I'm writing a small tool in clojure and want to know when there's been a change on the clipboard. Here's a simplified version of what's going on.
(:import java.awt.Toolkit)
(:import (java.awt.datatransfer Clipboard
(defn get-clipboard [] (. (Toolkit/getDefaultToolkit)
(defn get-content []
(.getContents (get-clipboard) nil))
(def content (agent (get-content)))
(defn watch [key f]
(add-watch content key f))
(defn -main []
(while (not= content "banana-man")
(watch :watcher
(fn [key agent old-state new-state]
(prn "-- agent Changed --")
(prn "key" key)
(prn "atom" agent)
(prn "old-state" old-state)
(prn "new-state" new-state)))))
I've added in a while loop just to keep the main function from shutting down immediately.
This runs without throwing any errors, but does not report when changes have been made on the clipboard or stop the while loop when I copy bannan-man to the clipboard. I've been struggling with this for a few weeks now and I'm sure I'm missing something simple. If anyone has some advice I would really appreciate it!
For starters, content is an agent, so it will never be equal to a string. You should deref the agent using # in order to make that comparison.
The while loop is not needed to prevent exit. If you use the agent thread pool, Clojure will not shut down until you explicitly run shutdown-agents. But we will need it to manage your agent updates.
content is not going to change after your initial assignment unless you explicitly send it an updating function with send or send-off. Don't let the name mislead you, agents are not autonomous, and are not scheduled or repeated tasks. Try something like this:
(defn -main []
(watch :watcher
(fn [key agent old-state new-state]
(prn "-- agent Changed --")
(prn "key" key)
(prn "atom" agent)
(prn "old-state" old-state)
(prn "new-state" new-state)))
(while (not= #content "banana-man")
(send-off content (fn [& _] (get-content)))
(Thread/sleep 250))
Hellow everyone.
This is a block of code in events.cljs file. There is a button on the page that I want when I click that, a text appears on the page and disappear after 3 seconds. Here I wanted to assoc the text to the db after clicking the button and dissoc it after 3 seconds but there is an error that Thread namespace not found, from Thread/sleep line.
Can anyone help me how I should fix that please?
Thank you
(fn [db [_]]
(assoc db :greeting "hi")
(Thread/sleep 3000)
(dissoc db :greeting))))
You should create a new effect that dissocs the value and use it with :dispatch-later, something like:
(rf/reg-event-fx ::show
(fn [{db :db} _]
{:db (assoc db :greeting "hi")
:dispatch-later {:ms 3000 :dispatch [::-hide]}))
(rf/reg-event-db ::-hide
(fn [db _]
(dissoc db :greeting)))
I want to figure out how best to create an async component, or accommodate async code in a Component-friendly way. This is the best I can come up with, and... it just doesn't feel quite right.
The Gist: take words, uppercase them and reverse them, finally print them.
Problem 1: I can't get the system to stop at the end. I expect to see a println of the individual c-chans stopping, but don't.
Problem 2: How do I properly inject deps. into the producer/consumer fns? I mean, they're not components, and I think they should not be components since they have no sensible lifecycle.
Problem 3: How do I idiomatically handle the async/pipeline-creating side-effects named a>b, and b>c? Should a pipeline be a component?
(ns pipelines.core
(:require [clojure.core.async :as async
:refer [go >! <! chan pipeline-blocking close!]]
[com.stuartsierra.component :as component]))
(defn a>b [a> b>]
(pipeline-blocking 4
(map clojure.string/upper-case)
(defn b>c [b> c>]
(pipeline-blocking 4
(map (comp (partial apply str)
(defn producer [a>]
(doseq [word ["apple" "banana" "carrot"]]
(go (>! a> word))))
(defn consumer [c>]
(go (while true
(println "Your Word Is: " (<! c>)))))
(defn pipeline-system [config-options]
(let [c-chan (reify component/Lifecycle
(start [this]
(println "starting chan: " this)
(chan 1))
(stop [this]
(println "stopping chan: " this)
(close! this)))]
(-> (component/system-map
:a> c-chan
:b> c-chan
:c> c-chan)
(component/using {}))))
;; RUN IT!
(def system (atom nil))
(let [_ (reset! system (component/start (pipeline-system {})))
_ (a>b (:a> #system) (:b> #system))
_ (b>c (:b> #system) (:c> #system))
_ (producer (:a> #system))
_ (consumer (:c> #system))
_ (component/stop #system)])
I started thinking about the following, but I'm not quite sure if it's closing properly...
(extend-protocol component/Lifecycle
(start [this]
(stop [this]
(close! this)))
I rewrote your example a little to make it reloadable:
Reloadable Pipeline
(ns pipeline
(:require [clojure.core.async :as ca :refer [>! <!]]
[clojure.string :as s]))
(defn upverse [from to]
(ca/pipeline-blocking 4
(map (comp s/upper-case
(defn produce [ch xs]
(doseq [word xs]
(ca/go (>! ch word))))
(defn consume [ch]
(ca/go-loop []
(when-let [word (<! ch)]
(println "your word is:" word)
(defn start-engine []
(let [[from to] [(ca/chan) (ca/chan)]]
(upverse to from)
(consume from)
{:stop (fn []
(ca/close! to)
(ca/close! from)
(println "engine is stopped"))
:process (partial produce to)}))
this way you can just do (start-engine) and use it to process word sequences:
REPL time
boot.user=> (require '[pipeline])
boot.user=> (def engine (pipeline/start-engine))
running with it
boot.user=> ((engine :process) ["apple" "banana" "carrot"])
your word is: TORRAC
your word is: ANANAB
your word is: ELPPA
boot.user=> ((engine :process) ["do" "what" "makes" "sense"])
your word is: OD
your word is: SEKAM
your word is: ESNES
your word is: TAHW
stopping it
boot.user=> ((:stop engine))
engine is stopped
;; engine would not process anymore
boot.user=> ((engine :process) ["apple" "banana" "carrot"])
State Management
Depending on how you intend to use this pipeline, a state management framework like Component might not be needed at all: no need to add anything "just in case", starting and stopping the pipeline in this case is a matter of calling two functions.
However in case this pipeline is used within a larger app with more states you could definitely benefit from a state management library.
I am not a fan of Component primarily because it requires a full app buyin (which makes it a framework), but I do respect other people using it.
I would recommend to either not use anything specific in case the app is small: you, for example could compose this pipeline with other pipelines / logic and kick it off from -main, but if the app is any bigger and has more unrelated states, here is all you need to do to add mount to it:
(defstate engine :start (start-engine)
:stop ((:stop engine)))
starting pipeline
boot.user=> (mount/start)
{:started ["#'pipeline/engine"]}
running with it
boot.user=> ((engine :process) ["do" "what" "makes" "sense"])
your word is: OD
your word is: SEKAM
your word is: ESNES
your word is: TAHW
stopping it
boot.user=> (mount/stop)
engine is stopped
{:stopped ["#'pipeline/engine"]}
Here is a gist with a full example that includes build.boot.
You can just download and play with it via boot repl
[EDIT]: to answer the comments
In case you are already hooked on Component, this should get you started:
(defrecord WordEngine []
(start [component]
(merge component (start-engine)))
(stop [component]
((:stop component))
(assoc component :process nil :stop nil)))
This, on start, would create a WordEngine object that would have a :process method.
You won't be able to call it as you would a normal Clojure function: i.e. from REPL or any namespace just by :requireing it, unless you pass a reference to the whole system around which is not recommended.
So in order to call it, this WordEngine would need to be plugged into a Component system, and injected into yet another Component which can then destructure the :process function and call it.
Is there an elegant way to stop a running go block?
(without introducing a flag and polluting the code with checks/branches)
(ns example
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
(:require [cljs.core.async :refer [<! timeout]]))
(defn some-long-task []
(println "entering")
; some complex long-running task (e.g. fetching something via network)
(<! (timeout 1000))
(<! (timeout 1000))
(<! (timeout 1000))
(<! (timeout 1000))
(println "leaving")))
; run the task
(def task (some-long-task))
; later, realize we no longer need the result and want to cancel it
; (stop! task)
Sorry, this is not possible with core.async today. What you get back from creating a go block is a normal channel what the result of the block will be put on, though this does not give you any handle to the actual block itself.
As stated in Arthur's answer, you cannot terminate a go block immediately, but you since your example indicates a multi-phased task (using sub-tasks), an approach like this might work:
(defn task-processor
"Takes an initial state value and number of tasks (fns). Puts tasks
on a work queue channel and then executes them in a go-loop, with
each task passed the current state. A task's return value is used as
input for next task. When all tasks are processed or queue has been
closed, places current result/state onto a result channel. To allow
nil values, result is wrapped in a map:
{:value state :complete? true/false}
This fn returns a map of {:queue queue-chan :result result-chan}"
[init & tasks]
(assert (pos? (count tasks)))
(let [queue (chan)
result (chan)]
(async/onto-chan queue tasks)
(go-loop [state init, i 0]
(if-let [task (<! queue)]
(recur (task state) (inc i))
(do (prn "task queue finished/terminated")
(>! result {:value state :complete? (== i (count tasks))}))))
{:queue queue
:result result}))
(defn dummy-task [x] (prn :task x) (Thread/sleep 1000) (inc x))
;; kick of tasks
(def proc (apply task-processor 0 (repeat 100 dummy-task)))
;; result handler
(let [res (<! (:result proc))]
(prn :final-result res)))
;; to stop the queue after current task is complete
;; in this example it might take up to an additional second
;; for the terminated result to be delivered
(close! (:queue proc))
You may want to use future and future-cancel for such task.
(def f (future (while (not (Thread/interrupted)) (your-function ... ))))
(future-cancel f)
Why do cancelled Clojure futures continue using CPU?
I'm still newbie in clojure and I'm trying to build application which read two files and write the diffrence on JSON file
(defn read-csv
"reads data."
(with-open [rdr (
io/reader "resources/staples_data.csv")]
(doseq [line (rest(line-seq rdr))]
(println(vec(re-seq #"[^,]+" line))))))
(defn read-psv
"reads data."
(with-open [rdr (
io/reader "resources/external_data.psv")]
(doseq [line (rest(line-seq rdr))]
; (print(vec(re-seq #"[^|]+" line))))))
(doall(vec(re-seq #"[^|]+" line))))))
(defn process-content []
(let [csv-records (agent read-csv)
psv-records (agent read-psv)]
(json/write-str {"my-data" #csv-records "other-data" #psv-records}))
Im getting an exception: Exception Don't know how to write JSON of class $read_csv clojure.data.json/write-generic (json.clj:385)
Please some help with some explanation, thanks in advance!
You are giving the agent a function as its initial value. Perhaps you meant to do an asynchronous call to that function instead? In that case, a future is a better match for your scenario as shown. agent is synchronous, it's send and send-off that are async, and they assume you are propagating some state across calls which doesn't match your usage here.
(defn process-content []
(let [csv-records (future-call read-csv)
psv-records (future-call read-psv)]
(json/write-str {"my-data" #csv-records "other-data" #psv-records})))
The problem after that is that doseq is only for side effects, and always returns nil. If you want the results read from the csv files (evaluating eagerly so you are still in the scope of the with-open call), use (doall (for ...)) as a replacement for (doseq ...). Also, the println in read-csv will need to be removed, or replaced with (doto (vec (re-seq #"[^,]+" line)) println) because println always returns nil, and I assume you want the actual data from the file, not a list of nils.
I am new to clojure and am trying to understand how to properly use its concurrency features, so any critique/suggestions is appreciated.
So I am trying to write a small test program in clojure that works as follows:
there 5 producers and 2 consumers
a producer waits for a random time and then pushes a number onto a shared queue.
a consumer should pull a number off the queue as soon as the queue is nonempty and then sleep for a short time to simulate doing work
the consumers should block when the queue is empty
producers should block when the queue has more than 4 items in it to prevent it from growing huge
Here is my plan for each step above:
the producers and consumers will be agents that don't really care for their state (just nil values or something); i just use the agents to send-off a "consumer" or "producer" function to do at some time. Then the shared queue will be (def queue (ref [])). Perhaps this should be an atom though?
in the "producer" agent function, simply (Thread/sleep (rand-int 1000)) and then (dosync (alter queue conj (rand-int 100))) to push onto the queue.
I am thinking to make the consumer agents watch the queue for changes with add-watcher. Not sure about this though..it will wake up the consumers on any change, even if the change came from a consumer pulling something off (possibly making it empty) . Perhaps checking for this in the watcher function is sufficient. Another problem I see is that if all consumers are busy, then what happens when a producer adds something new to the queue? Does the watched event get queued up on some consumer agent or does it disappear?
see above
I really don't know how to do this. I heard that clojure's seque may be useful, but I couldn't find enough doc on how to use it and my initial testing didn't seem to work (sorry don't have the code on me anymore)
Here's my take on it. I made a point of only using Clojure data structures to see how that would work out. Note that it would have been perfectly usual and idiomatic to take a blocking queue from the Java toolbox and use it here; the code would be easy to adapt, I think. Update: I actually did adapt it to java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue, see below.
Call (pro-con) to start a test run; then have a look at the contents of output to see if anything happened and queue-lengths to see if they stayed within the given bound.
Update: To explain why I felt the need to use ensure below (I was asked about this on IRC), this is to prevent write skew (see the Wikipedia article on Snapshot isolation for a definition). If I substituted #queue for (ensure queue), it would become possible for two or more producers to check the length of the queue, find that it is less than 4, then place additional items on the queue and possibly bring the total length of the queue above 4, breaking the constraint. Similarly, two consumers doing #queue could accept the same item for processing, then pop two items off the queue. ensure prevents either of these scenarios from happening.
(def go-on? (atom true))
(def queue (ref clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY))
(def output (ref ()))
(def queue-lengths (ref ()))
(def *max-queue-length* 4)
(defn overseer
([] (overseer 20000))
(Thread/sleep timeout)
(swap! go-on? not)))
(defn queue-length-watch [_ _ _ new-queue-state]
(dosync (alter queue-lengths conj (count new-queue-state))))
(add-watch queue :queue-length-watch queue-length-watch)
(defn producer [tag]
(while #go-on?
(if (dosync (let [l (count (ensure queue))]
(when (< l *max-queue-length*)
(alter queue conj tag)
(Thread/sleep (rand-int 2000))))))
(defn consumer []
(while #go-on?
(Thread/sleep 100) ; don't look at the queue too often
(when-let [item (dosync (let [item (first (ensure queue))]
(alter queue pop)
(Thread/sleep (rand-int 500)) ; do stuff
(dosync (alter output conj item)))))) ; and let us know
(defn pro-con []
(reset! go-on? true)
(dorun (map #(%1 %2)
(repeat 5 producer)
(iterate inc 0)))
(dorun (repeatedly 2 consumer))
A version of the above written using LinkedBlockingQueue. Note how the general outline of the code is basically the same, with some details actually being slightly cleaner. I removed queue-lengths from this version, as LBQ takes care of that constraint for us.
(def go-on? (atom true))
(def *max-queue-length* 4)
(def queue (java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue. *max-queue-length*))
(def output (ref ()))
(defn overseer
([] (overseer 20000))
(Thread/sleep timeout)
(swap! go-on? not)))
(defn producer [tag]
(while #go-on?
(.put queue tag)
(Thread/sleep (rand-int 2000)))))
(defn consumer []
(while #go-on?
;; I'm using .poll on the next line so as not to block
;; indefinitely if we're done; note that this has the
;; side effect that nulls = nils on the queue will not
;; be handled; there's a number of other ways to go about
;; this if this is a problem, see docs on LinkedBlockingQueue
(when-let [item (.poll queue)]
(Thread/sleep (rand-int 500)) ; do stuff
(dosync (alter output conj item)))))) ; and let us know
(defn pro-con []
(reset! go-on? true)
(dorun (map #(%1 %2)
(repeat 5 producer)
(iterate inc 0)))
(dorun (repeatedly 2 consumer))