Outputting Huffman codes to file - c++

I have a program that reads a file and saves the frequency of each character. It then constructs a huffman tree based on each character's frequency and then outputs to a file the huffman codes for the tree.
So an input like "Hello World" would output this sequence to a file:
01010101 0010 010 010 01010 0101010 000 01010 00101 010 0001
This makes sense because the most frequent characters have the shortest codes. The issue is, this increases the file size ten-fold. I realized the reason why is because each 1 and 0 is being represented in memory as its own character, so they get each get expanded out to a byte of data.
I was thinking what I could do is convert each code (E.G. "010") to a character and save that to file - but that still would pad the code to be a byte long (Or mess it up if the code is longer than a byte).
How do I go about this? I can give code snippets if needed - I'm basically saving each code into a string so that's why the file's coming out so big (It's outputting each "bit" as a byte). If I were to convert the code to a long for example, then a code like 00010 would be represented as 2 and a code like 010 would also be represented as 2.

You basically have to do it a byte (or a word) at a time. Maintain a byte which you fill with bits, and a record of how many bits have been filled in so far. When you get to 8, write the byte and start over with an empty one.


How is a Huffman compression decoded?

I'm struggling to understand how to decode, say, a text file that has been compressed using Huffman's method. Let's say I'm reading a text file, I get a list of all the characters and the frequency in which they occur, I create a Huffman tree and all the characters have a specific code assigned do them. Say,
a: 110
b: 11
c: 010
When I want to decompress this text file and print/read its contents, how do I do that? How do I know if the file reads "abc" or "bac"?
A small solution I made up was after the Huffman tree has been created, I read the file all over again and create an array to insert every character code as I read it.
Say, a while loop where I read a character until I've reached EOF.
character = a; insert 110 into array. Character = b; insert 11 into array until we are left with 11011010.
But I feel like there should be a better way.
EDIT: The codes for a,b, and c are random, not actual Huffman codes. I put in random ones as it's irrelevant for the question, I'm only interested in how it would be decoded with or without a real life example. But here's an example of Huffman code for "Hello World."
l: 11
o: 001
H: 100
e: 0101
spacebar: 0000
w: 0001
r: 101
d: 011
.: 0100
A Huffman code is a prefix code, which means that no code can be a prefix of any other code. Your example of a Huffman code is most definitely not a Huffman code. There you have 11 (c), which is a prefix of 110 (b). That cannot be the result of a correct implementation of Huffman's algorithm.
Update for question update:
You are incorrect. The codes are extremely relevant for the question. The examples you gave cannot be unambiguously decoded.
Second update of question:
It is still not clear what you're asking, but here is an answer to the question: "How do I decode a stream of bits that are a Huffman-coded sequence of symbols?"
Here is the tree for the example prefix code:
You see that if you follow any sequence of branches to a symbol, the branches you followed are the bits in that code. That is exactly how you decode the incoming stream of bits.
Start at the node at the top of the tree.
Read one bit from the stream.
Follow the branch for that value, left for 0, right for 1.
If you arrive at another node, go to step 2.
Otherwise, emit the symbol in the leaf, and go to step 1.

How to save a Huffman table in a file In a way that use the least storage?

It's my first question in stack overflow. it's long but I have explained it in detail and I think it's understandable.
I'm writing huffman code by c++ and saved characters and codes in a table like this:
Table: (Made by huffman tree)
Now, I want to save this table to a file in the best way.
I can't save like this: A1B001C010D001E000
When it change to bits: 01000001101000010001010000110100100010000101000101000
Because I can't decode this.
If I save table in normal way, every character use 8 bit for saving it's code.
While my characters have 1bit or 3bit code. (In this case.)
this way use much storage.
My idea is add a separator character and set a code for it.
If we add a separator character and make huffman tree and write codes, have a table like this.
Now, we can write codes in this way.
binary= 0100000101010100001011010101000011100101010001001111101010001011110101
I decode it in this way:
sep = 101.
Read 8 bit : 01000001 -> it's A.
rest = 01010100001011010101000011100101010001001111101010001011110101.
Read 1 bit : 0 (unlike sep1)
Read 1 bit : 1 (like sep1), Read 1 bit : 0 (like sep2), Read 1 bit : 1 (like sep3(end))
Sep was found so A = everything was befor sep = 0;
rest = 0100001011010101000011100101010001001111101010001011110101.
Read 8 bit : 01000010 -> it's B.
rest = 11010101000011100101010001001111101010001011110101.
Read 1 bit : 1 (like sep1)- Read 1 bit : 1 (unlike sep2)
Read 1 bit : 0 (unlike sep1)
Read 1 bit : 1 (like sep1) - Read 1 bit : 0 (like sep2) - Read 1 bit :1 (like sep3(end))
Sep was found so B = everything was befor sep = 110;
And so on ...
This way still use a little storage for separator ( number of characters * separator size )
My question: Is there a way to save first table in a file and use less storage?
For example like this: A1B001C010D001E000.
Don't save the table with the codes. Just save the lengths. See Canonical Huffman Code.
You can store the lengths of the codes (as Mark said) as a 256 byte header at the start of your compressed data. Each byte stores the length of the code, and because you're working with bytes with 256 possible values, and the huffman tree can only be of a certain depth (number of possible values - 1) you only need 8 bits to store the codes.
The first byte would store the code length of the value 0x00, the second byte stores the code length of 0x01, and so on and so forth.
However, if compressing English text, there is a better way to store the table.
Store the shape of the tree, 0s for nodes and 1s for leaves. Then, after you store the nodes and the leaves, you store the values of the leaves.
/ \
* A
/ \
* *
/ \ / \
So you would store the shape of the tree as such:
The reason why storing the huffman codes in this way is better for when you are compressing English text is that storing the shape of the tree costs 10n - 1 bits (where n is the number of unique characters in the data you are trying to compress) while storing the code lengths costs a flat 2048 bits. Therefore, for numbers of unique characters less than 205, storing the shape of the tree is more efficient, and because the average English string of text isn't going to have all that many of the possible 256 possible ASCII characters, you're usually better off storing the tree shape.
If you aren't just compressing text, and you're compressing more general data where there is a high likelihood that the number of unique characters could be greater than or equal to 205, you should probably use the code length storing format, or include 1 bit at the start of your header that says whether there's going to be a tree or a bunch of code lengths, and then write your decoder to decode either one depending on what that bit is set to.

Why does base64-encoded data compress so poorly?

I was recently compressing some files, and I noticed that base64-encoded data seems to compress really bad. Here is one example:
Original file: 429,7 MiB
compress via xz -9:
13,2 MiB / 429,7 MiB = 0,031 4,9 MiB/s 1:28
base64 it and compress via xz -9:
26,7 MiB / 580,4 MiB = 0,046 2,6 MiB/s 3:47
base64 the original compressed xz file:
17,8 MiB in almost no time = the expected 1.33x increase in size
So what can be observed is that:
xz compresses really good ☺
base64-encoded data doesn't compress well, it is 2 times larger than the unencoded compressed file
base64-then-compress is significantly worse and slower than compress-then-base64
How can this be? Base64 is a lossless, reversible algorithm, why does it affect compression so much? (I tried with gzip as well, with similar results).
I know it doesn't make sense to base64-then-compress a file, but most of the time one doesn't have control over the input files, and I would have thought that since the actual information density (or whatever it is called) of a base64-encoded file would be nearly identical to the non-encoded version, and thus be similarily compressible.
Most generic compression algorithms work with a one-byte granularity.
Let's consider the following string:
A Run-Length-Encoding algorithm will say: "that's 4 'X', followed by 4 'Y', followed by 4 'X', followed by 4 'Y'"
A Lempel-Ziv algorithm will say: "That's the string 'XXXXYYYY', followed by the same string: so let's replace the 2nd string with a reference to the 1st one."
A Huffman coding algorithm will say: "There are only 2 symbols in that string, so I can use just one bit per symbol."
Now let's encode our string in Base64. Here's what we get:
All algorithms are now saying: "What kind of mess is that?". And they're not likely to compress that string very well.
As a reminder, Base64 basically works by re-encoding groups of 3 bytes in (0...255) into groups of 4 bytes in (0...63):
Input bytes : aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc
6-bit repacking: 00aaaaaa 00aabbbb 00bbbbcc 00cccccc
Each output byte is then transformed into a printable ASCII character. By convention, these characters are (here with a mark every 10 characters):
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
For instance, our example string begins with a group of three bytes equal to 0x58 in hexadecimal (ASCII code of character "X"). Or in binary: 01011000. Let's apply Base64 encoding:
Input bytes : 0x58 0x58 0x58
As binary : 01011000 01011000 01011000
6-bit repacking : 00010110 00000101 00100001 00011000
As decimal : 22 5 33 24
Base64 characters: 'W' 'F' 'h' 'Y'
Output bytes : 0x57 0x46 0x68 0x59
Basically, the pattern "3 times the byte 0x58" which was obvious in the original data stream is not obvious anymore in the encoded data stream because we've broken the bytes into 6-bit packets and mapped them to new bytes that now appear to be random.
Or in other words: we have broken the original byte alignment that most compression algorithms rely on.
Whatever compression method is used, it usually has a severe impact on the algorithm performance. That's why you should always compress first and encode second.
This is even more true for encryption: compress first, encrypt second.
EDIT - A note about LZMA
As MSalters noticed, LZMA -- which xz is using -- is working on bit streams rather than byte streams.
Still, this algorithm will also suffer from Base64 encoding in a way which is essentially consistent with my earlier description:
Input bytes : 0x58 0x58 0x58
As binary : 01011000 01011000 01011000
(see above for the details of Base64 encoding)
Output bytes : 0x57 0x46 0x68 0x59
As binary : 01010111 01000110 01101000 01011001
Even by working at the bit level, it's much easier to recognize a pattern in the input binary sequence than in the output binary sequence.
Compression is necessarily an operation that acts on multiple bits. There's no possible gain in trying to compress an individual "0" and "1". Even so, compression typically works on a limited set of bits at a time. The LZMA algorithm in xz isn't going to consider all of the 3.6 billion bits at once. It looks at much smaller strings (<273 bytes).
Now look at what base-64 encoding does: It replaces a 3 byte (24 bit) word with a 4 byte word, using only 64 out of 256 possible values. This gives you the x1.33 growth.
Now it is fairly clear that this growth must cause some substrings to grow past the maximum substring size of the encoder. This causes them to be no longer compressed as a single substring, but as two separate substrings indeed.
As you have a lot of compression (97%), you apparently have the situation that very long input substrings are compressed as a whole. this means that you will also have many substrings being base-64 expanded past the maximum length the encoder can deal with.
It's not Base64. its them memory requirements of libraries "The presets 7-9 are like the preset 6 but use bigger dictionaries and have higher compressor and decompressor memory requirements."https://tukaani.org/xz/xz-javadoc/org/tukaani/xz/LZMA2Options.html

JPEG Huffman Table

I have a question regarding the JPEG Huffman Table and using the Huffman Table to construct the symbol/binary string from a Tree. Suppose, that in an Huffman Table for 3-Bit code Length the number of codes is greater than 6, then how do we add all those codes in the Tree? If I am correct only 6 codes can be added at the 3-bit level/depth of the tree. So, how do we add the remaining codes if they won't fit in that level? Do we just ignore them?
code length | Total Codes | Codes
3-Bit | 10 | 25 43 34 53 92 A2 B2 63 73 C2
In the above example if we go by order of constructing symbols/binary string for the code then up 'til A2 we can add codes in the tree at level 3-Bit, but what about B2,63,73,C2 etc? It's not possible to add them at 3-Bit level of the tree? So what do we do with them?
Well, clearly, the absolutely highest number of "things" that can be represented in 3 bits is 8 - (000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111).
In Huffman encoding, bits represent "left" or "right" in a trie data-structure, to be able to "continue", you have to use SOME codes for "this continues another level", which is why not all 8 values can be encoded in 3 bits. If you have more values to encode, you need to use more bits (for some values - this is the whole point of Huffman coding, that SOME combinations are short, others are longer, and sometimes even longer than the original, but because it's based on what is the most common, it's fine, because they will be rare...)
How to construct and decode a Huffman tree is about four-five pages in your typical Algorithms book, and if you haven't got one of those, you probably want to find one - either a real paper one, or an e-book. There are LOTS of them - I'm not going to recommend one, since the ones I have are all about 15+ years old.
I should add that I think your question is missing something. Clearly, 3 bits can not possibly represent 10 values. And you can't build a [meaningful] Huffman tree on 10 values that all different - unless the idea is to split the values into pairs of {2,5}, {4,3}, {3,4}, {5,3}, {9,2}, {A,2}, {B,2}, {6,3}, {7,3}, {C,2} - which gives a fair number of repeated values - frequency of those are:
2 : 5
3 : 5
4 : 2
5 : 2
6 : 1
7 : 1
9 : 1
A : 1
B : 1
C : 1
But that's stil too many to represent anything meaningful...
Or is it the other way around, that we are supposed to use the bit values of those to decode? In which case we'd need the tree built from the original data to decode it...
In JPEG, a Huffman code can be up to 16-bits. The DHT market contains an array of 16 elements giving the number of codes for each length.
The JPEG standard explains how to use the code counts to do the Huffman translation. It is one of the few things explained in detail.
This book explains how it is done from a programmers perspective.
The number of codes that exists at any code length depends upon the counts for other lengths.
I am wondering if you are really looking at the count of codes for length 4 rather than 3.
It looks like you're not following the correct procedure when creating your Huffman codes from the JPEG table. The count provided will fit in the number of bits unless the table has been corrupted. The reading out of the codes from a DHT marker is really simple. The more complicated part is how you define your lookup table from that data. A logical (but not practical) way is to create a reverse lookup table that's the maximum code length in size (16-bits = 65536 entries in the table). Then to decode your JPEG data, just pick up 16-bits of compressed data from the input stream and use it as an index in the table where you'll have the symbol and actual length of the code. I came up with a way to use a single, much smaller lookup table. I'm not going to share my specific code table method. What I will share is the basic format of the loop to create the codes from a DHT marker:
int iCurrentCode; // the current Huffman code
int iLength; // the code length in bits that you're working on
int i;
int iCount; // the number of codes defined for this length
int iSymbol; // JPEG symbol defined for each Huffman code
unsigned char *pData; // pointer to the data in the DHT marker
iCurrentCode = 0; // start with a Huffman code of 0
for (iLength = 1; iLength <= 16; iLength++)
iCount = *pData++; // get number of symbols for this bit length
for (i=0; i<iCount; i++) // read each of the codes for this bit length
iSymbol = *pData++; // get the JPEG symbol value (e.g. RRRR/SSSS value)
// It's up to you to create a lookup table from the code and its value
iCurrentCode++; // the Huffman bit pattern just increments for each code value
} // for each code defined at this bit length
iCurrentCode <<= 1; // shift the code left 1 bit to advance to the next bit length
} // for each bit length

issues using stringstream to handle binary file

I'm working with a binary file that I need to grab its useful contents from. The structure is:
Based on a quick look at the file, you don't have an "unknown amt of nulls" anywhere. The format appears to be:
N Bytes: number of animals, integer as text delimited by '\n'
24 Bytes per animal:
16 Bytes: name of animal padded with 0
4 Bytes: some 32 bit number (little endian)
4 Bytes: another 32 bit number (little endian)
You shouldn't be reading this as a text file, but instead as a raw binary file. There's absolutely no need for a stringstream, you can simply parse the number of animals by reading in one byte at a time and adding to the previous value * 10 until you reach '\n'.