AT command - 3G connection to another cell (second version) - cell

I know there is already the same question, but because I cannot comment it (I don't have enough votes), I have to open a new question. So I want to know if it's possible to connect to another cell. But rather connect to another, is that possible to avoid to connect to the first one. What I mean is, with the AT+CREG command it is possible to have the cell ID of the base station, it that possible to prohibite the modem to connect to this one?
My main purpose is to receive th RSSI of all the cell around me, and not only the one I am connected to. Until now I was using AT^HSCQ but this just give you the RSSI, RSCP and EC/IO of the cell I am connected with.
So what I wanted to do is to list all the cell around me with AT+COPS, and then step by step, prohibite each cell to have at the end the rssi of every cell.
Maybe there is a command that can already give the RSSI of all the networks around me? I looked in the the AT command interface book from Huawei, I did not find it.
edit 21/04/2015:
I found some commands who can help me such as AT^MONI, AT^SMONC or AT^SMOND. Unfortunately, i think that my Huawei E3531 does not support those commands. Any body knows? Anybody already tried those commands with an other modem/cell phone?
thank you


Rename NIC in opensuse

I'm using opensuse 13.1, and I need to rename my NIC from 'em1' to 'eth0'. While I've found several other people trying to rename NICs, I haven't found anyone who seems to be doing it in Suse 13.1. One of the frequently mentioned fixes is changing parameters in the
70-persistent-net.rules file, but mine is empty. I also haven't been able to find anything in Yast that has NIC names, but that doesn't mean it isn't there.
If it helps, here's an example of someone doing in Red Hat what I'm trying to do:
The problem here is that the pathways he references don't always match up with mine (for example, I don't have /etc/grub.conf, nor do I know if I have an equivalent and if I do where to find it), so I haven't been able to use this example to get mine working.
Thanks for the assistance!
openSuSE 13.1 uses grub2. You will not have an /etc/grub.conf. The change in network interface names is a result of running systemd/udev >= 197. You are in luck, you can change the device name. Look at the page list below (the folks that brought you systemd/udev)
You basically have four options. The four options are detailed here Predictable Network Interface Names (I don't like this, how do I disable this?) It is toward the bottom of the page.

Transport Rule Logical And for Exchange 2010

Good Afternoon,
I have exhausted my googling and best-guess ideas, so I hope someone here has an idea of whether this is possible or not.
I am using Exchange Server 2010 (vanilla) in a test environment and trying to create a Hub Transport Rule using the Exchange Management Console. The requirements of the rules filtering are similar to the following scenario:
1.) If a recipient's address matches (ends with) "" AND (begins with) "john"
2.) If the sender's address matches (ends with) ""
3.) Copy the message to the "" mailbox
I have no problems doing items 2 and 3, but I cannot figure out how to get item 1 in the same condition. I have come across some threads that simply concluded that MS goofed on this, but I am hesitant to fault them for something which seems like it should be really straightforward. I must be missing something. Expressions I have tried so far...:
1.) (^john)($)
2.) ^(john)($
3.) (^john)
4.) ^john$
5.) ^(john)
If you use the interface and +Add them as two separate entries, it treats them as an OR clause (if a recipient address begins with "john", OR it ends with ""). As you can see from my simplistic attempts, I have barely any clue what can/should work in this case. Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated.
B. Whitman
Here's what I ended up using:
The reasoning behind the question is that I'm trying to make a service to catch certain e-mails and do some processing with them. I also wanted to restrict the senders/recipients to certain domains (though some checking will also be done with the processing service). Thanks to hjpotter92 for his solutions!

Create New DirectShow Filter with VisualStudio 2010

I need to create new filter with one input and two outputs.
The filter sends ping (from output 1), receives the ping back (from the input) and accordingly sends some value (to output 2).
I already have the code for the ping, but I need to combine the code with the new filter.
I tried very hard to find an example for my needs but with no success.
It will be great if someone knows how to do so, or lead me to good tutorial.

Text-to-speech from my file/database?

I've made a little alarm program that is supposed to say one of a few things. There's a similar program on macs, but I couldn't find it for Windows, so I just wrote it in C++. Right now, I'm using a text file. The format of the text file I am parsing should help you to understand how the program works:
alarmName_Wakeup //There's a prefix alarmName, so I know when one list starts and another ends.
Cock-a-doodle-doo! //One thing to say.
Get out of bed! //Another thing to say.
Hello. Would you like to buy some guava juice? //Yet another thing to say.
So, I'm basically just trying to have the alarm randomly read one of these lines of text every five minutes until the user goes to his or her computer and presses the hotkey or clicks 'Stop Alarm'. I haven't been able to figure out how to get text-to-speech from a file or a database, though. I always need to have the text pasted in notepad or something, which is really shoddy. Please, help me figure out how.
The closest I can find to what I'm looking for is Open-SAPI, which works for both Linux and Windows.

Changing WMI/WQL results output

Now this is a odd one but as I don't know WMI/WQL I hope someone can help and spot a simple mistake..
I need to find out if a system is a domain controller or not - simple with WMI
select DomainRole from Win32_ComputerSystem gets the data.
However the tool I'm using to run and test the output seems not to understand it needs to look at the values under the object(s) so is it possible to get the result within the object key/name/1st level result?
To provide a example:
If I run that query I get the computer name back.
If I run select Name from Win32_NetworkProtocol I get all the protocol details back.
RSVP TCP Service Provider
So am I wrong or the tool?
To answer my own question. It doesn't look like we can change how/what is returned.
My issue was caused by the tool were using returning the wrong data.