format, the only way to decode it is through reverse engineering. And in most cases it's not worth the effort.
Try to find documentation about it. Or maybe an application or utility that loads the file and exports data that is easier to read.
In case you are speaking about .trc binary files from Teledyne Lecroy Oscilloscopes, I would suggest to any of the following libraries out there for that:

How to generate C++ library with xerces for specific XML

I've gone through this xerces C++ tutorial, which shows how you might write a nice C++ class that allows you to access your data from the XML using simple function calls. The problem is that 200 lines of C++ seems like excessive amount of work just to grab a couple pieces of data from an XML file. I am hoping to find something that will take in my XML file and spit out C++. I have tried to search for solutions online to generate this for me but I can't find anything.

How to read and write doc, pdf files using files in c++

I m writing a c++ program using files and i need to take the input from existing files such as doc files and pdf files. how to program it in c++? And after getting the inputs, how can i write those details into a new doc or pdf files? Can anyone explain me with an example?
C++ as a language doesn't equip you with such features as "write to DOC file" or "read from PDF file". The only staff available to you a a programmer is raw byte-by-byte reading or writing. To make your new brand file as PDF/DOC/etc compatible you have to conform the chosen file format. The same about reading - you should understand which portions of raw byte array are responsible for what.
In common, this task named as "parsing" or "serialization". And it's a good idea to use one of existing parsers for particular file format instead of reinventing the wheel. Moreover, some file formats can be patent-pending so you may be not allowed to deal with it without license purchase.
Some clues so far:
PDF parsing in C++ (PoDoFo)
Microsoft word Text Parser in "C"
There are some libraries available on the web now(the question is from 2013, maybe that time there weren't many).
Apart from the links in selected answer, you can try PDFTron. It also supports new features, eg. Linearization.
Here is one of their samples is ->
(That program itself contains 4 if blocks, with slightly different features of the library/SDK, to try)
There should be more, search on the web for PDF parsing libraries.

Fastest way of parsing XML files for specified Tags using the Qt Framework

As far es I know there a 4 ways of parsing XML files using C++ with Qt.
I search in my file for a node with a specific attribute, if I've found it, I abort the parsing save the file name to a list and parse the next file.
I accomplished that using QDom, but since i search up to 10k files with each about 400lines. it takes some time to parse them all.
My question is whether anyone of you knows about the performance of this different approaches?
Or if you have any tips to improve the performance of such a program?
I appreciate any information!
I think, if you don't get tree structure from your xml files, use QXMLStremReader.
QXmlStreamReader is the fastest and easiest way to read XML in Qt.
Because the parser works incrementally, it is particularly useful for
finding all occurrences of a given tag in an XML document, for reading
very large files that may not fit in memory, and for populating custom
data structures to reflect an XML document's contents.

High performance XML parsing in C++

Well a lot of questions have been made about parsing XML in C++ and so on...
But, instead of a generic problem, mine is very specific.
I am asking for a very efficient XML parser for C++. In particular I have a VERY VERY BIG XML file to parse.
My application must open this file and retrieve data. It must also insert new nodes and save the final result in the file again.
To do this I used, at the beginning, rapidxml, but it requires me to open the file, parse it all (all the content because this lib has no functions to access the file directly without loading the entire tree first), then edit the tree, modify it and store the final tree on the file by overwriting it... It consumes too much resources.
Is there an XML parser that does not require me to load the entire file, but that I can use to insert, quickly, new nodes and retrieve data? Can you please indicate solutions for this problem of mine?
You want a streaming XML parser rather than what is called a DOM parser.
There are two types of streaming parsers: pull and push. A pull parser is good for quickly writing XML parsers that load data into program memory. A push parser is good for writing a program to translate one document to another (which is what you are trying to accomplish). I think, therefore, that a push parser would be best for your problem.
In order to use a push parser, you need to write what is essentially an event handler for parsing events. By "parsing event", I mean events like "start tag reached", "end tag reached", "text found", "attribute parsed", etc.
I suggest that as you read in the document, you write out the transformed document to a separate, temporary file. Thus, your XML parsing event handlers will need to be written so that they are stateful and write out the XML of the translated document incrementally.
Three excellent push parser libraries for C++ include Expat, Xerces-C++, and libxml2.
Search for "SAX parser". They are mostly tokenizers, i.e. they emit tag by tag without building a tree.
SAX parsers are faster than DOM parsers because DOM parsers read the entire file into memory before building an in-memory representation of the XML document, whereas a SAX parser behaves like an event listener and builds the document as it reads in the file. Go here for an explanation.
As you mentioned Xerces is a good C++ SAX parser.
I would recommend looking into ways of breaking the XML document into smaller XML documents as that seems to be part of your problem.
Okay, here is one off the beaten track, I looked at this, but haven't really used it myself, it's called asmxml. These boys claim performance bar none, downside, you need x86 assembler.
If you really seek high performance XML stream parser then libhpxml is likely the right thing for you.
I’m convinced that no XML library exists that allows you to modify a file without loading it first. This simply isn’t possible because files don’t work that way: you cannot insert (or remove) in the middle of a file. You can only overwrite a block of identical size, or append at the end. But your request would require to append or remove in the middle of the file.
Reading only parts of an XML file may be possible. But writing … no way.
Go for template libraries as much as possible, like Boost::property_tree or Boost::XMLParser or POCO::XML and Folly has XML Parser in it.
Avoid old C libraries, it all old code designs.
someone say QtXML module is high performance for huge XML files.
