Pattern matching for strings independent from symbols - regex

I have need for an algorithm which can find pre-defined patterns in data (which is present in the form of strings) independent from the actual symbols/characters of the data and the pattern. I only care about the relations between the symbols, not the symbols themselves. It is also legal to have different pattern symbols for the same symbol in the data. The only thing the pattern matching algorithm has to enforce is that multiple occurences of the same symbol in the pattern are preserved. To give you an example:
The pattern is abca, so the first and the last letter are the same. For my application, an equivalent way to write this would be 1 2 3 1, where the digits are just variables. The data I have is thistextisatest. The resulting algorithm should give me two correct matches here, text and test. Because only in these two cases, the first and the fourth letter are the same, as in the pattern.
As a second example, the pattern abcd should return 12 matches (one for each position in thistextisat). Since no variable in the pattern is repeated, it is trivially matched everywhere. Even in the case of text and test, because it is legal that the variables a and d of the pattern map to the same symbol.
The goal of this algorithm should be to detect similarities in written language. Imagine having a dictionary of the English language and parsing it with the pattern unseen or equivalently 1 2 3 4 4 2. You would then see that, for example, the word belittle contains the same pattern of letters.
So, now that I hopefully made clear what I need, I have some questions:
What is this algorithm called? Is it a well-known problem that has been solved?
Are there publications on the matter? It is really hard to find anything useful when you don't know the correct search terms to separate this problem from regular pattern matching.
Is there a ready implementation of this?
I have not used Regex for anything too complicated, so I don't know if anything like this would even be possible in Regex, when you basically do not care about the symbols as such, but only consider the pattern of their occurences.
I'd really appreciate your help!

I don't think you need regular expressions here. Your search term:
This has six characters, so index each word of your text into 6-mers
12,12,12,12,11,12,12 2-mers
123,123,123,122,112,123 3-mers
1234,1234,1233,1223,1123 4-mers
12345,12344,12334,12234 5-mers
123455,123442,123321 6-mers
So just looking at the 6-mers, you've got a match. Any 6 digit number less than your search term would also be a match, to allow for the abcd (1234) case matching an abca (1231) word.
So given a search term of n characters, just split each word into its constituent n-mers and check for numeric equal or less than.


What's the regular expression for an alphabet without the first occurrence of a letter?

I am trying to use FLEX to recognize some regular expressions that I need.
What I am looking for is given a set of characters, say [A-Z], I want a regular expression that can match the first letter no matter what it is, followed by a second letter that can be anything in [A-Z] besides the first letter.
For example, if I give you AB, you match it but if I give you AA you don't. So I am kind of looking for a regex that's something like
[A-Z][A-Z^Besides what was picked in the first set].
How could this be implemented for more occurrences of letters? Say if I want to match 3 letters without each new letter being anything from the previous ones. For instance ABC but not AAB.
Thank you!
(Mathematical) regular expressions have no context. In (f)lex -- where regular expressions are actually regular, unlike most regex libraries -- there is no such thing as a back-reference, positive or negative.
So the only way to accomplish your goal with flex patterns is to enumerate the possibilities, which is tedious for two letters and impractical for more. The two letter case would be something like (abbreviated);
The inverse expression also has 26 cases but is easier to type (and read). You could use (f)lex's first-longest-match rule to make use of it:
AA|BB|CC|DD|…|ZZ { /* Two identical letters */ }
[[:upper:]]{2} { /* This is the match */ }
Probably, neither of those is the best solution. However, I don't think I can give better advice without knowing more specifics. The key is knowing what action you want to take if the letters do match, which you don't specify. And what the other patterns are. (Recall that a lexical scanner is intended to divide the input into tokens, although you are free to ignore a token once it is identified.)
Flex does come with a number of useful features which can be used for more flexible token handling, including yyless (to rescan part or all of the token), yymore (to combine the match with the next token), and unput (to insert a character into the input stream). There is also REJECT, but you should try other solutions first. See the flex manual chapter on actions for more details.
So the simplest solution might be to just match any two capital letters, and then in the action check whether or not they are the same.

A Regex to ignore a set of words

Is there a way to set regex to ignore a set of words separated by space?
I have different products names like:
"Matrix 10X, 10 ml + DISPENSER"
"Matrix 10X,10ml + DISPENSER" where the quantity varies
What I'm trying to do is to replace using regex all words except for:
"10 ml" | "10 ML" | "10ml" ---> these are to be ignored
I have found a code to replace all characters except words separated by space (like "10 ml")
and to replace them when they are together (like "10ml")
but can find a way to mix them together to keep just "10 ml" OR "10 ML" OR "10ml" and remove other characters up to the end of the string
Regexps are a mathematical model to do efficient computer recognition of strings. As easy as getting a regular expression to match a string if it has any of some words, math demonstrates that the regexp to get a matcher of strings that just matches a string if it has none of those words is possible. The way to get such a regexp, although is far more complex.
On regular expressions theory, a regular language is one that allows you to set a finite automaton from a regular expression, and the automaton that recognizes a string if the original doesn't is feasible by just switching all accept states into non-accepting states. Once done this, the hardest part is to build a regular expression that matches that automaton (that is possible, but the final regular expression is far more complex, in general than the original) This can be solved with an example (a simple one) and you'll see that that is a complex thing (of course, some regexp libraries allow you to use an operand for this, but you don't specify if the one you are using does) One such sample is when you have to recognize a simple C language comment. A comment is a string delimited by the sequences /* and */ but in the inner part, you cannot have the sequence */.
The first approach could be to use the following regexp:
but that fails, as the inner regexp includes the recognition of */ as part of it, so /* bla bla bla */ bla bla bla */ will be recognized as a comment in whole (it should end at the first */) so wee need a regexp that recognizes anything but not something that includes */
Such subexpression is:
which means and undefinite concatenation of characters different that *, or sequences that, including the first character as * are not followed by /. If you follow that concatenation, you'll see that it's impossible to form a sequence */ leading to our final regexp:
(now you see how the things complicate)
To extend this to a single word (as word, more than two letters) you have to consider that you can allow:
in the set, and if you have two words (like foo and bar) you have to write:
meaning that for each word you have such regexps, making the final regexp a bit complicated. Also, there can be interactions between words if some can be the prefix to another or some have the same prefix chars. This also can have the problem that the compilation of regexps into finite automata has produced many libraries that consider the | operator non conmutative and resolve them in a non conmutative way, leading to erroneous results.
You have not explained also what you mean with ignoring. If you mean matching them and pass around, is different to mean to ignore the whole line they could appear on. The regexps then (an the definition of the problem you need to solve is quite different ---my explanation was in the sense of rejecting a full sentence if it has any of the words on it, which probably is not what you mean) So please, explain (in your question) what do you mean with:
accepting you have matched a sentence containing a word.
rejecting such a sentence.
what are you rejecting (or ignoring) at all.
Rejecting just a word, is simply selecting a sencence that contains that word, and mark the word to be able to pass over it. But that's a different problem, and it requires to select sentences that do have the word.

Pattern matching language knowledge, pattern matching approach

I am trying to implement a pattern matching "syntax" and language.
I know of regular expressions but these aren't enough for my scopes.
I have individuated some "mathematical" operators.
In the examples that follow I will suppose that the subject of pattern mathing are character strings but it isn't necessary.
Having read the description bellow: The question is, does any body knows of a mathematical theory explicitating that or any language that takes the same approach implementing it ? I would like to look at it in order to have ideas !
Descprition of approach:
At first we have characters. Characters may be aggregated to form strings.
A pattern is:
a) a single character
b) an ordered group of patterns with the operator matchAny
c) an ordered group of patterns with the operator matchAll
d) other various operators to see later on.
We have a subject character string and a starting position.
If we check for a match of a single character, then if it matches it moves the current position forward by one position.
If we check for a match of an ordered group of patterns with the operator matchAny then it will check each element of the group in sequence and we will have a proliferation of starting positions that will get multiplied by the number of possible matches being advanced by the length of the match.
E.G suppose the group of patterns is { "a" "aba" "ab" "x" "dd" } and the string under examination is:
"Dabaxddc" with current position 2 ( counting from 1 ).
Then applying matchAny with the previous group we have that "a" mathces "aba" matches and "ab" matches while "x" and "dd" do not match.
After having those matches there are 3 starting positions 3 4 5 ( corresponding to "a" "ab" "aba" ).
We may continue our pattern matching by accepting to have more then one starting positions. So now we may continue to the next case under examination and check for a matchAll.
matchAll means that all patterns must match sequentially and are applied sequentially.
subcases of matchAll are match0+ match1+ etc.
I have to add that the same fact to try to ask the question has already helped me and cleared me out some things.
But I would like to know of similar approaches in order to study them.
Please only languages used by you and not bibliography !!!
I suggest you have a look at the paper "Parsing Permutation Phrases". It deals with recognizing a set of things in any order where the "things" can be recognizers themselves. The presentation in the paper might be a little different than what you expect; they don't compile to finite automaton. However, they do give an implementation in a functional language and that should be helpful to you.
Your description of matching strings against patterns is exactly what a compiler does. In particular, your description of multiple potential matches is highly reminiscent of the way an LR parser works.
If the patterns are static and can be described by an EBNF, then you could use an LR parser generator (such as YACC) to generate a recogniser.
If the patterns are dynamic but can still be formulated as EBNF there are other tools that can be applied. It just gets a bit more complicated.
[In Australia at least, Computer Science was a University course in 1975, when I did mine. YACC dates from around 1970 in its original form. EBNF is even older.]

How do I find words with all the specified characters, with repetition?

Is there a way to find the words containing all the given characters, include the repetitive ones, with regular expression? For example, I want to find all words from list
aabc, abbc, bbbc, aaac, aaab, baac, caab, abca
that contain exactly one 'b' and two 'a's, i.e. aabc, baac, caab, and abca (but NOT aaab as it has an additional 'a'). Word length doesn't matter.
While this question
GREP How do I only retrieve words with only the specified letters?
could give me some hint, I wasn't able to extend it so it will find repeative characters.
I am just playing with re module from Python, but there is no restrcition on language / tool for the question.
A better example / usecase would be: Given a list of words, show only those that contain all the letters entered by a user, e.g. I would like to find all words containing exactly one 'a', two 'd's and one 's'. Is this something regex capable of? (I already know how to do it without regex.)
To match exactly 2 a's and 1 b (in any order) in your input string use this regex:
Here is a live demo for you.
If your regex flavor supports lookaheads, then you can use this:
This requires at least one b and exactly 2 a's, and allows only a, b and c in the string. If you want to require exactly one b and exactly 4 characters in total, use this:

Random string that matches a regexp [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Using Regex to generate Strings rather than match them
(12 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
How would you go about creating a random alpha-numeric string that matches a certain regular expression?
This is specifically for creating initial passwords that fulfill regular password requirements.
Welp, just musing, but the general question of generating random inputs that match a regex sounds doable to me for a sufficiently relaxed definition of random and a sufficiently tight definition of regex. I'm thinking of the classical formal definition, which allows only ()|* and alphabet characters.
Regular expressions can be mapped to formal machines called finite automata. Such a machine is a directed graph with a particular node called the final state, a node called the initial state, and a letter from the alphabet on each edge. A word is accepted by the regex if it's possible to start at the initial state and traverse one edge labeled with each character through the graph and end at the final state.
One could build the graph, then start at the final state and traverse random edges backwards, keeping track of the path. In a standard construction, every node in the graph is reachable from the initial state, so you do not need to worry about making irrecoverable mistakes and needing to backtrack. If you reach the initial state, stop, and read off the path going forward. That's your match for the regex.
There's no particular guarantee about when or if you'll reach the initial state, though. One would have to figure out in what sense the generated strings are 'random', and in what sense you are hoping for a random element from the language in the first place.
Maybe that's a starting point for thinking about the problem, though!
Now that I've written that out, it seems to me that it might be simpler to repeatedly resolve choices to simplify the regex pattern until you're left with a simple string. Find the first non-alphabet character in the pattern. If it's a *, replicate the preceding item some number of times and remove the *. If it's a |, choose which of the OR'd items to preserve and remove the rest. For a left paren, do the same, but looking at the character following the matching right paren. This is probably easier if you parse the regex into a tree representation first that makes the paren grouping structure easier to work with.
To the person who worried that deciding if a regex actually matches anything is equivalent to the halting problem: Nope, regular languages are quite well behaved. You can tell if any two regexes describe the same set of accepted strings. You basically make the machine above, then follow an algorithm to produce a canonical minimal equivalent machine. Do that for two regexes, then check if the resulting minimal machines are equivalent, which is straightforward.
String::Random in Perl will generate a random string from a subset of regular expressions:
use strict;
use warnings;
use String::Random qw/random_regex/;
print random_regex('[A-Za-z]{3}[0-9][A-Z]{2}[!##$%^&*]'), "\n";
If you have a specific problem, you probably have a specific regular expression in mind. I would take that regular expression, work out what it means in simple human terms, and work from there.
I suspect it's possible to create a general regex random match generator, but it's likely to be much more work than just handling a specific case - even if that case changes a few times a year.
(Actually, it may not be possible to generate random matches in the most general sense - I have a vague memory that the problem of "does any string match this regex" is the halting problem in disguise. With a very cut-down regex language you may have more luck though.)
I have written Parsley, which consist of a Lexer and a Generator.
Lexer is for converting a regular expression-like string into a sequence of tokens.
Generator is using these tokens to produce a defined number of codes.
$generator = new \Gajus\Parsley\Generator();
* Generate a set of random codes based on Parsley pattern.
* Codes are guaranteed to be unique within the set.
* #param string $pattern Parsley pattern.
* #param int $amount Number of codes to generate.
* #param int $safeguard Number of additional codes generated in case there are duplicates that need to be replaced.
* #return array
$codes = $generator->generateFromPattern('FOO[A-Z]{10}[0-9]{2}', 100);
The above example will generate an array containing 100 codes, each prefixed with "FOO", followed by 10 characters from "ABCDEFGHKMNOPRSTUVWXYZ23456789" haystack and 2 numbers from "0123456789" haystack.
This PHP library looks promising: ReverseRegex
Like all of these, it only handles a subset of regular expressions but it can do fairly complex stuff like UK Postcodes:
([A-PR-UWYZ]([0-9]([0-9]|[A-HJKSTUW])?|[A-HK-Y][0-9]([0-9]|[ABEHMNPRVWXY])?) ?[0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2}|GIR0AA)
B6 6SB
P9 7EX
N9 2DH
GQ28 4UL
You'd need to write a string generator that can parse regular expressions and generate random members of character ranges for random lengths, etc.
Much easier would be to write a random password generator with certain rules (starts with a lower case letter, has at least one punctuation, capital letter and number, at least 6 characters, etc) and then write your regex so that any passwords created with said rules are valid.
Presuming you have both a minimum length and 3-of-4* (or similar) requirement, I'd just be inclined to use a decent password generator.
I've built a couple in the past (both web-based and command-line), and have never had to skip more than one generated string to pass the 3-of-4 rule.
3-of-4: must have at least three of the following characteristics: lowercase, uppercase, number, symbol
It is possible (for example, Haskell regexp module has a test suite which automatically generates strings that ought to match certain regexes).
However, for a simple task at hand you might be better off taking a simple password generator and filtering its output with your regexp.