EF6 Code First: How can I centralize content for separate sections of my site? - entity-framework-6.1

I want to store all our site's content in one central Content table but relate it to each section of the site. Something like:
Content (for the actual content byte[] and basic info all sections use)
ResearchArticleContent (basically has the related ContentId from the content table and extra cols for info specific to ResearchArticles)
ExecutiveContent (basically has the related ContentID from Content table and extra cols for specific data for Executives)
...and so on.
I'm having trouble understanding the whole code first approach as it pertains to ForeignKeys and InverseProperties. That's the real issue.
So, say I have these two classes as an example:
public class Content
public int ContentId { get; set; }
public int ContentType { get; set; }
public byte[] ContentBytes { get; set; }
public DateTime AddedDate { get; set; }
[**`InverseProperty or ForeignKey???`**("ResearchArticleContent")]
public virtual ResearchArticleContent ResearchArticleContent { get; set; }
public class ResearchArticleContent
public int ResearchArticleContentId { get; set; }
public virtual Content Content {get;set;}
public int ResearchArticleId { get; set; }
public virtual ResearchArticle RelatedArticle { get; set; }
Where do I put the ForeignKeys / InverseProperties to relate these correctly. Because ideally, I will have Executivecontent, ResearchArticlecontent and so on for each section of the site. (I am following the precedent already laid out in a Data-First prj that I am mimicking so this is the way I have do this, fyi.)

Entity framework requires a type identifier field when you store compound objects in a single table; however, you can get around this pretty easily using views. To use views, create a single content table and a > base < class. Do not apply the TableAttribute data annotation to the base class. All other data annotations are fine.
public class ContentBase
[Key, DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)]
public int ContentId { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }
Then, you can create derived classes that more closely represent the content and apply the TableAttribute data annotation to those. For example,
public class ResearchArticle : ContentBase
...you can add more properties here that are included in the view...
...and not necessarily the underlying table, like from a joined table...
...or just use the class as is, so that you have a better name...
To use this, set up a view called ResearchArticleView that includes the columns in the base class, as well as any computed or joined columns you want, then add a DbSet to your context that represents the view.
I recommend having content tables for each type of content and then use the method I've described for derived types for each content type. For example, create a base for research articles and a base for execute content. Because, when your database gets big and full of content, having one monolithic content table may cause you backup and optimization issues.


neo4jClien Create node with paramaters using a List<Properties>

I am trying to create a node that takes a list of properties and uses the list object to create those properties. Is there any way to do this?
public List<PropertiesModel> node_properties;
public class PropertiesModel{
public string propertyName { get; set; }
public string propertyValue { get; set; }
then when I pass this on to:
.Create("(n:Label {node})")
.WithParam("node", node_properties)
I get the following error when I run this:
CypherTypeException: Collections containing mixed types can not be stored in properties.
I am guessing since this is a list, containing a model made of strings it does not like it. Is there another way to go about building dynamic models of paramaters? I thought about IDictionary but it seems I may have issues mapping directly from a JSON post into a IDictionary.
ok, so I am feeling slow. Just answered my own question.
I had
class nodeModel{
List<PropertiesModel> props {get; set;}
class PropertiesModel{
public string propertyName { get; set; }
public string propertyValue { get; set; }
so I needed to do:
.Create("(n:Label {node})")
.WithParam("node", node_properties.props)
I had to step into the list basically with the .props
but this was not giving me my intended results. Say my list contained 2 properties that I was intending to have attached to 1 node. This actually created a node per property. To solve this, I mapped this over to a IDictionary.
IDictionary<string, string> map = node_properties.props.ToDictionary(p=>p.propertyname, p=>p.propertyValue);
then I changed the .WithParams part of the query statement to:
And The intended result was 1 node made up of a list of properties.

Getting an Internal Link with Glass.Mapper

I've got an Internal Link set up in Sitecore, and I'm trying to map the field using Glass.Mapper, but it just keeps coming back empty, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
The template in Sitecore is pretty simple:
The Source of the link is set to a folder that only allows content based on the 'System' template to be created.
In my code, I have an object set up:
namespace Playground.GlassObjects
public partial class Status
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
public virtual string StatusCode { get; set; }
public virtual Glass.Mapper.Sc.Fields.Link System { get; set; }
Which is being used basically like this:
public void DoStuff(Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item)
var status = item.GlassCast<Status>();
What I'm running into is glassObj.Description, and glassObj.StatusCode are being wired up exactly like I want/expect, but glassObj.System is not.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? I'm at a loss right now, with all the magic that's going on behind the scenes.
The Glass.Mapper.Sc.Fields.Link class is designed to work with the General Link field. The internal link field stores values as paths e.g /sitecore/content/home/events. This means it isn't compatible with the Link class.
Instead you should map it to another class you have created.
public partial class Status
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
public virtual string StatusCode { get; set; }
public virtual MySystem System { get; set; }
public class MySystem{
public virtual string Url { get; set; }
public virtual string MyField { get; set; }
Fast forward to 2022 Internal Link field seems to be working with Glassmapper without any extra effort. All you have to do is add Internal Link case to GlassGenerator.tt file on the project where you will generate the template.
This will ensure your model will have Link field like this:
[SitecoreField(FieldId = "{D2CF138A-0A1C-4766-B250-F56E9458B624}")]
Link InternalLinkField{ get; set; }
It will have some info populated and most of the other properties will be null. The ones that will help you are:
Url (full path to the internal link item)
TargetId (ID of the internal link item)
Here are the available properties:
There is an alternative to that, you can get the link from fields like this:
You will get the entire Internal link Item. You can use Value or InheritedValue property to get the path of the linked item.

Cast objects of different type

I have wrote a class (a snippet is below) which have some data members where i put data from the Client Side. I should send this data through Web Services where is a class which includes my data members, but has more data members that my class.
I should cast from my type into another type.
The problem is that i don't know how to access data members to take data from.
all my data are into this object "OBJ":
__XtraInvoiceInfo OBJ = new __XtraInvoiceInfo();
and , the Web Services's type is "InvoiceWithEntriesInfo"
var convertedObj = new InvoiceWithEntriesInfo()
invoiceNumber = OBJ.BasicInfo.InvoiceNumber --> member is not access.
| Equals
Visual Studio suggests | GetHashCode
only these methods | GetType
| ToString
invoiceDate = OBJ.BasicInfo.InvoiceDate *--> member is not accessible
firstName = OBJ.Payer.FirstName *-->> not accessible
lastName = OBJ.Payer.LastName *-->> not accessible
catem = OBJ.Payer.Catem *-->> not accessible
error "member is not accessible" means *--> 'object' does not contain a definition for 'InvoiceDate' and no extension method 'InvoiceDate' accepting a first argument of type 'object' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
public sealed class __XtraInvoiceInfo
private long _payerType = -1;
public long PayerType
return this._payerType;
this._payerType = value;
if (value == Constants.NATURAL_PAYER)
this.Payer = new __NaturalInvoiceInfo();
public object Payer
get; set;
public object BasicInfo
get; set;
//-- Nested Types --
public sealed class __NaturalInvoiceInfo
public string FirstName
get; set;
public string LastName
get; set;
public long Catem
get; set;
public sealed class __BasicInvoiceInfo
public long InvoiceNumber
get; set;
public DateTime? InvoiceDate
get; set;
I made properties Payer and BasicInfo because through them i take data from Client and i made a subbinding into my members like this way:
model.BindModel(xii =>
var bindModel = new ValidationFrameBindModel<__XtraInvoiceInfo.__BasicInvoiceInfo>();
model.BindModel<__XtraInvoiceInfo.__BasicInvoiceInfo>((x,b) => x.BasicInfo = b, bindModel);
Thank you so much!!! if you have the power to answer my question.
I'm ready to say more details if it is required.
Well this is the problem:
public object Payer { get; set; }
public object BasicInfo { get; set; }
You're only declaring the properties as being of type object - why not give them more useful types? If you don't know the types, how do you know what properties will be there? Can you create abstract base class or interface which declares all the properties you want to guarantee will be there? (It's fairly hard to tell what you're trying to do, to be honest.)
If you're using C# 4 and .NET 4 you could just make them dynamic:
public dynamic Payer { get; set; }
public dynamic BasicInfo { get; set; }
Then accessing sub-properties will be bound at execution time against the actual type of object.
On a side-note, please don't prefix type names with __ - the C# specification reserves identifiers using __ for compiler-specific features. From section 2.4.2:
Identifiers containing two consecutive underscore characters (U+005F) are reserved for use by the implementation. For example, an implementation might provide extended keywords that begin with two underscores.

many-to-one ForeignKeys in SQL CE db developed with EF Code First

This is my first foray in either SQL CE or EF, so I may have a lot of misunderstandings. I've searched a lot of blog entries but still can't seem to get this right.
I have an MVC3 web site for registrations for a race we're running. I have a RaceEvents table, and a Runners table, where each RaceEvent will have many runners registered it for it, i.e., Many-to-One. Here are the POCO's with extraneous data stripped out:
public class RaceEvent
public int Id { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Runner> Runners { get; set; }
public class Runner
public int Id { get; set; }
public int RaceEventId { get; set;}
public RaceEvent RaceEvent { get; set; }
Which, as much as I can figure out, ought to work. As I understand it, it should figure out by convention that RaceEventId is a foreign key to RaceEvents. And if that's not good enough, I'm telling it with the ForeignKey attribute.
However, it doesn't seem to be working. Whenever I insert a new runner, it is also inserting a new entry in the RaceEvents table. And when I look at the table diagram in ServerExplorer, it shows two gold keys at the top of the Runners table diagram, one for Id, identified in the properties as a PrimaryKey, and the other for RaceEventId, not identified as a PrimaryKey, but indicated in the properties to be for table Runners, rather than for table RaceEvents. I would expect a gold key for Id, but a silver ForeignKey for RaceEventId.
FWIW, I don't really care about the ICollection in the RaceEvent, but the blog entries all seemed to imply that it was necessary.
Can anybody help me get this right?
Sorry I did not read your question in enough detail. In our project this is how we would represent what your doing. I looked in SSMS and it is not showing said grey key, but it does not create a race event every time you add a runner. Although you do need to make sure when you create a runner that you set the race event property.
public class DB : DbContext
public DB()
: base("Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=DB;Integrated Security=True")
public IDbSet<Runner> Runners { get; set; }
public IDbSet<RaceEvent> RaceEvents { get; set; }
public class RaceEvent
public int RaceEventID { get; set; }
public class Runner
public int RunnerID { get; set; }
public virtual RaceEvent RaceEvent { get; set; }
Any question let me know.
You need to override the model creating in the DbContext. Below is a sample for AnsNet_User & AspNet_Roles N:N relationship
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder dbModelBuilder)
dbModelBuilder.Entity<aspnet_Users>().HasMany(a => a.aspnet_Roles).WithMany(b =>
m =>

Need to Seriazlize List<object>, but FXCop complains "Do not expose generic lists"

I have an object that I need to serialize. The object contains several properties, including a List. FXCop is complaining that I should not expose generic lists, and I get that, however, due to the fact that I can't specify an interface based property on an object that I want serialized I'm not sure where to turn next.
Any thoughts?
BTW, I'm using XMLSerialization, but that's not a requirement.
I took FxCop's suggestion and wrapped my list in a Collection. This blew some of my code out of the water, but a after a few adjustments I was up and running again.
Here's some code showing before and after:
public class PersistentDataView
public string Title { get; set; }
private List<object> Inputs { get; set;}
public class PersistentDataView
private List<object> _inputs;
public string Title { get; set; }
public Collection<object> Inputs
if (_inputs == null)
_inputs = new List<object>();
//Wrap the private field into a collection.
return new Collection<object>(_inputs);