Delete Specific Lines with AWK [or sed, grep, whatever] - regex

Is it possible to remove lines from a file using awk? I'd like to find any lines that have Y in the last column and then remove any lines that match the value in column 2 of said line.
So awk would find that row 3 has Y in the last column, then look at column 2 [TRACKINGKEY1] and remove all lines that have TRACKINGKEY1 in column 2.
Expected result:
The reason for this is that our shipping program puts out a file whenever a shipment is processed, as well as when that shipment gets voided [in case of an error]. So what I end up with is the initial package info, then the same info indicating that it was voided, then yet another set of lines with the new shipment info. Unfortunately our ERP software has a fairly simple scripting language in which I can't even make an array so I'm limited to shell tools.
Thanks in advance!

One way is to take 2 pass to same file using awk:
awk -F, 'NR == FNR && $NF=="Y" && !($2 in seen){seen[$2]}
NR != FNR && !($2 in seen)' file file
NR == FNR # if processing the file 1st time
&& $NF=="Y" # and last field is Y
&& !($2 in seen) { # we haven't seen field 2 before
seen[$2]} # store field 2 in array seen
NR != FNR # when processing the file 2nd time
&& !($2 in seen) # array seen doesn't have field 2
# take default action and print the line

This solution is kind of gross, but kind of fun.
grep ',Y$' file | cut -d, -f2 | sort -u | grep -vwFf - file
grep ',Y$' file -- find the lines with Y in the last column
cut -d, -f2 -- print just the tracking key from those lines
sort -u -- give just the unique keys
grep -vwFf - file --
read the unique tracking keys from stdin (-f -)
only consider them a match if they are whole words (-w)
they are fixed strings, not regular expressions (-F)
then exclude lines matching these patterns (-v) from file


Search text for multiple lines matching string 1 which are not separated by string 2

I've got a file looking like this:
I'm looking for a regexp to use with sed / awk / (e)grep (it actually doesn't matter to me which of these as all would be fine) to find the following in the above mentioned text:
I want to get back a |100| line if it is followed by at least two |110| lines before another |100| line appears. The result should contain the initial |100| line together with all |110| lines that follow but not the following |100| line.
sed -ne '/|100|/,/|110|/p'
provides me a list of all |100| lines which are followed by at least one |110| line. But it doesn't check, if the |110| line has been repeated more than once. I get back results I don't look for.
sed -ne '/|100|/,/|100|/p'
returns a list of all |100| lines and the content between the next |100| line including the next |100| line.
Trying to find lines between search patterns always was a nightmare to me. I spent hours of try and error on similar problems which finally worked. But I never really understood why. I hope, s.o. might be so kind to save me of the headache this time and maybe explain how the pattern does the work. I'm quite sure, I'll face this kind of problem again and then I finally could help myself.
Thank you for any help on this one!
I'd do this in awk.
awk -F'|' '$2==100&&c>2{print b} $2==100{c=1;b=$0;next} $2==110&&c{c++;b=b RS $0;next} {c=0}' file
Broken out for easier reading:
awk -F'|' '
# If we're starting a new section and conditions have been met, print buffer
$2==100 && c>2 {print b}
# Start a section with a new count and a new buffer...
$2==100 {c=1;b=$0;next}
# Add to buffer
$2==110 && c {c++;b=b RS $0}
# Finally, zero everything if we encounter lines that don't fit the pattern
' file
Rather than using a regex, this steps through the file using the field delimiters you've specified. Upon seeing the "start" condition, it begins keeping a buffer. As subsequent lines match your "continue" condition, the buffer grows. Once we see the start of a new section, we print the buffer if the the counter is big enough.
Works for me on your sample data.
Here's a GNU awk specific answer: use |100| as the record separator, |110| as the field separator, and look for records with at least 3 fields.
gawk '
# a newline, the first pipe-delimited column, then the "100" value
NF >= 3 {print RT $0} # RT is the actual text matching the RS pattern
' file
In AWK, the field separator is set to a pipe character and the second field is compared to 100 and 110 per line. $0 represents a line from the input file.
BEGIN { FS = "|" }
if($2 == 100) {
one_hundred = 1;
one_hundred_one = 0;
var0 = $0
if($2 == 110) {
one_hundred_one += 1;
if(one_hundred_one == 1 && one_hundred = 1) var1 = $0;
if(one_hundred_one == 2 && one_hundred = 1) var2 = $0;
if(one_hundred == 1 && one_hundred_one == 2) {
print var0
print var1
print var2
awk -f foo.awk input.txt

Using awk to find a domain name containing the longest repeated word

For example, let's say there is a file called domains.csv with the following:
I'm trying to use linux awk regex expressions to find the line that contains the longest repeated1 word, so in this case, it will return the line
How do I do that?
1 Meaning "immediately repeated", i.e., abcabc, but not abcXabc.
A pure awk implementation would be rather long-winded as awk regexes don't have backreferences, the usage of which simplifies the approach quite a bit.
I'ved added one line to the example input file for the case of multiple longest words:
And this gets the lines with the longest repeated sequence:
cut -d ',' -f 2 infile | grep -Eo '(.*)\1' |
awk '{ print length(), $0 }' | sort -k 1,1 -nr |
awk 'NR==1 {prev=$1;print $2;next} $1==prev {print $2;next} {exit}' | grep -f - infile
Since this is pretty anti-obvious, let's split up what this does and look at the output at each stage:
Remove the first column with the line number to avoid matches for lines numbers with repeating digits:
$ cut -d ',' -f 2 infile
Get all lines with a repeated sequence, extract just that repeated sequence:
... | grep -Eo '(.*)\1'
Get the length of each of those lines:
... | awk '{ print length(), $0 }'
2 ll
10 hellohello
2 ll
6 byebye
14 welcomewelcome
14 comewelcomewel
Sort by the first column, numerically, descending:
...| sort -k 1,1 -nr
14 welcomewelcome
14 comewelcomewel
10 hellohello
6 byebye
2 ll
2 ll
Print the second of these columns for all lines where the first column (the length) has the same value as on the first line:
... | awk 'NR==1{prev=$1;print $2;next} $1==prev{print $2;next} {exit}'
Pipe this into grep, using the -f - argument to read stdin as a file:
... | grep -f - infile
While this can handle the bbwelcomewelcome case mentioned in comments, it will trip on overlapping patterns such as welwelcomewelcome, where it only finds welwel, but not welcomewelcome.
Alternative solution with more awk, less sort
As pointed out by tripleee in comments, this can be simplified to skip the sort step and combine the two awk steps and the sort step into a single awk step, likely improving performance:
$ cut -d ',' -f 2 infile | grep -Eo '(.*)\1' |
awk '{if (length()>ml) {ml=length(); delete a; i=1} if (length()>=ml){a[i++]=$0}}
END{for (i in a){print a[i]}}' |
grep -f - infile
Let's look at that awk step in more detail, with expanded variable names for clarity:
# New longest match: throw away stored longest matches, reset index
if (length() > max_len) {
max_len = length()
delete arr_longest
idx = 1
# Add line to longest matches
if (length() >= max_len)
arr_longest[idx++] = $0
# Print all the longest matches
for (idx in arr_longest)
print arr_longest[idx]
I've timed the two solutions on the top one million domains file mentioned in the comments:
First solution (with sort and two awk steps):
real 1m55.742s
user 1m57.873s
sys 0m0.045s
Second solution (just one awk step, no sort):
real 1m55.603s
user 1m56.514s
sys 0m0.045s
And the Perl solution by Casimir et Hippolyte:
real 0m5.249s
user 0m5.234s
sys 0m0.000s
What we learn from this: ask for a Perl solution next time ;)
Interestingly, if we know that there will be just one longest match and simplify the commands accordingly (just head -1 instead of the second awk command for the first solution, or no keeping track of multiple longest matches with awk in the second solution), the time gained is only in the range of a few seconds.
Portability remark
Apparently, BSD grep can't do grep -f - to read from stdin. In this case, the output of the pipe until there has to be redirected to a temp file, and this temp file then used with grep -f.
A way with perl:
perl -F, -ane 'if (#m=$F[1]=~/(?=(.+)\1)/g) {
#m=sort { length $b <=> length $a} #m;
$cl=length #m[0];
if ($l<$cl) { #res=($_); $l=$cl; } elsif ($l==$cl) { push #res, ($_); }
END { print #res; }' file
The idea is to find all longest overlapping repeated strings for each position in the second field, then the match array is sorted and the longest substring becomes the first item in the array (#m[0]).
Once done, the length of the current repeated substring ($cl) is compared with the stored length (of the previous longest substring). When the current repeated substring is longer than the stored length, the result array is overwritten with the current line, when the lengths are the same, the current line is pushed into the result array.
command line option:
-F, set the field separator to ,
-ane (e execute the following code, n read a line at a time and puts its content in $_, a autosplit, using the defined FS, and puts fields in the #F array)
The pattern:
(?= # open a lookahead assertion
(.+)\1 # capture group 1 and backreference to the group 1
) # close the lookahead
/g # all occurrences
This is a well-know pattern to find all overlapping results in a string. The idea is to use the fact that a lookahead doesn't consume characters (a lookahead only means "check if this subpattern follows at the current position", but it doesn't match any character). To obtain the characters matched in the lookahead, all that you need is a capture group.
Since a lookahead matches nothing, the pattern is tested at each position (and doesn't care if the characters have been already captured in group 1 before).

how to grep exact string match across 2 files

I've UTF-8 plain text lists of usernames, 1 per line, in list1.txt and list2.txt. Note, in case pertinent, that usernames may contain regex characters e.g. ! ^ . ( and such as well as spaces.
I want to get and save to matches.txt a list of all unique values occurring in both lists. I've little command line expertise but this almost gets me there:
grep -Ff list1.txt list2.txt > matches.txt
...but that is treating "jdoe" and "jdoe III" as a match, returning "jdoe III" as the matched value. This is incorrect for the task. I need the per-line pattern match to be the whole line, i.e. from ^ to $. I've tried adding the -x flag but that gets no matches at all (edit: see comment to accepted answer - I got the flag order wrong).
I'm on OS X 10.9.5 and I don't have to use grep - another command line (tool) solving the problem will do.
All you need to do is add the -x flag to your grep query:
grep -Fxf list1.txt list2.txt > matches.txt
The -x flag will restrict matches to full line matches (each PATTERN becomes ^PATTERN$). I'm not sure why your attempt at -x failed. Maybe you put it after the -f, which must be immediately followed by the first file?
This awk will be handy than grep here:
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0]; next} $0 in a' list1.txt list2.txt > matches.txt
$0 is the line, FNR is the current line number of the current file, NR is the overall line number (they are only the same when you are on the first file). a[$0] is a associative array (hash) whose key is the line. next will ensure that further clauses (the $0 in a) will not run if the current clause (the fact that this is the first file) did. $0 in a will be true when the current line has a value in the array a, thus only lines present in both will be displayed. The order will be their order of occurence in the second file.
A very simple and straightforward way to do it that doesn't require one to do all sorts of crazy things with grep is as follows
cat list1.txt list2.txt|grep match > matches.txt
Not only that, but it's also easier to remember, (especially if you regularly use cat).
grep -Fwf file1 file2 would match word to word !!

How to delete a specific number of random lines matching a pattern

I have an svg file with a grid of dots represented by lines that have the word use in them. I would like to delete a specific number of random lines matching that use pattern, then save a new version of the file. This answer was very close.
So it will be a combination of this (delete one random line in a specific range):
sed -i '.svg' $((9 + RANDOM % 579))d /filename.svg
and this (delete all lines matching pattern use):
sed -i '.svg' /use/d /filename.svg
In other words, the logic would go something like this:
sed -i delete 'x' number of RANDOM lines matching 'use' from 'input.svg' and save to 'output.svg'
I'm running these commands from Terminal on a Mac and am inexperienced with syntax so formatting the command for that would be ideal.
Delete each line containing "use" with a probability of 10%:
awk '!/use/ || rand() > 0.10' file
Randomly delete exactly one line containing "use":
awk -v n="$(( RANDOM % $(grep -c "use" file) ))" '!/use/ || n-- != 0' file
Here's an example invocation:
$ cat file
some string
a line containing "use"
another use-ful line
more random data
$ awk -v n="$(( RANDOM % $(grep -c "use" file) ))" '!/use/ || n-- != 0' file
some string
another use-ful line
more random data
One of the lines containing use was removed.
This might work for you: (GNU sed & sort):
sed -n '/\<use\>/=' file | sort -r | head -5 | sed 's/$/d/' | sed -i.bak -f - file
Extract the line numbers of the lines containing the word use from the file. Randomly sort those line numbers then take the first say 5 and build a sed script to delete them from the original file.

Print line after multiline match with sed

I am trying to create a script to pull out an account code from a file. The file itself is long and contains a lot of other data, but I have included below an excerpt of the part I am looking at (there is other contents before and after this excerpt)
The section of the file I am interested in sometimes look like this
Account Customer Order No. Whse Payment Terms Stock No. Original Invoice No.
AAAAAA01 9999 1000 30 days
and sometimes it looks like this
Account Customer Order No. Whse Payment Terms Stock No. Original Invoice No.
AAAAAA01 9999 1000 30 days
(one field cut off the end, where that field had been wrapping down onto it's own line)
I know I can use | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -F 1 to pull the code once I have the line it is on, but that is not a set line number (the content before this section is dynamic).
I am starting by trying to handled the case with the extra field, I figure it will be easy enough to make that an optional match with ?
The number of spaces used to separate the fields can change as this is essentially OCRed.
A few of my attempts so far - (assume the file is coming in from STDIN)
| sed -n '/\s*Account\s\+Customer Order No\.\s\+Whse\s\+Payment Terms\s\+Stock No\.\s\+Original Invoice No\.\s\+VIN No\.\s*/{n;p;}'
| sed -n '/\s*Account\s\+Customer Order No\.\s\+Whse\s\+Payment Terms\s\+Stock No\.\s\+Original Invoice No\.\s*\n\s*VIN No\.\s*/{n;p;}'
| sed -n '/\s*Account\s\+Customer Order No\.\s\+Whse\s\+Payment Terms\s\+Stock No\.\s\+Original Invoice No\.\s*\r\s*VIN No\.\s*/{n;p;}'
| sed -n '/\s*Account\s\+Customer Order No\.\s\+Whse\s\+Payment Terms\s\+Stock No\.\s\+Original Invoice No\.\s*\r\n\s*VIN No\.\s*/{n;p;}'
These all failed to match whatsoever
| sed -n '/\s*Account\s\+Customer Order No\.\s\+Whse\s\+Payment Terms\s\+Stock No\.\s\+Original Invoice No\.\s*/,/\s\*VIN No\.\s*/{n;p;}'
This at least matched something, but frustratingly printed the VIN No. line, followed by every second line after it. It also seems like it would be more difficult to mark as an optional part of the expression.
So, given an input of the full file (including either of the above excerpts), I am looking for an output of either
AAAAAA01 9999 1000 30 days
(which I can then trim to the required data) or AAAAAA01 if there is an easier way of getting straight to that.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -n '/Account/{n;/VIN No\./n;p}' file
Use sed with the -n switch, this makes sed act like grep i.e. only print lines explicitly using the commands P or (this case) p.
/Account/ match a line with the pattern Account
For the above match only:
n normally this would print the current line and then read the next line into the pattern space, but as the -n is in action no printing takes place. So now the pattern space contains the next line.
/VIN No\./n If the current line contains Vin No effectively empty the pattern space and read in the next line.
p print whatever is currently in the pattern space.
So this a condition within a condition. When we encounter Action print either the following line or the line following that.
awk '/^\s*Account\s\+Customer Order No\.\s\+Whse\s\+Payment Terms\s\+Stock No\.\s\+Original Invoice No\.$/ {
if (/^\s*VIN No\.$/) getline;
Going strictly off your input, in both cases the desired field is on the last line. So to print the first field of the last line,
awk 'END {print $1}'