Skip all tests of a single project - unit-testing

I have a (flat) multi project layout. I'm running gradle 2.1, but an upgrade would be possible.
At the moment I'm migrating an ant build to gradle. For this procedure I would like to exclude/skip/disable a single project from being tested, since its execution takes a long while.
I could only find tips on how to skip tests completely, but that's not what I want, because I also need to run the tests of subsequently added projects, to see if there are any runtime dependencies missing.

gradle -x :your_project_name:test


Teamcity NUnit Tests - No assemblies found

I am trying to get TeamCity set up for a project. I want to run a scheduled build that includes a step where NUnit Tests are run.
My NUnit build step looks like this:
Runtime: NUnit-2.6.3 v4.0 MSIL
Run tests on: **/Tests/*.dll
Execute: If all previous steps finished successfully
But every time I run the build I get an error saying:
No assemblies were found.
Why is this happening and how can I fix it? Also, conceptually, this build step will happen BEFORE the project is actually built. But how will there be any Test DLLs (assemblies) unless the project is built in the first place?
I would suggest that you build your projects before running tests. Most common way to achieve this is that you have separate configurations for building code and running tests.
Your build configuration would generate artefacts (containing assemblies most likely).
Test run configuration would extract this artefact package, via artefacts dependency, then in build step you run tests from specific assembly.
This is the most common approach and using this approach you do not have to worry about files in the files system. Teamcity's snapshot isolation and artefacts dependencies will take care of this (when properly configured)
If you need an example how to achieve this, let me know.

How to configure pom to run tests packaged in a jar?

I have a maven build process that publishes executable jars and their tests to Nexus.
I have another maven build process that needs to access these jars (executable + test) and run the tests.
How do I go about it? So far I have managed to do this only if the jar is exploded to class files.
I am new to maven and completely lost in the documentation.
Update 2022-03-11
The feature has been implemented, see for details
Original answer
Surefire and failsafe do not currently support running tests from within a jar.
This is largely a case of not being able to identify the tests.
There are two ways to get the tests to run.
Use a test suite that lists all the tests from the test-jar. Because the test suite will be in src/test/java (more correctly will be compiled into target/test-classes) that will be picked up and all the tests in the suite will be run by Surefire/failsafe (assuming the suite class name matches the includes rule: starts or ends with Test)
Use the maven dependency plugin's unpack-dependencies goal to unpack the test-jar into target/test-classes (this screams of hack, but works quite well)
The main issue with the first option is that you cannot easily run just one test from the suite, and you need to name every test from the test-jar
For that reason I tend to favour option 2... There is the added benefit that option 2 does not mean writing code to work around a limitation in a build tool plugin... The less you lock yourself into a specific build tool, the better IMHO
This actually works quite fine with the newer surefire and failsafe plugins, see related questions:
Run JUnit Tests contained in dependency jar using Maven Surefire
run maven tests from classpath
So you don't need to unpack the jar anymore, you just provide the group and artifact id for the dependencies to scan (this works with both "main jar" dependencies, as well as "test-jar" dependencies)
The attached test-jar can be used as a usual dependency in other project which supports reuse of code in the test area but you can't run tests out of the jar. If you really need the solution you have to write at least a single suite (etc.?) to start the tests from the jar.

Prevent OCUnit tests from running when compilation fails

I'm using Xcode 3.2.2 and the built in OCUnit test stuff. One problem I'm running into is that every time I do a build my unit tests are run, even if the build failed. Let's say I make a syntax error in one of my tests. The test fails to compile and the last successful compilation of the unit tests are run. The same thing happens if one of the dependent targets fail to build - the tests are still run. Which is obviously not what I want.
How can I prevent the tests from running if the build fails? If this is not possible then I'd rather have the tests never run automatically, is that possible? Sorry if this is obvious, I'm an Xcode noob. Should I be using a better unit testing framework?
The answer is to dump OCUnit and use GHUnit which is about a million times better:
All you need to do is make the script that runs the unit tests dependent on your test bundle having been built. To do this:
In your Targets group expand your unit test bundle and Get Info on the Run Script.
On the general tab click the + button for the Input Files and enter:

have you and how do you do C++ autotest?

As far as autotest is concerned, how do you do autotest for C++ programs? are there any autotest framework that can be utilized to do unit test and integration test?
Are you talking Autotest ala Ruby Autotest? If so, maybe Watchr would work for you. Yes, you would need to install the Ruby runtime on your development machine, but it looks like it can trigger pretty much anything that can be done on the command line when the file system changes. For example, if you wanted Watchr to build and run your C++ tests anytime a .c/.cpp/.h/.hpp file in your source tree changed you could do something like this:
watch('src/(.*)\.[h|cpp|hpp|c]') {system "build/buildAndRunTests.bat"}
This particular command obviously makes some assumptions about how your build process is set up (and obviously that you're on Windows), but that should be the gist of it. Our team configures our unit test projects with a post-build event that automatically runs the built unit test binary, so we can just trigger that part of our build process within the buildAndRunTests.bat script and have it print the results to the command-line. It might take some tweaking but it looks like Watchr may be a good choice. I'll update this response when I give it a shot (hopefully early next week).
UPDATE: I just tried this with one of my C# projects and got it working there. So I theoretically it should work with C++ projects as well.
watch('./.*/.*\.cs$') {system "cd build && buildAndRunTests.bat && cd ..\\"}
Note the $ at the end of the regular expression. This is important because there are a lot of artifacts generated in the source tree at build time and if any of them match the string .cs it will trigger another run, effectively causing an infinite loop. Conceivably the same thing will happen if you generate/modify any source files at build time so you may have to find a way to compensate.
pushd ..\
rem Build test project
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\" Tests.Unit\Tests.Unit.csproj /rebuild Release
rem Navigate to the directory containing the built files
pushd ..\Tests.Unit\bin\Release
rem Run the tests through nunit-console
..\..\..\Dependencies\NUnit-2.5.5-bin\net-2.0\nunit-console.exe Tests.Unit.dll /run=Tests.Unit
Then, in a seperate console window just navigate to your project directory and run the following command (assumes autotest.watchr is at the top of your project tree, see below):
watchr autotest.watchr
Now, when any .cs files change in the source tree it will run the buildAndRunTests.bat script automatically. This is just an example from my local machine so it likely won't work verbatim on yours, but you should be able to tweak it to your needs.
This is the directory structure for reference:
I hope this helps.
You can use NUnit to achieve this, but there may be better ways. With NUnit you are writing test classes in managed C++/CLI which is calling your C++ code, which presumably runs as unmanaged. So for this option, some of your C++ code now runs as managed just for the sake of using NUnit. One may debate the "purity" of this approach. Another problem with this is attaching a debugger to NUnit (of course with both managed/native enabled) and trying to step through the managed C++/CLI bits in a sensible manner. Despite this, our office has been using NUnit for C++ unit and integration testing for a while now.
Just saw #Patrick's answer about CPPUnit, I will have to look at that.
The xUnit family can be used for unit tests. It exists for plain C++ code (CPPUNIT) and for .Net code (NUnit).
Boost have a test library you can have a look at among many others around.
Last time when I did some work in Qt, I've used Qt's QTestLib for unit tests. It did work well for my lo-fi needs.

Running unit tests on Team Foundation Server (TFS) builds

What are the steps to get Team Foundation Server running unit tests when a given build runs?
What are the caveats / pitfalls / workarounds a dev or sysadmin should be aware of when setting up a TFS server to do this for the first time?
What are common troubleshooting steps for unit test problems during builds?
it depends on which version of TFS you are running, so I will assume it is 2008.
Firstly, you must have Team Edition for Testers installed on the computer that will act as your build agent, as stated in How To: Create a Build Definition
There are a couple of ways to tell Team Build to run tests for your build.
Unit tests can be run from a defined Test List within the Solution being built. This list is referenced by the build definition and all tests within the chosen list(s) are executed. More info here
WildCard test exectution is also available by defining a wildcard mask (i.e. Test*.dll) that instructs Team Build to run any tests present in assemblies that match the mask. This is done when defining the build definition as well.
Things to note:
If you intend to use the wildcard method and want to enable code coverage for your test configuration, you must add the following to your build definition file to enable it.
See my previous question on this for more info here
If you don't want to use test configs (A Pain in the ass to manage) just run all the test in a .dll by adding this to the build config:
<TestContainerInOutput Include="MyProject.UnitTests.dll" />
The whole process is smooth and fairly simple. You can inspect the unit tests that filaed on the build server by opening the test result file locally (a bit of a pain) but generally you'll just run the unit tests locally and you can see the results immediately.
If you are used to NUnit, you may opt to sort the tests by classname, it gives a similar view.
Careful with code coverage, it makes complete copies of your binaries on compile. If your binaries are sufficiently large and you compile often, it will eat through drive space quickly.
I like this defination as it gives you a complete 'walkthrough' from
Creating the Project
Creating the Unit Test Project
To configuring Team build to use it Unit Test