I am a beginner of using C++ on MYSQL. I face a setting problem. I tried to follow step by step for this website: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-cpp/en/, but I can't follow it after step5. I have tried other solutions but still not success. Can anyone please provides the steps for me to follow? Thanks.
What I have installed now:
Visual Studio Community 2013
MYSQL Sever 5.6
Connector.C++ 1.1
I am trying to connect to TFS 2013 with VS 2017 via c#. But I could not able to connect and I am getting WITdatastore32.dll is missing.
Can you someone please let me know is it possible to connect to TFS 2013 with VS 2017, if so, what are the steps to be followed?
You can try to install Team Explorer 2013 on your machine. After installation, you need to Browse... for the references here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\ReferenceAssemblies
Check the poster's answer in case Unable to load DLL 'Microsoft.WITDataStore32.dll' (TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking)
Based on the official documentation, the combination of TFS 2013 and Visual Studio 2017 can count on high level of support. Later in the same article, you'll find the description of that term. In particular:
If you are using newer versions of Visual Studio against older versions of Team Foundation Server, you can similarly expect most features to be supported.
However, you should still consider upgrading the TFS instance on a regular basis, since the distance between VS and TFS versions will increase if you only upgrade VS, and thus the level of support will decrease. Take a look at the first image in this article to understand the upgrade path you should take.
I am in the process of migrating my solution from VS 2013 to VS 2017. I installed correct version of TDS (TDS for VS 2017) and when trying to open the solution in VS 2017, TDS projects are not loading and throwing following error.
Tried an option in the error dialog box to convert TDS project to .net framework 4.6.1 but it does nothing and TDS projects are still not loading. Not sure how to fix it.
Do I really need .Net framework 4.0 installed on this machine?
Would appreciate if someone can chime in with solution for similar migration.
I would try and adjust your project target Framework to be the 4.6.1 FW manually. Then open TDS with the latest and greatest versions. Good luck, I just upgraded...You will like it.
I am able to resolve this by re-installing VS 2010. I had VS 2010 which I uninstalled as I am not using it anymore but after reinstalling it back, I am able to load TDS project correctly in VS 2017.
Someone mentioned here a repair option, which I didn't try but looks like it can resolve such issues. May be helpful.
I have successfully built the new libmongo-cxx-driver on Windows with Visual Studio, but I fail understanding how I can set up a project in VS 2015 to link to it. I would appreciate some help on that.
Vcpkg helps you get C and C++ libraries on Windows.
if someone still finding a solution by 2017.
here is the new way of compiling libraries
Download vcpkg follow the instructions as mentioned on git. https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg
Step 1 C:\vcpkg>.\vcpkg search mongodb
you will see something like this
mongo-c-driver 1.6.2-1 Client library written in C for MongoDB.
mongo-cxx-driver 3.1.1-1 MongoDB C++ Driver.
Step 2 C:.\vcpkg install mongo-cxx-driver
then grab a cup of coffee ...
Step 3
C:\vcpkg>.\vcpkg integrate install
Note Prerequisites:
Windows 10, 8.1, or 7
Visual Studio 2017 or Visual Studio 2015 Update 3
Answered by #JoyoWaseem
How can I build a program using c++ driver of MongoDB?
Today I installed Visual Studio 2015 on my laptop, though I just realised I didn't make the custom install option and I cannot write code in c++ . I tried installing the c++ redistriputable , but there was an error that said I should be using windows XP or newer (although I use windows 10?!?) . I can see the c++ redistriputable pack on my computer programs though. Please help, I need visual studio for a college project! Thank you!
You will either need to re-run setup and select the required options or alternatively, navigate to the New Project window in the IDE and look for the 'Install Microsoft Foundation Classes for C++" template. Running it should install the required libraries.
Please reference the following MS guide - https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2015/07/24/setup-changes-in-visual-studio-2015-affecting-c-developers/
So,I am trying to port some old code to newer version of vs so I imported the sln of the project into my vs 2013 and I get this error and some others and I have gone through some of the other questions on this forum.So I understand that this has something to do with MFC(microsoft foundation classes) but all of them talk about vs 2010 express edition which doesn't include MFC module.I am currently using vs 2013 community edition which is supposed to have full feature access of vs.Still I get this error so please help!!
While installing Visual Studio 2013, you need to select the MFC option: