Windows Embedded Compact webservices.dll - web-services

On it is stated that one should "Copy webservices.dll manually to the target folder \Flashdisk\System\" in order to fix a problem with Ethernet debugging. My problem is that I have no idea where I should copy the file from. Any ideas?
This is for WEC2013.

The file is located in your platform builder path if you build your own CE image:
If you use a Toradex Prebuilt image, get in contact with the support team, they will probably send the driver to you:


Trace32 compile .t32 file

I find trace32 can use some .t32 plugin to help debug OS dump.But I can not find the source file to build it.For example: t32\demo\arm\kernel\rtxarm\rtx.t32. Can anyone find me a example project?
rtx.t32 is a binary extension to TRACE32. You can't get the sources anywhere.
However Lautebach has an development kit (EDK), which allows you to write your own extension for OS awareness. To get this EDK you have to contact Lautebach and probably sign an NDA.

wxFileName:;Mkdir(Filepath,0777,wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL) is not working in LINUX

I'm Trying to make a directory with path(eg:/user01/newpath) by using wxFileName::Mkdir with permission 0777. But the code is not working in some linux systems which has same specifications as like my system. the problem is after creating 'User01' folder it is not creating 'newpath' folder and I observed like "User01" folder has a Lock symbol.
syntax which I used is: wxFileName:;Mkdir(Filepath,0777,wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL) ;
Please, tell is there any function which will work other than mkdir, wxMKDir, wxMKdir(these also have same problem)??

Images won't show up

Using cocos2d I put images on desktop and drag them to resource file in my project. It worked before but not any more. Any tips to solve this?
The error:
012-08-10 15:30:55.884 again[9753:1be03] cocos2d: Couldn't add image:soundoff.png in CCTextureCache
Two possible reasons why you could observer that behavior:
the filename contains mixed lowercase/uppercase; this is typical, since iOS is case sensitive, while MacOS is not; so, it may happen that it works in the simulator, but fails on the device; or, if you rename a file by changing uppercase/lowercas (e.g., soundOff to soundoff), the build system on MacOS will not consider the renamed file as different from the original one and will not include it in the build;
the file has not been actually added to the "copy phase" for your target (check the target's build phases).
Hope it helps.

Chromium Embedded Framework MP3 support

I've downloaded Chromium Embedded Framework r306 for Windows and built it. Unfortunately, it shows, that it doesn't support mp3:
var a = document.createElement("audio");
Output is empty and when I try to open an mp3 file, it can't be played (ogg is playable).
The same time Google Chrome writes "maybe" (and it actually plays).
How can I add support for MP3 in CEF?
Marshall Greenblatt (the maintainer of the Chromium Embedded Framework) addresses the lack of support for MP3 (and AAC) in Chromium and CEF in this bug report (see comment #7, copied below):
Codecs like MP3 and AAC are included in Google Chrome releases but not Chromium builds. This is because these formats are not open and require licensing. Distributing these codecs with your application without a licensing agreement may violate the law in certain countries. You should discuss with a lawyer if appropriate.
There is a way to enable MP3 support in CEF, but you'll have to modify the cef.gypi in the source distribution, regenerate the visual studio projects and rebuild.
Step by step instructions:
There is a way to enable MP3 support in CEF, but you'll have to modify the cef.gypi in the source distribution, regenerate the visual studio projects and rebuild.
Detailed build instructions:
Enabling proprietary codecs support:
Add 'proprietary_codecs': 1 to your cef.gypi configuration so that USE_PROPRIETARY_CODECS will be defined as required by net/base/
You'll also need proper builds of the avcodec, avformat and avutil DLLs. Luckily, you can just get these from the installation directory of Google Chrome itself ($User/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/$Version).
the options to enable proprietary codecs (i.e. H.264 and MP3) have been moved since the last answer.
you can read my answer with all the details on how to compile CEF with enabled proprietary codecs
the magic now happens here:
set GN_DEFINES=is_official_build=true proprietary_codecs=true ffmpeg_branding=Chrome
there is 2 batch files that you should update/create (as found here):
set CEF_USE_GN=1
set GN_DEFINES=is_official_build=true proprietary_codecs=true ffmpeg_branding=Chrome
set GN_ARGUMENTS=--ide=vs2015 --sln=cef --filters=//cef/*
python ..\automate\ --download-dir=C:\code\chromium_git --depot-tools-dir=C:\code\depot_tools --no-distrib --no-build
set CEF_USE_GN=1
set GN_DEFINES=is_win_fastlink=true proprietary_codecs=true ffmpeg_branding=Chrome
set GN_ARGUMENTS=--ide=vs2015 --sln=cef --filters=//cef/*
call cef_create_projects.bat
There is 2 wiki articles that explain how to build CEF/Chromium:
and BranchesAndBuilding in the same wiki
MP3 codec only be supported When build to Google Chrome, check chromium's Codec Support.
On client side, the compatible way may be Flash, check google translate's code.
I followed the steps in null1941's answer and they worked great save a few caveats having to do with modifying the build.ps1 script
step 16 e. search for any instances of 3.y.z and replace them with the current version you are building (from the folder name containing the builds ex. 3.2272.32.gbda8dc7).
in function DownloadNuget it is trying to see if you have nuget in a specific place and if it isn't there it tries to go get it. Problem is DownloadFile would fail if the save directory didn't already exist. so you can manualy create or add this to the function:
$Nuget_dir = Join-Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA .\nuget
if(-not (Test-Path $Nuget_dir))
mkdir $Nuget_dir
change line: "Copy-Item $Cef64\include $CefInclude -Recurse | Out-Null" to use $Cef32 if you don't have 64bit cef folders

Issues with build in Carbide C++ 2.0

I'm building my application and when I try to run it on the emulator, I get this error.
Creation Time Description Resource Path Location Type
1254339868582 BLDMAKE ERROR: Directory "\S60\devices\Nokia_N97_SDK_v1.0\epoc32\" does not exist ZeFirst Unknown C/C++ Problem
The folder does exist and does have the necessary rights.
The console has the following set of warning messages
warning: "C:\S60\devices\Nokia_N97_SDK_v1.0\epoc32\tools\GCCEV6.bsf" Invalid BSF specification - customization restricted to ARMV5, ABIv2 and valid BSF platforms
warning: "C:\S60\devices\Nokia_N97_SDK_v1.0\epoc32\tools\GCCEV6T2.bsf" Invalid BSF specification - customization restricted to ARMV5, ABIv2 and valid BSF platforms
warning: "C:\S60\devices\Nokia_N97_SDK_v1.0\epoc32\tools\GCCEV7A.bsf" Invalid BSF specification - customization restricted to ARMV5, ABIv2 and valid BSF platforms
What other development tools do you have installed on your computer?
Is there a chance your path environment variable is in the wrong order and you're not using the correct version of the compiler, for example?
Feel free to post your path, it can only provide more information.
I'm not sure if this will work, but try this:
Subst a drive to C:\S60\devices\Nokia_N97_SDK_v1.0\
Start, Run...
subst x: C:\S60\devices\Nokia_N97_SDK_v1.0\
Then in carbide, set your SDK to point to this subst location.
Window, Preferences, Carbide C++, SDK ..
Change the paths to use "x:\" rather than C:\...
Delete any imported projects in Carbide
Select project, right-click, delete.
(Do NOT click the tick box that is displayed).
Re-import your project
File, Import, x:\.....\bld.inf
I have faced a similar problem once.
If you have been able to build and launch the eumlator on earlier occasions, then the only solution that worked for me was to re-install the SDK.
make sure that your workspace is located in the same driver partition (C:) of your Symbian SDK installation. If don't try changing it.
Sometimes I solved that problem by changing .pkg file's content to use a relative path. For example:
;Files to install
;You should change the source paths to match that of your environment
;<source> <destination>
"$(EPOCROOT)Epoc32\release\$(PLATFORM)\$(TARGET)\MyApp.exe" -"!:\sys\bin\MyApp.exe"
"$(EPOCROOT)Epoc32\data\z\resource\apps\MyApp.r01" -"!:\resource\apps\MyApp.r01"
"$(EPOCROOT)Epoc32\data\z\private\10003a3f\apps\MyApp_reg.r01" -"!:\private\10003a3f\import\apps\MyApp_reg.r01"
"$(EPOCROOT)epoc32\data\z\resource\apps\MyApp_aif.mif" -"!:\resource\apps\MyApp_aif.mif"
"$(EPOCROOT)epoc32\data\z\resource\apps\MyApp.mbm" -"!:\resource\apps\MyApp.mbm"
Hope it helps.