C++ Function not working as expected - c++

So I know this is a very broad topic, but I'm not sure how to describe it and I'm not sure where the bug is. So I'm making a game in the console window, a roguelike-rpg, (I haven't done the random dungeon yet, but I've done it in other languages.) and I'm having problems dealing with walls.
I have a function called placeMeeting(REAL X, REAL Y) that I use to check for collisions, but it appears to be returning bad values and I couldn't tell you why. I have couple of macros defined: #define AND && and #define REAL double.
Here is the function:
bool GlobalClass::placeMeeting(REAL X, REAL Y)
//The return value -- False until proven otherwise
bool collision = false;
//Loop through all walls to check for a collision
for(int i = 0; i < wallCount; i++)
//If there was a collision, 'say' so
if (X == wallX[ i ] AND Y == wallY[ i ])
//Set 'collision' to true
collision = true;
return collision;
But the strange catch is that it only doesn't work when displaying the screen. The player collides with them all the same even though there not displayed. Even stranger, only the first wall is being displayed.
Here is where the walls are defined:
int wallCount;
//Array of walls
REAL wallX[ 1 ];
REAL wallY[ 1 ];
wallCount = 1;
//Basic wall stuff; basically just a placeholder
wallX[ 0 ] = 10;
wallY[ 0 ] = 10;
So I have a function used to render the screen (In the console window of course.) and it looks like this:
for (int y = oGlobal.viewY; y < oGlobal.viewY + oGlobal.viewHeight; y++)
//The inner 'x' loop of the view
for(int x = oGlobal.viewX; x < oGlobal.viewX + oGlobal.viewWidth; x++)
//Call the function to check this spot and print what it returns
screen += oGlobal.checkSpot(x, y);
That's not the whole function, just the actual screen refreshing. After 'screen' is printed to the screen, to reduce buffer time. And of course, checkSpot:
STRING GlobalClass::checkSpot(REAL x, REAL y)
STRING spriteAtSpot;
//First check for the player
if (x == oPlayer.x AND y == oPlayer.y)
spriteAtSpot = oPlayer.sprite;
else if (placeMeeting(x, y)) //ITS TEH WALL SUCKAS
spriteAtSpot = WALL_SPRITE;
else //Nothing here, return a space
spriteAtSpot = EMPTY_SPRITE;
//Return the sprite
return spriteAtSpot;
I know it's a lot of code, but I really don't know where I screwed up.
I really appreciate any help!
P.S. Here is an image to help understand

I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but since rogue-like games are tile-based, is it necessary to make the X and Y values doubles? I remember being told that doubles are finicky to compare, since even if you assume they should be equal, they could be very slightly off, causing comparison to return false when you'd think it would return true.

I'm not sure we have enough of your code to debug it, but I have developed a Rogue-like console game, and here is my $.02...
Start over. You seem to be doing this in a very non-OO way (GlobalClass?). Consider objects such as Level (aggregates entire level), DungeonObject (essentially each space on the level; it's a base class that can be inherited from into Wall, Player, etc.). Doing this will make the programming much easier.
Embrace the suck. C++ syntax may suck, but the more you fight against it, the harder it will be to learn. Use && and the built-in datatypes. It won't take long to get used to.
Rouge-like locations are essentially integer-based. Use integer for x, y locations, not doubles (the biggest built-in data-type). Not only is it more efficient, you'll find debugging much easier.
Start in the small. Start with a 5 x 5 dungeon level to get the basics down. Then, if you've designed it correctly, scaling up to a 10x10 or 25x25 will be much easier.
That's how I developed my game; I hope it helps.

Apart from the use of double instead of int, I see something strange in your definition of walls:
int wallCount;
//Array of walls
REAL wallX[ 1 ];
REAL wallY[ 1 ];
wallCount = 1;
//Basic wall stuff; basically just a placeholder
wallX[ 0 ] = 10;
wallY[ 0 ] = 10;
You are defining a variable called wallCount, which you later use to go through the elements of your array in your placeMeeting function:
//Loop through all walls to check for a collision
for(int i = 0; i < wallCount; i++)
Then why don't you use wallCount to define the size of your arrays? Of course you can't use that syntax, because the size of a static array must be known at compile time, so you should either use new or std::vector, but still you shouldn't have a variable that defines the length of the array and then use another value when you actually create the array, it is a source of bugs if you fail to keep them aligned. So for example you could do this:
const int wallCount = 1;
int* wallX = new int[wallCount];
int* wallY = new int[wallCount];
But there's a bigger problem: why are you creating arrays of size 1? You are having only one wall! It doesn't really make sense to have arrays of size 1, unless you intend to use another value but you have reduced it to 1 for debugging purposes. But, you wrote this:
Even stranger, only the first wall is being displayed.
That's because you only have 1 wall!
By the way, the way you have designed your data isn't the one I would use. From your checkSpot I understand this: oPlayer.x and oPlayer.y are the coordinates of your player, and x and y are the coordinates of the tile you have to draw (and for which you need to choose the appropriate sprite). If in your map you have 3 walls, you have to put 3 values in wallX and 3 in wallY, and you must make sure that you keep the 2 arrays "aligned" (if the coordinates of your second wall are for example x=10 and y=20, you could get confused, or have buggy code, and instead of saving it as
wallX[1] = 10;
wallY[1] = 20;
you might write
wallX[1] = 10;
wallY[2] = 20; // wrong index!
so it's one more source of bugs), and worse, you must check that they are consistent with other arrays of other objects: you could have, for example, doors, and then following your approach you'd have doorX[] and doorY[], and how can you be sure that you don't have a wall and a door at the same place? Like, if you had
doorX[0] = 10;
doorY[0] = 20;
it would be at the same place as the wall, and the error isn't obvious, because you'd have to cross-check all your arrays to find it. So I would suggest to have a level[height][width] instead, and to have a wall at x=10 and y=20 you could use level[10][20] = 'w';. This would ensure that you only have ONE object per tile. Besides, checking for collisions would be faster: with your approach, if you have 50 walls you need 50 checks; with mine, you always only need one. Ok, performance is certainly not an issue in these games, but still I think you should consider my approach (unless there are other reasons to prefer yours, of course).


How I can check that an element in a grid of tiles is on my viewport fast?

I have a for loop that I use to draw a grid of tiles with sdl on a game. Since the grid is quite huge with more than 50k elements I want to optimize it.
So there is this function that use to check if I should draw a tile, so if it's outside of the screen I ignore it.
bool Camera::isInViewport(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h) {
int translatedX = x + offsetX;
int translatedY = y + offsetY;
if (translatedX + w >= 0 && translatedX <= 0 + sdl.windowWidth) {
if (translatedY + h >= 0 && translatedY <= 0 + sdl.windowHeight) {
return true;
return false;
I checked this function it's eating 15% of the CPU alone when the grid is big. Will be possible to make this faster? I can't think of way that will make it eat less resources.
There is not a lot that you can do with this funciton. Do not pass ints as references, it internally passes them as pointers, and it increases costs by dereferencing them. Merge conditions into one if statement and start from those that most probably will be evaluated into false to make early short-circuiting possible.
What I would do instead to solve this performance issue is to organize your tiles in 2D array where index and coordinates could be calculated from each other. In this case you just need to understand index boundaries of tiles covered by your viewport. Instead of checking result of this function on every cell you will be able to just tell left and right X index and top and down Y index. Then just draw them in two nested loops like that:
for (int y = topY; y <= bottomY; ++y)
for (int x = leftX; x <= rightX; ++x)
// do drawing with tile[y][x];
Another approach would be to cache the previous results. If camera is not moving and tiles are not moving - then result of this function is not going to change. Just storing flag that indicates you whether each tile is visible could work here (but not a good practice in big game), update them every time camera moves or recalculate tile if it moves (if it is possible in your app). Still recalculation of all visibility flags on camera movement will be expensive, so try to use first optimization and reduce the task by finding what tile range is affected by camera at all

Loop to check apple position against snake body positions

I'm trying to figure out how to write a loop to check the position of a circle against a variable number of rectangles so that the apple is not placed on top of the snake, but I'm having a bit of trouble thinking it through. I tried:
apple.setPosition(randX()*20+10, randY()*20+10); // apple is a CircleShape
while (apple.getPosition() == snakeBody[i].getPosition());
Although, in this case, if it detects a collision with one rectangle of the snake's body, it could end up just placing the apple at a previous position of the body. How do I make it check all positions at the same time, so it can't correct itself only to have a chance of repeating the same problem again?
There are three ways (I could think of) of generating a random number meeting a requirement:
The first way, and the simpler, is what you're trying to do: retry if it doesn't.
However, you should change the condition so that it checks all the forbidden cells at once:
bool collides_with_snake(const sf::Vector2f& pos, //not sure if it's 2i or 2f
const /*type of snakeBody*/& snakeBody,
std::size_t partsNumber) {
bool noCollision = true;
for( std::size_t i = 0 ; i < partsNumber && noCollision ; ++i )
noCollision = pos != snakeBody[i].getPosition()
return !noCollision;
apple.setPosition(randX()*20+10, randY()*20+10);
while (collides_with_snake(apple.getCollision(), snakeBody,
/* snakeBody.size() ? */));
The second way is to try to generate less numbers and find a function which will map these numbers to the set you want. For instance, if your grid has N cells, you could generate a number between 0 and N - [number of parts of your Snake] then map this number X to the smallest number Y such that this integer doesn't refer to a cell occupied by a snake part and X = Y + S where S is the number of cells occupied by a snake part referred by a number smaller than Y.
It's more complicated though.
The third way is to "cheat" and choose a stronger requirement which is easier to enforce. For instance, if you know that the cell body is N cells long, then only spawn the apple on a cell which is N + 1 cells away of the snakes head (you can do that by generating the angle).
The question is very broad, but assuming that snakeBody is a vector of Rectangles (or derived from Rectanges), and that you have a checkoverlap() function:
do {
// assuming that randX() and randY() allways return different random variables
apple.setPosition(randX()*20+10, randY()*20+10); // set the apple
} while (any_of(snakeBody.begin(), snakeBody.end(), [&](Rectangle &r)->bool { return checkoverlap(r,apple); } );
This relies on standard algorithm any_of() to check in one simple expression if any of the snake body elements overlaps the apple. If there's an overlap, we just iterate once more and get a new random position until it's fine.
If snakebody is an array and not a standard container, just use snakeBody, snakeBody+snakesize instead of snakeBody.begin(), snakeBody.end() in the code above.
If the overlap check is as simple as to compare the postition you can replace return checkoverlap(r,apple); in the code above with return r.getPosition()==apple.getPosition();
The "naive" approach would be generating apples and testing their positions against the whole snake until we find a free spot:
bool applePlaced = false;
while(!applePlaced) { //As long as we haven't found a valid place for the apple
apple.setPosition(randX()*20+10, randY()*20+10);
applePlaced = true; //We assume, that we can place the apple
for(int i=0; i<snakeBody.length; i++) { //Check the apple position with all snake body parts
if(apple.getPosition() == snakeBody[i].getPosition()) {
applePlaced=false; //Our prediction was wrong, we could not place the apple
break; //No further testing necessary
The better way would be storing all free positions in an array and then pick a Position out of this array(and delete it from the array), so that no random testing is necessary. It requires also updating the array if the snakes moves.

C++: Unsure if code is multithreadable

I'm working on a small piece of code which takes a very large amount of time to complete, so I was thinking of multithreading it either with pthread (which I hardly understand but think I can master a lot quicker) or with some GPGPU implementation (probably OpenCL as I have an AMD card at home and the PCs I use at my office have various NVIDIA cards)
while(sDead < (unsigned long) nrPoints*nrPoints) {
pPoint1 = distrib(*rng);
pPoint2 = distrib(*rng);
outAxel = -1;
if(pPoint1 != pPoint2) {
point1 = space->getPointRef(pPoint1);
point2 = space->getPointRef(pPoint2);
outAxel = point1->influencedBy(point2, distThres);
if(outAxel == 0 || outAxel == 1)
sDead = 0;
Where distrib is a uniform_int_distribution with a = 0 and b = nrPoints-1.
For clarity, here is the structure I'm working with:
class Space{
vector<Point> points
(more stuff)
class Point {
vector<Coords> coordinates
(more stuff)
struct Coords{
char Range
bool TypeOfCoord
char Coord
The length of coordinates is the same for all Points and Point[x].Coord[y].Range == Point[z].Coord[y].Range for all x, y and z. The same goes for TypeOfCoord.
Some background: during each run of the while loop, two randomly drawn Points from space are tested for interaction. influencedBy() checks whether or not point1 and point2 are close enough to eachother (distance is dependent on some metric but it boils down to similarity in Coord. If the distance is smaller than distThres, interaction is possible) to interact. Interaction means that one of the Coord variables which doesn't equal the corresponding Coord in the other object is flipped to equal it. This decreases the distance between the Points but also changes the distance of the changed point to every other point in Space, hence my question of whether or not this is multithreadable. As I said, I'm a complete newbie to multithreading and I'm not sure if I can safely implement a function that chops this up, so I was looking for your input. Suggestions are also very welcome.
E: The influencedby() function (and the functions it in turn calls) can be found here. Functions that I did not include, such as getFeature() and getNrFeatures() are tiny and cannot possibly contribute much. Take note that I used generalised names for objects in this question but I might mess up or make it more confusing if I replace them in the other code, so I've left the original names there. For the record:
Space = CultSpace
Point = CultVec
Points = Points
Coordinates = Feats
Coords = Feature
TypeOfCoord = Nomin
Coord = Trait
(Choosing "Answer" because the format permits better presentation. Not quite what your're asking for, but let's clarify this first.)
How often is the loop executed until this condition becomes true?
while(sDead < (unsigned long) nrPoints*nrPoints) {
Probably not a big gain, but:
pPoint1 = distrib(*rng);
do {
pPoint2 = distrib(*rng);
while( pPoint1 == pPoint2 );
outAxel = -1;
How costly is getPointRef? Linear search in Space?
point1 = space->getPointRef(pPoint1);
point2 = space->getPointRef(pPoint2);
outAxel = point1->influencedBy(point2, distThres);
Is it really necessary to recompute the "distance of the changed point to every other point in Space" immediately after a "flip"?

C++ Simple but unsolvable? I think not

Let T(x,y) be the number of tours over a X × Y grid such that:
the tour starts in the top left square
the tour consists of moves that are up, down, left, or right one
the tour visits each square exactly once, and
the tour ends in the bottom left square.
It’s easy to see, for example, that T(2,2) = 1, T(3,3) = 2, T(4,3) = 0, and T(3,4) = 4. Write a program to calculate T(10,4).
I have been working on this for hours ... I need a program that takes the dimensions of the grid as input and returns the number of possible tours?
I have been working on this for hours ... I need a program that takes the dimensions of the grid as input and returns the number of possible tours?
I wrote this code to solve the problem ... I cant seem to figure out how to check all directions.
#include <iostream>
int grid[3][3];
int c = 0;
int main(){
solve (0, 0, 9);
int solve (int posx, int posy, steps_left){
if (grid[posx][posy] = 1){
return 0;
if (steps_left = 1 && posx = 0 && posy = 2){
c = c+1;
return 0;
grid[posx][posy] = 1;
// for all possible directions
solve (posx_next, posy_next, steps_left-1)
grid[posx][posy] = 0;
Algorithm by #KarolyHorvath
You need some data structure to represent the state of the cells on the grid (visited/not visited).
Your algorithm:
step(posx, posy, steps_left)
if it is not a valid position, or already visited
if it's the last step and you are at the target cell
you've found a solution, increment counter
mark cell as visited
for each possible direction:
step(posx_next, posy_next, steps_left-1)
mark cell as not visited
and run with
step(0, 0, sizex*sizey)
It's not difficult, since you've been given the algorithm. In order to
solve the problem, you'll probably want some sort of dynamic data
structure (unless you're only interested in the exact case of T(10,4)).
For the rest, left is -1 on the x index, right +1, and down is -1 on the
y dimension, up +1. Add bounds checking and verification that you've
not visited, and the job is done.
But I wonder how much time such an obvious algorithm will take. There's
a four way decision on each cell; for the fourty cells of T(10,4),
that's 4^40 decisions. Which is not feasable. Things like eliminating
already visited cells and bounds checking eliminate a lot of branches,
but still... The goal of the competition might be to make you find a
better algorithm.
You really should pick a debugger and see what's going on on a small board (2x2, 3x3).
One obvious problem is that = is assignment, not comparison. Compare with ==.
There are more problems. Find them.

Help with code optimization

I've written a little particle system for my 2d-application. Here is raining code:
// HPP -----------------------------------
struct Data
float x, y, x_speed, y_speed;
int timeout;
std::vector<Data> mData;
bool mFirstTime;
void processDrops(float windPower, int i);
// CPP -----------------------------------
: x(rand()%ScreenResolutionX), y(0)
, x_speed(0), y_speed(0), timeout(rand()%130)
{ }
void Rain::processDrops(float windPower, int i)
int posX = rand() % mWindowWidth;
mData[i].x = posX;
mData[i].x_speed = WindPower*0.1; // WindPower is float
mData[i].y_speed = Gravity*0.1; // Gravity is 9.8 * 19.2
// If that is first time, process drops randomly with window height
if (mFirstTime)
mData[i].timeout = 0;
mData[i].y = rand() % mWindowHeight;
mData[i].timeout = rand() % 130;
mData[i].y = 0;
void update(float windPower, float elapsed)
// If this is first time - create array with new Data structure objects
if (mFirstTime)
for (int i=0; i < mMaxObjects; ++i)
processDrops(windPower, i);
mFirstTime = false;
for (int i=0; i < mMaxObjects; i++)
// Sleep until uptime > 0 (To make drops fall with randomly timeout)
if (mData[i].timeout > 0)
// Find new x/y positions
mData[i].x += mData[i].x_speed * elapsed;
mData[i].y += mData[i].y_speed * elapsed;
// Find new speeds
mData[i].x_speed += windPower * elapsed;
mData[i].y_speed += Gravity * elapsed;
// Drawing here ...
// If drop has been falled out of the screen
if (mData[i].y > mWindowHeight) processDrops(windPower, i);
So the main idea is: I have some structure which consist of drop position, speed. I have a function for processing drops at some index in the vector-array. Now if that's first time of running I'm making array with max size and process it in cycle.
But this code works slower that all another I have. Please, help me to optimize it.
I tried to replace all int with uint16_t but I think it doesn't matter.
Replacing int with uint16_t shouldn't do any difference (it'll take less memory, but shouldn't affect running time on most machines).
The shown code already seems pretty fast (it's doing only what it's needed to do, and there are no particular mistakes), I don't see how you could optimize it further (at most you could remove the check on mFirstTime, but that should make no difference).
If it's slow it's because of something else. Maybe you've got too many drops, or the rest of your code is so slow that update gets called little times per second.
I'd suggest you to profile your program and see where most time is spent.
one thing that could speed up such algorithm, especially if your system hasn't got an FPU (! That's not the case of a personal computer...), would be to replace your floating point values with integers.
Just multiply the elapsed variable (and your constants, like those 0.1) by 1000 so that they will represent milliseconds, and use only integers everywhere.
Few points:
Physics is incorrect: wind power should be changed as speed makes closed to wind speed, also for simplicity I would assume that initial value of x_speed is the speed of the wind.
You don't take care the fraction with the wind at all, so drops getting faster and faster. but that depends on your want to model.
I would simply assume that drop fails in constant speed in constant direction because this is really what happens very fast.
Also you can optimize all this very simply as you don't need to solve motion equation using integration as it can be solved quite simply directly as:
x(t):= x_0 + wind_speed * t
y(t):= y_0 - fall_speed * t
This is the case of stable fall when the gravity force is equal to friction.
x(t):= x_0 + wind_speed * t;
y(t):= y_0 - 0.5 * g * t^2;
If you want to model drops that fall faster and faster.
Few things to consider:
In your processDrops function, you pass in windPower but use some sort of class member or global called WindPower, is that a typo? If the value of Gravity does not change, then save the calculation (i.e. mult by 0.1) and use that directly.
In your update function, rather than calculating windPower * elapsed and Gravity * elapsed for every iteration, calculate and save that before the loop, then add. Also, re-organise the loop, there is no need to do the speed calculation and render if the drop is out of the screen, do the check first, and if the drop is still in the screen, then update the speed and render!
Interestingly, you never check to see if the drop is out of the screen interms of it's x co-ordinate, you check the height, but not the width, you could save yourself some calculations and rendering time if you did this check as well!
In loop introduce reference Data& current = mData[i] and use it instead of mData[i]. And use this reference instead of index also in procesDrops.
BTW I think that consulting mFirstTime in processDrops serves no purpose because it will never be true. Hmm, I missed processDrops in initialization loop. Never mind this.
This looks pretty fast to me already.
You could get some tiny speedup by removing the "firsttime" code and putting it in it's own functions to call once rather that testing every calls.
You are doing the same calculation on lots of similar data so maybe you could look into using SSE intrinsics to process several items at once. You'l likely have to rearrange your data structure for that though to be a structure of vectors rather than a vector od structures like now. I doubt it would help too much though. How many items are in your vector anyway?
It looks like maybe all your time goes into ... Drawing Here.
It's easy enough to find out for sure where the time is going.