I have a question about template template parameters:
Let's consider the following class:
template<typename T, template<class, class=std::allocator<T> > class UnderlyingContainerType = std::vector>
class MyContainer
T Value1;
T Value2;
UnderlyingContainerType<T> Container;
MyContainer() {}
/* methods implementation goes here */
In this example, MyContainer is a container chat uses an underlying STL-compatible container to do whatever stuff.
Declaring the underlying container type as a template template parameters, instead of a regular template argument, allows handy usage of the class MyContainer, such as:
MyContainer<int> MCV; //implicitly using vector
MyContainer<int, std::list> MCL; //no need to write std::list<int> thanks to the
//template template parameters
Now, while this would work perfectly with most of the STL-container, such as std::vector, std::deque, std::list, and so forth, it would not work, for example, with std::array provided in c++11.
The reason is that std::array has a different signature of template parameters than vector. Specifically, they are:
std::vector<class T, class allocator = std::allocator<T> >
std::array<class T, int N>
MY question is if there is a way to generalize the class MyContainer, so that the underlying container can be std::array as well.
I thank you in advance.
The commonality between the interfaces of vector and array are limited to the element type. Your container should reflect that:
template<typename T, template<typename> class underlying_container>
struct container
underlying_container<T> storage;
Usage now requires a tiny trick:
template<typename T> using vec = vector<T>;
template<typename T> using arr2 = array<T, 2>;
Note that vec, unlike vector, has a fixed allocator and that arr2, unlike array, has a fixed size.
Usage is now simple:
container<int, vec> a;
container<double, arr2> b;
See the example in action.
Alternatively, if you prefer to match up the interface to that used by vector, just add a template alias for array that instantiates the size and adds an unused type parameter:
template<typename T, typename> using arr2 = array<T, 2>;
See it in action.
I don't know how to achieve exactly, what you want. But if you don't require the ability to write MyContainer<int> MCV; you could use
template<class UnderlyingContainerType, class T = typename UnderlyingContainerType::value_type>
class MyContainer
T Value1;
T Value2;
UnderlyingContainerType Container;
MyContainer() {}
/* methods implementation goes here */
int main() {
MyContainer<std::vector<int>> MCV{};
MyContainer<std::array<int, 5>> MCA{};
Which is not more to type than MyContainer<int, std::vector> MCV;
Also you can of course still add an alias for your vector based version:
template<class T>
using MyContainerV = MyContainer < std::vector<T> > ;
Let's say I have several container classes like these:
template<typename T> class Container
/* ... */
template<typename T, size_t> class Array : public Container<T>
/* Fixed-sized Container */
template<typename T> class Vector : public Container<T>
/* Variable-sized Container */
And I have a class which accepts one of these as a template parameter:
template<typename T, template<typename> class U, size_t M> class Polygon
U<T> Vertices; // Problem, what if user passes Array (it needs 2 parameters)
U<T, M> Vertices; // Problem, what if the user wants to use a variable-sized container (it needs only 1 parameter)
My question is, can I somehow (probably through tricky template parameter magic) make the consuming class accept any type of container (fixed or variable-sized, even with differing template signatures)?
The only guarantees about the template signatures are, if it is a Fixed-sized container it will have 2 parameters <Type, Size> and one if it is a Variable-sized container <Type>
It's way less tricky than you think it is. You can just template on the container itself:
template <class Container>
class Polygon {
Container vertices;
This will work for anything that meets your container requirements, be it fixed sized or not.
The problem of choosing the right template arguments for the container gets moved to instantiation point where the parameters and types must be known anyways.
I have this template
template <typename T, size_t maxsiz = 6>
class Array;
and i have this adaptor template
template <typename T, template <typename> class Container = std::vector>
class Stack;
What i want to do is use Array with Stack like so
Stack<int, Array> s;
However, the default constructor of Array does not fulfill the requirements made by Stack, so i need to specialize Stack for Array.
Ideally, i only want to specialize the ctor of Stack<T, Array>, so i can give the inner Array member the right argument at initialization.
i have tried this
template <typename T>
class Stack<T, Array>::Stack() : container(0) { } // container is the name of the wrapped Container
it, however, has problems. First, it wont compile (yeah...), and second, i want to be able to give the Array a different size, something like this
Stack<int, Array<int, 13>> stack;
or anything functionally equivalent (compile time constant for the size of the array). How would one accomplish this?
So i've done a bit more digging, and apparently you can't partially specialize a member function without a corresponding partial specialization of the entire class. That explains why my attempt will not work.
Rather than change Stack to work with Array, you should provide an adapter for Array that works with Stack:
template <typename T>
struct StackArray : Array<T> {
: Array<T>(0)
{ }
// anything else that needs to change here
That will let you do:
Stack<int, StackArray> s;
Also, your Stack template is incorrect. You cannot use std::vector as the default template for template <typename> class Container as std::vector takes two template arguments. It would probably be more useful if you made it:
template <typename T, typename Container = std::vector<T>>
struct Stack { .. };
As then we could add the maxsiz argument to StackArray as well and do something like:
Stack<int, StackArray<int, 13>> s;
This is how std::priority_queue and std::stack are designed.
Just always require an explicit array size and use something like:
template <typename T, int N>
class Stack<T, Array<T, N>>::Stack() : Array<T, N> { }
Stack<int, Array<int>> x;
Stack<int, Array<int, 2>> y;
Assume I have a template (called ExampleTemplate) that takes two arguments: a container type (e.g. list, vector) and a contained type (e.g. float, bool, etc). Since containers are in fact templates, this template has a template param. This is what I had to write:
#include <vector>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
template < template <class,class> class C, typename T>
class ExampleTemplate {
C<T,allocator<T> > items;
ExampleTemplate<list,int> a;
ExampleTemplate<vector,float> b;
You may ask what is the "allocator" thing about. Well, Initially, I tried the obvious thing...
template < template <class> class C, typename T>
class ExampleTemplate {
C<T> items;
...but I unfortunately found out that the default argument of the allocator...
vector<T, Alloc>
list<T, Alloc>
...had to be explicitely "reserved" in the template declaration.
This, as you can see, makes the code uglier, and forces me to reproduce the default values of the template arguments (in this case, the allocator).
Which is BAD.
EDIT: The question is not about the specific problem of containers - it is about "Default values in templates with template arguments", and the above is just an example. Answers depending on the knowledge that STL containers have a "::value_type" are not what I am after. Think of the generic problem: if I need to use a template argument C in a template ExampleTemplate, then in the body of ExampleTemplate, do I have to reproduce the default arguments of C when I use it? If I have to, doesn't that introduce unnecessary repetition and other problems (in this case, where C is an STL container, portability issues - e.g. "allocator" )?
Perhaps you'd prefer this:
#include <vector>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
template <class Container>
class ForExamplePurposes {
typedef typename Container::value_type T;
Container items;
int main()
ForExamplePurposes< list<int> > a;
ForExamplePurposes< vector<float> > b;
This uses "static duck typing". It is also a bit more flexible as it doesn't force the Container type to support STL's Allocator concept.
Perhaps using the type traits idiom can give you a way out:
#include <vector>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
struct MyFunkyContainer
typedef int funky_type;
// ... rest of custom container declaration
// General case assumes STL-compatible container
template <class Container>
struct ValueTypeOf
typedef typename Container::value_type type;
// Specialization for MyFunkyContainer
template <>
struct ValueTypeOf<MyFunkyContainer>
typedef MyFunkyContainer::funky_type type;
template <class Container>
class ForExamplePurposes {
typedef typename ValueTypeOf<Container>::type T;
Container items;
int main()
ForExamplePurposes< list<int> > a;
ForExamplePurposes< vector<float> > b;
ForExamplePurposes< MyFunkyContainer > c;
Someone who wants to use ForExamplePurposes with a non-STL-compliant container would need to specialize the ValueTypeOf traits class.
I would propose to create adapters.
Your class should be created with the exact level of personalization that is required by the class:
template <template <class> C, template T>
class Example
typedef T Type;
typedef C<T> Container;
EDIT: attempting to provide more is nice, but doomed to fail, look at the various expansions:
std::vector<T>: std::vector<T, std::allocator<T>>
std::stack<T>: std::stack<T, std::deque<T>>
std::set<T>: std::set<T, std::less<T>, std::allocator<T>>
The second is an adapter, and so does not take an allocator, and the third does not have the same arity. You need therefore to put the onus on the user.
If a user wishes to use it with a type that does not respect the expressed arity, then the simplest way for him is to provide (locally) an adapter:
template <typename T>
using Vector = std::vector<T>; // C++0x
Example<Vector, bool> example;
I am wondering about the use of parameter packs (variadic templates) here... I don't know if declaring C as template <class...> C would do the trick or if the compiler would require a variadic class then.
You have to give the full template signature, including default parameters, if you want to be able to use the template template parameter the usual way.
template <typename T, template <class U, class V = allocator<U> > class C>
class ExampleTemplate {
C<T> items;
If you want to handle other containers that the one from the STL, you can delegate container construction to a helper.
// Other specialization failed. Instantiate a std::vector.
template <typename T, typename C>
struct make_container_
typedef std::vector<T> result;
// STL containers
template <typename T, template <class U, class V = allocator<U> > class C>
struct make_container_<T,C>
typedef C<T> result;
// Other specializations
template <typename T, typename C>
class ExampleTemplate {
make_container_<T,C>::result items;
I think, it is required to reproduce all template parameters, even default. Note, that Standard itself does not use template template parameters for containter adaptors, and prefers to use regular template parameters:
template < class T , class Container = deque <T > > class queue { ... };
template < class T , class Container = vector <T>, class Compare = less < typename Container :: value_type > > class priority_queue { ... };
The following code will allow you to do something like you're asking for. Of course, this won't work with standard containers, since this has to already be part of the template class that's being passed into the template.
/* Allows you to create template classes that allow users to specify only some
* of the default parameters, and some not.
* Example:
* template <typename A = use_default, typename B = use_default>
* class foo
* {
* typedef use_default_param<A, int> a_type;
* typedef use_default_param<B, double> b_type;
* ...
* };
* foo<use_default, bool> x;
* foo<char, use_default> y;
struct use_default;
template<class param, class default_type>
struct default_param
typedef param type;
template<class default_type>
struct default_param<use_default, default_type>
typedef default_type type;
But I don't really think this is what you're looking for. What you're doing with the containers is unlikely to be applicable to arbitrary containers as many of them will have the problem you're having with multiple default parameters with non-obvious types as defaults.
As the question exactly described the problem I had in my code (--I'm using Visual Studio 2015), I figured out an alternative solution which I wanted to share.
The idea is the following: instead of passing a template template parameter to the ExampleTemplate class template, one can also pass a normal typename which contains a type DummyType as dummy parameter, say std::vector<DummyType>.
Then, inside the class, one replace this dummy parameter by something reasonable. For replacement of the typethe following helper classes can be used:
// this is simply the replacement for a normal type:
// it takes a type T, and possibly replaces it with ReplaceByType
template<typename T, typename ReplaceWhatType, typename ReplaceByType>
struct replace_type
using type = std::conditional_t<std::is_same<T, ReplaceWhatType>::value, ReplaceByType, T>;
// this sets up the recursion, such that replacement also happens
// in contained nested types
// example: in "std::vector<T, allocator<T> >", both T's are replaced
template<template<typename ...> class C, typename ... Args, typename ReplaceWhatType, typename ReplaceByType>
struct replace_type<C<Args ...>, ReplaceWhatType, ReplaceByType>
using type = C<typename replace_type<Args, ReplaceWhatType, ReplaceByType>::type ...>;
// an alias for convenience
template<typename ... Args>
using replace_type_t = typename replace_type<Args ...>::type;
Note the recursive step in replace_type, which takes care that types nested in other classes are replaced as well -- with this, for example, in std::vector<T, allocator<T> >, both T's are replaced and not only the first one. The same goes for more than one nesting hierarchy.
Next, you can use this in your ExampleTemplate-class,
struct DummyType {};
template <typename C, typename T>
struct ExampleTemplate
replace_type_t<C, DummyType, T> items;
and call it via
int main()
ExampleTemplate<std::vector<DummyType>, float> a;
//a.items.push_back("Hello"); // prints an error message which shows that DummyType is replaced correctly
ExampleTemplate<std::list<DummyType>, float> b;
//b.items.push_back("Hello"); // prints an error message which shows that DummyType is replaced correctly
ExampleTemplate<std::map<int, DummyType>, float> c;
//c.items[0]="Hello"; // prints an error message which shows that DummyType is replaced correctly
Beside the not-that-nice syntac, this has the advantage that
It works with any number of default template parameters -- for instance, consider the case with std::map in the example.
There is no need to explicitly specify any default template parameters whatsoever.
It can be easily extended to more dummy parameters (whereas then it probably should not be called by users ...).
By the way: Instead of the dummy type you can also use the std::placeholder's ... just realized that it might be a bit nicer.
The following code represents a container based on std::vector
template <typename Item>
struct TList
typedef std::vector <Item> Type;
template <typename Item>
class List
typename TList <Item>::Type items;
int main()
List <Object> list;
Is it possible to templatize std::vector and create a general container, something like that?
template <typename Item, typename stl_container>
struct TList
typedef stl_container<Item>;
where stl_container represents std::vector, std::list, std::set...? I would like to choose the type of container at the time of the creation.
List <Object, std::vector> list; //vector of objects, not a real code
List <Object, std::vector> list; //list of objects, not a real code
Thanks for your answers...
Updated question:
I tried the following code but there are errors:
#include <vector>
template <typename Item, typename Container>
struct TList
typedef typename Container <Item>::type type; //Error C2059: syntax error : '<', Error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';
template <typename T>
struct vector_container
typedef std::vector<T> type;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
TList <int, vector_container> v;
TList <int, map_container> m;
Yes, but not directly:
template <typename Item, template <typename> class Container>
struct TList
typedef typename Container<Item>::type type;
Then you can define different container policies:
template <typename T>
struct vector_container
typedef std::vector<T> type;
template <typename T>
struct map_container
typedef std::map<T, std::string> type;
TList<int, vector_container> v;
TList<int, map_container> m;
A bit verbose, though.* To do things directly, you'd need to take the route described by James, but as he notes this is ultimately very inflexible.
However, with C++0x we can do this just fine:
#include <map>
#include <vector>
template <typename Item,
template <typename...> class Container, typename... Args>
struct TList
// Args lets the user specify additional explicit template arguments
Container<Item, Args...> storage;
int main()
TList<int, std::vector> v;
TList<int, std::map, float> m;
Perfect. Unfortunately there's no way to reproduce this in C++03, except via the indirection policy classes introduce as described above.
*I want to emphasize that by "A bit verbose" I mean "this is unorthodox". The correct solution for your problem is what the standard library does, as Jerry explains. You just let the user of your container adapter specify the entire container type directly:
template <typename Item, typename Container = std::vector<Item>>
struct TList
But this leaves a big problem: what if I don't want the value type of the container to be Item but something_else<Item>? In other words, how can I change the value type of an existing container to something else? In your case you don't, so read no further, but in the case we do, we want to rebind a container.
Unfortunately for us, the containers don't have this functionality, though allocators do:
template <typename T>
struct allocator
template <typename U>
struct rebind
typedef allocator<U> type;
// ...
This allows us to get an allocator<U> given an allocator<T>. How can we do the same for containers without this intrusive utility? In C++0x, it's easy:
template <typename T, typename Container>
struct rebind; // not defined
template <typename T, typename Container, typename... Args>
struct rebind<T, Container<Args...>>
// assumes the rest are filled with defaults**
typedef Container<T> type;
Given std::vector<int>, we can perform rebind<float, std::vector<int>>::type, for example. Unlike the previous C++0x solution, this one can be emulated in C++03 with macros and iteration..
**Note this mechanism can be made much more powerful, like specifying which arguments to keep, which to rebind, which to rebind themselves before using as arguments, etc., but that's left as an exercise for the reader. :)
I'm a bit puzzled why some very smart (and competent) people are saying no.
Unless I've misread your question, what you're trying to accomplish is virtually identical to the "container adapters" in the standard library. Each provides an interface to some underlying container type, with the container type that will be used provided as a template parameter (with a default value).
For example, a std::stack uses some other container (e.g., std::deque, std::list or std::vector) to hold the objects, and std::stack itself just provides a simplified/restricted interface for when you just want to use stack operations. The underlying container that will be used by the std::stack is provided as a template parameter. Here's how the code looks in the standard:
namespace std {
template <class T, class Container = deque<T> >
class stack {
typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Container::size_type size_type;
typedef Container container_type;
Container c;
explicit stack(const Container& = Container());
bool empty() const { return c.empty(); }
size_type size() const { return c.size(); }
value_type& top() { return c.back(); }
const value_type& top() const { return c.back(); }
void push(const value_type& x) { c.push_back(x); }
void pop() { c.pop_back(); }
Of course, perhaps I've just misunderstood the question -- if so, I apologize in advance to the people with whom I'm (sort of) disagreeing.
Yes and no.
You can use a template template parameter, e.g.,
template <typename Item, template <typename> class Container>
struct TList { /* ... */ };
However, in general, template template parameters are not particularly useful because the number and types of the template parameters have to match. So, the above would not match std::vector because it actually has two template parameters: one for the value type and one for the allocator. A template template parameter can't take advantage of any default template arguments.
To be able to use the std::vector template as an argument, TList would have to be declared as:
template <typename Item, template <typename, typename> class Container>
struct TList { /* ... */ };
However, with this template, you wouldn't be able to use the std::map template as an argument because it has four template parameters: the key and value types, the allocator type, and the comparator type.
Usually it is much easier to avoid template template parameters because of this inflexibility.
well, you can hack it up with a macro:
template <typename T, typename stl_container = std::vector<T> >
struct TList
typedef stl_container Type;
#define TLIST(T, C) TList<T, C<T> >
TList<int> foo;
TList<int, std::list<int> > bar;
TLIST(int, std::list) baz;
Is it possible to templatize std::vector and create a general container, something like that?
No. You would have to templatize the function or object using the container -- you couldn't templatize the container itself.
For example. consider a typical std::find:
template<class InputIterator, class T>
InputIterator find ( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const T& value )
for ( ;first!=last; first++) if ( *first==value ) break;
return first;
This works for any container, but doesn't need a tempalte with the container at all.
Also, given that it looks what you're trying to do is make container independent code, you might want to buy or borrow yourself a copy of Scott Meyers' Effective STL and read Item 2: Beware the illusion of container-independent code.
You can use template template parameters as others have mentioned here. The main difficulty with this is not that dissimilar container types have dissimilar template parameters, but that the standard allows the standard containers, like vector, to have template parameters in addition to the documented, necessary ones.
You can get around this by providing your own subclass types that accept the appropriate template parameters and let any extras (which have to have defaults) be filled in my the implementation:
template < typename T > struct simple_vector : std::vector<T> {};
Or you can use the templated typedef idiom:
template < typename T > struct retrieve_vector { typedef std::vector<T> type; };
I am pondering about partial specialization. While I understand the idea, I haven't seen any real-world usage of this technique. Full specialization is used in many places in STL so I don't have a problem with that. Could you educate me about a real-world example where partial specialization is used? If the example is in STL that would be superior!
C++0x comes with unique_ptr which is a replacement for auto_ptr which is going to be deprecated.
If you use unique_ptr with an array type, it uses delete[] to free it, and to provide operator[] etc. If you use it with a non-array type, it uses delete. This needs partial template specialization like
template<typename T>
struct my_unique_ptr { ... };
template<typename T>
struct my_unique_ptr<T[]> { ... };
Another use (although a very questionable) is std::vector<bool, Allocator> in the standard library. The bool specialization uses a space optimization to pack bools into individual bits
template<typename T, typename Allocator = std::allocator<T> >
struct vector { ... };
template<typename Allocator>
struct vector<bool, Allocator> { ... };
Yet another use is with std::iterator_traits<T>. Iterators are required to define the nested typedefs value_type, reference and others to the correct types (for a const iterator, reference would usually be T const&, for example) so algorithms may use them for their work. The primary template uses type-members of the iterator type in turn
template<typename T>
struct iterator_traits {
typedef typename T::value_type value_type;
For pointers, that of course doesn't work. There is a partial specialization for them
template<typename T>
struct iterator_traits<T*> {
typedef T value_type;
In some stl implementations collections like std::vector and std::list use partial template specialization to reduce the amount of code generated for collections of pointers.
Each instantiation of a template for a type T creates new code. However pointer types are effectively all the same so generating new code for every type is a waste. This can be reduced by implementing the private part of pointer collections with void pointers and then casting these to the appropriate type in the public interface. This greatly reduces the code generated for pointer collections.
I think this is covered in Effective STL.
Taken from MSDN (Partial Specialization of Class Templates (C++))
// partial_specialization_of_class_templates.cpp
template <class T> struct PTS {
enum {
IsPointer = 0,
IsPointerToDataMember = 0
template <class T> struct PTS<T*> {
enum {
IsPointer = 1,
IsPointerToDataMember = 0
template <class T, class U> struct PTS<T U::*> {
enum {
IsPointer = 0,
IsPointerToDataMember = 1