Windows.h - SetWindowText Shows the CR-LF Characters - c++

I am writing a basic program in visual c++ that allows the user to enter text and then the program flips the text and displays it for the user to copy. The program works pretty good, until you add an enter to the EDIT box. When the user clicks to flip the text, instead of going down one line, it displays the actual characters for \r\n.
Is there a way to display the text as should instead of the actual string itself?
Here is how I set the text:
wchar_t lpwString[4096];
int length = GetWindowTextW(text->hwnd, lpwString, 4096);
SetWindowText(text->hwnd, flipText(lpwString, length));
Here is the method flipText
LPWSTR flipText(wchar_t textEntered[], const int len) {
wchar_t text[4096];
wchar_t flipped[4096];
wcsncpy_s(text, textEntered, len +1);
wcsncpy_s(flipped, textEntered, len +1);
for (int i = len -1, k = 0; i > -1; i--, k++)
flipped[k] = text[i];
return flipped;
"text" is just an object I created to store data for an EDIT box.

For an edit box, a return is a CR+LF sequence, when you reverse the text you are transforming it in an LF+CR, which is not recognized (it shows the individual characters). An easy way out could be to do a second pass on the reversed string and swap all the LF+CR pairs into CR+LF.
Incidentally, your flipText function is seriously broken - you are performing a useless extra copy of the original string, and you are returning a pointer to a local array, which is working only by chance. A way easier method could be just to reverse the string in-place.
Also, if you are working in C++ you should consider using std::string (or std::wstring if working with wide characters), which removes whole classes of buffers lifetime/size problems.

EDIT control needs '\r\n' combination to break. when you flip all the text, you get \n\r which means nothing to windows but text.
suggestion - flip the text and replace all the \n\r back to \r\n

Make sure ES_WANTRETURN style is used for Edit Box.
Also you should change \n\r back to \r\n right after flipText() call.


Only showing one character while printing in C++

This is my code:
auto text = new wchar_t[WCHAR_MAX];
GetWindowTextW(hEdit, text, WCHAR_MAX);
SetWindowTextW(hWnd, text);
printf_s((const char *)text);
While printing, the char (text), it only outputs one character to the console.
It is a WINAPI gui and a console running together. It sets the winapi title successfully and get the text successfully, but i have no idea why this is only printing out one character to the console...
You're performing a raw cast from a wide string to a narrow string. This conversion is never safe.
Wide strings are stored as two-byte words in Windows. In your case, the high byte of the first character is 0, and x86 is little-endian, so the print stops at the first character.

what's exactly the string of "^A" is?

I run my code on an online judgement. I log the string, key. Below is my code:
fprintf(stderr, "key=%s, and key.size()=%d\n", key.c_str(), key.size());
But the result is this:
key=^A, and key.size()=8
I want to what is the ^A represent in ascii. ^A's size is 2 rather than 8, but it shows that it is 8. I view the result by vim, and the log_file is encoded by UTF-8. Why?
Your viewer is electing to show you the bytes interpreted using a character encoding of its choosing and electing to show the resulting characters in caret notation.
Other viewers could make different choices on both counts or allow you to indicate what you want. For example, control picture characters (␁) instead of caret notation.
For a std:string c_str() is terminated by an additional \x00 byte following the actual value. You often use c_str() with functions that expect a string to be \x00 terminated. This applies to fprintf. In such cases, what's read ends just before the first \x00 seen.
You have several \x00 bytes in your string, which, of course, contributes to size() but fprintf will stop right at the first one (and not count it).
I have solve it by myself. If you write a std::string "\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00end" to a file and open it with vim later, you will get '^A'.
This is my test code:
string sss("\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00end");
ofstream of("of.txt");
for (int i=0; i<sss.size(); i++) {
After I open the file "of.txt", I saw "^A";

How do I widen a char in c++

I'm writing a game in c++ using SFML, I found a font that support French characters. However, in the program I read all the text from files to be able to support different languages, but I don't know how to extract the text without errors into a wide strings.
Here's my code:
using namespace std;
using namespace sf;
void SettingsW :: initialize()
// using normal characters it reads the files correctly
wifstream settTextFile;;
wstring temp;
getline(settTextFile, temp);
getline(settTextFile, temp, L' ');
//here is the problem
char g=' ';
getline(settTextFile, temp, ' '));
// I want to use get line with this delimiter and when I use the L the error goes away
//but it doesn't display properly: é is displayed as ã
It's not too clear what your problem is. The code you present
shouldn't compile; ios::widen is a member function, and can
only be called on an ios (which is a typedef for
std::basic_ios<char>, of which you have no instance in your
code). Also, ios::widen returns the widened character, except
that ios::widen (as opposed to
std::basic_ios<wchar_t>::widen) doesn't widen, since it returns
achar. If you want to use the character ingthe delimiter
in the last call tostd::getline`, then you could use:
std::getline( settTextFile, tmp, settTextFile.widen( g ) );
(Of course, you should verify that std::getline succeeded
before using the value it read.)
With regards to the “it doesn't display properly”:
you'll have to give more information with regards to how you are
displaying it for us to be sure, but it seems likely to me that
you just haven't imbued your output stream with the same
encoding as the code page of the window (supposing Windows), or
with the encoding of the font used in the window (supposing
Unix). But you'll have to show us exactly what you're
displaying, how you're displaying it, and give us some
information about the environment if you want a complete answer.

FillConsoleOutputCharacter/WriteConsoleOutput and special characters

I'm messing with some of the native windows console functions, and am impressed by their speed,if not their ease of use.
Anyway, I have long known that the following code will produce some interesting characters
for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
cout << char(i) << endl;
However, I cannot get FillConsoleOutputCharacter or WriteConsoleOutput to produce all of those characters (many simply appear as question marks).
Here is an example of the code I am using:
COORD spot = {0,0};
DWORD Written;
for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hOut, 7, 1, spot, &Written);
FillConsoleOutputCharacterW(hOut, char(i), 1, spot, &Written);
Does anyone know of a relatively convenient way to write those characters with the native functions?
By the way, I am using Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 x64.
Try using FillConsoleOutputCharacterA instead of FillConsoleOutputCharacterW which is using the unicode character which can take a little bit of knowledge to get correctly.
edit I tried using FillConsoleOutputCharacterA and it gives equivalent output to your first case.
FillConsoleOutputCharacterA should write the same set of characters that the cout function does. These characters are determined by the console's current code page.
With FillConsoleOutputCharacterW, you can still generate all the same characters (as well as any additional characters that may be included in the console font) but you need to use the Unicode (16-bit) codes for these characters, rather than the 8-bit codes used with cout.
Note that Windows internally uses an out-of-date version of Unicode, with characters limited to 16 bits (0-65536) rather than Unicode proper which uses 0-1,112,063 (although most of these codes remain unassigned). I believe the console's Unicode character set corresponds to plane 0 of Unicode, the basic multilingual plane.
The question marks appear when you write a control character or a character that isn't included in the current font.

How to get displayed width of a string?

When you have non-fixed width characters (such as \t) in a string , or escape codes, such as those for ANSI color (such as \1xb[31m), these characters add to the .length() of an std::string, but do not add to the displayed length when printed.
Is there any way in C++ to get the displayed width of a string in *nix?
For instance:
displayed_width("a\tb") would be 4 if the displayed tab width is 2
displayed_width("\1xb[33mGREEN") would be 5
Most commonly, a tab asks the terminal program to move the cursor to a column that's a multiple of 8, though many terminal programs let you configure that. With such behaviour, how much width a tab actually adds depends on where the cursor was beforehand relative to the tab stops. So, simply knowing the string content is not enough to calculate a printable width without some assumption or insight regarding prior cursor placement and tab stops.
Non-printable codes also vary per terminal type, though if you only need ANSI colour then that's pretty easy. You can move along the string counting characters; when you see an ESCAPE skip through to the terminating m. Something like (untested):
int displayed_width(const char* p)
int result = 0;
for ( ; *p; ++p)
if (p[0] == '\e' && p[1] == '[')
while (*p != 'm')
if (*p)
throw std::runtime_error("string terminates inside ANSI colour sequence");
return result;
Nothing built in. The "displayed width" of the tab character is an implementation detail, as are console escape sequences. C++ doesn't care about platform-specific things like that.
Is there something in particular you're trying to do? We may be able to suggest alternatives if we know what particular task you're working on.
Not with standard methods to my knowledge. C++ does not know about terminals.
My guess would be to use NCURSES for that. Dunno if boost has something up the sleeve for that though.
Display length on what device? A console that uses a fixed-width font? A window that uses a proportional font? This is highly device-dependent question. There is no fixed answer. You will have to use the tools associated with the target output device.