Don't initialize GeneralWURFLEngine - wurfl

I used wurfl for detecting devices on mobile.
I initialize GeneralWURFLEngine but it cannot initialize
My code:
public static final String path = "";
private static ThreadLocal<WURFLEngine> wulEngine = new ThreadLocal<WURFLEngine>() {
protected WURFLEngine initialValue() {
return new GeneralWURFLEngine(path);
Device device = wulEngine.get()
ERROR core.GeneralWURFLEngine ( - cannot initialize: net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.resource.exc.WURFLResourceException: WURFL unexpected exception
net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.resource.exc.WURFLResourceException: WURFL unexpected exception
at net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.resource.XMLResource.readData(
at net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.resource.XMLResource.getData(
at net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.resource.DefaultWURFLModel.init(
at net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.resource.DefaultWURFLModel.<init>(
at net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.GeneralWURFLEngine.init(
at net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.GeneralWURFLEngine.initIfNeeded(
at net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.GeneralWURFLEngine.getDeviceForRequest(
how can i fix bug? thank you for your help

Here is a working example to initialize the GeneralWURFLEngine
import net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.Device;
import net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.EngineTarget;
import net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.GeneralWURFLEngine;
public static void main(String[] args) {
GeneralWURFLEngine wurfl = new GeneralWURFLEngine("");
Device device = wurfl.getDeviceForRequest("User-Agent/5 FooBar");


Quarkus kubernetesMockServer for application initialization

I am working on a Quarkus application to acct as an Operator in a OpenShift/Kubernetes cluster. When writing the tests using a kubernetesMockServer it is working fine for REST calls to developed application but when code runs inside an Initialization Block it is failing, in the log I see that mock server is replying with a 404 error:
2020-02-17 11:04:12,148 INFO [okh.moc.MockWebServer] (MockWebServer / MockWebServer[57577] received request: GET /apis/ HTTP/1.1 and responded: HTTP/1.1 404 Client Error
On the TestCode I have:
class TestAIRController {
KubernetesMockServer mockServer;
private CustomResourceDefinition crd;
private CustomResourceDefinitionList crdlist;
public void before() {
crd = new CustomResourceDefinitionBuilder()
crdlist = new CustomResourceDefinitionListBuilder().withItems(crd).build();
.andReturn(200, crdlist)
void test() {
The dummy rest is using the same code for searching the CRD, and in fact when running withouth the class observing the startup event it works fine
public class Dummy {
private static final Logger LOGGER =LoggerFactory.getLogger(Dummy.class);
public Response listCRDs(){
KubernetesClient oc = new DefaultKubernetesClient();
CustomResourceDefinition crd = oc.customResourceDefinitions()
.filter( ob -> ob.getMetadata().getName().equals(""))
.findFirst().get();"CRD NAME is {}", crd.getMetadata().getName());
return Response.ok(new ArrayList<String>()).build();
Finally this is an except of the
public class AIRWatcher {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AIRWatcher.class);
void OnStart(#Observes StartupEvent ev) {
KubernetesClient oc = new DefaultKubernetesClient();
CustomResourceDefinition crd = oc.customResourceDefinitions()
.filter( ob -> ob.getMetadata().getName().equals(""))
.findFirst().get();"Using {}", crd.getMetadata().getName());
It's like for some reason the mock server is still not initialized for the Startup event, is there any way to solve it?
The problem is that the Mock Server is only configured to respond right before the test execution, while this code:
void OnStart(#Observes StartupEvent ev) {
KubernetesClient oc = new DefaultKubernetesClient();
CustomResourceDefinition crd = oc.customResourceDefinitions()
.filter( ob -> ob.getMetadata().getName().equals(""))
.findFirst().get();"Using {}", crd.getMetadata().getName());
runs when the application is actually comes up (which is before any #BeforeEach runs).
Can you please open an issue on the Quarkus Github? This should be something we provide a solution for

Test execution in Spring Boot fails due to failed config load

I am trying to test my application and running into troubles:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = MainConfiguration.class)
public class ProductionDataRestClientTest {
public void testGetProductionDataAsync() {
The MainConfiguration class is as follows:
#PropertySource(value = {
"classpath:/conf/", "classpath:/conf/",
"file:${configPath}/" }, ignoreResourceNotFound = true)
public class MainConfiguration {
private String configName;
private String appName;
private String appVersion;
private int historySize;
private Boolean processOnlyVisibleEnvironments;
private void logConfig() {
appName = WordUtils.capitalize(appName);"constructed config: " + configName);;
And the file is here:
app.configName=Internal Classpath
My problem is, that Spring seems not to resolve the value identifiers as in normal executions, so the following stacktrace is thrown:
Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "${app.historySize}"
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
at java.lang.Integer.valueOf(
at org.springframework.util.NumberUtils.parseNumber(
at org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors.CustomNumberEditor.setAsText(
at org.springframework.beans.TypeConverterDelegate.doConvertTextValue(
at org.springframework.beans.TypeConverterDelegate.doConvertValue(
at org.springframework.beans.TypeConverterDelegate.convertIfNecessary(
at org.springframework.beans.TypeConverterDelegate.convertIfNecessary(
at org.springframework.beans.TypeConverterSupport.doConvert(
... 47 more
I don't have any clue, I tried many different things, nothing worked.
Thanks in advance :)
There was a very simple way to solve this issue:
// To resolve ${} in #Value
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyConfigInDev() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
This has to be a method of the loaded Configuration-file and helps resolving the placeholders.
Thanks for helping ;)

Naming Blob Dynamically for WebJob on a Schedule

I have a web job which is creating a blob based on the return value of a WebClient call. This is working fine. But as you can see from the Blob attribute (see code below), the name of the file is static. So, it is getting overwritten every time in blob storage.
Function class:
public class Functions
private static int _retryCount;
private static readonly int _retryLimit = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["retryLimit"]);
private static readonly string _ghostRestfullUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ghostRestfullUri"];
public static void LightUpSite([Blob("ghost/response.json")] out string output, TextWriter logger)
_retryCount = 0;
output = string.Empty;
using (var request = new WebClient())
var response = request.DownloadString(_ghostRestfullUri);
output = response;
catch(Exception exception)
logger.WriteLine("Job failed. Retry number:{0}", _retryCount);
} while (_retryCount < _retryLimit);
Main menu:
public class Program
static void Main()
var host = new JobHost();
How can I use placeholders to dynamically name the incoming file?
I have already tried the following:
Other things to note:
This job is run on a schedule, so the host does not run and block
This job does not get invoked by a trigger, it just wakes up and runs;
Because the source is not coming from a message queue object or a uploaded file, I can’t figure out how I am supposed to name this blob.
Perhaps somehow using the blob storage API directly?
To name an output blob dynamically use IBinder as shown in this sample
To name an input blob dynamically as in a call from from Host.Call just pass the name of blob as argument:
static void Main()
var host = new JobHost();
host.Call(typeof(Functions).GetMethod("LightUpSite"), new {blobArgumentName= "container/blob"});

How can I override the test method name that appears on the TestNG report?

How can I override the test name that appears on the TestNG report? I want to override the name that appears in the middle column (currently shows as the method name). Is this even possible?
I tried to do it like this, but it didn't work.
public class EchApiTest1 extends TestBase {
public void setUp() {
restClient = new RestClientPost();
this.setTestName( "ech: XXXXXX" );
And, the base class:
import org.testng.ITest;
public class TestBase implements ITest {
String testName = "";
public String getTestName() {
return this.testName;
public void setTestName( String name ) {
this.testName = name;
NOTE: The above code does work when I am viewing the report detail in the Jenkins TestNG plugin report, which shows the overridden test name as a string called "Instance Name:" at the beginning of the Reporter log output. Why, in this case, WHY does a "setTestName()" method alter a string labeled "Instance Name" in the report?
One answer I found had a suggestion like this but I don't know how to pass an ITestResult arg to a AfterMethod method:
public void setResultTestName( ITestResult result ) {
try {
BaseTestMethod bm = (BaseTestMethod)result.getMethod();
Field f = bm.getClass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredField("m_methodName");
f.set( bm, bm.getMethodName() + "." + your_customized_name );
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
Reporter.log( "ex" + ex.getMessage() );
Please find following code for set custom name of testcase in TestNG reports.
Following features are available in this code.
Dynamic execution on same test-case in multiple time
Set custom test-case name for reports
Set parallel execution of multiple test-cases execution
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import org.testng.ITest;
import org.testng.ITestResult;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Factory;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import org.testng.internal.BaseTestMethod;
public class ServiceTest implements ITest {
protected ServiceProcessData serviceProcessData;
protected String testCaseName = "";
public void executeServiceTest() {
#Factory(dataProvider = "processDataList")
public RiskServiceTest(ServiceProcessData serviceProcessData) {
this.serviceProcessData = serviceProcessData;
#DataProvider(name = "processDataList", parallel = true)
public static Object[] getProcessDataList() {
Object[] serviceProcessDataList = new Object[0];
//Set data in serviceProcessDataList
return serviceProcessDataList;
public String getTestName() {
this.testCaseName = "User custom testcase name";
// this.testCaseName = this.serviceProcessData.getTestCaseCustomName();
return this.testCaseName;
#AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true)
public void setResultTestName(ITestResult result) {
try {
BaseTestMethod baseTestMethod = (BaseTestMethod) result.getMethod();
Field f = baseTestMethod.getClass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredField("m_methodName");
f.set(baseTestMethod, this.testCaseName);
} catch (Exception e) {
Reporter.log("Exception : " + e.getMessage());
I found a "workaround" but I am hoping for a better answer. I want to be able to show this "test name" OR "instance name" value on the HTML report (not just within the Reporter.log output) and I am starting to think its not possible :
#Test(dataProvider = "restdata2")
public void testGetNameFromResponse( TestArguments testArgs ) {
this.setTestName( "ech: " + testArgs.getTestName() );
Reporter.log( getTestName() ); // this magic shows test name on report
With this workaround, the user can now identify which test it was by looking at the Reporter.log output but I still wish the name was more prominant.
I suspect the answer lies in writing a TestListenerAdapter that somehow overrides the ITestResult.getTestNameMethod() method? That is the holy grail I am looking for.
The ‘result’ object will automatically pass in the method setResultTestName( ITestResult result )
Make sure you put alwaysRun=true like the following when you have groups defined in your test class otherwise “AfterMethod” will not be excuted.
#AfterMethod (alwaysRun=true)

How do I invoke Multiple Startup Projects when running a unit tests in Debug Mode

This seems like a simple thing to do but I can't seem to find any info anywhere! I've got a solution that has a service that we run in 'Console Mode' when debugging. I want it to be started and 'attached' when I run my unit test from Visual Studio.
I'm using Resharper as the unit test runner.
Not a direct answer to your question, BUT
We faced a similar problem recently and eventually settled on a solution using AppDomain
As your solution is already running as a Console project it would be little work to make it boot in a new AppDomain. Furthermore, you could run Assertions on this project as well as part of unit testing. (if required)
Consider the following static class Sandbox which you can use to boot multiple app domains.
The Execute method requires a Type which is-a SandboxAction. (class definition also included below)
You would first extend this class and provide any bootup actions for running your console project.
public class ConsoleRunnerProjectSandbox : SandboxAction
protected override void OnRun()
Bootstrapper.Start(); //this code will be run on the newly create app domain
Now to get your app domain running you simply call
Sandbox.Execute<ConsoleRunnerProjectSandbox>("AppDomainName", configFile)
Note you can pass this call a config file so you can bootup your project in the same fashion as if you were running it via the console
Any more questions please ask.
public static class Sandbox
private static readonly List<Tuple<AppDomain, SandboxAction>> _sandboxes = new List<Tuple<AppDomain, SandboxAction>>();
public static T Execute<T>(string friendlyName, string configFile, params object[] args)
where T : SandboxAction
Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Sandboxing {0}: {1}", typeof (T).Name, configFile));
AppDomain sandbox = CreateDomain(friendlyName, configFile);
var objectHandle = sandbox.CreateInstance(typeof(T).Assembly.FullName, typeof(T).FullName, true, BindingFlags.Default, null, args, null, null, null);
T sandBoxAction = objectHandle.Unwrap() as T;
Tuple<AppDomain, SandboxAction> box = new Tuple<AppDomain, SandboxAction>(sandbox, sandBoxAction);
return sandBoxAction;
private static AppDomain CreateDomain(string name, string customConfigFile)
FileInfo info = customConfigFile != null ? new FileInfo(customConfigFile) : null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customConfigFile) && !info.Exists)
throw new ArgumentException("customConfigFile not found using " + customConfigFile + " at " + info.FullName);
var appsetup = new AppDomainSetup();
//appsetup.ApplicationBase = Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(Sandbox).Assembly.Location);
appsetup.ApplicationBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase;
if (customConfigFile==null)
customConfigFile = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile;
appsetup.ConfigurationFile = customConfigFile;
var sandbox = AppDomain.CreateDomain(
return sandbox;
public static void DestroyAppDomainForSandbox(SandboxAction action)
foreach(var tuple in _sandboxes)
if(tuple.Second == action)
Console.WriteLine("Unloaded sandbox ");
public abstract class SandboxAction : MarshalByRefObject
public override object InitializeLifetimeService()
return null;
public void Run()
string name = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName;
Log.Info("Executing {0} in AppDomain:{1} thread:{2}", name, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Id, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, "Exception in app domain {0}", name);
protected abstract void OnRun();
public virtual void Stop()