Genetic Algorithm Crossover Producing Worse Results - c++

The current algorithm used, is a genetic algorithm using, mutation and ordered crossover. We modified the original ordered crossover algorithm by removing the depot (end points) and then performing the crossover and adding them in after. The parent selection algorithm uses roulette selection with the
goodness = 1/time_to_travel_route.
Without the Crossover, the algorithm produces good results (using only mutations), but adding it in significantly worsens them. Here is a link to a post with a similar problem: Why does adding Crossover to my Genetic Algorithm gives me worse results?
Following the advice given in the post, the goodness was changed to
goodness = 1/(time_to_travel_route)^n with varying n
However, this still did not produce a favorable result.
Population Size: tried from 100 to 10,000
Stop Condition: tried from 10 generations to 1000
Fitness Algorithm: tried 1/(time_to_travel_route)^n with varying n from 1 to Big Numbers
Mutation Algorithm: The algorithm uses 2-opt. All offspring are mutated. The mutation algorithm tries different mutations until it finds a better solution. However, if it finds a worse solution, it might just return the worse population with probability p. This is done to add some randomness and escape local minimas. We varied p from 5 to 20 percent.


What does time complexity actually mean?

I got the task of showing the time taken by the merge sort algorithm theoretically ( n log(n) ) and practically (by program) on a graph by using different values of n and time taken.
In the program, I'm printing the time difference between before calling the function and after the end of the function in microseconds I want to know what dose n log(n) means.
I tryed with this values:
Number of values:
10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 100000
program time in micro second:
12964 24961 35905 47870 88764 67848 81782 97739 111702 119682
time using n log n formula:
132877 285754 446180 611508 780482 952360 1.12665e+006 1.30302e+006 1.48119e+006 1.66096e+006
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
mergeSort(arr, 0, n - 1);
auto elapsed = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start;
long long microseconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(elapsed).count();
cout << microseconds << " ";
Graph i got:
What time complexity actually means?
I interpret your question in the following way:
Why is the actual time needed by the program not K*n*log(n) microseconds?
The answer is: Because on modern computers, the same step (such as comparing two numbers) does not need the same time if it is executed multiple times.
If you look at the time needed for 50.000 and 60.000 numbers, you can see, that the 50.000 numbers even needed more time than the 60.000 numbers.
The reason might be some interrupt that occurred while the 50.000 numbers were sorted; I assume that you'll get a time between the 40.000 numbers and the 60.000 numbers if you run your program a second time.
In other words: External influences (like interrupts) have more impact on the time needed by your program than the program itself.
I got the task of showing the time taken by the merge sort algorithm theoretically (n log(n)) and practically (by program) on a graph by using different values of n and time taken.
I'd take a number of elements to be sorted that takes about one second. Let's say sorting 3 Million numbers takes one second; then I would sort 3, 6, 9, 12 ... and 30 Million numbers and measure the time.
This reduces the influence of interrupts etc. on the measurement. However, you'll still have some effect of the memory cache in this case.
You can use your existing measurements (especially the 50.000 and the 60.000) to show that for a small number of elements to be sorted, there are other factors that influence the run time.
Note that a graph of y = x log(x) is surprisingly close to a straight line.
This is because the gradient at any point x is 1 + log(x), which is a slowly growing function of x.
In other words, it's difficult within the bounds of experimental error to distinguish between O(N) and O(N log N).
The fact that the blue line is pretty straight is a reasonable verification that the algorithm is not O(N * N), but really without better statistical analysis and program control set-up, one can't say much else.
The difference between the red and blue line is down to "big O" not concerning itself with proportionality constants and other coefficients.
The time complexity is the time a program takes to execute, as a function of the problem size.
The problem size is usually expressed as the number of input elements, but some other measures can sometimes be used (e.g. algorithms on matrices of size NxN can be rated in terms of N instead of N²).
The time can effectively be measured in units of time (seconds), but is often assessed by just counting the number of atomic operations of some kind performed (e.g. the number of comparisons, of array accesses...)
In fact, for theoretical studies, the exact time is not a relevant information because it is not "portable": it strongly depends on the performance of the computer used and also on implementation details.
This is why algorithmicians do not really care about exact figures, but rather on how the time varies with increasing problem sizes. This leads to the concept of asymptotic complexity, which measures the running time to an unknown factor, and for mathematical convenience, an approximation of the running time is often used, to make the computations tractable.
If you study the complexity by pure benchmarking (timing), you can obtain experimental points, which you could call empirical complexity. But some statistical rigor should be applied.
(Some of the other answers do merge the concepts of complexity and asymptotic complexity, but this is not correct.)
In this discussion of complexity, you can replace time by space and you study the memory footprint of the program.
Time complexity has nothing to do with actual time.
It's just a way that helps us to compare different algorithms - which algorithm will run faster.
For example -
In case of sorting: we have bubble sort having time-complexity as O(n^2) and merge sort having time-complexity as O(N log(N)). So, with the help of time-complexity we can say that merge-sort is much better than bubble sort for sorting things.
Big-O notations was created so that we can have generalized way of comparing speed of different algorithms, a way which is not machine dependent.

Is there a more efficient way to calculate a rolling maximum / minimum than the naive method? [duplicate]

I have input array A
A[0], A[1], ... , A[N-1]
I want function Max(T,A) which return B represent max value on A over previous moving window of size T where
B[i+T] = Max(A[i], A[i+T])
By using max heap to keep track of max value on current moving windows A[i] to A[i+T], this algorithm yields O(N log(T)) worst case.
I would like to know is there any better algorithm? Maybe an O(N) algorithm
O(N) is possible using Deque data structure. It holds pairs (Value; Index).
at every step:
if (!Deque.Empty) and (Deque.Head.Index <= CurrentIndex - T) then
//Head is too old, it is leaving the window
while (!Deque.Empty) and (Deque.Tail.Value > CurrentValue) do
//remove elements that have no chance to become minimum in the window
Deque.AddTail(CurrentValue, CurrentIndex);
CurrentMin = Deque.Head.Value
//Head value is minimum in the current window
it's called RMQ(range minimum query). Actually i once wrote an article about that(with c++ code). See
or you may prefer the wikipedia, Range Minimum Query
after the preparation, you can get the max number of any given range in O(1)
There is a sub-field in image processing called Mathematical Morphology. The operation you are implementing is a core concept in this field, called dilation. Obviously, this operation has been studied extensively and we know how to implement it very efficiently.
The most efficient algorithm for this problem was proposed in 1992 and 1993, independently by van Herk, and Gil and Werman. This algorithm needs exactly 3 comparisons per sample, independently of the size of T.
Some years later, Gil and Kimmel further refined the algorithm to need only 2.5 comparisons per sample. Though the increased complexity of the method might offset the fewer comparisons (I find that more complex code runs more slowly). I have never implemented this variant.
The HGW algorithm, as it's called, needs two intermediate buffers of the same size as the input. For ridiculously large inputs (billions of samples), you could split up the data into chunks and process it chunk-wise.
In sort, you walk through the data forward, computing the cumulative max over chunks of size T. You do the same walking backward. Each of these require one comparison per sample. Finally, the result is the maximum over one value in each of these two temporary arrays. For data locality, you can do the two passes over the input at the same time.
I guess you could even do a running version, where the temporary arrays are of length 2*T, but that would be more complex to implement.
van Herk, "A fast algorithm for local minimum and maximum filters on rectangular and octagonal kernels", Pattern Recognition Letters 13(7):517-521, 1992 (doi)
Gil, Werman, "Computing 2-D min, median, and max filters", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 15(5):504-507 , 1993 (doi)
Gil, Kimmel, "Efficient dilation, erosion, opening, and closing algorithms", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 24(12):1606-1617, 2002 (doi)
(Note: cross-posted from this related question on Code Review.)

Creating worse case scenarios with kruskal's algorithm

I have an implementation of Kruskal's algorithm in C++ (using disjoint data set structure). I'm trying to find possible methods of creating worse case scenario test cases for the total running time of the algorithm. I'm confused however on what can make the algorithm result in a worst case scenario when trying to create test cases and was wondering if anyone here might know of possible scenarios that would really make Kruskal's algorithm struggle.
As of now the main test I've considered that might theoretically test the bounds of Kruskal's algorithm would be test cases where all weights are the same. An example would be like the following:
4 4
(4, 4) 4 //(4,4) vertex and weight = 4
(4, 4) 4
(4, 4) 4
(4, 4) 4
What I end up running into is that regardless of what I do, if I try to slow down the algorithm I just end up with no minimum spanning tree and end up failing to actually test the bounds of the algorithm.
To stress Kruskal's algorithm, you need a graph with as many redundant edges as possible, and at least one necessary edge that will be considered last (since Kruskal's algorithm sorts the edges by weight). Here's an example.
The edges with weight 1 are necessary, and will be taken first. The edges with weight 2 are redundant and will cause Kruskal's algorithm to waste time before getting to the edge with weight 3.
Note that the running time of Kruskal's algorithm is determined primarily by the time to sort the edges by weight. Adding additional redundant edges of medium weight will increase the sort time as well as the search time.
Kruskal's algorithm consists of two phases - sorting the edges and than performing union find. If you implement the second phase using disjoint set forest and applying the path compression and union by rank heuristics, the sorting will be much slower than the second phase. Thus to create a worst case scenario for Kruskal you should simply generate a worst case scenario for the sorting algorithm you are using. If you use the built-in sorting, it has an optimization that will actually make it work way faster for already sorted array.

Introsort (quicksort + heapsort) implementation and complexity

I've read that C++ uses introsort (introspective sort) for its built-in std::sort where it starts off with quicksort and switches to heapsort when you hit the depth limit.
I've also read that the depth limit is supposed to be 2*log(2,N).
Is this value purely experimental? Or is there some mathematical theory behind it?
If you have an interval (range or array), the number of times you'll have to split the interval in half before you end up with an empty (or one element) interval is log(2,N), that's just a mathematical fact, you can work it out easily, if you want. If all goes perfectly well with quicksort, it should recurse log(2,N) times, for the same reason (and at each recursion level, it has to process all values of the interval, which leads to a O(N*log(2,N)) complexity for the overall algorithm). The problem is that quicksort could require many more recursions (if it keeps getting "unlucky" with picking pivot values, which means that it doesn't split the interval in half, but in an imbalanced way instead). At worse, quicksort could end up recursing N times, which is definitely not acceptable for a production-quality implementation.
Switching to heap-sort at 2*log(2,N) is just a good heuristic in general, to detect a much too deep number of recursions.
Technically, you could base this on the empirical performance of heap-sort versus quick-sort, to figure out what limit is the best. But such tests are highly dependent on the application (what are you sorting? how are you comparing elements? how cheap are the element swaps? etc..). So, most one-size-fits-all implementation, like std::sort, would just pick a reasonable limit like 2*log(2,N).
What #Mikael Persson said regarding why the depth limit is 2*log(2,N) is partly correct. It is not just a good heuristic, or a reasonable limit.
In fact, as you have probably guessed (depicted from your second question), there is an important mathematical reason for this: in tilde notation (search for tilde notation), quicksort makes on average ~2*log(2,N) comparisons. In big-oh notation, this is equivalent to O(N*log(2,N)).
That is why introsort switches to heapsort (which has asymptotic O(N*log(2,N)) complexity) when the depth of the recursion becomes more than 2*log(2,N). You can think of it as something which is not usual to happen and most probably means that something went wrong with the pivot picking and quicksort alone would lead to O(N^2) complexity.
You can find a short mathematical proof of the average number of compares quicksort does here (slide 21).

Can we know if a collection is almost sorted without applying a sort algorithm?

In the wikipedia article on sorting algorithms,
under Bubble sort it says:Bubble sort can also be used efficiently on a list of any length that is nearly sorted (that is, the elements are not significantly out of place)
So my question is: Without sorting the list using a sorting algoithm first, how can one know if that is nearly sorted or not?
Are you familiar with the general sorting lower bound? You can prove that in a comparison-based sorting algorithm, any sorting algorithm must make Ω(n log n) comparisons in the average case. The way you prove this is through an information-theoretic argument. The basic idea is that there are n! possible permutations of the input array, and since the only way you can learn about which permutation you got is to make comparisons, you have to make at least lg n! comparisons in order to be certain that you know the structure of your input permutation.
I haven't worked out the math on this, but I suspect that you could make similar arguments to show that it's difficult to learn how sorted a particular array is. Essentially, if you don't do a large number of comparisons, then you wouldn't be able to tell apart an array that's mostly sorted from an array that is actually quite far from sorted. As a result, all the algorithms I'm aware of that measure "sortedness" take a decent amount of time to do so.
For example, one measure of the level of "sortedness" in an array is the number of inversions in that array. You can count the number of inversions in an array in time O(n log n) using a divide-and-conquer algorithm based on mergesort, but with that runtime you could just sort the array instead.
Typically, the way that you'd know that your array was mostly sorted was to know something a priori about how it was generated. For example, if you're looking at temperature data gathered from 8AM - 12PM, it's very likely that the data is already mostly sorted (modulo some variance in the quality of the sensor readings). If your data looks at a stock price over time, it's also likely to be mostly sorted unless the company has a really wonky trajectory. Some other algorithms also partially sort arrays; for example, it's not uncommon for quicksort implementations to stop sorting when the size of the array left to sort is small and to follow everything up with a final insertion sort pass, since every element won't be very far from its final position then.
I don't believe there exists any standardized measure of how sorted or random an array is.
You can come up with your own measure - like count the number of adjacent pairs which are out of order (suggested in comment), or count the number of larger numbers which occur before smaller numbers in the array (this is trickier than a simple single pass).