GATE - How to create a new annotation SET? - gate

I am starting to learn GATE. I created an annotation with features but I would like to put it in a new annotation set.
Can someone please tell me how to do it with JAPE?

I found the answer to my question in and
They said that a JAPE rule can't refer to more than one annotation set. These annotation sets are defined in the PR runtime parameters (outputASName, inputASName).
--> So I guess that if I want my annotation to belong to a "Key" annotation set, I should put "Key" in outputASName of my Jape transducer.
Thanks for your help Ian =)


M2DOC DRepresentation isVisibleInDoc

I am using Capella 1.4.0 and I would like to put my diagrams in my wordx using M2DOC, only if the attribute "Visible in documention" of the sheet "Management" is set to true.
I don't see the method isVisibleInDoc of the DREpresentation object.
Someone can help me please ?
This is not supported yet, see

Camunda custom candidate task property

I am new in Camunda.
Could you please tell me whether it is possible to add custom property 'camunda:candidateUsersReadOnly' something like:
<bpmn:userTask id="Task_1eqdx5t" name="task name" camunda:candidateUsers="IC754VBA08D5UC93XE,IC754VBA08D5UC93ZC" camunda:candidateUsersReadOnly="IC754VBA08D5UC93XE,IC754VBA08D5UC93ZC">
and then call getTaskService().getIdentityLinksForTask(taskId) to get ids defined in 'camunda:candidateUsersReadOnly' ?
Pretty sure you can't use a custom camunda: namespace attribute. But maybe you could achieve your goal by using extension elements.
You can add them on the "extension" tab of the properties panel in the modeler.
See Extension Elements for documentation and samples.

How do I add a name for a constraint in Pyomo?

I want to add names to my constraints so that it's easier to read the .lp / .gams files.
EDIT: Sorry if I hadn't mentioned, but I want to do this when a constraint list is initialized and constraints are added to it. Pyomo documentation has it only for normal constraints.
I was using PuLP before and was able to just add a string in the end of a constraint. Not sure how to do it with Pyomo. Documentation does not show it anywhere.
This question was answered on the Pyomo forum:!topic/pyomo-forum/5DgnivI1JRY

Dialogflow to Actions on Google: Request contains an invalid argument

Request contains an invalid argument.
The query pattern '$SchemaOrg_Date:date' contains an undefined parameter (name: 'date' type: 'SchemaOrg_Date')
No idea what happened to my dialogflow.It gives me the error and no idea where to look for SchemaOrg_Date and date
Any help is appreciated.
Found it within one of 200 Intents!
The intent had a parameter #date-period
As User says, we had Yesterday which dialogflow did not select it as #date-period but #date
Do not look on your Json(s), you need to manually find it on your Intents.
I was setting an entity slot to a 'required' value, which caused it to fail, if I didn't provide a hard coded Response in Dialogflow for the required value.
This might help sombody :
In your dialogflow, if you have different langages, be careful to chose the good one in your api and for this problem, to check the intents of the other langages versions, the intents you created are not the same everywhere !
for exemple : if you created intents in the langage en-us and en-gb, you need to check the intents on both.
Took the night to find that out. and i don't agree with user2793508, you can find the entity by doing a research on your json files, that's how i knew where to look and when i didn't see it, i checked the other langages just per curiosity, that saved me, lol.
Hope i was clear, see ya
I had the same problem but it is resolved now.
There was a problem in the intent as the Training phrases was not assigned to the given
Action and parameters
there the multiple copies of the same Parameter was created.
Example : John wants a flower
name - "John"
name - " "
two parameters with same name will create the error
remove the one without any use or self created one and the error will be removed.
or assign the keyword by double clicking them to the preferred parameter in Training phrases .

How to get the full name of a Sitecore DMS rule?

I'm using Sitecore. I want to get the full name/description of a DMS rule in programcode by Sitecore ID, for example: "Where the DayOfWeek has a value that is equal to Tuesday".
Who knows how to do this?
Thanks a lot.
I don't know of a simple way, but the class responsible for rendering the rule text is Sitecore.Shell.Applications.Rules.RulesRenderer in Sitecore.Client.dll.
Its constructor accepts the XML from a rules field and you call the Render method, passing in a prepared HtmlTexteWriter. It also has a bunch of fairly self-explanatory private methods like RenderRule, RenderCondition etc.
I'm sure if you decompile that class you can pick out the bits you need.