Grails Unit Testing with Composite Keys - unit-testing

I'm trying to unit test a method where an object with a composite key is being inserted into the database. Whenever I run my unit test for this, I get the following.
Failure: |
Condition not satisfied:
Transaction.count() == 1
| |
0 false
If I remove the composite key code and nothing else from my domain class, the test passes.
This is my Domain Class, Transaction.groovy:
class Transaction implements Serializable {
String timestamp
String source
String tableName
String fieldName
Integer changeNumber
String fieldValue
String objectId
static mapping = {
id composite: ["timestamp", "source", "tableName", "fieldName", "changeNumber"], generator: 'assigned'
boolean equals(other) {
if (!(other instanceof Transaction)) {
return false
other.timestamp == timestamp && other.source == source && == id && other.tableName == tableName && other.fieldName == fieldName && other.changeNumber == changeNumber
int hashCode() {
def builder = new HashCodeBuilder()
builder.append timestamp
builder.append source
builder.append tableName
builder.append fieldName
builder.append changeNumber
This is the code that's being tested:
def response = [code: 'OK']
def transaction = new Transaction()
transaction.timestamp = (new Date()).format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")
transaction.source = "APP"
transaction.tableName = "TABLE_NAME"
transaction.fieldName = "FIELD_NAME"
transaction.fieldValue = "FIELD_VALUE"
transaction.objectId = "OBJECT_ID"
def changeNumber = Transaction.createCriteria().get {
eq("objid", currentTransaction.objid)
eq("tableName", currentTransaction.tableName)
projections {
currentTransaction.changeNumber = (changeNumber ?: 0) + 1
if(! {
transaction.errors.each {
println it
response = [code: 'error transaction', status: 500]
return response
And finally, here's my unit test code:
void testTransaction() {
def response = testService.loadTransaction() // Creates transaction row
assert response == [code: 'OK']
assert Transaction.count() == 1
The domain structure was defined by another party, and I can't change it in any way, so the composite key is a must. Unfortunately many classes in this app use composite keys, so if I can't unit test them, a lot of my code can't be covered by unit testing. Any info to get me going in the right direction would be great.

Don't use unit tests to test persistence.
Unit tests have a GORM implementation, but it isn't backed by a database, only a ConcurrentHashMap. It's pretty good, but it should only ever be used to avoid having to mock the persistence layer when unit testing other artifact types like controllers. If you want to test persistence, use a database.
Otherwise, you'll see funky issues like this, and similar issues like false negatives or worse - false positives where a test passes that shouldn't, leaving bugs in your "well-tested" code.


Testing criteria creation in a Grails service

I have a Grails service that creates a criteria query with optional parameters like this:
List<Car> search(String make = "%", String model = "%", Integer year = null) {
def c = Car.createCriteria()
return c.list() {
if(make) {
like("make", make)
if(model) {
like("model", model)
if(year) {
eq("year", year)
(Also, is this the idiomatic way to do this in grails? I'm quite new to the framework and I'm trying to find the right way to do things)
I'd like to test that the proper criteria filters are set according to the values of the parameters of the search method but I'm having no success.
I tried some variations of this:
class CarServiceSpec extends Specification {
def car = Mock(Car)
void "empty filters"() {
with(car.createCriteria()) {
0 * like(*_)
0 * eq(*_)
But I can't seem to find a way to do assertions about the interactions between the CarService and the criteria object.
What am I missing?
The Grails Where query instead of the Criteria query seems to be better choice for an idiomatic way to do this in Grails:
Gorm Where Query

How to test a grail service that has resultTransformer within withCriteria(Spock).?

In the below class, I just need RevShareFormula.withCriteria to return a result,
but getting the exception in resultTransformer() method.
Can anyone tell me how to Mock the below method so that i get some result from withCriteria
Here is the class:
class PartnerFinancialService {
def getPartnerPayeeRevenuShareDetails(long partnerPayeeId, def contextTypeCode) {
def partnerPayeesRevShareFormula = RevShareFormula.withCriteria {
createAlias('partnerRevShareConfig', 'partnerRevShareConfig')
createAlias('pricingModel', 'pricingModel')
createAlias('partnerRevShareConfig.revshareCategory', 'revshareCategory')
and {
eq("revshareCategory.payeeProfileId", partnerPayeeId)
eq("revshareCategory.referenceContextTypeCode", contextTypeCode)
projections {
property("id", "formulaId")
property("", "pricingModelId")
property("pricingModel.pricingName", "pricingName")
property("pricingModel.pricingType", "pricingType")
Here is the test class
class PartnerFinancialServiceSpec extends Specification {
void "test getPartnerPayeeRevShareDetails"() {
def partnerPayeeRevShare = new PartnerRevShareConfig() = 1
def revShareModel = new PricingModel(); = 1
def partnerPayeeRevShareFormula = new RevShareFormula();
partnerPayeeRevShareFormula.pricingModel = revShareModel
partnerPayeeRevShareFormula.partnerRevShareConfig = partnerPayeeRevShare
partnerPayeeRevShareFormula.revshareFormula = "revshare*10"
partnerPayeeRevShareFormula.revshareTierHighValue = 0
partnerPayeeRevShareFormula.revshareTierLowValue= 0
RevShareFormula.metaClass.static.withCriteria = {partnerPayeeRevShareFormula}
def result = service.getPartnerPayeeRevenuShareDetails(1,"PKG")
//assert == 1
println "Succesfully Fetched from DB"
Getting the following exception.
<testcase classname="" name="test getPartnerPayeeRevShareDetails" time="0.039">
<error message="No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (org.hibernate.transform.AliasToEntityMapResultTransformer) values: [org.hibernate.transform.AliasToEntityMapResultTransformer#3632aa4]" type="groovy.lang.MissingMethodException">groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (org.hibernate.transform.AliasToEntityMapResultTransformer) values: [org.hibernate.transform.AliasToEntityMapResultTransformer#3632aa4]
at grails.gorm.CriteriaBuilder.invokeClosureNode(
at grails.gorm.CriteriaBuilder.invokeMethod(
at org.grails.datastore.gorm.GormStaticApi.withCriteria_closure11(GormStaticApi.groovy:304)
at org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.DatastoreUtils.execute(
at org.grails.datastore.gorm.AbstractDatastoreApi.execute(AbstractDatastoreApi.groovy:37)
at org.grails.datastore.gorm.GormStaticApi.withCriteria(GormStaticApi.groovy:303)
at getPartnerPayeeRevShareDetails(PartnerFinancialServiceSpec.groovy:71)
Use an integration test. Never test ORM code with unit tests. I know it's slower and the experience is less enjoyable, but you are fooling yourself if you think that you are actually testing something related to database queries with this test. You are testing the testing framework of grails (the in-memory GORM implementation)

Failing Unit Test In Grails 1.3.7 Spock

I have this piece of code in a controller:
def update = {
Map model = [:] = =
def result = ""
MyObject obj = MyObject.findWhere(bar:bar, foo:foo)
result = true
render result as JSON
And this simple unit test:
def 'controller update'() {
given: = foo = bar
MyObject obj = new MyObject(bar:bar, foo:foo)
1 * MyObject.findWhere(bar:bar, foo:foo) >> obj
1 * MyObjectService.updateObj(model,obj)
def model = JSON.parse(controller.response.contentAsString)
model == true
foo = "0"
bar = "1"
Now this is failing by and it is telling me that, "not static method findWhere is applicable..." for those arguments. That "MyObject" is just an orm class, and when I run that application everything seems to be working fine, but the test is failing.
My logic is this:
I want to count how many times the findWhere and updateObj methods are call and I am also mocking their response. So findWhere will return the object I already mocked, and pass it on to the service.
Any ideas why this is failing ?
For mocking static methods you should use Spock's GroovyStub class which introduced in v0.7.

Testing a service in a domain class

I am trying to write a unit test for one of my domain classes right now. I cheated, I know the code works by use of the code however... I want to make sure I have some automated tests in place.
I am getting the following error:
Test a sponsor(some.vendor.Vendor2Spec)
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method getLevel() on null object
at some.vendor.Vendor.getSponsorLevel(Vendor.groovy:111)
at some.vendor.Vendor2Spec.Test a sponsor(Vendor2Spec.groovy:29)
|Completed 1 unit test, 1 failed in 0m 3s
.................Tests FAILED
In the following code I have indicated my line numbers where they are being called out as errors.
My Vendor looks like:
class Vendor {
def sponsorService
SponsorLevel getSponsorLevel(){
return sponsorService.getLevel(this) // Line 111
And my test is setup as follows:
class Vendor2Spec extends Specification{
def sponsorService = new SponsorService()
def setup() {
def cleanup() {
void "Test a sponsor"(){
when: 'A Sponsor donates $5'
def vendor = new Vendor(cashDonation: 5, sponsorService: sponsorService)
then: 'Amount Owed should be $5'
vendor.getAmountDue().equals(new BigDecimal("5"))
vendor.getSponsorLevel() == SponsorLevel.DIAMOND // Line 29
when:"A Sponsor donates an item of value"
vendor = vendor = new Vendor(itemValue: 5)
then: 'Amount Due is $0'
vendor.getAmountDue().equals(new BigDecimal("0"))
vendor.sponsorLevel == SponsorLevel.DIAMOND
When I started out I was not newing off my sponsorService and it kept complaining about the nullness so... I tried mocking (might have been doing it wrong) but... I need to test the objects use of the service so... I don't think I need a mock.
The service looks like:
class SponsorService {
static transactional = false
def getLevel(Vendor vendor){
return null
BigDecimal sponsoringAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO
sponsoringAmount = sponsoringAmount.add(vendor.cashDonation ?: BigDecimal.ZERO)
sponsoringAmount = sponsoringAmount.add(vendor.itemValue ?: BigDecimal.ZERO)
return SponsorLevel.getSponsoringLevel(sponsoringAmount)
And the enum:
enum SponsorLevel {
final String label
private SponsorLevel(String label){
this.label = label
public static SponsorLevel getSponsoringLevel(BigDecimal sponsoringAmount){
return null
if(sponsoringAmount.compareTo(new BigDecimal("3000")) >= 0){
if(sponsoringAmount.compareTo(new BigDecimal("2000")) >= 0){
return GOLD
if(sponsoringAmount.compareTo(new BigDecimal("1000")) >= 0){
return SILVER
if(sponsoringAmount.compareTo(new BigDecimal("500")) >= 0){
return BRONZE
if(sponsoringAmount.compareTo(new BigDecimal("1")) >= 0){
return DIAMOND
return null
Generally speaking, Service classes should be mocked when called from other classes for Unit Tests, otherwise, you'd want to write an Integration test.
Personally, if that is all your service is doing I'd just make that a method on the domain itself:
class Vendor {
def sponsorService
SponsorLevel getSponsorLevel(){
BigDecimal sponsoringAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO
sponsoringAmount = sponsoringAmount.add(this.cashDonation ?: BigDecimal.ZERO)
sponsoringAmount = sponsoringAmount.add(this.itemValue ?: BigDecimal.ZERO)
return SponsorLevel.getSponsoringLevel(sponsoringAmount)
Your service isn't transactional, your getLevel() isn't doing anything with the database, and the method is specific to your Vendor Domain. So to me, it makes more sense to make this a Domain method on Vendor. It simplifies your code and your test.

Grails Criteria not working in JUnit Test

I'm trying to test search method in my grails app but I'm having a null pointer exception. I mocked the domain in my test as follows:
class AuditControllerTests {
void testSearch() {
def audit=new Audit(params) true)
//Search existing customer
def model =
assert model.auditInstanceList.size() == 1
assert model.auditInstanceList.size() == 1
I got NPE on model.auditInstanceList. Where it shouldn't be null. Here is the code in my controller:
def search = {
def query
def criteria = Audit.createCriteria()
def results
query = {
ilike("customerName", params.customer + '%')
ilike("siteName", params.siteName + '%')
results = criteria.list(params, query)
render(view:'list', model:[ auditInstanceList: results,auditInstanceTotal:results.totalCount ])
What is going on with this?
Return model at the end of search. As in,
def search = {
render(view:'list', model:[ auditInstanceList: results, auditInstanceTotal:results.totalCount ])
[auditInstanceList: results, auditInstanceTotal:results.totalCount]
When testing a controller action that calls render(), model and view variables are automatically created and populated in your test. By doing def model =, you are replacing the magic model with your own, assigning it to the return value of search(). The correct way to do your assertions is:
assert model.auditInstanceList.size() == 1
assert view == '/audit/list'
I don't know why but sometimes you need to remove model as a return value from controller's action. I use both version alternatively in case one of them fails:
// sometimes this one works
def model =
assert model
// sometimes this one works
assert model
Edit: I think of two new possibilities why your action doesn't work:
try to change your action from closure and make it a method.
make sure you have no after filter. I've found this bug: