logstash target of repeat operator is not specified: - regex

I want to use logstash to ship my logs,so I download the logstash1.5.0 rc2 and run it in ubuntu use the command :
bin/logstash -f test.conf
then the console show the error:
The error reported is:
**target of repeat operator is not specified:** /;(?<Args:method>*);(?<INT:traceid:int>(?:[+-]?(?:[0-9]+)));(?<INT:sTime:int>(?:[+-]?(?:[0-9]+)));(?<INT:eTime:int>(?:[+-]?(?:[0-9]+)));(?<HOSTNAME:hostname>\b(?:[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z-]{0,62})(?:\.(?:[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z-]{0,62}))*(\.?|\b));(?<INT:eoi:int>(?:[+-]?(?:[0-9]+)));(?<INT:ess:int>(?:[+-]?(?:[0-9]+)));(?<Args:args>*)/m
I don't know how to solve this error,may be you can help me.
my test.conf is as follow:
input { stdin { } }
filter {
grok {
match => ["message" , "%{INT:type}"]}
if [type]=="10" {
grok {
patterns_dir => "./patterns"
match => ["message" , ";%{Args:method};%{INT:traceid:int};%{INT:sTime:int};%{INT:eTime:int};%{HOSTNAME:hostname};%{INT:eoi:int};%{INT:ess:int};%{Args:args}"]
date {
match => [ "sTime" , "UNIX_MS" ]
ruby {
code => "event['duration'] = event['eTime'] - event['sTime']"
if [type] =~ /3[1-6]/ {
grok {
patterns_dir => "./patterns"
match => [ "message" , ";%{Args:method};%{Args:sessionid};%{INT:traceID:int};%{INT:sTime:int};%{INT:eTime:int};%{HOSTNAME:hostname};%{INT:eoi:int};%{INT:ess:int};URL{%{HttpField:url}};RequestHeader{%{HttpField:ReqHeader}};RequestPara{%{HttpField:ReqPara}};RequestAttr{%{HttpField:ReqAttr}};SessionAttr{%{HttpField:SessionAttr}};ResponseHeader{%{HttpField:ResHeader}}"]
kv {
source => "ReqHeader"
field_split => ";"
value_split => ":"
target => "ReqHeader"
kv {
source => "ResHeader"
field_split => ";"
value_split => ":"
target => "ResHeader"
date {
match => [ "sTime" , "UNIX_MS" ]
ruby {
code => "event['duration'] = event['eTime'] - event['sTime']"
if [type] == "30" {
grok {
patterns_dir => "./patterns"
match => [ "message" ,";%{Args:method};%{Args:sessionid};%{INT:traceID:int};%{INT:sTime:int};%{INT:eTime:int};%{HOSTNAME:hostname};%{INT:eoi:int};%{INT:ess:int};URL{%{HttpField:url}};RequestHeader{%{HttpField:ReqHeader}};RequestPara{%{HttpField:ReqPara}};RequestAttr{%{HttpField:ReqAttr}};SessionAttr{%{HttpField:SessionAttr}}"
kv {
source => "ReqHeader"
field_split => ";"
value_split => ":"
target => "ReqHeader"
kv {
source => "ResHeader"
field_split => ";"
value_split => ":"
target => "ResHeader"
date {
match => [ "sTime" , "UNIX_MS" ]
ruby {
code => "event['duration'] = event['eTime'] - event['sTime']"
if [type]=="20" {
grok {
patterns_dir => "./patterns"
match => [ "message" , ";%{Args:method};%{INT:traceID:int};%{INT:sTime:int};%{INT:eTime:int};%{HOSTNAME:hostname};%{INT:eoi:int};%{INT:ess:int};%{INT:mtype};%{Args:DBUrl}"]
date {
match => [ "sTime" , "UNIX_MS" ]
ruby {
code => "event['duration'] = event['eTime'] - event['sTime']"
if [type]=="21" {
grok {
patterns_dir => "./patterns"
match => [ "message" , ";%{Args:method};%{INT:traceID:int};%{INT:sTime:int};%{INT:eTime:int};%{HOSTNAME:hostname};%{INT:eoi:int};%{INT:ess:int};%{INT:mtype};%{Args:sql};%{Args:bindVariables}"]
date {
match => [ "sTime" , "UNIX_MS" ]
ruby {
code => "event['duration'] = event['eTime'] - event['sTime']"
if [type]=="12" {
grok {
patterns_dir => "./patterns"
match => [ "message" , ";%{Args:method};%{INT:traceID:int};%{INT:sTime:int};%{INT:eTime:int};%{HOSTNAME:hostname};%{INT:eoi:int};%{INT:ess:int};%{Args:logStack}"]
date {
match => [ "sTime" , "UNIX_MS" ]
ruby {
code => "event['duration'] = event['eTime'] - event['sTime']"
if [type]=="11" {
grok {
patterns_dir => "./patterns"
match => [ "message" , ";%{Args:method};%{INT:traceID};%{INT:sTime:int};%{INT:eTime:int};%{HOSTNAME:hostname};%{INT:eoi:int};%{INT:ess:int};%{Args:errorStack}"]
date {
match => [ "sTime" , "UNIX_MS" ]
ruby {
code => "event['duration'] = event['eTime'] - event['sTime']"
if [type]=="50" {
grok {
patterns_dir => "./patterns"
match => [ "message" , ";%{INT:sTime:int};%{HOSTNAME:host};%{Args:JVMName};%{Args:GCName};%{INT:count:int};%{INT:time:int}"]
date {
match => [ "sTime" , "UNIX_MS" ]
if [type]=="51" {
grok {
patterns_dir => "./patterns"
match => [ "message" , ";%{INT:sTime:int};%{HOSTNAME:host};%{Args:JVMName};%{INT:maxheap};%{INT:currentheap};%{INT:commitheap};%{INT:iniheap};%{INT:maxnonheap};%{INT:currentnonheap};%{INT:commitnonheap};%{INT:ininonheap}"]
date {
match => [ "sTime" , "UNIX_MS" ]
if [type]=="52" {
grok {
patterns_dir => "./patterns"
match => [ "message" , ";%{INT:sTime:int};%{HOSTNAME:host};%{Args:JVMName};%{Args:iniloadedclasses};%{Args:currentloadedclasses};%{Args:iniunloadedclasses}"]
date {
match => [ "sTime" , "UNIX_MS" ]
output {
elasticsearch { host => ""
protocol => "http"
port => "8080" }
stdout { codec => rubydebug


Logstash filter: compare time using regex

I use this code in logstash filter to compare time but don't work.
if [timecheck] =~ /.*((\[0\]\[0-6\]):\[0-5\]\[0-9\]:\[0-5\]\[0-9\])|((\[1\]\[2-9\]|2\[0-3\]):\[0-5\]\[0-9\]:\[0-5\]\[0-9\]).*/ {
mutate {
add_tag => "OVERTIME"
else if [timecheck] =~ /.+/ {
mutate {
add_tag => "WORKING-HOURS"
else {
mutate { add_tag => "NO-TIMECHECK-MATCH" }
logstash work but regex not match. Always enter in WORKING-HOURS because is not empty
(I try regex on regexr.com and work well)
Don't escape the square brackets.
if [timecheck] =~ /(([0][0-6]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9])|(([1][8-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9])/ {
mutate {
add_tag => "OVERTIME"
add_field => { "time-work" => "OVERTIME" }
else if [timecheck] =~ /.+/ {
mutate {
add_tag => "WORKING-HOURS"
add_field => { "time-work" => "WORKING-HOURS" }
else {
mutate { add_tag => "NO-TIMECHECK-MATCH" }

How to customise the Regex validation messages in a Zend\Form keeping them reusable?

The default validation error message for Regex is
"The input does not match against pattern '%pattern%'"
I can replace it by a custom one like
"Please make an input according to the pattern '%pattern%'"
But then I still have a not really user-friendly message with the internal regex in it. I also can write
"Only capital letters are allowed"
But in this case I need to write a new message for every single regex field.
Is it possible / How to create own, but still flexible/reusable/parameterizable messages?
An example of what I want:
public function getInputFilterSpecification()
return [
'foo' => [
'validators' => [
'name' => 'Regex',
'options' => [
'pattern' => '/^[A-Z0-9:]*$/',
'pattern_user_friendly' => 'capital letters, numbers, and colons',
'message' => 'The input may only contain the following characters: %pattern_user_friendly%.'
'bar' => [
'validators' => [
'name' => 'Regex',
'options' => [
// new pattern
'pattern' => '/^[A-Z~:\\\\]*$/',
// new user friendly pattern description
'pattern_user_friendly' => 'capital letters, tildes, colons, and backslashes',
// still the same message
'message' => 'The input may only contain the following characters: %pattern_user_friendly%.'
The solution is to create a custom Validator (extending the Regex), to extend there the list of messageVariables, and to add the logic for setting the value as a property:
class Regex extends ZendRegex
protected $patternUserFriendly;
public function __construct($pattern)
// s. https://github.com/zendframework/zend-validator/blob/master/src/Regex.php#L34-L36
$this->messageVariables['patternUserFriendly'] = 'patternUserFriendly';
$this->messageTemplates[self::NOT_MATCH] =
'The input may only contain the following characters: %patternUserFriendly%.'
if (array_key_exists('patternUserFriendly', $pattern)) {
$this->patternUserFriendly = $pattern['patternUserFriendly'];
class MyFieldset extends ZendFieldset implements InputFilterProviderInterface
public function init()
'type' => 'text',
'name' => 'foo',
'options' => [
'label' => _('foo')
'type' => 'text',
'name' => 'bar',
'options' => [
'label' => _('bar')
public function getInputFilterSpecification()
return [
'bar' => [
'validators' => [
'name' => 'MyNamespace\Validator\Regex',
'options' => [
'pattern' => '/^[a-zA-z]*$/',
'patternUserFriendly' => '"a-z", "A-Z"'

How to format Message in logstash before sending HTTP request

I am using logstash to parse log entries from an input log file.
TID: [0] [] [2016-05-30 23:02:02,602] INFO {org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.jdbc.EmbeddedRegistryService} - Configured Registry in 572ms {org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.jdbc.EmbeddedRegistryService}
Grok Pattern:
The Grok pattern is working fine. Now I want to send the output of this parsing in an transformed way to my rest service.
Expected Output:
"MessageId": "654656",
"TimeStamp": "2001-12-31T12:00:00",
"CorrelationId": "986565",
"Severity": "NORMAL",
"MessageType": "INFO",
"MessageTitle": "TestTittle",
"Message": "Sample Message",
"MessageDetail": {
"SourceSystemId": "65656",
"ServerIP": "",
"HostName": "wedev.101",
"ProcessId": "986",
"ProcessName": "JAVA",
"ThreadId": "65656",
"MessageComponentName": "TestComponent"
Problem Statement:
I want that the json message that is sent to my rest based service should be in the above mentioned format.Is it possible in the logstash that I can also add some hard codded values and use that values that I am getting through parsing the logs.
Following is my logstash-conf file:
input {
file {
path => "C:\WSO2Environment\wso2esb-4.8.1\repository\logs\wso2carbon.log"
type => "wso2"
codec => multiline {
charset => "UTF-8"
multiline_tag => "multiline"
negate => true
pattern => "^%{YEAR}\s%{MONTH}\s%{MONTHDAY}\s%{TIME}:\d{3}\s%{LOGLEVEL}"
what => "previous"
filter {
if [type] == "wso2" {
grok {
match => [ "message", "TID:%{SPACE}\[%{INT:SourceSystemId}\]%{SPACE}\[%{DATA:ProcessName}\]%{SPACE}\[%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:TimeStamp}\]%{SPACE}%{LOGLEVEL:MessageType}%{SPACE}{%{JAVACLASS:MessageTitle}}%{SPACE}-%{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:Message}" ]
add_tag => [ "grokked" ]
if !( "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] ) {
date {
match => [ "log_timestamp", "yyyy MMM dd HH:mm:ss:SSS" ]
add_tag => [ "dated" ]
if ( "multiline" in [tags] ) {
grok {
match => [ "message", "Service:(?<log_service>\s[\w]+)[.\W]*Operation:(?<log_operation>\s[\w]+)" ]
add_tag => [ "servicedetails" ]
tag_on_failure => [ "noservicedetails" ]
output {
# stdout { }
http {
url => "http://localhost:8087/messages"
http_method => "post"
format => "json"
I still have to configure the multiline format, so please ignore that part in my logstash configuration file.
To add fields to an event, possibly including data parsed from the event, you will probably want to use the add_field functionality that most Logstash filters implement.
The easiest way to do this would be by adding a mutate filter with any add_field functions that you wanted.
mutate {
add_field => {
"foo_%{somefield}" => "Hello world, from %{host}"
Here's the official reference

logstash-filter not honoring the regex

I am reading files as input and thenafter pass it to be filtered, and accordingly based on the [type] the if/else for output (stdout) follows.
here is the conf part :
filter {
if [path] =~ "error" {
mutate {
replace => { "type" => "ERROR_LOGS"}
grok {
match => {"error_examiner" => "%{GREEDYDATA:err}"}
if [err] =~ "9999" {
if [err] =~ "invalid offset" {
mutate {
replace => {"type" => "DISCARDED_ERROR_LOGS"}
grok {
match => {"message" => "\[%{DATA:date}\] \[%{WORD:logtype} \] \[%{IPORHOST:ip}\]->\[http://search:9999/%{WORD:searchORsuggest}/%{DATA:askme_tag}\?%{DATA:paramstr}\] \[%{DATA:reason}\]"}
date {
match => [ "date", "YYYY-MM-DD aaa HH:mm:ss" ]
locale => en
geoip {
source => "ip"
target => "geo_ip"
kv {
source => "paramstr"
trimkey => "&\?\[\],"
value_split => "="
target => "params"
else {
mutate {
replace => {"type" => "ACCEPTED_ERROR_LOGS"}
grok {
match => {
"message" => "\[%{DATA:date}\] \[%{WORD:logtype} \] \[%{WORD:uptime}\/%{NUMBER:downtime}\] \[%{IPORHOST:ip}\]->\[http://search:9999/%{WORD:searchORsuggest}\/%{DATA:askme_tag}\?%{DATA:paramstr}\]"
date {
match => [ "date" , "YYYY-MM-DD aaa HH:mm:ss" ]
locale => en
geoip {
source => "ip"
target => "geo_ip"
kv {
source => "paramstr"
trimkey => "&\?\[\],"
value_split => "="
target => "params"
else if [err] =~ "Exception" {
mutate {
replace => {"type" => "EXCEPTIONS_IN_ERROR_LOGS"}
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{GREEDYDATA}"}
else if [path] =~ "info" {
mutate {
replace => {"type" => "INFO_LOGS"}
grok {
match => {
"info_examiner" => "%{GREEDYDATA:info}"
if [info] =~ "9999" {
mutate {
replace => {"type" => "ACCEPTED_INFO_LOGS"}
grok {
match => {
"message" => "\[%{DATA:date}\] \[%{WORD:logtype} \] \[%{WORD:uptime}\/%{NUMBER:downtime}\]( \[%{WORD:qtype}\])?( \[%{NUMBER:outsearch}/%{NUMBER:insearch}\])? \[%{IPORHOST:ip}\]->\[http://search:9999/%{WORD:searchORsuggest}/%{DATA:askme_tag}\?%{DATA:paramstr}\]"
date {
match => [ "date" , "YYYY-MM-DD aaa HH:mm:ss" ]
locale => en
geoip {
source => "ip"
target => "geo_ip"
kv {
source => "paramstr"
trimkey => "&\?\[\],"
value_split => "="
target => "params"
else {
mutate {replace => {"type" => "DISCARDED_INFO_LOGS"}}
grok {
match => {"message" => "%{GREEDYDATA}"}
the grok regexps I have tested to be working http://grokdebug.herokuapp.com/
however, what's not working is this part :
grok {
match => {"error_examiner" => "%{GREEDYDATA:err}"}
if [err] =~ "9999" {
I was wondering what's wrong in there ???
Actually, I have fixed it. Here is what I'd like to share with other fellows, of what I learnt while initial experiments with logstash, for the documentation and other resources aren't so very telling ...
"error_examiner" or "info_examiner" wont work, parse the instance/event row in "message"
geoip doesnt work for internal ips.
kv, for this you must specify the field_split and value_split if they aren't like a=1 b=2 , but say a:1&b:2 then field_Split is &, value_split is :
stdout, by default badly prepends if codec chosen is json, please choose rubydebug.

Logstash Multiline filter for websphere/java logs

Hello i have problem with my logstash multiline configuration. I'm parsing websphere/java logs and multiline don't work on some cases of logs.
My multiline configuration looks like this. I tried several types of regex but no one worked.
codec => multiline {
pattern => "^\A%{SYSLOG5424SD}"
negate => true
what => previous
This is example of log that is not parsed in right way:
[1.6.2015 15:02:46:635 CEST] 00000109 BusinessExcep E CNTR0020E: EJB threw an unexpected (non-declared) exception during invocation of method "processCommand" on bean "BeanId(Issz_Produkcia_2.1.63#Ssz_Server_EJB.jar#CommandDispatcherImpl, null)". Exception data: javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: Transaction rolled back; nested exception is: javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: Transaction rolled back; nested exception is: javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException: Transaction is ended due to timeout
javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: Transaction rolled back; nested exception is: javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException: Transaction is ended due to timeout
javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException: Transaction is ended due to timeout
at com.ibm.tx.jta.impl.EmbeddableTranManagerImpl.completeTxTimeout(EmbeddableTranManagerImpl.java:62)
at com.ibm.tx.jta.impl.EmbeddableTranManagerSet.completeTxTimeout(EmbeddableTranManagerSet.java:85)
at com.ibm.ejs.csi.TransactionControlImpl.completeTxTimeout(TransactionControlImpl.java:1347)
at com.ibm.ejs.csi.TranStrategy.postInvoke(TranStrategy.java:273)
at com.ibm.ejs.csi.TransactionControlImpl.postInvoke(TransactionControlImpl.java:579)
at com.ibm.ejs.container.EJSContainer.postInvoke(EJSContainer.java:4874)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.entitymanagers.EJSLocal0SLDokumentManagerImpl_18dd4eb4.findAllDokumentPripadByCriteriaMap(EJSLocal0SLDokumentManagerImpl_18dd4eb4.java)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.DataAccessServiceImpl.executeDokumentCmd(DataAccessServiceImpl.java:621)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.DataAccessServiceImpl.executeCmd(DataAccessServiceImpl.java:220)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.EJSLocal0SLDataAccessServiceImpl_6e5b0656.executeCmd(EJSLocal0SLDataAccessServiceImpl_6e5b0656.java)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.CommandDispatcherImpl.processSoloCommand(CommandDispatcherImpl.java:222)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.CommandDispatcherImpl._processCommand(CommandDispatcherImpl.java:151)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.CommandDispatcherImpl.processCommand(CommandDispatcherImpl.java:100)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.EJSLocal0SLCommandDispatcherImpl_b974dd5c.processCommand(EJSLocal0SLCommandDispatcherImpl_b974dd5c.java)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.SszServiceImpl.process(SszServiceImpl.java:146)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.EJSRemote0SLSszService_8e2ee81c.process(EJSRemote0SLSszService_8e2ee81c.java)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb._EJSRemote0SLSszService_8e2ee81c_Tie.process(_EJSRemote0SLSszService_8e2ee81c_Tie.java)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb._EJSRemote0SLSszService_8e2ee81c_Tie._invoke(_EJSRemote0SLSszService_8e2ee81c_Tie.java)
at com.ibm.CORBA.iiop.ServerDelegate.dispatchInvokeHandler(ServerDelegate.java:678)
at com.ibm.CORBA.iiop.ServerDelegate.dispatch(ServerDelegate.java:525)
at com.ibm.rmi.iiop.ORB.process(ORB.java:576)
at com.ibm.CORBA.iiop.ORB.process(ORB.java:1578)
at com.ibm.rmi.iiop.Connection.doRequestWork(Connection.java:3076)
at com.ibm.rmi.iiop.Connection.doWork(Connection.java:2946)
at com.ibm.rmi.iiop.WorkUnitImpl.doWork(WorkUnitImpl.java:64)
at com.ibm.ejs.oa.pool.PooledThread.run(ThreadPool.java:118)
at com.ibm.ws.util.ThreadPool$Worker.run(ThreadPool.java:1700)
javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: Transaction rolled back; nested exception is: javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException: Transaction is ended due to timeout
Caused by: javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException: Transaction is ended due to timeout
at com.ibm.tx.jta.impl.EmbeddableTranManagerImpl.completeTxTimeout(EmbeddableTranManagerImpl.java:62)
at com.ibm.tx.jta.impl.EmbeddableTranManagerSet.completeTxTimeout(EmbeddableTranManagerSet.java:85)
at com.ibm.ejs.csi.TransactionControlImpl.completeTxTimeout(TransactionControlImpl.java:1347)
at com.ibm.ejs.csi.TranStrategy.postInvoke(TranStrategy.java:273)
at com.ibm.ejs.csi.TransactionControlImpl.postInvoke(TransactionControlImpl.java:579)
at com.ibm.ejs.container.EJSContainer.postInvoke(EJSContainer.java:4874)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.entitymanagers.EJSLocal0SLDokumentManagerImpl_18dd4eb4.findAllDokumentPripadByCriteriaMap(EJSLocal0SLDokumentManagerImpl_18dd4eb4.java)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.DataAccessServiceImpl.executeDokumentCmd(DataAccessServiceImpl.java:621)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.DataAccessServiceImpl.executeCmd(DataAccessServiceImpl.java:220)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.EJSLocal0SLDataAccessServiceImpl_6e5b0656.executeCmd(EJSLocal0SLDataAccessServiceImpl_6e5b0656.java)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.CommandDispatcherImpl.processSoloCommand(CommandDispatcherImpl.java:222)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.CommandDispatcherImpl._processCommand(CommandDispatcherImpl.java:151)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.CommandDispatcherImpl.processCommand(CommandDispatcherImpl.java:100)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.EJSLocal0SLCommandDispatcherImpl_b974dd5c.processCommand(EJSLocal0SLCommandDispatcherImpl_b974dd5c.java)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.SszServiceImpl.process(SszServiceImpl.java:146)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb.EJSRemote0SLSszService_8e2ee81c.process(EJSRemote0SLSszService_8e2ee81c.java)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb._EJSRemote0SLSszService_8e2ee81c_Tie.process(_EJSRemote0SLSszService_8e2ee81c_Tie.java)
at sk.sits.upsvar.server.ejb._EJSRemote0SLSszService_8e2ee81c_Tie._invoke(_EJSRemote0SLSszService_8e2ee81c_Tie.java)
at com.ibm.CORBA.iiop.ServerDelegate.dispatchInvokeHandler(ServerDelegate.java:678)
at com.ibm.CORBA.iiop.ServerDelegate.dispatch(ServerDelegate.java:525)
at com.ibm.rmi.iiop.ORB.process(ORB.java:576)
at com.ibm.CORBA.iiop.ORB.process(ORB.java:1578)
at com.ibm.rmi.iiop.Connection.doRequestWork(Connection.java:3076)
at com.ibm.rmi.iiop.Connection.doWork(Connection.java:2946)
at com.ibm.rmi.iiop.WorkUnitImpl.doWork(WorkUnitImpl.java:64)
at com.ibm.ejs.oa.pool.PooledThread.run(ThreadPool.java:118)
at com.ibm.ws.util.ThreadPool$Worker.run(ThreadPool.java:1700)
It's parsed by lines and i need it parsed together. I don't know if there is some character which is dividing them.
I tried these patterns:
pattern => "%{DATESTAMP} %{WORD:zone}]"
pattern => "^\["
pattern => "\A"
And a lot more i don't remember them all. Can someone who faced this problem help me.
Thanks you a lot.
Here is my full configuration.
input {
file {
path => "D:\Log\Logstash\testlog.log"
type => "LOG"
start_position => "beginning"
codec => plain {
charset => "ISO-8859-1"
codec => multiline {
pattern => "^\A%{SYSLOG5424SD}"
negate => true
what => previous
filter {
match => [ "message",".*exception.*"]
add_tag => "exception"
remove_tag => "_grokparsefailure"
grok {
match => [ "message","%{DATESTAMP} %{WORD:}] %{WORD:} %{WORD:}\s* W"]
add_tag => "Warning"
remove_tag => "_grokparsefailure"
grok {
match => [ "message","%{DATESTAMP} %{WORD:}] %{WORD:} %{WORD:}\s* F"]
add_tag => "Fatal"
remove_tag => "_grokparsefailure"
grok {
match => [ "message","%{DATESTAMP} %{WORD:}] %{WORD:} %{WORD:}\s* O"]
add_tag => "Message"
remove_tag => "_grokparsefailure"
grok {
match => [ "message","%{DATESTAMP} %{WORD:}] %{WORD:} %{WORD:}\s* C"]
add_tag => "Config"
remove_tag => "_grokparsefailure"
#if ("Warning" not in [tags]) {
grok {
match => [ "message","%{DATESTAMP} %{WORD:}] %{WORD:} %{WORD:}\s* E"]
add_tag => "Error"
remove_tag => "_grokparsefailure"
#}else {
grok {
match => [ "message","%{DATESTAMP} %{WORD:}] %{WORD:} %{WORD: }\s* I"]
add_tag => "Info"
grok {
match => [ "message", "%{DATESTAMP} %{WORD:zone}] %{WORD:ID} %{WORD:CLASS}\s* . (.*\s){0,}%{GREEDYDATA:OBSAH}" ]
remove_tag => "_grokparsefailure"
grok {
match => [ "message", "%{DATESTAMP} %{WORD:zone}] %{WORD:ID} %{WORD:CLASS}\s* . (.*\s){0,}%{WORD:WAS_CODE}:%{GREEDYDATA:OBSAH}" ]
remove_tag => "_grokparsefailure"
add_tag => "was_error"
if ("was_error" not in [tags]) {
grok {
match => [ "message","%{DATESTAMP} %{WORD:zone}] %{WORD:ID} %{WORD:CLASS}\s* . \s*\[SID:%{WORD:ISSZSID}]%{GREEDYDATA:OBSAH}" ]
remove_tag => "_grokparsefailure"
if "_grokparsefailure" not in [tags] {
if [ISSZSID] != "null" {
add_tag => "ISSZwithID"
remove_tag => "_grokparsefailure"
} else {
add_tag => "ISSZnull"
remove_tag => "_grokparsefailure"
output {
if "_grokparsefailure" not in [tags] {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [""]
#protocol => "http"
stdout {}
as assumed using multiline as a codec along with another codec is rather not what it was intended for. I'd rather use it as single codec or as filter.
Transform your configuration into this and you will get the results you look for:
input {
file {
path => "D:\Log\Logstash\testlog.log"
type => "LOG"
start_position => "beginning"
codec => plain { charset => "ISO-8859-1" }
filter {
multiline {
pattern => "^\A%{SYSLOG5424SD}"
negate => true
what => previous
# ... all other filters
output {
# your output definitions
A famous multiline parsing example is the one from Jordan Sissle on MySQL Log parsing: https://gist.github.com/jordansissel/3753353