Why there is no card(register by the host app i develop) show up on Sony SmartEyeGlass - sony-smarteyeglass

I have a GPS navigation app. now i want to use this app as the host app, and display some info on the Sony SmartEyeGlass.
But i am stuck at the first step...
First off, i want to show a card on the Sony SmartEyeGlass. i read the web site
According to it, i try to modify sample code from HelloLayout and put them into my host app. Anyway,after i launch the host app, nothing change on the SmartEyeGlass.
Any thoughts? im sorry if i didnt make my problem clear. i will be happy to provide more detail if anyone need it.
Please help. i am desperate...
Thanks in advance!!

Those guides are usually incomplete. Try importing an example app and begin from there.

I had the same problem. It turned out, that if I implemented getRequiredNotificationApiVersion() in RegistrationInformation class to return "4", the whole App didn't run any longer.
To exclude this problem, modify the concerned code in your RegistrationInformation class implementation to the following:
private static final int CONTROL_API_VERSION = 4;
public int getRequiredWidgetApiVersion() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public int getTargetControlApiVersion() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public int getRequiredControlApiVersion() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public int getRequiredSensorApiVersion() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public int getRequiredNotificationApiVersion() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub


Is there any way of checking if a website is using a 3rd party cookie?

I have a list of websites that i have to check if there are any 3rd party cookies.
And going through everyone one of them an checking is not the smartest way of doing it..
Does any one know any solution of checking a hand full of links ?
If anyone has any idea let me know please.
I'm not sure if you need any more informations.
Thinking VSCode + Nunit + Selenium might be a pretty quick way to pop open a browser and confirm your cookies. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/testing/unit-testing-with-nunit
pair that with some code like:
namespace YourProject
using NUnit.Framework;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
using System;
class Chrome
private IWebDriver driver;
public void StartTest()
driver = new ChromeDriver();
public void EndTest()
public void CheckAllSiteCookies()
public void CookieCheck(string cookieInfo)
// C# example provided here for reading cookies
// https://www.guru99.com/handling-cookies-selenium-webdriver.html

Mvx.Resolve fails in unit tests

I'm currently trying to write unit tests for an android/ios application written in xamaring using mvvmcross. I've followed the instructions in the wiki and they do work well to the point when a service tries to change the ViewModel this way:
var viewDispatcher = Mvx.Resolve<IMvxViewDispatcher>();
new MvxViewModelRequest(typeof(HomeViewModel), null, null, MvxRequestedBy.Unknown));
The tests fail at the first line with Mvx.Resolve();. I assume this is down to registering the interfaces in the mock IoC container:
this.mockDispatcher = new MockDispatcher();
so Mvx cannot resolve then when called this way. Can this code be tested or is there any other possibility to change the ViewModel from the service?
I think your AdditionalSetup never gets called. You have to add the SetUp attribute to a setup method and call the Setup() of MvxIoCSupportingTest if you use nunit, else the respective attribute.
public abstract class MvxTestBase : MvxIoCSupportingTest
protected MockDispatcher mockDispatcher;
protected override void AdditionalSetup()
this.mockDispatcher = new MockDispatcher();
public virtual void SetupTest()
Or you call it in each test as shown here: https://mvvmcross.com/docs/testing#section-test-class-declaration-and-setup

Need help testing Binding in Windows Phone 8

I hope someone has already faced and solved this issue, and can point me to the correct direction.
So I have rest of my unit tests working: Core.Tests has tests for ViewModels to see they are working properly. Now I would like to set up a test project for Phone.Tests that would only test out the binding. So suppose on the login page, something get's entered into the username text box, and that value should be updated in ViewModel and vice-versa.
As a testing framework, I am using WP Toolkit Test framework, and not MS one; WP Toolkit framework runs on the phone itself, meaning it has access to the UI thread.
In theory a test is supposed to look like following:
public void Username_Update_View_Should_Update_Model()
const string testUsername = "Testing";
var usernameTextBox = GetUiElement<PhoneTextBox>("UsernamePhoneTextBox");
// initial value
Assert.AreEqual(null, _viewModel.Authorization.Username, "Default value should be blank");
usernameTextBox.Text = testUsername;
Assert.AreEqual(testUsername, _viewModel.Authorization.Username, "Binding not set for {0}", "Username");
private T GetUiElement<T>(string name) where T : UIElement
return (T)_view.FindName(name);
Now, I need to somehow create the view in [TestInitialize] method, and this is what I think I have setup wrong.
I have tried creating the ViewModel manually; then I created the View manually, and binded both DataContext and ViewModel (just to be on safe side) to created viewModel.
At this point, I am expecting changing one property on any one should update the other.
Of-course the error is my test fails. I can't figure out if I should be looking at a custom presenter (all the examples seem to be for ios, droid.) I also tried the following:
public class TestAppStart : MvxNavigatingObject, IMvxAppStart
public void Start(object hint = null)
and then on my testInitialize I thought I could start it, but I guess I need to find RegisterAppStart and once that's done, try to get the view back from RootFrame.
There must be an easier way... anyone??
Thanks in advance.
Edited: I have got this following as Base Test
public abstract class BaseTest
private IMvxIoCProvider _ioc;
protected IMvxIoCProvider Ioc
return _ioc;
public void Setup()
protected virtual void ClearAll()
_ioc = MvxSimpleIoCContainer.Initialize();
_ioc.RegisterSingleton((IMvxTrace)new DebugTrace());
private static void InitialiseSingletonCache()
protected virtual void InitialiseMvxSettings()
_ioc.RegisterSingleton((IMvxSettings)new MvxSettings());
protected virtual void AdditionalSetup()
_ioc.RegisterSingleton<IApplicationData>(() => new ApplicationData());
_ioc.RegisterSingleton<IPlatformSpecific>(() => new PlatformSpecific());
_ioc.RegisterSingleton<IValidatorFactory>(() => new ValidatorFactory());
_ioc.RegisterType<IMvxMessenger, MvxMessengerHub>();
On my TestClass initialize, I call base.Setup(), which does setup except the ViewDispatcher. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to use that dispatcher:
I guess really the question I am asking is: how do I get a View through MvvmCross.
PS: I am actually surprised that most don't test the bindings; isn't it where the most amount of mistakes is likely to happen? I am pretty sure the project compiles even if I had bad binding :) scary kind of reminds me of early asp days.
PS: I have actually got another testProject that tests the ViewModels; on that testProject I have managed to hookup following the guidelines at
Which works beautifully; and also uses autoFixture, NSubstitute and xUnit: and I can't use any of them in Phone Test project.
From my experience, testing the bindings themselves is pretty unusual - most developers stop their testing at the ViewModel and ValueConverter level.
However, if you want to test the bindings, then this should be possible. I suspect the only problem in your current tests is that you haven't initialised any of the MvvmCross infrastructure and so MvxViewModel isn't able to propagate INotifyPropertyChanged events.
If you want to initialise this part of the MvvmCross infrastructure, then be sure to initialise at least:
the MvvmCross IoC container
the MvvmCross main thread dispatcher
This is similar to what is done in the unit tests in the N=29 video - see https://github.com/MvvmCross/NPlus1DaysOfMvvmCross/blob/master/N-29-TipCalcTest/TipCalcTest.Tests/FirstViewModelTests.cs#L57
For your app, you can do this using something like:
public static class MiniSetup
public static readonly MiniSetup Instance = new MiniSetup();
private MiniSetup()
public void EnsureInitialized(Context applicationContext)
if (MvxSimpleIoCContainer.Instance != null)
var ioc = MvxSimpleIoCContainer.Initialize();
ioc.RegisterSingleton<IMvxTrace>(new MvxDebugOnlyTrace());
var mockDispatcher = new SimpleDispatcher();
where SimpleDispatcher is something like:
public class SimpleDispatcher
: MvxMainThreadDispatcher
public readonly List<MvxViewModelRequest> Requests = new List<MvxViewModelRequest>();
public bool RequestMainThreadAction(Action action)
return true;
If you want further MvvmCross functionality available (e.g. ShowViewModel navigation), then you'll need to provide further services - e.g. things like IMvxViewDispatcher - as the number of these increases, you might be better off just running through a full MvxSetup process (like your main app's Setup does)

Dll's, Message Boxes, and Unit Testing

Ok... I am working on a dll that manages some configured settings (I won't bore you with the details and reasoning here as that doesn't apply). I have a class for referencing assemblies to use to interface with this system. this class has a Load() method. When there are read or validation errors, I currently have it showing a message box. I didn't feel it should be the responsibility of the referencing assembly to manage this? Or am I wrong? Currently this is creating havoc with creating unit tests, so I'm considering adding a property to suppress messages, but still allow the exceptions to be thrown. I read on one other SO posting where someone was recommended to use IoC and a dialog result helper class. The illustration was with Constructor Injection... but that would again put that responsibility into the hands of the referencing assembly. What's best practice in this case?
Personally, I think you're wrong - sorry. The DLL's responsibility is to notify of the errors, the calling code's responsibility is to determine what to do with that notification. If it's a GUI, then it can show a dialog box. If it's a unit test, it can test appropriately. If it's a website, it can write the notification out in HTML to the user. If it's a service of some sort, it can log it. And so on.
You can use a delegate to send messages to be handled elsewhere. I have made an example below using a unittest:
public delegate void ErrorHandlingDelegate(Exception exception); //The delegate
public class AsseblymRefClass //Your class doing the business logic
public void DoStuff(ErrorHandlingDelegate errorHandling) //Passing the delegate as argument
//Do your stuff
throw new Exception();
catch (Exception ex)
errorHandling(ex); //Calling the delegate
//Another class that can handle the error through its method 'HandleErrorsFromOtherClass()'
public class ErrorHandlingClass
public void HandleErrorsFromOtherClass(Exception exception)
public void testmethod() //The test that creates your class, and a class for the errorhandling, and connects the two
ErrorHandlingClass errorHandling = new ErrorHandlingClass();
AsseblymRefClass assemblyRef = new AsseblymRefClass();
Any method that fits the delegate can be used. Thus, you can replace your production code, with something that doesn't show a messagebox when unit testing.

Applaud (Phonegap) application not acknowledging cookies

I have an app built for Android (and hopefully soon iPhone) using Phonegap's web interface AppLaud.
It's working almost perfectly, except that it does not seem to be acknowledging cookie data.
I saw this question, which addresses pretty much the same issue, except the answer is targeted for the Phonegap Eclipse plugin. Even if I understood the answer (which I don't fully), I don't see how I would apply it in the AppLaud interface.
How do I get an AppLaud built app to store and receive cookies?
I would try the methods exposed here: Android: How to store cookies? by adding them to the onCreate or init methods of the App.java class of the PhoneGap project.
You should have a file called app.java in your PhoneGap project, probably with this contents or similar:
public class App extends DroidGap {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Modify it to look like this to test the CodeSyncManager example:
public class App extends DroidGap {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {