Extracting data from a tuple in OCaml - tuples

I'm trying to use the CIL library to parse C source code. I'm searching for a particular function using its name.
let cil_func = Caml.List.find (fun g ->
match g with
| GFun(f,_) when (equal f.svar.vname func) -> true
| _ -> false
) cil_file.globals in
let body g = match g with GFun(f,_) -> f.sbody in
dumpBlock defaultCilPrinter stdout 1 (body cil_func)
So I have a type GFun of fundec * location, and I'm trying to get the sbody attribute of fundec.
It seems redundant to do a second pattern match, not to mention, the compiler complains that it's not exhaustive. Is there a better way of doing this?

You can define your own function that returns just the fundec:
let rec find_fundec fname = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| GFun (f, _) :: _ when equal (f.svar.vname fname) -> f (* ? *)
| _ :: t -> find_fundec fname t
Then your code looks more like this:
let cil_fundec = find_fundec func cil_file.globals in
dumpBlock defaultCilPrinter stdout 1 cil_fundec.sbody
For what it's worth, the line marked (* ? *) looks wrong to me. I don't see why f.svar.vname would be a function. I'm just copying your code there.
Fixed an error (one I often make), sorry.


In Ocaml, how do I avoid an unused variable warning if I don't want to use the variable?

Say I'm defining a recursive function on lists that looks something like:
let rec listFunc xs =
match xs with
| [] -> aThing
| h :: t -> listFunc (tailFunc t)
where tailFunc is some other function from lists to lists. The compiler will give me an unused variable warning since I didn't use h, but I can't just use the wildcard since I need to be able to access the tail of the list. How do I prevent the compiler from giving me a warning?
You can prefix the h with an underscore.
let rec listFunc xs =
match xs with
| [] -> aThing
| _h :: t -> listFunc (tailFunc t)
or simply:
let rec listFunc xs =
match xs with
| [] -> aThing
| _ :: t -> listFunc (tailFunc t)
Any binding that starts with _ won't be in scope and won't give you unused variable warnings.

Ocaml cast string to list of tuples

I have the file "example.dat" with text "[(1,2); (3,4); (5,6)]". I need to get list of tuples from it. I know, how I can get it from list of ints.
# let f line = List.map int_of_string line;;
# open Printf
let file = "example.dat"
let () =
let ic = open_in file in
let line = input_line ic in
f line;
flush stdout;
close_in ic
with e ->
close_in_noerr ic;
raise e;;
How I must to change my functions?
Given a list of strings that represent ints, your function f returns a list of ints. It doesn't return a list of tuples.
You don't say whether you want to verify that the input has some kind of proper form. If you want to verify that it has the form of (say) a list of type (int * int) list in OCaml, this is a parsing problem that would take some work.
If you just want to extract the parts of the input line that look like ints, you can use regular expression processing from the Str module:
# let re = Str.regexp "[^0-9]+" in
Str.split re "[(1,2); (37,4); (5,6)]";;
- : string list = ["1"; "2"; "37"; "4"; "5"; "6"]
Then you can rewrite your function f to collect up each pair of ints into a tuple. I don't see a good way to use List.map for this. You might have to write your own recursive function or use List.fold_left.
I will write you a function that changes a list of values into a list of pairs. I hope this isn't for a school assignment, in which case you should be figuring this out for yourself.
let rec mkpairs l =
match l with
| [] | [_] -> []
| a :: b :: rest -> (a, b) :: mkpairs rest
As you can see, this function silently discards the last element of the list if the list has an odd number of elements.
This function is not tail recursive. So that's something you could think about improving.
let open Genlex in
let open Stream in
let lexer = make_lexer ["["; "("; ","; ")"; ";"; "]";] in
let stream = lexer (of_string array_string) in
let fail () = failwith "Malformed string" in
let parse_tuple acc = match next stream with
| Int first -> ( match next stream with
| Kwd "," -> ( match next stream with
| Int second -> ( match next stream with
| Kwd ")" -> (first, second) :: acc
| _ -> fail () )
| _ -> fail () )
| _ -> fail () )
| _ -> fail ()
let rec parse_array acc =
match next stream with
| Kwd "(" -> parse_array (parse_tuple acc)
| Kwd ";" -> parse_array acc
| Kwd "]" -> acc
| _ -> fail ()
match next stream with
| Kwd "[" -> List.rev (parse_array [])
| _ -> fail ()
with Stream.Failure -> fail ();;

F# Regex matching chain

As I am not completely happy with F#'s regex implementation for my usage, I wanted to implement a so-called regex chain. It basically works as follows:
The given string s will be checked, whether it matches the first pattern. If it does, it should execute a function associated with the first pattern. If it does not, it should continue with the next one.
I tried to implement it as follows:
let RegexMatch ((s : string, c : bool), p : string, f : GroupCollection -> unit) =
if c then
let m = Regex.Match(s, p)
if m.Success then
f m.Groups
(s, false)
else (s, c)
else (s, c)
("my input text", true)
|> RegexMatch("pattern1", fun g -> ...)
|> RegexMatch("pattern2", fun g -> ...)
|> RegexMatch("pattern3", fun g -> ...)
|> .... // more patterns
|> ignore
The problem is, that this code is invalid, as the forward-pipe operator does not seem to pipe tuples or does not like my implementation 'design'.
My question is: Can I fix this code above easily or should I rather implement some other kind of regex chain?
Your function RegexMatch won't support piping, because it has tupled parameters.
First, look at the definition of the pipe:
let (|>) x f = f x
From this, one can clearly see that this expression:
("text", true)
|> RegexMatch("pattern", fun x -> ...)
would be equivalent to this:
RegexMatch("pattern", fun x -> ...) ("text", true)
Does this match your function signature? Obviously not. In your signature, the text/bool pair comes first, and is part of the triple of parameters, together with pattern and function.
To make it work, you need to take the "piped" parameter in curried form and last:
let RegexMatch p f (s, c) = ...
Then you can do the piping:
("input", true)
|> RegexMatch "pattern1" (fun x -> ...)
|> RegexMatch "pattern2" (fun x -> ...)
|> RegexMatch "pattern3" (fun x -> ...)
As an aside, I must note that your approach is not very, ahem, functional. You're basing your whole logic on side effects, which will make your program not composable and hard to test, and probably prone to bugs. You're not reaping the benefits of F#, effectively using it as "C# with nicer syntax".
Also, there are actually well researched ways to achieve what you want. For one, check out Railway-oriented programming (also known as monadic computations).
To me this sounds like what you are trying to implement is Active Patterns.
Using Active Patterns you can use regular pattern matching syntax to match against RegEx patterns:
let (|RegEx|_|) p i =
let m = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match (i, p)
if m.Success then
Some m.Groups
let main argv =
let text = "123"
match text with
| RegEx #"\d+" g -> printfn "Digit: %A" g
| RegEx #"\w+" g -> printfn "Word : %A" g
| _ -> printfn "Not recognized"
Another approach is to use what Fyodor refers to as Railway Oriented Programming:
type RegexResult<'T> =
| Found of 'T
| Searching of string
let lift p f = function
| Found v -> Found v
| Searching i ->
let m = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match (i, p)
if m.Success then
m.Groups |> f |> Found
Searching i
let main argv =
Searching "123"
|> lift #"\d+" (fun g -> printfn "Digit: %A" g)
|> lift #"\w+" (fun g -> printfn "Word : %A" g)
|> ignore

OCaml Hashtbl/0.t and Hashtbl/-1.t

I am quite new to OCaml, so I am not sure what the following error message means (specifically the /0 and the /-1):
Error: This expression has type (string, string) Hashtbl/0.t
but an expression was expected of type ('a, 'b) Hashtbl/-1.t
I am passing a Hashtbl.t into Hashtbl.find and this error shows up. I am unclear as to how the /0 and /-1 came in, and what they actually mean.
Here's a minimal working example to demonstrate my issue:
open Core_kernel.Std
let file_to_hashtbl filename =
let sexp_to_hashtbl_str = Sexplib.Conv.hashtbl_of_sexp
string_of_sexp string_of_sexp
in In_channel.with_file
filename ~f:(fun ch -> (Sexp.input_sexp ch |> sexp_to_hashtbl_str))
let ht = file_to_hashtbl "test"
let t1_val = match Hashtbl.find ht "t1" with
| Some v -> v
| None -> assert false
let () = print_endline t1_val
Let's show you an example :
If I write
type t = A;;
let x = A;;
type t = B;;
let y = B;;
x = y;;
Error: This expression has type t/1561 but an expression was expected of type
This is because in the interpreter you can declare multiple types with the same name and associate values to these types. But here, as you can see, x and y are not of the same type but both the types are named t so the interpreter tries to tell you the types are both named t but are not the same.
If I wanted to compile this, I would have to declare
type t = A
let x = A
type t = B
let y = B
open Typea
open Typeb
x = y
If I compile this I will have
Error: This expression has type Typeb.t
but an expression was expected of type Typea.t
What lesson should you learn from this ? Stop interpreting, compile !
Now that I managed to compile your file, I got an error too but much more explicit :
Error: This expression has type (string, string) Hashtbl.t
but an expression was expected of type
('a, 'b) Core_kernel.Std.Hashtbl.t =
('a, 'b) Core_kernel.Core_hashtbl.t
[Explanation and correction]
Since I'm too nice, here is your file corrected :
let file_to_hashtbl filename =
(* open the namespace only where needed *)
let open Core_kernel.Std in
let sexp_to_hashtbl_str = Sexplib.Conv.hashtbl_of_sexp
string_of_sexp string_of_sexp
in In_channel.with_file
filename ~f:(fun ch -> (Sexp.input_sexp ch |> sexp_to_hashtbl_str));;
let ht = file_to_hashtbl "test"
let t1_val =
Hashtbl.find ht "t1"
with Not_found -> assert false
let () = print_endline t1_val
Your error was that you opened Core_kernel.Std as a global namespace so when you wrote Hashtbl.find it looked first in Core_kernel.Std and not in the standard library.
What I did is open Core_kernel.Std in the function that needs it, not in the whole file (so it's a local namespace) (a good habit to take).
So, as you can see, the problem was that you had two definition of the type Hashtbl.t (one in Core_kernel.Std and one in the standard library) and OCaml ain't no fool, boy, he knows when you're wrong but he is hard to understand since he only speak for those who can hear. :-D
P.S. : You had an error in your Hashtbl.find because it doesn't return an option but the found value or raise a Not_found exception if no value was found. I corrected it too. ;-)
Apparently, it is just a matter of missing semi-columns, the foloowing code compiles :
open Core_kernel.Std;;
let file_to_hashtbl filename =
let sexp_to_hashtbl_str = Sexplib.Conv.hashtbl_of_sexp
string_of_sexp string_of_sexp
in In_channel.with_file
filename ~f:(fun ch -> (Sexp.input_sexp ch |> sexp_to_hashtbl_str));;
let ht = file_to_hashtbl "test"
let t1_val = match Hashtbl.find ht "t1" with
| Some v -> v
| None -> assert false
let () = print_endline t1_val
But, I do not know how to interpret the error message neither.

OCaml error: wrong type of expression in constructor

I have a function save that take standard input, which is used individually like this:
./try < input.txt (* save function is in try file *)
10 29 23
22 14 9
and now i put the function into another file called path.ml which is a part of my interpreter. Now I have a problem in defining the type of Save function and this is because save function has type in_channel, but when i write
type term = Save of in_channel
ocamlc complain about the parameter in the command function.
How can i fix this error? This is the reason why in my last question posted on stackoverflow, I asked for the way to express a variable that accept any type. I understand the answers but actually it doesn't help much in make the code running.
This is my code:
(* Data types *)
open Printf
type term = Print_line_in_file of int*string
| Print of string
| Save of in_channel (* error here *)
let input_line_opt ic =
try Some (input_line ic)
with End_of_file -> None
let nth_line n filename =
let ic = open_in filename in
let rec aux i =
match input_line_opt ic with
| Some line ->
if i = n then begin
close_in ic;
end else aux (succ i)
| None ->
close_in ic;
failwith "end of file reached"
aux 1
(* get all lines *)
let k = ref 1
let first = ref ""
let second = ref ""
let sequence = ref []
let append_item lst a = lst # [a]
let save () =
while true do
let line = input_line stdin in
if k = ref 1
first := line;
incr k;
end else
if k = ref 2
second := line;
incr k;
end else
sequence := append_item !sequence line;
incr k;
End_of_file -> None;;
let rec command term = match term with
| Print (n) -> print_endline n
| Print_line_in_file (n, f) -> print_endline (nth_line n f)
| Save () -> save ()
Error in code:
Save of in_channel:
Error: This pattern matches values of type unit
but a pattern was expected which matches values of type in_channel
Save of unit:
Error: This expression has type 'a option
but an expression was expected of type unit
There are many errors in this code, so it's hard to know where to start.
One problem is this: your save function has type unit -> 'a option. So it's not the same type as the other branches of your final match. The fix is straightforward: save should return (), not None. In OCaml these are completely different things.
The immediate problem seems to be that you have Save () in your match, but have declared Save as taking an input channel. Your current code doesn't have any way to pass the input channel to the save function, but if it did, you would want something more like this in your match:
| Save ch -> save ch
Errors like this suggest (to me) that you're not so familiar with OCaml's type system. It would probably save you a lot of trouble if you went through a tutorial of some kind before writing much more code. You can find tutorials at http://ocaml.org.