`Extensibility` group is missing in Visual C++ 2013 (creating custom add-in) - c++

I have an Visual Studio C++ 2013 installed (not an Express edition).
I would like to create an custom add-in, according to http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/324611/Extending-Visual-Studio-Part-2-Creating-Addins
The tutorial here is made for C#, but I guess it's also possible to create an add-in for VC++.
However, when I go to File -> New project -> Other project types the Extensibility group is missing:
How it looks in the tutorial:

You need to install the Visual Studio SDK. See Where is Visual Studio 2013 Extensibility VSIX Project Template. This should give you the extensibility option. It may also be hiding under VC++ -> Extensibility as opposed to Other Project Types -> Extensibility.


How to create an "ATL Project" in Visual Studio Community 2015?

This 2004 tutorial tells me to choose Visual C++ Project / ATL Project in the Visual Studio new project wizard.
PROBLEM: The ATL project type does not seem to exist in my Visual Studio Community 2015.
QUESTION: How to make this option appear? If impossible, what is the nearest option? Tho goal is to write a shell extension in C++.
ATL project support was not installed. To fix this:
Click on the Install Visual C++ 2015 Tools seen in the screenshot above.
Let the download and installation happen
Open the New Project dialog again: The New ATL Project option should appear.
It is doable with the Community version.

Where is the place to add c++ Preprocessor Directives in Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise?

I saw questions similar to this for older versions of Visual Studio but not this latest version. I am following a course on Lynda.com and basically the instructor is trying to use C++ in a pure form that will look the same for students using a visual IDE on Mac. Anyway, the instructor sets up a Working project for teaching the language constructs and such. He right clicks on the project in Visual Studio and under C++ there is Pre-processor section.
I should note that he is using VS 2013 Community Edition. I have a more fully featured version of VS 2015. I don't see that option for defining pre-processor directives on a "project" basis. MS won't let me install 2 copies of VS 2015, but maybe it will let me install VS 2013.
Still, I hope my question makes enough sense as to what we are trying to accomplish, so that I can find the option in VS 2015 Enterprise.
You would need to at least add a .cpp file to your Source Files folder in the the current project that you right will click. That should give you the option you are looking for in Visual Studio 2015.
Right click on your project. Select Properties. You should see the below menu where you can navigate to Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Preprocessor.
This is how I see it in my Visual Studio Enterprise 2015.
Is this what you're looking for?

Word (Office) Automation Visual Studio 2013 C++

I have to make a program which can operate with Word documents (edit, view, create) and use C++ with Visual Studio 2013.
I have searched the net and found out VSTO is only available for Visual Basic and C#.
On the Microsoft site there is "How to create an automation project using MFC and a type library" here but seems it is written for very old versions of Visual Studio (like 5.0 and 6.0). When I reach the ninth step "Select the Automation tab." it seems there is no such tab in ClassWizzard in my version of Visual Studio.
Is there any way to perform automation with C++ in newer versions of Visual Studio like 2013?
I found a way here. Actually I am using the "import" method and it worked for me in console mode(COM method also worked, but it seems to me more complicated), I haven`t tested it for GUI yet. There is not C++ documentation, but can be used Visual Basic API with a bit thinking here.

Visual Studio 2015: Can't create a new empty project c++

I recently got the new version of Visual Studio and I can't seem to find how to create an empty project for C++. The options seem to be only C# and Basic.
The default (typical) installation of Visual Studio 2015 no longer contains the C++ compiler and tools. This was a very popular ask from the community as many developers do not want the footprint C++ brings.
If you go and try to uninstall Visual Studio 2015, the installer screen will pop up and you'll see a button named "Modify". This will change your current installation. Do a custom install and pick the C++ features / libraries that you require.
As far as I know, most editions have C++ support, including Express for Windows, Express for Desktop and the popular Community edition.
Try to open VS with Admin's rights. I tried it, and it works!

General usage of c++ in visual studio

Is it possible to write a c++ code in Visual Studio without using c++.net?
I'm learning c++ at the moment - Using a book.
But I like the Visual Studio IDE but I don't know if it supports c++ or just c++.net.
I usually create a new (empty) directory and copy the source file(s) into that directory, then when creating the Visual Studio project using the name of the directory. To create a standard C++ console program, choose "... console application", then click on next, clear the check boxes below "empty project", and check "empty project". Once you're into the project, click on project, and "add existing item" to add the source file name(s).
If you want 64 bit mode, you'll need to right click on the project name, then properties, then configuration manager, then new, and select x64. It doesn't matter if you do this for debug or release build, it will set x64 mode for both build modes.
Yes, you can. Visual studio supports two types of C++ applications:
C++/CLI (also called managed C++) - Under Visual Studio project wizard, these kind of projects are grouped under CLR
Native C++ - Under Visual Studio project wizard, these are the projects grouped under Win32, MFC, ATL
Note, however, that you can always turn a project from native to managed and vice versa by going into the project properties and switching on/off the Common Language Runtime Support (/clr), so make sure this option is turned off (No CLR).
Also, be aware that different C++ compilers not always support the same C++ features (even if they are part of the standard), and some C++ compilers implement their own extensions to the language. In the case of Visual Studio, it defines Microsoft Extensions to C and C++ that can be turned off (Za) to be more ANSI compliant.
Visual Studio is actually notoriously late when it comes to supporting the C++ standard. Even now, some C++11 features are not part of the latest Visual Studio so keep this in mind when wondering why something you read in a book does not work in Visual C++.
One last note. Avoid using ATL and MFC if you try to be cross-platform compatible. Even if you don't want to be cross-platform compatible, ATL and MFC are only supported by Visual C++ and using them will lock you to using Visual Studio. Now with the Community Edition, both ATL/MFC are available for free if you are an independent developer or a small company, while historically, ATL/MFC were paid-version only as they are not part of Visual Studio Express editions.
It depends on which variant of Visual Studio you're using. If Express edition you want "for Desktop" in order to do ordinary standard C++. With full Visual Studio there's no problem.