Qt design and performance issue - c++

I am having some troubles while designing a C++ QT application. Among other things, the application displays the beams (or rays) of some lasers (each laser is composed by around 700 segments starting from the same position and spaced by a constant angle, and a small circle at the other end of the segment materializing the end point). Here is a drafting of one laser I found on the internet . Most of the time I have to display 12 lasers (so 12*700 segments), at 30 frames per second. My first implementation works, but it takes a huge amount of CPU (>12%) and the GUI lags a lot.
What I did for the implementation is quite simple: I have a LaserModel class, filled by a thread receiving TCP beacons; A MainWindow class with a QGraphicsScene* _scene; and a LaserView class, whose instances are added to the scene. A signal at 30fps triggers the passage of the datas from the model to the view using the setData() method.
I did a performance analysis and it seems that 80% of the work of the gui (There is way more than just displaying these lasers) is done by the drawLine(/*…*/) methods.
I am sure that there is a more elegant and efficient way to do that.
First the setData(/*…*/) method seems quite ugly to me. I know that I should probably emit a signal (like laserHasChanged(const LaserModel&)) from the model and catch it in the view (with a slot onNewData(const LaserModel&)) but for the performance point of view it seems worse (but it looks better for the coupling point of view, especially because in the future I will probably also display a property tree with the configuration of the lasers(so another view of the same model)).
More important I am not quite sure about what the drawLine(const QLine& line) does, but this part of the code should just “render” the line, not recreate it.
So the question is: how can I drastically improve the performances of the rendering? Especially the drawline part of the paint() method?
Here is the relevant code:
class LaserView : public QGraphicsItem {
/* c-tor, d-tor, members... */
std::vector<Beam> _beams;
QRectF _boundingRect;
void setData(const Sim::Pose& pose, const std::vector<Beam>& beams, const QRectF& boundingRect, const bool& showMaxRanges) {
_beams = beams;
_boundingRect = boundingRect;
void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *) {
// Display only the beams that are stopped by an obstacle
if (!_showMaxRanges) {
for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < _beams.size() -1 ; i++) {
if (!_beams[i].endPointType == laserBeamEndPointType::MAX_RANGE) {
_beams[i]._line.setLine(_pose.x, _pose.y, _beams[i]._mapEndPose.x(), _beams[i]._mapEndPose.y());
// Display all beams
else {
for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < _beams.size() -1 ; i++) {
_beams[i]._line.setLine(_pose.x, _pose.y, _beams[i]._mapEndPose.x(), _beams[i]._mapEndPose.y());
// Draw a small circle to visualize easily the end points of the beams when they stop against an obstacle
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _beams.size() - 1 ; i++) {
// Draw the end point in blue if the obstacle is reflective
if (_beams[i].endPointType == laserBeamEndPointType::REFLECTIVE_OBJECT) {
painter->drawEllipse(_beams[i]._mapEndPose, END_POINT_SIZE, END_POINT_SIZE);
// Draw the end point in red if the obstacle is NOT reflective
else if (_beams[i].endPointType == laserBeamEndPointType::NOT_REFLECTIVE_OBJECT) {
painter->drawEllipse(_beams[i]._mapEndPose, END_POINT_SIZE, END_POINT_SIZE);

You are drawing one line at a time, one ellipse at a time, switching between brushes in the process. There is a significant overhead with these operations (at least with Qt4). You can do better by aggregating these calls to just 3 drawing calls.
you have
std::vector<QlineF> lines;
std::vector<QRectF> ellipse_refl_rects;
std::vector<QRectF> ellipse_non_refl_rects;
Rather than drawing a line add to lines collection. Same for ellipses.
Then at the end you have
painter->drawLines(&lines[0], lines.size());
painter->drawEllipses(&ellipse_refl_rects[0], ellipse_refl_rects.size());
painter->drawEllipses(&ellipse_non_refl_rects[0], ellipse_non_refl_rects.size());


SDL tilemap rendering quite slow

Im using SDL to write a simulation that displays quite a big tilemap(around 240*240 tiles). Since im quite new to the SDL library I cant really tell if the pretty slow performance while rendering more than 50,000 tiles is actually normal. Every tile is visible at all times, being around 4*4px big. Currently its iterating every frame through a 2d array and rendering every single tile, which gives me about 40fps, too slow to actually put any game logic behind the system.
I tried to find some alternative systems, like only updating updated tiles but people always commented on how this is a bad practice and that the renderer is supposed to be cleaned every frame and so on.
Here a picture of the map
So I basically wanted to ask if there is any more performant system than rendering every single tile every frame.
Edit: So heres the simple rendering method im using
void World::DirtyBiomeDraw(Graphics *graphics) {
if(_biomeTexture == NULL) {
_biomeTexture = graphics->loadImage("assets/biome_sprites.png");
printf("Biome texture loaded.\n");
for(int i = 0; i < globals::WORLD_WIDTH; i++) {
for(int l = 0; l < globals::WORLD_HEIGHT; l++) {
SDL_Rect srect;
srect.h = globals::SPRITE_SIZE;
srect.w = globals::SPRITE_SIZE;
if(sites[l][i].biome > 0) {
srect.y = 0;
srect.x = (globals::SPRITE_SIZE * sites[l][i].biome) - globals::SPRITE_SIZE;
else {
srect.y = globals::SPRITE_SIZE;
srect.x = globals::SPRITE_SIZE * fabs(sites[l][i].biome);
SDL_Rect drect = {i * globals::SPRITE_SIZE * globals::SPRITE_SCALE, l * globals::SPRITE_SIZE * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
globals::SPRITE_SIZE * globals::SPRITE_SCALE, globals::SPRITE_SIZE * globals::SPRITE_SCALE};
graphics->blitOnRenderer(_biomeTexture, &srect, &drect);
So in this context every tile is called "site", this is because they're also storing information like moisture, temperature and so on.
Every site got a biome assigned during the generation process, every biome is basically an ID, every land biome has an ID higher than 0 and every water id is 0 or lower.
This allows me to put every biome sprite ordered by ID into the "biome_sprites.png" image. All the land sprites are basically in the first row, while all the water tiles are in the second row. This way I dont have to manually assign a sprite to a biome and the method can do it itself by multiplying the tile size(basically the width) with the biome.
Heres the biome ID table from my SDD/GDD and the actual spritesheet.
The blitOnRenderer method from the graphics class basically just runs a SDL_RenderCopy blitting the texture onto the renderer.
void Graphics::blitOnRenderer(SDL_Texture *texture, SDL_Rect
*sourceRectangle, SDL_Rect *destinationRectangle) {
SDL_RenderCopy(this->_renderer, texture, sourceRectangle, destinationRectangle);
In the game loop every frame a RenderClear and RenderPresent gets called.
I really hope I explained it understandably, ask anything you want, im the one asking you guys for help so the least I can do is be cooperative :D
Poke the SDL2 devs for a multi-item version of SDL_RenderCopy() (similar to the existing SDL_RenderDrawLines()/SDL_RenderDrawPoints()/SDL_RenderDrawRects() functions) and/or batched SDL_Renderer backends.
Right now you're trying slam at least 240*240 = 57000 draw-calls down the GPU's throat; you can usually only count on 1000-4000 draw-calls in any given 16 milliseconds.
Alternatively switch to OpenGL & do the batching yourself.

QT collision detection between 2 QGraphicsPixmapItems

Link to project
The interesting parts should be in gameengine.cpp's "launchSplash" -function and splashanimation.cpp
The game creates the bubbles randomly in the acceptable are. The player's job is to shoot the bubbles with water drops. The water drops are launched from the middle bottom part of the game screen. The grids are only used for debugging, and will later on be gone, but it makes visualizing the areas easier.
The bubbles are destroyed by shooting the water drop at them, but the water drop disappears when it hits a bubble or the upper boundary of the game. The water drop shoots to the direction of a mouse click.
I'm trying to create a collision detection for a basic bubble shooter game, but I'm not sure how I can detect the collision in a neat way.
The game board looks something like this game board, the water drops are shot from the middle bottom part of the screen to the direction of the cursor.
Eventually I'll have the water drop ricochet from the walls, but at the moment I'm contempt with figuring out how to detect collisions in the first place.
The game board is 500x600 units (width x height), so the point the water drop is shot at is (250, 600).
When the water drop is shot, I use
void GameEngine::launchSplash(int clickX, int clickY){
// <my long method of calculating the coordinates for the water drop's path>
graphicalGameBoard_.animateSplash(graphicalGameBoard_.width()/2, graphicalGameBoard_.height(), xDestination, yDestination);
where xDestination and yDestionation are the place the water drop will end up if it travels unhindered. The water drop will either end up at x=0 / x=500 and/or y=0/y=600, but I don't think that's relevant.
The bubbles are added to the game board with
for(int y = 0; y < HEIGHT; ++y)
std::vector< std::shared_ptr<Bubble> > row;
for(int x = 0; x < WIDTH; ++x)
std::shared_ptr<Bubble> newBubble = nullptr;
// There will be bubbles only in the top 3/4 of the board only in the middle
// (i.e. not in the first two and last two columns).
if (y < HEIGHT*3/4 && x > 1 && x < WIDTH-2)
// Generate random numbers using the enumearation type defined in
// file bubble.hh. The value COLOR_COUNT is used to represent no bubble.
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(RED,COLOR_COUNT);
// If you want no empty squares, change the initialization to:
// std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(RED,BLUE);
Color color = static_cast<Color>(distribution(randomEngine_));
if(color != COLOR_COUNT) {
newBubble = std::make_shared<Bubble>(x, y, color);
in the gameengine.cpp which draws the board and the water drop being shot at the bubbles.
The water drops are drawn using
SplashAnimation::SplashAnimation(GameBoard* scene, QPointF startPoint, QPointF endPoint):
// The animation runs for the given duration and moves the splash
// smoothly from startpoint to endpoint.
setKeyValueAt(0, QPointF(startPoint));
setKeyValueAt(1, QPointF(endPoint));
I figured there are two ways to do this: either the inbuilt QT Collision detection or doing a separate calculation. I was not able to work with QT Collision and my attempts at detecting the collision manually did not really work out too well.
I already have a function for detecting bubble objects at certain cells, but it's in column/row instead of raw coordinates (500x600).
std::shared_ptr<Bubble> GameEngine::bubbleAt(int x, int y) const
if (0 <= x and x < WIDTH and 0 <= y and y < HEIGHT){
return board_.at(y).at(x);
return nullptr;
Edit: Currently I'm trying to work on something like this, but I'm afraid it's going to be a bit heavy for the game since it iterates so much (or not?):
for (int i = 0; i<600;++i)
xfract = (xDestination+250.0)/600.0;
yfract = (600.0-yDestination)/600.0;
xStep = xfract*i;
yStep = yfract*i;
if (xStep >= 50){
thisX = xStep/50-5;
if (yStep >= 50){
thisY = 11-yStep/50 + 1;
thisY = 11;
thisX = abs(thisX);
if (bubbleAt(thisX, thisY)!=nullptr){
endX = xfract*i;
endY = yfract*i;
i = 600;
std::cout << "collision at x: "<<thisX<< " y: "<<thisY<<std::endl;
std::cout << "collision at x: "<<xStep<< " y: "<<yStep<<std::endl;
std::cout << graphicalGameBoard_.width() << " " << graphicalGameBoard_.height()<<std::endl;
removeBubble(thisX, thisY);
graphicalGameBoard_.removeBubble(thisX, thisY);
endY = 600-endY;
graphicalGameBoard_.animateSplash(graphicalGameBoard_.width()/2, graphicalGameBoard_.height(), endX, endY);
I'm trying to split the steps into small fractions and check if the current step has a bubble in it until the water drop reaches the end or finds a bubble.
This works on my only one of my sides in terms of calculating, but the animation is off the mark and right side (x>250) collision detection doesn't work at all for some reason (it hits seemingly random bubbles at impossible locations on the right side).
Edit^2: Here are things I've tried in order to work with the actual collision detection of QT:
Within splashanimation.cpp, where the water drop is drawn using
SplashAnimation::SplashAnimation(GameBoard* scene, QPointF startPoint, QPointF endPoint):
// The animation runs for the given duration and moves the splash
// smoothly from startpoint to endpoint.
setKeyValueAt(0, QPointF(startPoint));
setKeyValueAt(1, QPointF(endPoint));
void SplashAnimation::updateCurrentValue(QVariant const& value)
where scene is QGraphicsScene, and the parent of this contains the bubbles.
I've tried this on both the gameboard.cpp (which is parent for bubbles and the animation) and splash.cpp (which animates the water drop), but both give me the same compilation errors.
error: cannot call constructor ?QGraphicsItem::QGraphicsItem? directly [-fpermissive]
QList<QGraphicsItem *> list = collidingItems() ;
gives error: ?collidingItems? was not declared in this scope
QList<QGraphicsItem *> list = collidingItems() ;
QList<QGraphicsItem *> list = QGraphicsItem::collidingItems() ;
gives error: cannot call member function ?QList<QGraphicsItem*> QGraphicsItem::collidingItems(Qt::ItemSelectionMode) const? without object
QList<QGraphicsItem *> list = QGraphicsItem::collidingItems() ;
I also tried adding arguments, but nothing I had the mind to try worked any better.
In this answer I am going to give you some recommendations that you use to implement the solution:
Avoid using the following instruction, use the signals that is one of the most powerful elements of Qt and that the event loop does the work.
while (animations_.state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running)
QGraphicsScene works with coordinates that support the floating point, so the coordinates of the scene are handled with QPointF.
Using the above, if you are going to send point information use QPointF instead of int, int in the signals.
Use the methods that Qt provides, for example the following:
if (0 <= clickPosition.x() and clickPosition.x() <= GRID_SIDE*WIDTH and
0 <= clickPosition.y() and clickPosition.y() <= GRID_SIDE*HEIGHT)
It can be reduced to the following:
The advantage of that implementation is that it is more readable
I do not understand why you can not implement collidingItems, maybe it's the configuration of your .pro,
Use the following to add the gui module, core and widgets
QT += core gui
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
Also to implement the animation use my previous answer
The complete and functional code can be found at the following link.

Insert a delay in Processing sketch

I am attempting to insert a delay in Processing sketch. I tried Thread.sleep() but I guess it will not work because, as in Java, it prevents rendering of the drawings.
Basically, I have to draw a triangle with delays in drawing three sides.
How do I do that?
Processing programs can read the value of computer’s clock. The current second is read with the second() function, which returns values from 0 to 59. The current minute is read with the minute() function, which also returns values from 0 to 59. - Processing: A Programming Handbook
Other clock related functions : millis(), day(), month(), year().
Those numbers can be used to trigger events and calculate the passage of time, as in the following Processing sketch quoted from the aforementioned book:
// Uses millis() to start a line in motion three seconds
// after the program starts
int x = 0;
void setup() {
size(100, 100);
void draw() {
if (millis() > 3000) {
line(x, 0, x, 100);
Here's an example of a triangle whose sides are drawn each one after 3 seconds (the triangle is reset every minute):
int i = second();
void draw () {
if (second()-i>=3) {
if (second()-i>=6) vertex(0,99);
if (second()-i>=9) vertex(50,0);
As #user2468700 suggests, use a time keeping function. I like millis().
If you have a value to keep track of the time at certain intervals and the current time (continuously updated) you can check if one timer(manually updated one) falls behind the other(continuous one) based on a delay/wait value. If it does, update your data (number of points to draw in this case) and finally the local stop-watch like value.
Here's a basic commented example.
Rendering is separated from data updates to make it easier to understand.
//render related
PVector[] points = new PVector[]{new PVector(10,10),//a list of points
new PVector(90,10),
new PVector(90,90)};
int pointsToDraw = 0;//the number of points to draw on the screen
//time keeping related
int now;//keeps track of time only when we update, not continuously
int wait = 1000;//a delay value to check against
void setup(){
now = millis();//update the 'stop-watch'
void draw(){
if(millis()-now >= wait){//if the difference between the last 'stop-watch' update and the current time in millis is greater than the wait time
if(pointsToDraw < points.length) pointsToDraw++;//if there are points to render, increment that
now = millis();//update the 'stop-watch'
for(int i = 0 ; i < pointsToDraw; i++) {

Need help in optimizing a drawing code ...

I needed some help in trying to optimize this code portion ... Basically here's the thing .. I'm making this 'calligraphy pen' which gives the calligraphy effect by simply drawing a lot of adjacent slanted lines ... The problem is this: When I update the draw region using update() after every single draw of a slanted line, the output is correct, in the sense that updates are done in a timely manner, so that everything 'drawn' using the pen is immediately 'seen' the drawing.. however, because a lot (100s of them) of updates are done, the program slows down a little when run on the N900 ...
When I try to do a little optimization by running update after drawing all the slanted lines (so that all lines are updated onto the drawing board through a single update() ), the output is ... odd .... That is, immediately after drawing the lines, they lines seem broken (they have vacant patches where the drawing should have happened as well) ... however, if I trigger a redrawing of the form window (say, by changing the size of the form), the broken patches are immediately fixed !! When I run this program on my N900, it gets the initial broken output and stays like that, since I don't know how to enforce a redraw in this case ...
Here is the first 'optimized' code and output (partially correct/incorrect)
void Canvas::drawLineTo(const QPoint &endPoint)
QPainter painter(&image);
int fx=0,fy=0,k=0;
int i=0;
int x,y;
painter.drawLine(x-5,y-5,x+5,y+5); **// Drawing slanted lines**
**//Updating only once after many draws:**
update (QRect(QPoint(lastPoint.x()-5,lastPoint.y()-5), QPoint(endPoint.x()+5,endPoint.y()+5)).normalized());
modified = true;
lastPoint = endPoint;
Image right after scribbling on screen:
After re-adjusting the window size, all the broken links above are fixed like they should be ..
Here is the second un-optimized code (its output is correct right after drawing, just like in the second picture above):
void Canvas::drawLineTo(const QPoint &endPoint)
QPainter painter(&image);
int fx=0,fy=0,k=0;
int i=0;
int x,y;
painter.drawLine(x-5,y-5,x+5,y+5); **// Drawing slanted lines**
**//Updating repeatedly during the for loop:**
update(QRect(QPoint(x-5,y-5), QPoint(x+5,y+5)).normalized());//.adjusted(-rad,-rad,rad,rad));
modified = true;
int rad = (myPenWidth / 2) + 2;
lastPoint = endPoint;
Can anyone see what the issue might be ?
Sorry if I misunderstood, but have you tried to use the "double buffer" approach? Instead of drawing directly on the screen, you "draw" your points and lines to a memory buffer. After that, you just copy the buffer to the screen. This is faster and avoids flickering.
As I understand you should find min and max of x and y processed in your for-loop and use them in update(QRect(QPoint(minX-5, minY-5), QPoint(maxX+5, maxY+5)).normalized());
I'm not sure exactly what your issue is with the broken lines, but I can offer you this advice: keep your pen around. Instead of this:
// ...
painter.drawLine(x-5,y-5,x+5,y+5); **// Drawing slanted lines**
// ...
do this:
QPen black_pen(Qt::black);
// ...
painter.drawLine(x-5,y-5,x+5,y+5); **// Drawing slanted lines**
// ...
Even more, if you are repeatedly calling your drawLineTo function with the same pen every time, store the pen in your class and keep it around. At my company, we've found that to vastly reduce drawing times where we can take advantage of it. (One instance on a large image cut drawing times in half.)
One other note: I'm not sure what type the image you are painting is, but I'm assuming it is a QImage. When you are done drawing, if you will be using the unmodified image repeatedly, you might convert it once to a QPixmap. The QPixmap class is stored in a way that is supposed to be ready for blitting directly to the screen (but it a lot slower to modify in many cases, because of that).

How can you animate a sprite in SFML

Lets say I have 4 images and I want to use these 4 images to animate a character. The 4 images represent the character walking. I want the animation to repeat itself as long as I press the key to move but to stop right when I unpress it. It doesn't need to be SFML specific if you don't know it, just basic theory would really help me.
Thank you.
You may want some simple kind of state machine. When the key is down (see sf::Input's IsKeyDown method), have the character in the "animated" state. When the key is not down, have the character in "not animated" state. Of course, you could always skip having this "state" and just do what I mention below (depending on exactly what you're doing).
Then, if the character is in the "animated" state, get the next "image" (see the next paragraph for more details on that). For example, if you have your images stored in a simple 4 element array, the next image would be at (currentIndex + 1) % ARRAY_SIZE. Depending on what you are doing, you may want to store your image frames in a more sophisticated data structure. If the character is not in the "animated" state, then you wouldn't do any updating here.
If your "4 images" are within the same image file, you can use the sf::Sprite's SetSubRect method to change the portion of the image displayed. If you actually have 4 different images, then you probably would need to use the sf::Sprite's SetImage method to switch the images out.
How would you enforce a framerate so that the animation doesn't happen too quickly?
Hello please see my answer here and accept this post as the best solution.
You need to supply duration per frame and have the total progress be used to step through to the frame.
In the Animation source file do
class Animation {
std::vector<Frame> frames;
double totalLength;
double totalProgress;
sf::Sprite *target;
Animation(sf::Sprite& target) {
this->target = &target;
totalProgress = 0.0;
void addFrame(Frame& frame) {
totalLength += frame.duration;
void update(double elapsed) {
// increase the total progress of the animation
totalProgress += elapsed;
// use this progress as a counter. Final frame at progress <= 0
double progress = totalProgress;
for(auto frame : frames) {
progress -= (*frame).duration;
// When progress is <= 0 or we are on the last frame in the list, stop
if (progress <= 0.0 || &(*frame) == &frames.back())
break; // we found our frame
To stop when you unpress, simply only animate when the key is held
if(isKeyPressed) {
To support multiple animations for different situations have a boolean for each state
bool isWalking, isJumping, isAttacking;
if(isJumping && !isWalking && !isAttacking) {
} else if(isWalking && !isAttacking) {
} else if(isAttacking) {
// now check for keyboard presses
if(jumpkeyPressed) { isJumping = true; } else { isJumping false; }