Linear color gradient not working - c++

I'm currently attempting to create a color gradient class for my Mandelbrot Set explorer.
It reads the color constraints (RGBA8888 color and position between 0 and 1) from a text file and adds them to a vector, which is lateron used to determine colors at a certain position.
To compute a color, the algorithm searches the next constraint to either side from the given position, splits the color into the four single channels, and then, for each one, searches the lower of both and adds a portion of the difference equal to the ratio (x-lpos)/(upos-lpos) to the lower color. Afterwards, the channels are shifted and ORed together, and then returned as RGBA8888 unsigned integer. (See the code below.)
EDIT: I completely rewrote the gradient class, fixing some issues and making it more readable for the sake of debugging (It gets slow as hell, though, but -Os more or less takes care of that). However, It's still not as it's supposed to be.
class Gradient { //remade, Some irrelevant methods and de-/constructors removed
map<double, unsigned int> constraints;
unsigned int operator[](double value) {
//Forbid out-of-range values, return black
if (value < 0 || value > 1+1E-10) return 0xff;
//Find upper and lower constraint
auto upperC = constraints.lower_bound(value);
if (upperC == constraints.end()) upperC = constraints.begin();
auto lowerC = upperC == constraints.begin() ? prev(constraints.end(), 1) : prev(upperC, 1);
if (value == lowerC->first) return lowerC->second;
double lpos = lowerC->first;
double upos = upperC->first;
if (upos < lpos) upos += 1;
//lower color channels
unsigned char lred = (lowerC->second >> 24) & 0xff;
unsigned char lgreen = (lowerC->second >> 16) & 0xff;
unsigned char lblue = (lowerC->second >> 8) & 0xff;
unsigned char lalpha = lowerC->second & 0xff;
//upper color channels
unsigned char ured = (upperC->second >> 24) & 0xff;
unsigned char ugreen = (upperC->second >> 16) & 0xff;
unsigned char ublue = (upperC->second >> 8) & 0xff;
unsigned char ualpha = upperC->second & 0xff;
unsigned char red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, alpha = 0xff;
//Compute each channel using
// lower color + dist(lower, x)/dist(lower, upper) * diff(lower color, upper color)
if (lred < ured)
red = lred + (value - lpos)/(upos - lpos) * (ured - lred);
else red = ured + (upos - value)/(upos - lpos) * (ured - lred);
if (lgreen < ugreen)
green = lgreen + (value - lpos)/(upos - lpos) * (ugreen - green);
else green = ugreen + (upos - value)/(upos - lpos) * (ugreen - lgreen);
if (lblue < ublue)
blue = lblue + (value - lpos)/(upos - lpos) * (ublue - lblue);
else blue = ublue + (upos - value)/(upos - lpos) * (ublue - lblue);
if (lalpha < ualpha)
alpha = lalpha + (value - lpos)/(upos - lpos) * (ualpha - lalpha);
else alpha = ualpha + (upos - value)/(upos - lpos) * (ualpha - lalpha);
//Merge channels together and return
return (red << 24) | (green << 16) | (blue << 8 ) | alpha;
void addConstraint(unsigned int color, double position) {
constraints[position] = color;
Usage in the update method:
image[r + rres*i] = grd[ratio];
//With image being a vector<unsigned int>, which is then used as data source for a `SDL_Texture` using `SDL_UpdateTexture`
It only works partially, though. When I only use a black/white gradient, the resulting image is as intended:
Gradient file:
0 000000ff
1 ffffffff
However, when I use a more colorful gradient (a linear version of the Ultra Fractal gradient, input file below), the image is far from the intended result the image still doesn't show the desired coloring:
Gradient file:
0 000764ff
.16 206bcbff
.42 edffffff
.6425 ffaa00ff
0.8575 000200ff
What am I doing wrong? I've rewritten the operator[] method multiple times, without anything changing.
Questions for clarification or general remarks on my code are welcome.

Your problem is due to an over-complicated interpolation function.
When linearly interpolating in the range a .. b using another factor r (with range 0 .. 1) to indicate the position in that range it's completely unnecessary to determine whether a or b is greater. Either way around you can just use:
result = a + r * (b - a)
If r == 0 this is trivially shown to be a, and if r == 1 the a - a cancels out leaving just b. Similarly if r == 0.5 then the result is (a + b) / 2. It simply doesn't matter if a > b or vice-versa.
The preferred formulation in your case, since it avoids the b - a subtraction that possibly hits range clamping limits is:
result = (1 - r) * a + r * b;
which given appropriate * and + operators on your new RGBA class gives this trivial implementation of your mid function (with no need for per-component operations since they're handled in those operators):
static RGBA mid(const RGBA& a, const RGBA& b, double r) {
return (1.0 - r) * a + r * b;
See, where I've also refactored your RGBA class to put the clamping operations in the constructor rather than within the individual operators.

After some extensive trial-and-error, I finally managed to get it working. (at this point many thanks to #Alnitak, who suggested using a separate RGBA color class.)
The major problem was that, when a color value of the upper constraint was lower than the one of the lower one, I still multiplied with the ratio (x-l)/(u-l), when instead I should have used its pendant, 1 - (x-l)/(u-l), to refer to the color of the upper constraint as the basis for the new one.
Here follows the implementation of the RGBA class and the fixed gradient class:
class RGBA {
unsigned int red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, alpha = 0;
static RGBA mid(RGBA a, RGBA b, double r) {
RGBA color;
if ( < = + ( - * r;
else = + ( - * (1-r);
if ( < = + ( - * r;
else = + ( - * (1-r);
if ( < = + ( - * r;
else = + ( - * (1-r);
if (a.alpha < b.alpha) color.alpha = a.alpha + (b.alpha - a.alpha) * r;
else color.alpha = b.alpha + (a.alpha - b.alpha) * (1-r);
return color;
RGBA() {};
RGBA(unsigned char _red, unsigned char _green, unsigned char _blue, unsigned char _alpha) :
red(_red), green(_green), blue(_blue), alpha(_alpha) {};
RGBA(unsigned int _rgba) {
red = (_rgba >> 24) & 0xff;
green = (_rgba >> 16) & 0xff;
blue = (_rgba >> 8) & 0xff;
alpha = _rgba & 0xff;
operator unsigned int() {
return (red << 24) | (green << 16) | (blue << 8 ) | alpha;
RGBA operator+(const RGBA& o) const {
return RGBA((red + & 0xff, (green + & 0xff, (blue + & 0xff, (alpha + o.alpha) & 0xff);
RGBA operator-(const RGBA& o) const {
return RGBA(min(red -, 0u), min(green -, 0u), min(blue -, 0u), min(alpha - o.alpha, 0u));
RGBA operator~() {
return RGBA(0xff - red, 0xff - green, 0xff - blue, 0xff - alpha);
RGBA operator*(double _f) {
return RGBA((unsigned int) min(red * _f, 0.) & 0xff, (unsigned int) min(green * _f, 0.) & 0xff,
(unsigned int) min(blue * _f, 0.) & 0xff, (unsigned int) min(alpha * _f, 0.) & 0xff);
class Gradient {
map<double, RGBA> constraints;
Gradient() {
constraints[0] = RGBA(0x007700ff);
constraints[1] = RGBA(0xffffffff);
~Gradient() {}
void addConstraint(RGBA color, double position) {
constraints[position] = color;
void reset() {
unsigned int operator[](double value) {
if (value < 0 || value > 1+1E-10) return 0xff;
auto upperC = constraints.lower_bound(value);
if (upperC == constraints.end()) upperC = constraints.begin();
auto lowerC = upperC == constraints.begin() ? prev(constraints.end(), 1) : prev(upperC, 1);
if (value == lowerC->first) return lowerC->second;
double lpos = lowerC->first;
double upos = upperC->first;
if (upos < lpos) upos += 1;
RGBA lower = lowerC->second;
RGBA upper = upperC->second;
RGBA color = RGBA::mid(lower, upper, (value-lpos)/(upos-lpos));
return color;
size_t size() {
return constraints.size();
This is the result:


Pixels Overlay With transparency

I have 2 pixels in B8G8R8A8 (32) format.
Both pixels (top and bottom) has transparency (Alpha channel < 255 )
What is the way (formula) to overlay top pixel on the bottom one ?
(without using 3rd parties).
I tried to do something like this
struct FColor
// Variables.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// Win32 x86
union { struct{ uint8 B,G,R,A; }; uint32 AlignmentDummy; };
// Linux x86, etc
uint8 B GCC_ALIGN(4);
uint8 G,R,A;
union { struct{ uint8 A,R,G,B; }; uint32 AlignmentDummy; };
FORCEINLINE FColor AlphaBlendColors(FColor pixel1, FColor pixel2)
FColor blendedColor;
//Calculate new Alpha:
uint8 newAlpha = 0;
newAlpha = pixel1.A + pixel2.A * (255 - pixel1.A);
//get FColor as uint32
uint32 colora = pixel1.DWColor();
uint32 colorb = pixel2.DWColor();
uint32 rb1 = ((0x100 - newAlpha) * (colora & 0xFF00FF)) >> 8;
uint32 rb2 = (newAlpha * (colorb & 0xFF00FF)) >> 8;
uint32 g1 = ((0x100 - newAlpha) * (colora & 0x00FF00)) >> 8;
uint32 g2 = (newAlpha * (colorb & 0x00FF00)) >> 8;
blendedColor = FColor(((rb1 | rb2) & 0xFF00FF) + ((g1 | g2) & 0x00FF00));
blendedColor.A = newAlpha;
return blendedColor;
But the result is far not what I want :-)
I looked for some Alpha blending formulas (I did never understand how would I calculate a new alpha of the overlay) -> perhaps I was going in a wrong direction ?
Changing the newAlpha to newAlpha = FMath::Min(pixel1.A + pixel2.A, 255);
Actually gives a much better result, but is it right to calculate it like this ? Am I missing something here?
Working Example Based On Accepted Answer)
FORCEINLINE FColor AlphaBlendColors(FColor BottomPixel, FColor TopPixel)
FColor blendedColor;
//Calculate new Alpha:
float normA1 = 0.003921568627451f * (TopPixel.A);
float normA2 = 0.003921568627451f * (BottomPixel.A);
uint8 newAlpha = (uint8)((normA1 + normA2 * (1.0f - normA1)) * 255.0f);
if (newAlpha == 0)
return FColor(0,0,0,0);
//Going By Straight Alpha formula
float dstCoef = normA2 * (1.0f - normA1);
float multiplier = 255.0f / float(newAlpha);
blendedColor.R = (uint8)((TopPixel.R * normA1 + BottomPixel.R * dstCoef) * multiplier);
blendedColor.G = (uint8)((TopPixel.G * normA1 + BottomPixel.G * dstCoef) * multiplier);
blendedColor.B = (uint8)((TopPixel.B * normA1 + BottomPixel.B * dstCoef) * multiplier);
blendedColor.A = newAlpha;
return blendedColor;
Start by assuming that there is a third pixel below that happens to be opaque.
For the further notations, I will assume that alpha values are in [0,1].
Given: three pixels with the first one being on top, colors c_1, c_2, c_3, alpha values a_1, a_2, a_3 = 1
Then the resulting alpha value is obviously 1 and the color is
(a_1)*c_1 + (1-a_1)(*a_2)*c_2 + (1-a_1)*(1-a_2)*c_3
Now, we want to find some values c_k, a_k so that the formula above equates
(a_k)*c_k + (1-a_k)*c_3
We can solve this in two steps:
(1-a_k) = (1-a_1)*(1-a_2)
a_k = 1-(1-a_1)*(1-a_2)
(a_k)*c_k = (a_1)*c_1 + (1-a_1)(*a_2)*c_2
c_k = [(a_1)*c_1 + (1-a_1)(*a_2)*c_2] / a_k
Use those formulas (with a different range for your alpha values) and you get your desired color.
(Don't forget to catch a_k = 0)
edit: Explanation of the third pixel:
When you use your two pixels in any way, that is doing something that results it in being used to display something, they will be put over some other existing color that is opaque. For example, this might be the background color, but it could also be some color that is the result of applying many more transparent pixels on some background color.
What I now do to combine your two colors is to find a color that behaves just like those two colors. That is, putting it on top of some opaque color should result in the same as putting the original two colors on top of it. This is what I demand of the new color, resulting in the formula I use.
The formula is nothing than the result of applying two colors in succession on the third one.

Creating ARGB QImage from uint32 or uchar array

When I try to create a ARGB32 QImage from a reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(quint32*) using the QImage constructor the Image looses its color and alpha channel and the resulting QImage is grayscale!
The grayscale image is displayed as expected, if I was trying to display it in grayscale. So I know the scaling and indexing of ushort data to the quint32 array went well, but what is going wrong?
A Qt forum post suggested to do it the way I am doing it (as far as I can see), but maybe behavior has changed since that version of Qt? (I am Using Qt 5.9)
I realise that the documentation says:
data must be 32-bit aligned, and each scanline of data in the image
must also be 32-bit aligned.
But I would expect quint32 to be 32-bit aligned even after reinterpret_cast<uchar*>()?
Now the details:
I am converting the results of a calculation (an array with unsigned short values) to a semi-transparent blue-to-green-to-red image like this:
inline uchar val_to_blue(const double val) {
if (val > 0.5)
return 0;
else if (val < 0.25)
return 255;
else // x={.5,...,.25}:a=255/(.25-.5)=-4*255 & b=-255*0.5/(0.25-0.5)=4/2*255=2*255
return (uchar)(val * -4.0 * 255.0) + 2 * 255;
inline uchar val_to_green(const double val) {
if (val > 0.25 && val < 0.75)
return 255;
else if (val < 0.25)// x={0,...,.25}:a=255/(.25-0)=4*255 & b=-255*0/(0.25-0)=0
return (uchar)(val * 4.0 * 255.0);
else // if (val > .75) // x={.75,...,1}:a=255/(.75-.5)=4*255 & b=-255*0.5/(0.75-0.5)=-4/2*255=-2*255
return (uchar)(val * -4.0 * 255.0) - 2 * 255;
inline uchar val_to_red(const double val) {
if (val < 0.5)
return 0;
if (val > 0.75)
return 255;
else // x={0.5,...,0.75}:a=255/(0.75-0.5)=4*255 & b=-255*0.5/(0.75-0.5)=-4/2*255=-2*255
return (uchar)(val * 4.0 * 255.0) - 2 * 255;
inline QRgb val_to_rgba_scale(const double val) {
return qRgba( // ax+b={0,...,255} for x={i,...,j}, a=255/(j-i), b= -255i/(j-i)
(uchar)(val * 81)
Where val is a double between 0 and 1 scaled from the ushort data.
Each QRgb value is stored at the corresponding index of a quint32 array, like this:
if (m_pData[i*m_iWidth + j] >= uppVal)
tmpData[tmpIdx] = 0x45ff0000;
else if (m_pData[i*m_iWidth + j] <= lowVal)
tmpData[tmpIdx] = 0x00000000;
tmpData[tmpIdx] = val_to_rgba_scale((m_pData[i*m_iWidth + j] - lowVal) / (double)winWidth);
Where (m_pData[i*m_iWidth + j] - lowVal) / (double)winWidthis the ushort-to-double scaling method.
This is done in a for loop.
Finally I attempt to construct the image with:
QImage tmpQImage = QImage(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(tmpData), m_iWidth, m_iHeight, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
But this doesn't work as I expect, because tmpQImage.allGray() returns true when called immediately after!
What am I doing wrong, and what should I do instead to create a ARGB image and keep both the colors and alpha channel?
I tried to reproduce your problem but I couldn't.
Either the actual issue of the OP is not part of the presented code, or I accidentally missed a detail when I tried to form an MCVE from the OP.
However, I want to present what I got so far as this may be helpful to fix the OP.
My source
#include <vector>
#include <QtWidgets>
typedef unsigned char uchar;
namespace AGA {
uchar val_to_blue(const double val) {
if (val > 0.5)
return 0;
else if (val < 0.25)
return 255;
else // x={.5,...,.25}:a=255/(.25-.5)=-4*255 & b=-255*0.5/(0.25-0.5)=4/2*255=2*255
return (uchar)(val * -4.0 * 255.0) + 2 * 255;
uchar val_to_green(const double val) {
if (val > 0.25 && val < 0.75)
return 255;
else if (val < 0.25)// x={0,...,.25}:a=255/(.25-0)=4*255 & b=-255*0/(0.25-0)=0
return (uchar)(val * 4.0 * 255.0);
else // if (val > .75) // x={.75,...,1}:a=255/(.75-.5)=4*255 & b=-255*0.5/(0.75-0.5)=-4/2*255=-2*255
return (uchar)(val * -4.0 * 255.0) - 2 * 255;
uchar val_to_red(const double val) {
if (val < 0.5)
return 0;
if (val > 0.75)
return 255;
else // x={0.5,...,0.75}:a=255/(0.75-0.5)=4*255 & b=-255*0.5/(0.75-0.5)=-4/2*255=-2*255
return (uchar)(val * 4.0 * 255.0) - 2 * 255;
} // namespace AGA
namespace DS {
uchar val_to_blue(const double val)
return val < 0.25 ? 255
: val < 0.5 ? (0.5 - val) * 4 * 255
: 0;
uchar val_to_green(const double val)
return val < 0.25 ? val * 4 * 255
: val < 0.75 ? 255
: (1.0 - val) * 4 * 255;
uchar val_to_red(const double val)
return val < 0.5 ? 0
: val < 0.75 ? (val - 0.5) * 4 * 255
: 255;
} // namespace DS
std::vector<quint32> buildImageData(
const int w, const int h,
uchar (*pFuncValToR)(double),
uchar (*pFuncValToG)(double),
uchar (*pFuncValToB)(double))
// make temp. buffer to build up raw image data
std::vector<quint32> data(w * h);
// fill raw image - make values 0 ... 1 in n steps
const int n = w - 1;
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
const double v = (double)x / n;
QRgb qRgb = qRgba(pFuncValToR(v), pFuncValToG(v), pFuncValToB(v), 255);
for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) data[y * w + x] = qRgb;
// done
return data;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
qDebug() << "Qt Version: " << QT_VERSION_STR;
QApplication app(argc, argv);
// build contents
enum { w = 256, h = 32 };
std::vector<quint32> dataAGA = buildImageData(w, h,
&AGA::val_to_red, &AGA::val_to_green, &AGA::val_to_blue);
QImage qImgAGA((const uchar*), w, h, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
std::vector<quint32> dataDS = buildImageData(w, h,
&DS::val_to_red, &DS::val_to_green, &DS::val_to_blue);
QImage qImgDS((const uchar*), w, h, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
// build some GUI
QWidget win;
QVBoxLayout qVBox;
QLabel qLblAGA(
QString::fromUtf8("QImage (Functions of Andreas Gravgaard Andersen):"));
QLabel qLblImgAGA;
QLabel qLblDS(
QString::fromUtf8("QImage (Functions of Scheff):"));
QLabel qLblImgDS;
// exec. application
return app.exec();
I compiled and tested it with VS2013, Qt5.6 on Windows 10 (64 bit):
The val_to_ functions made me a little bit suspicious: an expression casted to (uchar), then a constant term added (which definitely does not fit into (uchar), the result returned as uchar...
Therefore, I remade them – with a little bit clean-up.
Actually, the visual comparison shows the differences are nearly invisible (with the only exception of the red line in the yellow region).
I had no problems to make a QImage out of the raw quint32 array (including the cast-to-uchar*-hack).
May be, it is not obvious: The sample code is carefully designed to grant that life-time of buffer data (std::vector<quint32> dataAGA and std::vector<quint32> dataDS) is longer than the life-time of Qt images (QImage qImgAGA and QImage qImgDS). This has been done according to the Qt doc. for QImage::QImage():
The buffer must remain valid throughout the life of the QImage and all copies that have not been modified or otherwise detached from the original buffer. The image does not delete the buffer at destruction. You can provide a function pointer cleanupFunction along with an extra pointer cleanupInfo that will be called when the last copy is destroyed.
Image data may consume a significant amount of memory. Thus, the QImage implementation tries to prevent unnecessary copies (to safe memory space and time). Instead, the "user" (i.e. application developer) is responsible to ensure proper storage of image data.

How to realize Digital fill light in Opencv

I want to realize the function of fill-light by use OpenCV, but There have some problem. Black part of pics is too dark, Photos become blurred, i don't know how to Optimization code。that my code:
V, value, 0~100, increase the amplitude of the brightness.
S,Scope, 0~255, dark is all less than S.
increase exposure to light dark photos increment, unchanged, so to see more details of the dark.
m_imgOriginal: original image ,type:Mat
m_imgNew: new image , clone from m_imgOriginal ,type:Mat
int OpenCVClass::AddExposure(int v, int s)
int new_r = v*m_mean_val.val[0] / 150;
int new_g = v*m_mean_val.val[1] / 150;
int new_b = v*m_mean_val.val[2] / 150;
for (int y = 0; y < m_imgOriginal.rows; y++)
auto ptr = m_imgOriginal.ptr<uchar>(y);
auto qtr = m_imgNew.ptr<uchar>(y);
for (int x = 0; x < m_imgOriginal.cols; x++)
int mean = (ptr[0] + ptr[1] + ptr[2]) / 3;
if (mean <= s)
int r = ptr[0] + new_r;
qtr[0] = r>255 ? 255 : r;
int g = ptr[1] + new_g;
qtr[1] = g>255 ? 255 : g;
int b = ptr[2] + new_b;
qtr[2] = b>255 ? 255 : b;
int newMean = (qtr[0] + qtr[1] + qtr[2]) / 3;
if (newMean > s)
int nr = ptr[0] + (s - mean) ;
int ng = ptr[1] + (s - mean) ;
int nb = ptr[2] + (s - mean) ;
qtr[0] = nr>255 ? 255 : nr;
qtr[1] = ng>255 ? 255 : ng;
qtr[2] = nb>255 ? 255 : nb;
qtr[0] = ptr[0];
qtr[1] = ptr[1];
qtr[2] = ptr[2];
ptr += 3;
qtr += 3;
RenderBuffer(m_imgNew, m_displayBuffer);
return 0;
Optimization before
Optimization after
First, I would suggest to calculate a luminance value for each pixel, when testing agains 's'. I mean calculate 'mean' a different way (see this link on how to calculate luminance):
Second, you are dealing with an 8 bit per channel image, don't expect near-or-perfect dark pixels to have any extra detail when you make them "brighter", they will just become grey or whiter.
Third, when "adding" brightness, I suggest using the HSL representation of pixel color values and increasing the luminance. In pseudocode:
1) Convert pixel color from RGB to HSL.
2) Increase luminance (or 'lightness').
3) Convert back pixel color to RGB.

Change DWORD color alpha channel value

I have a starting color: 0xffff00ff, which is a:255, r:255, g:0, b:255.
The goal is to change the alpha channel of the color to be less opaque based on a percentage. i.e. 50% opacity for that color is roughly 0x80ff00ff.
How I've tried to reach the solution:
DWORD cx = 0xffff00ff;
DWORD cn = .5;
DWORD nc = cx*cn;
DWORD cx = 0xffff00ff;
float cn = .5;
DWORD alphaMask=0xff000000;
DWORD nc = (cx|alphaMask)&((DWORD)(alphaMask*cn)|(~alphaMask));
This should do the trick. all I'm doing here is setting the first 8 bits of the DWORD to 1's with the or (symbolized by '|') and then anding those bits with the correct value you want them to be which is the alpha mask times cn. Of course I casted the result of the multiplication to make it a DWORD again.
This is tested code (in linux). However, you might find a simpler answer. Note: this is RGBA, not ARGB as you have referenced in your question.
double transparency = 0.500;
unsigned char *current_image_data_iterator = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>( const_cast<char *>( this->data.getCString() ) );
unsigned char *new_image_data_iterator = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>( const_cast<char *>( new_image_data->data.getCString() ) );
size_t x;
//cout << "transparency: " << transparency << endl;
for( x = 0; x < data_length; x += 4 ){
//rgb data is the same
*(new_image_data_iterator + x) = *(current_image_data_iterator + x);
*(new_image_data_iterator + x + 1) = *(current_image_data_iterator + x + 1);
*(new_image_data_iterator + x + 2) = *(current_image_data_iterator + x + 2);
//multiply the current opacity by the applied transparency
*(new_image_data_iterator + x + 3) = uint8_t( double(*(current_image_data_iterator + x + 3)) * ( transparency / 255.0 ) );
//cout << "Current Alpha: " << dec << static_cast<int>( *(current_image_data_iterator + x + 3) ) << endl;
//cout << "New Alpha: " << double(*(current_image_data_iterator + x + 3)) * ( transparency / 255.0 ) << endl;
//cout << "----" << endl;
typedef union ARGB
std::uint32_t Colour;
std::uint8_t A, R, G, B;
int main()
DWORD cx = 0xffff00ff;
reinterpret_cast<ARGB*>(&cx)->A = reinterpret_cast<ARGB*>(&cx)->A / 2;
The solution I chose to go with:
DWORD changeOpacity(DWORD color, float opacity) {
int alpha = (color >> 24) & 0xff;
int r = (color >> 16) & 0xff;
int g = (color >> 8) & 0xff;
int b = color & 0xff;
int newAlpha = ceil(alpha * opacity);
UINT newColor = r << 16;
newColor += g << 8;
newColor += b;
newColor += (newAlpha << 24);
return (DWORD)newColor;
I understand your question as: I wish to change a given rgba color component by a certain factor while keeping the same overall transparency.
For a color with full alpha (1.0 or 255), this is trivial: simply multiply the component without touching the others:
//typedef unsigned char uint8
struct rgba {
uint8 components[4];
// uint8 alpha, blue, green, red; // little endian
uint8 &operator[](int index){
return components[index];
rgba color;
if (color[ALPHA] == 255)
color[RED] *= factor;
ComponentFactor(color, RED, factor);
There's'probably not a single answer to that question in the general case. Consider that colors may be encoded alternatively in HSL or HSV. You might want to keep some of these parameters fixed, and allow other to change.
My approach to this problem would be to first try to find the hue distance between the source and target colors at full alpha, and then convert the real source color to HSV, apply the change in hue, then convert back to RGBA. Obviously, that second step is not necessary if the alpha is actually 1.0.
In pseudo code:
rgba ComponentFactor(rgba color, int component, double factor){
rgba fsrc = color, ftgt;
fsrc.alpha = 1.0; // set full alpha
ftgt = fsrc;
ftgt[component] *= factor; // apply factor
hsv hsrc = fsrc, htgt = ftgt; // convert to hsv color space
int distance = htgt.hue - hsrc.hue; // find the hue difference
hsv tmp = color; // convert actual color to hsv
tmp.hue += distance; // apply change in hue
rgba res = tmp; // convert back to RGBA space
return res;
Note how the above rely on type rgba and hsv to have implicit conversion constructors. Algorithms for conversion may be easily found with a web search. It should be also easy to derive struct definitions for hsv from the rgba one, or include individual component access as field members (rather than using the [] operator).
For instance:
//typedef DWORD uint32;
struct rgba {
union {
uint8 components[4];
struct {
uint8 alpha,blue,green,red; // little endian plaform
uint32 raw;
uint8 &operator[](int index){
return components[4 - index];
rgba (uint32 raw_):raw(raw_){}
rgba (uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a):
red(r), green(g), blue(b),alpha(a){}
Perhaps you will have to find a hue factor rather than a distance, or tweak other HSV components to achieve the desired result.

Pixels in YUV image

I am using opencv to achieve object tracking. I read that YUV image is better option to use than RGB image. My problem is that I fail to understand about the YUV format although i spend much time read notes. Y is the brightness which i believe is calculated from the combination of R, G, B component.
My main problem is how can I access and manipulate the pixels in YUV image format. In RGB format its easy to access the component and therefore change it using simple operatin like<Vec3b>(j,i).val[0] = 0; for example
But this is not the case in YUV. I need help in accessing and changing the pixel values in YUV image. For example if pixel in RGB is red, then I want to only keep the corresponding pixel in YUV and the rest is removed. Please help me with this.
I would suggest operating on your image in HSV or LAB rather than RGB.
The raw image from the camera will be in YCbCr (sometimes called YUV, which I think is incorrect, but I may be wrong), and laid out in a way that resembles something like YUYV (repeating), so if you can convert directly from that to HSV, you will avoid additional copy and conversion operations which will save you some time. That may only matter to you if you're processing video or batches of images however.
Here's some C++ code for converting between YCbCr and RGB (one uses integer math, the other floating point):
Colour::bgr Colour::YCbCr::toBgrInt() const
int c0 = 22987;
int c1 = -11698;
int c2 = -5636;
int c3 = 29049;
int y = this->y;
int cb = this->cb - 128;
int cr = this->cr - 128;
int b = y + (((c3 * cb) + (1 << 13)) >> 14);
int g = y + (((c2 * cb + c1 * cr) + (1 << 13)) >> 14);
int r = y + (((c0 * cr) + (1 << 13)) >> 14);
if (r < 0)
r = 0;
else if (r > 255)
r = 255;
if (g < 0)
g = 0;
else if (g > 255)
g = 255;
if (b < 0)
b = 0;
else if (b > 255)
b = 255;
return Colour::bgr(b, g, r);
Colour::bgr Colour::YCbCr::toBgrFloat() const
float y = this->y;
float cb = this->cb;
float cr = this->cr;
int r = y + 1.40200 * (cr - 0x80);
int g = y - 0.34414 * (cb - 0x80) - 0.71414 * (cr - 0x80);
int b = y + 1.77200 * (cb - 0x80);
if (r < 0)
r = 0;
else if (r > 255)
r = 255;
if (g < 0)
g = 0;
else if (g > 255)
g = 255;
if (b < 0)
b = 0;
else if (b > 255)
b = 255;
return Colour::bgr(b, g, r);
And a conversion from BGR to HSV:
Colour::hsv Colour::bgr2hsv(bgr const& in)
Colour::hsv out;
int const hstep = 255 / 3; // Hue step size between red -> green -> blue
int min = in.r < in.g ? in.r : in.g;
min = min < in.b ? min : in.b;
int max = in.r > in.g ? in.r : in.g;
max = max > in.b ? max : in.b;
out.v = max; // v
int chroma = max - min;
if (max > 0)
out.s = 255 * chroma / max; // s
// r = g = b = 0 // s = 0, v is undefined
out.s = 0;
out.h = 0;
out.v = 0; // it's now undefined
return out;
if (chroma == 0)
out.h = 0;
return out;
const int chroma2 = chroma * 2;
int offset;
int diff;
if (in.r == max)
offset = 3 * hstep;
diff = in.g - in.b;
else if (in.g == max)
offset = hstep;
diff = in.b - in.r;
offset = 2 * hstep;
diff = in.r - in.g;
int h = offset + (diff * (hstep + 1)) / chroma2;
// Rotate such that red has hue 0
if (h >= 255)
h -= 255;
assert(h >= 0 && h < 256);
out.h = h;
return out;
Unfortunately I do not have code to do this in one step.
You can also use the built-in OpenCV functions for colour conversion.
cvtColor(img, img, CV_BGR2HSV);
Also the U and V components are calculated as linear combinations of RGB values. Then it means, that different intensities of red (R,0,0) are mapped to some (y*R + a,u*R + b, v*R + c), which again means that to detect "red" in YUV one can calculate if the distance of the pixel to that line determined by y,u,v,a,b,c (some of which are redundant) is close to zero. That's achievable with a single dot product. Then set the remaining pixels to the (0,128,128) in YUV space (I think that's R=0,G=0,B=0 in almost all varieties of YCrCb, YUV and such).
There are several YUV formats, but the common ones keep Y at the same resolution as the original image, but U and V are half size, and are saved as separate or interlaced planes/channels after the single channel Y image buffer.
This allows you to efficiently access Y as a 1-channel 8-bit greyscale image.
Access and manipulate pixels does not know the colorformat so the same code applies for color components Y U and V. If you need to access in RGB mode, best is probably calling cv::cvtColor for your region of interest first.