Sort struct that contains pointer to the next - c++

so I have something like:
struct Something
int number;
Something* next;
And I want to sort them, by the number, though I don't want to change the number, but I want to change the pointer to the next.
How would I do that?
I know the end and the beginning of the "list", (FIFO order)

Use MergeSort for linked lists: first traverse the list with two running pointers, one of them advancing twice slower. When you reach the end of the list, the slow pointer points to the middle. Split the list and sort the halves recursively, then Merge.

There are various sorting algorithms (, and by far, I would use the random|selection one for this example. It will look something like:
void Something::SortAscending() {
Something* current = next;
Something* smallest = next;
while( current ) {
if( current->number < smallest->number ) {
smallest = current;
current = current->next;
if( smallest != next )
smallest->next = next;
next = smallest;
Note, however, that if you're given the head of the list, you may not change it with the type of function I provided above.

Sort -> for each element of sorted array update next pointer


why do we use pos in c++? assume by my code int pos = cHash(symbol);

so I was doing a program of SymbolTable for my compiler course ....I landed with a problem of pos ...why do we use it on the first place? TIA <3
void insert(char *symbol, char *type)
int pos = cHash(symbol);
if (block[pos] == NULL)
block[pos] = new SymbolInfo();
block[pos]->symbol = symbol;
block[pos]->type = type;
block[pos]->next = NULL;
SymbolInfo *newNode = new SymbolInfo();
newNode->symbol = symbol;
newNode->type = type;
// pointer swap
SymbolInfo *nextNode = block[pos];
block[pos] = newNode;
newNode->next = nextNode;
The code here implements what’s called a chained hash table. We maintain an array of linked lists, and use the function cHash to assign each symbol to one of those linked lists.
The advantage of storing things this way is speed. If we put everything into a single linked list, then the average cost of looking something up is O(n), where n is the number of items in the list, since on average we have to look at at least half the items in the list. But by having multiple linked lists (say, b of them) and distributing items across them more or less randomly, we decrease the average cost of a lookup to O(1 + n/b), which is a lot faster if b is roughly the same order of magnitude as n.
If there is no element in the chain then new element is added in front,
otherwise through hashing if we reach a chain or, bucket that contains an element then we insert the new element at the beginning of the chain and
the rest of the elements is linked to the end of new node.

Randomly shuffling a linked list

I'm currently working on a project and the last piece of functionality I have to write is to shuffle a linked list using the rand function.
I'm very confused on how it works.
Could someone clarify on how exactly I could implement this?
I've looked at my past code examples and what I did to shuffle an array but the arrays and linked lists are pretty different.
For further clarifications my Professor is making us shuffle using a linked list because he is 'awesome' like that.
You can always add another level of indirection... ;)
(see Fundamental theorem of software engineering in Wikipedia)
Just create an array of pointers, sized to the list's length, unlink items from the list and put their pointers to the array, then shuffle the array and re-construct the list.
If you must use lists you might use an approach similar to merge-sort:
split the list into halves,
shuffle both sublists recursively,
merge them, picking randomly next item from one or the other sublist.
I don't know if it gives a reasonable random distribution :D
bool randcomp(int, int)
return (rand()%2) != 0;
You can try iterate over list several times and swap adjacent nodes with certain probablity. Something like this:
const float swapchance = 0.25;
const int itercount = 100;
struct node
int val;
node *next;
node *fisrt;
{ // Creating example list
node *ptr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
node *tmp = new node;
tmp.val = i; = ptr;
ptr = tmp;
// Shuffling
for (int i = 0; i < itercount; i++)
node *ptr = first;
node *prev = 0;
while (ptr && ptr->next)
if (std::rand() % 1000 / 1000.0 < swapchance)
prev->next = ptr->next;
node *t = ptr->next->next;
ptr->next->next = ptr;
ptr->next = t;
prev = ptr;
ptr = ptr->next;
The big difference between an array and a linked list is that when you use an array you can directly access a given element using pointer arithmetic which is how the operator[] works.
That however does not preclude you writing your own operator[] or similar where you walk the list and count out the nth element of the list. Once you got this far, removing the element and placing it into a new list is quite simple.
The big difference is where the complexity is O(n) for an array it becomes O(n^2) for a linked list.

Get smallest value from a linked list?

I am currently writing a piece of code which loops through a linked list and retrieves the smallest, but is not working. Instead it seems to be returning the last value I enter into the list...
(list is the head being passed from main)
int i = 0;
Stock *node = list;
int tempSmallest = (list + 0)->itemStock;
while (node!=NULL)
if ((list+i)->itemStock < tempSmallest)
tempSmallest = node->itemStock;
node = node->nodeptr;
return list;
Thanks for any advice!
You are dereferencing (list+i) and incrementing i with every visited node for some reason. I don't know why you're doing this, but it's wrong. You basically traverse the linked list and also conceptually traverse an array (which doesn't exist at all). This is undefined behavior and cannot give meaningful results.
You must dereferece the currently valid node, not an array element that is a few indices after it somewhere in RAM, and advance by the list's next node pointer (I assume this is called nodeptr in your code?).
Something like...
Stock *node = list; // hopefully not NULL since I don't check in the next line
int smallest = node->itemStock;
while(node && node = node->nodeptr)
smallest = std::min(smallest, node->itemStock);
return smallest;
struct stock{
stock *next;
this will be the struct of your nodes.
then when you initialize them, you should refer the next pointer of the last node added, to the node you're adding currently.
then the code will be like this:
stock *node = head; // the head you passed from main
int min = node->price;
if(node->price < min)
min = node->price;
return min;

How to check whether a linked list is circular or not? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to detect a loop in a linked list?
(29 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
How can I find whether a singly linked list is circular/cyclic or not? I tried to search but couldn't find a satisfactory solution. If possible, can you provide a pseudo-code or Java-implementation?
For instance:
1 → 3 → 5 → 71 → 45 → 7 → 5, where the second 5 is actually the third element of the list.
The standard answer is to take two iterators at the beginning, increment the first one once, and the second one twice. Check to see if they point to the same object. Then repeat until the one that is incrementing twice either hits the first one or reaches the end.
This algorithm finds any circular link in the list, not just that it's a complete circle.
Pseudo-code (not Java, untested -- off the top of my head)
bool hasCircle(List l)
Iterator i = l.begin(), j = l.begin();
while (true) {
// increment the iterators, if either is at the end, you're done, no circle
if (i.hasNext()) i =; else return false;
// second iterator is travelling twice as fast as first
if (j.hasNext()) j =; else return false;
if (j.hasNext()) j =; else return false;
// this should be whatever test shows that the two
// iterators are pointing at the same place
if (i.getObject() == j.getObject()) {
return true;
A simple algorithm called Floyd's algorithm is to have two pointers, a and b, which both start at the first element in the linked list. Then at each step you increment a once and b twice. Repeat until you either reach the end of the list (no loop), or a == b (the linked list contains a loop).
Another algorithm is Brent's algorithm.
Three main strategies that I know of:
Starting traversing the list and keep track of all the nodes you've visited (store their addresses in a map for instance). Each new node you visit, check if you've already visited it. If you've already visited the node, then there's obviously a loop. If there's not a loop, you'll reach the end eventually. This isn't great because it's O(N) space complexity for storing the extra information.
The Tortoise/Hare solution. Start two pointers at the front of the list. The first pointer, the "Tortoise" moves forward one node each iteration. The other pointer, the "Hare" moves forward two nodes each iteration. If there's no loop, the hare and tortoise will both reach the end of the list. If there is a loop, the Hare will pass the Tortoise at some point and when that happens, you know there's a loop. This is O(1) space complexity and a pretty simple algorithm.
Use the algorithm to reverse a linked list. If the list has a loop, you'll end up back at the beginning of the list while trying to reverse it. If it doesn't have a loop, you'll finish reversing it and hit the end. This is O(1) space complexity, but a slightly uglier algorithm.
I you count your Nodes and get to the *head again.
How about following approach:
Sort the link list in ascending order by following any standard algorithms.
Before sort: 4-2-6-1-5
After Sort: 1-2-4-5-6
Once sorted, check for each node data and compare with link node's data, something like this:
if(currentcode->data > currentnode->link->data)
i.e. circular = true;
At any comparison, if any of "currentnode->data" is greater than "currentcode->link->data" for a sorted link list, it means current node is pointed to some previous node(i.e circular);
Guys, i dont have setup to test the code.Let me now if this concept works.
Use the Tortoise-Hare algorithm.
A algorithm is:
Store the pointer to the first node
Traverse through the list comparing each node pointer to this pointer
If you encounter a NULL pointer, then its not circularly linked list
If you encounter the first node while traversing then its a circularly linked list
#samoz has in my point of view the answer! Pseudo code missing. Would be something like
yourlist is your linked list
allnodes = hashmap
while yourlist.hasNext()
node =
syso "loop found"
sorry, code is very pseudo (do more scripting then java lately)
Start at one node and record it, then iterate through the entire list until you reach a null pointer or the node you started with.
Something like:
Node start = list->head;
Node temp = start->next;
bool circular = false;
while(temp != null && temp != start)
if(temp == start)
circular = true;
temp = temp->next;
return circular
This is O(n), which is pretty much the best that you will able to get with a singly linked list (correct me if I'm wrong).
Or to find any cycles in the list (such as the middle), you could do:
Node[] array; // Use a vector or ArrayList to support dynamic insertions
Node temp = list->head;
bool circular = false;
while(temp != null)
if(array.contains(temp) == true)
circular = true;
temp = temp->next;
return circular
This will be a little bit slower due to the insertion times of dynamic arrays.
Here is a nice site on which the different solutions can copied.
find loop singly linked list
This is the winner on that site
// Best solution
function boolean hasLoop(Node startNode){
Node slowNode = Node fastNode1 = Node fastNode2 = startNode;
while (slowNode && fastNode1 = && fastNode2 ={
if (slowNode == fastNode1 || slowNode == fastNode2) return true;
slowNode =;
return false;
This solution is "Floyd's
Cycle-Finding Algorithm" as published
in "Non-deterministic Algorithms" by
Robert W. Floyd in 1967. It is also
called "The Tortoise and the Hare
It will never terminate from the loop, it can also be done in following solution:
bool hasCircle(List l)
Iterator i = l.begin(), j = l.begin();
while (true) {
// increment the iterators, if either is at the end, you're done, no circle
if (i.hasNext()) i =; else return false;
// second iterator is travelling twice as fast as first
if (j.hasNext()) j =; else return false;
if (j.hasNext()) j =; else return false;
// this should be whatever test shows that the two
// iterators are pointing at the same place
if (i.getObject() == j.getObject()) {
return true;
Try this
/* Link list Node */
struct Node
int data;
struct Node* next;
/* This function returns true if given linked
list is circular, else false. */
bool isCircular(struct Node *head)
// An empty linked list is circular
if (head == NULL)
return true;
// Next of head
struct Node *node = head->next;
// This loop would stope in both cases (1) If
// Circular (2) Not circular
while (node != NULL && node != head)
node = node->next;
// If loop stopped because of circular
// condition
return (node == head);

C++ - Single Linked List - Ideas

I want to write a method to remove consecutive items with duplicate data values from a singly linked list. The method should return the number of items removed. The method should clean up memory as required, and should assume that memory was allocated using new.
For example, passing in the list
should result in
and return 3
The list item definition and function declaration are given below
struct litem {
char data;
litem* next;
int remove_consecutive_duplicates( litem*& list );
I have a simple logic to check the next element recursively & removing the element if its duplicate.
But, i would like to know how many efficient ways to do this ? All ideas welcome from C++ gurus..
You can use std::list, and before pushing element on it you must check:
if ((*l.rbegin()) == next)
in meta language:
item = items.first
while (item != null) {
while ( != null && item.value = {
temp = =
item =
As far as I can see, there's not a lot to optimize here. Returning the number of items used is just a case of incrementing a counter. Basically, if you find that litem->data == litem->next->data, then you need to do the removal like so:
litem* tmpItem = currentItem->next;
currentItem->next = tmpItem->next;
delete tmpItem;
Keep iterating until currentItem->next == NULL, to avoid referencing beyond the end of the list.