Cross compiling opencv project for ARM - c++

How do I cross compile my opencv C++ program for ARM?
I have successfully compiled opencv for ARM, But I haven't run
make install
my understanding is that doing this will move the compiled opencv in my system directories. I already have opencv built and installed for my system. Will installing opencv compiled for ARM mess up my native opencv?
When I compile opencv project for my system I specify the opencv Library Path and header directories with -L and -I options. I want to compile the same project for arm, how do i go about doing this.

Doing a simple
make install
installs the OpenCV in the build directory inside a 'install' folder.
Works only for opencv versions above 2.4.x


OpenCV not found when I have it installed?

I am trying to compile a cpp file from the dlib library using cmake.
When I use the command cmake ..
It gives me this error OpenCV not found, so we won't build the webcam_face_pose_ex example.
I have OpenCV installed and to be sure I just reinstalled it using brew install opencv
Would like some help on what else I could do?
Download the opencv sources and follow the instructions to build and install the project using make. This will allow make to install opencv to where it can find it later.
When complete, re-compile the dlib project using cmake.

How to build Caffe framework XCode 6.2, iOS 8.3 environment

I am working on build caffe framework for ios, i used the Caffe master source and make files to build the framework for iOS.
I changed the OS target in CMake GUI config as "/Applications/"
While run Xcode to build project i got the below error messages
/Users/Macpro_ios_v2/Caffe_iOS/src/caffe/common.cpp:1:10: 'glog/logging.h' file not found
"boost/thread.h" file not found
i included usr/local/include and opt/local/include to search paths in the build phase
while run the same xcode project for OSX, it works fine and generates the libs perfectly. If i change the target for iphone OS i got above error.
Please help me to fix the above issuse. Please help how to configure the make list in Caffe master for iphone.
I have caffe dylip, lib-a for OSX. Is it possible to link mac osx libaries in iOS project?
You should install OpenCV2 from here before you compile the caffe-ios-sample:

How do I set up OpenCV for MinGW project?

I regularly use Code::Blocks and MinGW for my C/C++ projects. I would like to be able to use OpenCV, since it has a nice library for computer vision projects. They have dropped support for MinGW. I have heard you can build it on your own somehow, but I have no experience doing this with 3rd party libraries. Can someone explain how to build it in a simple way for MinGW?
There is, or at least there was at least until 2.4.6, precompiled version of opencv that works out of the box with mingw as long as you use the dw2(standard) version of mingw.
since i needed sjlj support i had to build my own version of openCV 2.4.6
I did he following - i am pretty sure it will work for the current openCV version as well
Setup your preferred Mingw Environment - i would strongly recommend to use gcc 4.5 or newer
Intstall Msys
Intall Cmake - you can get a binary package
Start the Cmake GUI
Select the openCV source folder
Click Configure and select MSYS-Makfiles
Errors in the first run of Configure might be resolved if you run Configure again
Click Generate
use MSYS make to run the generated makefile
Copy all desired libraries and include files to your mingw-installation or your project

How to build OpenCV 2.4.2 on ubuntu for source-level debugging

I am trying to achieve source-level debugging
when installing opencv on ubuntu 12.10.
I a using cmake-gui to generate the makefile from the source folder.
tried setting
make install
I do get the .so libs and the include files in the right place
but when I do "step into" in eclipse the debugger just steps over it,
instead of stepping into the source code.
in windows I managed this by linking my code against the debug libs e.g cvcore242d.lib

XCode 4 & OpenCV Libraries

I've been googling and trying for days to solve my problem I had n luck, so I'm asking my first question here.
I have a MacBook with Lion (1.7.4), Xcode 4.
I need to work on a C++ application made with Leopard and Xcode 3.
The application comes with its own OpenCV.framework and is made for 32-bit Architecture (as u can see in Fig. 1)
I've tried to get it working on Xcode 3, and it works just fine, no need to install OpenCV or stuff (that is because the OpenCV.framework is included in the project, right?).
On Xcode 4 it's not working. That's what I've tried:
Run it "as is": even thought the OpenCV.framework is in the application directory, i get the following error:
dyld: Library not loaded:
Referenced from:
Reason: image not found
Remove the OpenCV.framework, install OpenCV via MacPorts and link the libraries. Nope, the libraries are 64-bit, and my program is 32. Removed OpenCV AND MacPorts.
Remove the OpenCV.framework, install 32-bit OpenCV via Homebrew (brew install opencv --build32) and link the libraries. Nope, i get the following error, so I assume that the libraries are STILL 64-bit. Right? Removed OpenCV AND Homebrew.
ld: warning: ignoring file
/usr/local/Cellar/opencv/2.4.1/lib/libopencv_calib3d.2.4.1.dylib, file
was built for unsupported file format which is not the architecture
being linked (i386)
Remove the OpenCV.framework, install OpenCV 2.4.1 by myself (with make and stuff) and link the libraries in the project. Nope, if i run the program on 32-bit arch it tells me that the libraries are not for 32-bit arch.
In any case, if I try to run it on 64-bit the compilation is successful but the program doesn't work properly.
Guys, really, I'm out of ideas, maybe I'm on the wrong direction, maybe I just have to find another OpenCV.framework or there is some linking setting that I'm missing, and the program doesn't see the framwork.
Anyone can help?
Solved the problem.
I applied some sort fo "divide et impera approach" and I asked a new question here on SO, you can find it here: 32-bit OpenCV on OS X Lion? Possible? and I found out that MacPorts AND Homebrew AND the Cmake Approach install by default the native architecture (64-bit in my case) OpenCV libraries, I needed the 32-bit, so i followed those steps:
Step 1: Download OpenCV 2.4.0
Step 2: Download and install CMake.
Step 3: Untar the OpenCV package.
Step 4: Make a separate directory inside the OpenCV package for building
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386 -D CMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32 -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32 ..
(this will force the 32-bit compile)
make -j8
sudo make install
Step 5: Link the brand-new libraries in the Xcode project using the "Link Binary to Libraries" build phase.
Step 6: Hit "Run" :)
I would suggest that you get OpenCV working (if not already) in Lion with XCode 4 (tutorial). Test it with the example in the linked tutorial. Once that works, then copy over the classes you need from the project that you can't get working.
In other words, abandon the older project and rebuild it from a working project base.