I am trying, in C++, to decompress 1555 DXT1 textures into RGBA 8888, storing the output into a std::string.
I have successfully decompressed 565 DXT1 to RGBA 8888 using the squish lib, but just can't seem to get 1555 working.
The program isn't crashing, and the output image looks almost correct, but there are several pixels in random places that are strange colours, as you can see in the output image below.
Here's the code.
using namespace std;
string CTexture::extractRGBAData(void)
string strPixels;
strPixels.resize(m_usImageSize[0] * m_usImageSize[1] * 4);
for (unsigned long i = 0, j = m_usImageSize[0] * m_usImageSize[1] * 4; i < j; i++)
strPixels[i] = 0;
if (m_strImageData.length() == 0)
return strPixels;
unsigned long uiDXTCompressionType;
if (m_uiPlatformId == 8) // GTA III, VC
uiDXTCompressionType = m_ucDXTCompressionType;
else if (m_uiPlatformId == 9) // SA
//uiDXTCompressionType = m_uiAlpha;
uiDXTCompressionType = m_ucDXTCompressionType;
else if (m_uiPlatformId == 5) // XBOX, Android
uiDXTCompressionType = m_uiAlpha;
if (uiDXTCompressionType == DXT1)
unsigned long uiWidth = m_usImageSize[0];
unsigned long uiHeight = m_usImageSize[1];
if (m_uiRasterFormat == FORMAT_1555)
unsigned long
uiPixelKey = 0,
uiTexelSeek = 0;
for (unsigned long y = 0; y < uiHeight; y += 4)
for (unsigned long x = 0; x < uiWidth; x += 4)
string strTexel = m_strImageData.substr(uiTexelSeek, 8);
unsigned char *pPixels = new unsigned char[16 * 4];
unsigned char *pBlock = new unsigned char[8];
memcpy(pBlock, strTexel.c_str(), 8);
decompress_DXT1_1555(pPixels, pBlock);
for (unsigned long yOffset = 0; yOffset < 4; yOffset++)
for (unsigned long xOffset = 0; xOffset < 4; xOffset++)
unsigned long uiPixelKey = (y * uiWidth) + x + (yOffset * uiWidth) + xOffset;
//CDebugger::log("uiPixelKey: " + CStringUtility::toString(uiPixelKey) + ", x: " + CStringUtility::toString(x) + ", y: " + CStringUtility::toString(y) + ", xOffset: " + CStringUtility::toString(xOffset) + ", yOffset: " + CStringUtility::toString(yOffset));
uiPixelKey *= 4;
if (uiPixelKey < strPixels.size()) // this checks if the height has a remainder when dividing by 4 (as the iteration does 4x4 block of pixels)
strPixels[uiPixelKey + 0] = pPixels[(((yOffset * 4) + xOffset) * 4) + 2] & 0xFF;
strPixels[uiPixelKey + 1] = pPixels[(((yOffset * 4) + xOffset) * 4) + 1] & 0xFF;
strPixels[uiPixelKey + 2] = pPixels[(((yOffset * 4) + xOffset) * 4) + 0] & 0xFF;
strPixels[uiPixelKey + 3] = 255;// pPixels[(((yOffset * 4) + xOffset) * 4) + 3] & 0xFF;
delete[] pPixels;
delete[] pBlock;
uiTexelSeek += 8;
void CTexture::decompress_DXT1_1555(unsigned char *pixels, unsigned char *block)
string strArea = string((char*)block, 8);
string strPaletteStr = strArea.substr(0, 4);
unsigned long uiIndexes = CStringUtility::unpackULong(strArea.substr(4, 4), false);
unsigned char ucPalette[4][4];
double fPalette[4][4];
unsigned short usPaletteInt[2];
usPaletteInt[0] = CStringUtility::unpackUShort(strPaletteStr.substr(0, 2), false); // 1555
usPaletteInt[1] = CStringUtility::unpackUShort(strPaletteStr.substr(2, 2), false); // 1555
// based on: http://www.glassechidna.com.au/2009/devblogs/s3tc-dxt1dxt5-texture-decompression/
float red, green, blue, alpha;
alpha = (usPaletteInt[0] >> 15) & 1;
red = ((float)((usPaletteInt[0] >> 10) & 0x1F) * 255.0 + 16.0);
red = ((red / 32.0) + red) / 32.0;
green = ((float)((usPaletteInt[0] >> 5) & 0x1F) * 255.0 + 16.0);
green = ((green / 32.0) + green) / 32.0;
blue = ((float)(usPaletteInt[0] & 0x1F)) * 255.0 + 16.0;
blue = ((blue / 32.0) + blue) / 32.0;
fPalette[0][0] = red;
fPalette[0][1] = green;
fPalette[0][2] = blue;
fPalette[0][3] = alpha;
alpha = (usPaletteInt[1] >> 15) & 1;
red = ((float)((usPaletteInt[1] >> 10) & 0x1F) * 255.0 + 16.0);
red = ((red / 32.0) + red) / 32.0;
green = ((float)((usPaletteInt[1] >> 5) & 0x1F) * 255.0 + 16.0);
green = ((green / 32.0) + green) / 32.0;
blue = ((float)(usPaletteInt[1] & 0x1F)) * 255.0 + 16.0;
blue = ((blue / 32.0) + blue) / 32.0;
fPalette[1][0] = red;
fPalette[1][1] = green;
fPalette[1][2] = blue;
fPalette[1][3] = alpha;
// fetch other 2 colours in palette, interpolated between min/max colours
if (usPaletteInt[0] > usPaletteInt[1])
fPalette[2][0] = (2.0 * fPalette[0][0] + fPalette[1][0]) / 3.0;
fPalette[2][1] = (2.0 * fPalette[0][1] + fPalette[1][1]) / 3.0;
fPalette[2][2] = (2.0 * fPalette[0][2] + fPalette[1][2]) / 3.0;
fPalette[2][3] = 255;
fPalette[3][0] = (fPalette[0][0] + 2.0 * fPalette[1][0]) / 3.0;
fPalette[3][1] = (fPalette[0][1] + 2.0 * fPalette[1][1]) / 3.0;
fPalette[3][2] = (fPalette[0][2] + 2.0 * fPalette[1][2]) / 3.0;
fPalette[3][3] = 255;
fPalette[2][0] = (fPalette[0][0] + fPalette[1][0]) / 2.0;
fPalette[2][1] = (fPalette[0][1] + fPalette[1][1]) / 2.0;
fPalette[2][2] = (fPalette[0][2] + fPalette[1][2]) / 2.0;
fPalette[2][3] = 255;
fPalette[3][0] = 0;
fPalette[3][1] = 0;
fPalette[3][2] = 0;
fPalette[3][3] = 255; // transparent black
for (unsigned long i5 = 0; i5 < 4; i5++)
ucPalette[i5][0] = fPalette[i5][0];
ucPalette[i5][1] = fPalette[i5][1];
ucPalette[i5][2] = fPalette[i5][2];
ucPalette[i5][3] = fPalette[i5][3];
for (unsigned long i2 = 0; i2<16; i2++)
unsigned char index = (uiIndexes >> (i2 * 2)) & 3;
unsigned char colour[4];
colour[0] = ((unsigned char)ucPalette[index][0]) & 0xFF;
colour[1] = ((unsigned char)ucPalette[index][1]) & 0xFF;
colour[2] = ((unsigned char)ucPalette[index][2]) & 0xFF;
colour[3] = ((unsigned char)ucPalette[index][3]) & 0xFF;
// store colour
pixels[(i2 * 4) + 0] = colour[0] & 0xFF;
pixels[(i2 * 4) + 1] = colour[1] & 0xFF;
pixels[(i2 * 4) + 2] = colour[2] & 0xFF;
pixels[(i2 * 4) + 3] = colour[3] & 0xFF;
I think you're misunderstanding how DXT1 works a bit.
There isn't any alpha in the 2 base colors. They're both in 5:6:5.
The "alpha" is only coming from the case where c0 <= c1. If the block fits this condition, then any pixel with the index 3 will be fully transparent (the 1 bit of alpha is inferred from that).
So... read 5:6:5 (and set alpha=255 for those) instead of 1:5:5:5 in the base colors, and change your alpha on the "transparent black" case from 0,0,0,255 to 0,0,0,0 (actually transparent black instead of opaque black), and you should get better results.
I have a value between 0 and 1 which I'm trying to determine a color value for representing the size of the value. The higher the value, the more "blue" it should be, and the lower the value the more red it should be, with green in the middle. So the float value 1 in RGB should be (0,0,255), the value 0 in RGB should be (255,0,0), with (0,255,0) in the middle. I tried to implement it but in my implementation the highest value is white and the lowest is black, which is not what I'm trying to achieve.
Does anyone know how to implement this?
My attempt was :
unsigned int rgb[] = {0,0,0};
//16581375 = 255^3
unsigned long colorValue = floatBetweenZeroAndOne * 16581375;
rgb[0] = colorValue %255;
rgb[1] = (colorValue / 255) % 255;
rgb[2] = ((colorValue / 255) / 255) % 255;
Try this:
unsigned int rgb[] = { 0,0,0 };
float floatBetweenZeroAndOne = 0.25f;
if (floatBetweenZeroAndOne <= 0.5f)
floatBetweenZeroAndOne *= 2.0f;
rgb[0] = (unsigned int)(255 * (1.0f - floatBetweenZeroAndOne) + 0.5f);
rgb[1] = (unsigned int)(255 * (floatBetweenZeroAndOne) + 0.5f);
floatBetweenZeroAndOne = floatBetweenZeroAndOne * 2.0f - 1.0f;
rgb[1] = (unsigned int)(255 * (1.0f - floatBetweenZeroAndOne) + 0.5f);
rgb[2] = (unsigned int)(255 * (floatBetweenZeroAndOne) + 0.5f);
It will smoothly interpolates the float color value between R G B components.
So basically you are saying that the rgb[0] should be 0 if your float variable is 0 and it should be 255 if your variable is 1. Your float variable * 255 should do the trick for the red color. Let's just call your float variable floatValue from now on.
Now let's do the blue color. This is basically the opposite of red. We want the bluecolor to be 255 when floatValue is 0 and it to be 0 when the floatValue is 1. You could use it like this: rgb[2] = 255 - floatValue * 255.
The green one is the most tricky I guess. We want that value to rise if 0 < floatValue < 0.5 and degrade when 0.5 < floatValue < 1. I think an if-statement would do the trick.
In total I would code it something like this. I haven't tested it.
unsigned float floatValue = 0.236; // Completely random number between zero and one.
unsigned int rgb[] = {0,0,0};
rgb[0] = floatValue * 255;
rgb[2] = 255 - floatValue * 255;
if (floatValue > 0 && <= 0.5)
rgb[1] = floatValue * 512 // Since I guess you want it to be maxed out at 128.
else if (floatValue > 0.5 && floatValue <= 1)
rgb[1] = 255 - (floatValue - 0.5)*512;
cout << "floatValue has a value smaller than 0 or bigger than 1!";
return -1;
A function like this should do the job
void setColor(double value, int* rgb){
if(value > 1 || value < 0) return;
if(value > 0.5){
value -= 0.5;
rgb[0] = 0;
rgb[1] = (int)((1-2*value)*255);
rgb[2] = (int)(2*value*255);
if(value <= 0.5){
rgb[0] = (int)((1-2*value)*255);
rgb[1] = (int)(2*value*255);
rgb[2] = 0;
You could also try this version:
void rgbscalar(float scalar)
float ratio = 2 * scalar;
int r = 255 * (ratio - 1);
if ( r < 0 ) r = 0;
int b = 255 * (1 - ratio);
if ( b < 0 ) b = 0;
int g = 255 - b - r;
if ( g < 0 ) g = 0;
std::cout << r << " " << g << " " << b << " : " << scalar << std::endl;
This code is a general-purpose linear gradient from a Color 1 to a Color 2; you can use it to make multiple gradients, for example, red to green and green to blue, and populate a array with the variations in-between c1 and c2.
If anyone knows a better way of making this code, feel free to suggest :).
#include <cstdint> # Defines uint_fast32_t
#pragma GCC diagnostic push // GCC only
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion" // GCC only, disable bitfield warnings
// Color
// Parameters c1 and c2 are ARGB Colors to Gradient into the return value
// Gradient and Alpha is a percentage from c1 towards c2, accepts any range, but anything out of [0; 1.0] is cut
// The return value of the function is guaranteed to be between [0xYY000000; 0xYYFFFFFF], even if the gradient is invalid, and YY equals to the Alpha between [0; 1.0] -> AA[0; 255] proportionally
uint_fast32_t argbGradient(uint_fast32_t c1, uint_fast32_t c2, double gradient = 0.5, double alpha = 0.0)
uint_fast32_t c = 0x00000000;
// Red is at 0x000000##
// Green is at 0x0000##00
// Blue is at 0x00##0000
// Alpha is at 0x##000000
if(gradient > 1.0) gradient = 1.0;
else if (gradient < +0.0) gradient = +0.0;
if(alpha > 1.0) alpha = 1.0;
else if(alpha < +0.0) alpha = +0.0;
uint_fast32_t red1 = (c1 & 0xFF);
uint_fast32_t green1 = (c1 & 0xFF00) >> 8;
uint_fast32_t blue1 = (c1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
uint_fast32_t alpha1 = (c1 & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
uint_fast32_t red2 = (c2 & 0xFF);
uint_fast32_t green2 = (c2 & 0xFF00) >> 8;
uint_fast32_t blue2 = (c2 & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
uint_fast32_t alpha2 = (c2 & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
if (red1 > red2) c = ((uint_fast32_t) (red1 - ((double) (red1 - red2) * gradient))) & 0xFF;
else c = ((uint_fast32_t) (red1 + ((double) (red2 - red1) * gradient))) & 0xFF;
if (green1 > green2) c = ((((uint_fast32_t) (green1 - ((double) (green1 - green2) * gradient))) & 0xFF) << 8) + c;
else c = ((((uint_fast32_t) (green1 + ((double) (green2 - green1) * gradient))) & 0xFF) << 8) + c;
if (blue1 > blue2) c = ((((uint_fast32_t) (blue1 - ((double) (blue1 - blue2) * gradient))) & 0xFF) << 16) + c;
else c = ((((uint_fast32_t) (blue1 + ((double) (blue2 - blue1) * gradient))) & 0xFF) << 16) + c;
if (alpha1 > alpha2) c = ((((uint_fast32_t) (alpha1 - ((double) (alpha1 - alpha2) * alpha))) & 0xFF) << 24) + c;
else c = ((((uint_fast32_t) (alpha1 + ((double) (alpha2 - alpha1) * alpha))) & 0xFF) << 24) + c;
return c;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop // GCC only, restore specifically disabled flags
I have a scaling algorithm which appears to scale the image to the right size, but produces artefacts(slight image corruption) in the right half of the image. As I am inexperienced using pointers, I suspect I may have blundered with my pointer arithmetic!
To run the project on OSX:
1. Download from :https://www.dropbox.com/s/myme1z1mkxjwyjf/artifact.zip?dl=0
Open the xcodeproj file found in proj.ios
All code that is of relevance, is in HelloWorldScene.cpp
In function test(), you can comment out / uncomment the method we wish to test.:
void HelloWorld::test(){
testCopy(); //In this case the image appears as expected. (a simple copy)
// testScale(); //In this case there are strange artifacts on the right tip of the arrow.
Test copy, is my attempt at just copying the contents of the buffer without doing anything bad like memory corruption, leaking etc... The image appears on the screen looking ok!
void HelloWorld::testCopy(){
std::string infile = _imageName;
Image* img = new Image();
auto odata = img->getData();
Image* copy = new Image();
int components = 4;
auto finalDataLen = img->getDataLen();
auto finalData = static_cast<unsigned char*>(malloc(finalDataLen));
for (int i = 0; i<img->getWidth(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j<img->getHeight(); j++) {
unsigned char *pixel = odata + (i + j * img->getWidth()) * components;
unsigned char *fpixel = finalData + (i + j * img->getWidth()) * components;
fpixel[0] = pixel[0];
fpixel[1] = pixel[1];
fpixel[2] = pixel[2];
fpixel[3] = pixel[3];
copy->initWithRawData(finalData, finalDataLen, img->getWidth(), img->getHeight(), 8);
Texture2D* tk = new Texture2D();
Sprite* foo = Sprite::createWithTexture(tk);
delete img;
delete copy;
Now comment out testCopy(); and uncomment testScale(); In this case the image appears but with some corruption the right side of the image!
void HelloWorld::testScale(){
std::string infile = _imageName;
Image* img = new Image();
Image* scl = new Image();
scaleImage(img, scl, 0.8);
Texture2D* tk = new Texture2D(); //Texture is needed as long as the sprite exists, so we aren't deleting it.
Sprite* foo = Sprite::createWithTexture(tk);
delete img;
delete scl;
void HelloWorld::scaleImage(Image* original,Image* scaledImage,const float& scale){
int width = scale*original->getWidth();
int height = scale*original->getHeight();
int x=4;
unsigned char* data = original->getData();
auto dataLen = width * height * x * sizeof(unsigned char);
auto data2 = static_cast<unsigned char*>(malloc(dataLen));
//sprshrink seems to be the problem method.
sprshrink(data2, width, height, data, original->getWidth(), original->getHeight());
scaledImage->initWithRawData(data2, dataLen, width, height, 8);
//Why does this method produce artifcats ?
void HelloWorld::sprshrink(unsigned char *dest, int dwidth, int dheight, unsigned char *src, int swidth, int sheight){
int x, y;
int i, ii;
float red, green, blue, alpha;
float xfrag, yfrag, xfrag2, yfrag2;
float xt, yt, dx, dy;
int xi, yi;
dx = ((float)swidth)/dwidth;
dy = ((float)sheight)/dheight;
for(yt= 0, y=0;y<dheight;y++, yt += dy)
yfrag = (float) ceil(yt) - yt;
if(yfrag == 0)
yfrag = 1;
yfrag2 = yt+dy - (float) floor(yt + dy);
if(yfrag2 == 0 && dy != 1.0f)
yfrag2 = 1;
for(xt = 0, x=0;x<dwidth;x++, xt+= dx)
xi = (int) xt;
yi = (int) yt;
xfrag = (float) ceil(xt) - xt;
if(xfrag == 0)
xfrag = 1;
xfrag2 = xt+dx - (float) floor(xt+dx);
if(xfrag2 == 0 && dx != 1.0f)
xfrag2 = 1;
red = xfrag * yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi)*4];
green = xfrag * yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi)*4+1];
blue = xfrag * yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi)*4+2];
alpha = xfrag * yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi)*4+3];
for(i=0; xi + i + 1 < xt+dx-1; i++)
red += yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi+i+1)*4];
green += yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi+i+1)*4+1];
blue += yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi+i+1)*4+2];
alpha += yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi+i+1)*4+3];
red += xfrag2 * yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi+i+1)*4];
green += xfrag2 * yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi+i+1)*4+1];
blue += xfrag2 * yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi+i+1)*4+2];
alpha += xfrag2 * yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi+i+1)*4+3];
for(i=0; yi+i+1 < yt +dy-1 && yi + i+1 < sheight;i++)
red += xfrag * src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi)*4];
green += xfrag * src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi)*4+1];
blue += xfrag * src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi)*4+2];
alpha += xfrag * src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi)*4+3];
for (ii = 0; xi + ii + 1 < xt + dx - 1 && xi + ii + 1 < swidth; ii++)
red += src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi+ii+1)*4];
green += src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi+ii+1)*4+1];
blue += src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi+ii+1)*4+2];
alpha += src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi+ii+1)*4+3];
red += xfrag2 * src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi+ii+1)*4];
green += xfrag2 * src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi+ii+1)*4+1];
blue += xfrag2 * src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi+ii+1)*4+2];
alpha += xfrag2 * src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi+ii+1)*4+3];
if (yi + i + 1 < sheight)
red += xfrag * yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi) * 4];
green += xfrag * yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi) * 4 + 1];
blue += xfrag * yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi) * 4 + 2];
alpha += xfrag * yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi) * 4 + 3];
for (ii = 0; xi + ii + 1 < xt + dx - 1 && xi + ii + 1 < swidth; ii++)
red += yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi + ii + 1) * 4];
green += yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi + ii + 1) * 4 + 1];
blue += yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi + ii + 1) * 4 + 2];
alpha += yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi + ii + 1) * 4 + 3];
if (yi + i + 1 < sheight && x + xi + 1 < swidth)
red += xfrag2 * yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi + ii + 1) * 4];
green += xfrag2 * yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi + ii + 1) * 4 + 1];
blue += xfrag2 * yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi + ii + 1) * 4 + 2];
alpha += xfrag2 * yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi + ii + 1) * 4 + 3];
red /= dx * dy;
green /= dx * dy;
blue /= dx * dy;
alpha /= dx * dy;
red = clamp(red, 0, 255);
green = clamp(green, 0, 255);
blue = clamp(blue, 0, 255);
alpha = clamp(alpha, 0, 255);
dest[(y*dwidth+x)*4] = (unsigned char) red;
dest[(y*dwidth+x)*4+1] = (unsigned char) green;
dest[(y*dwidth+x)*4+2] = (unsigned char) blue;
dest[(y*dwidth+x)*4+3] = (unsigned char) alpha;
I suspect my downscaling algorithm (sprshrink) works (because it is someone elses! :D), and suspect that I am blundering with my usage of pointers in testScale()! What do you think ? Am I allocating and using my pointers properly? What am I doing wrong?
Artefacts when running testScale() instead of testCopy() (comment out testCopy).
I'm trying to downscale an image from a large size (as large as 960x960) to possibly as small as 32x32. I have the following code I use to get the raw pixels:
Image* img = new Image();
int x=3;
unsigned char *data = new unsigned char[img->getDataLen()*x];
data = img->getData();
// [0][0] => Left-Top Pixel !
// But cocos2d Location Y-axis is Bottom(0) to Top(max)
//This is for changing pixels in the original image
//Skip this loop if there are no changes to be made (converting to grayscale etc).
for(int i=0;i<img->getWidth();i++)
for(int j=0;j<img->getHeight();j++)
unsigned char *pixel = data + (i + j * img->getWidth()) * x;
// You can see/change pixels' RGBA value(0-255) here !
unsigned char r = *pixel;
unsigned char g = *(pixel + 1);
unsigned char b = *(pixel + 2) ;
unsigned char a = *(pixel + 3);
//pixel[2] = 255; //Example: Setting the blue component to 255
I can create an output image by doing:
int width = scale*img->getWidth();
int height = scale*img->getHeight();
Image* scaledImage = new Image();
auto dataLen = width * height * x * sizeof(unsigned char);
auto data2 = static_cast<unsigned char*>(malloc(dataLen));
scaledImage->initWithRawData(data2, dataLen, width, height, 8);
And I can set the individual pixels of the output image by doing:
unsigned char *pixel2 = data2 + (i + j * width) * x;
The question is how to average / interpolate the pixels from the original image efficiently (using minimum cpu and memory, with the preference to use more cpu if necessary and less memory).
The downscaled image and the original image may not be perfect
The downscaled image can be as small as 0.1 of the
original image size.
most images will be downscaled to 0.4 to 0.1 of the original image, so these are the most important ranges.
EDIT: If you think some other interpolation algorithm would be better suited (instead of bilinear) then I am open to it. The challenge is writing an efficient algorithm to average / interpolate the individual pixels..
How do I interpolate the individual pixels of the original image ?
Memory isn't an issue, you need an input buffer with the original image and an output buffer with the rescaled image, you don't need any more.
Bilinear interpolation isn't very suitable for downsampling by a large factor as it doesn't really differ from nearest sampling. You only interpolate four neighbouring pixels and so are vulnerable to aliasing effects, particularly on computer-generated images.
This function uses the averaging method.
resize an image using the averaging method.
Note that dwidth and dheight must be smaller than or equal to swidth, sheight.
void sprshrink(unsigned char *dest, int dwidth, int dheight, unsigned char *src, int swidth, int sheight)
int x, y;
int i, ii;
float red, green, blue, alpha;
float xfrag, yfrag, xfrag2, yfrag2;
float xt, yt, dx, dy;
int xi, yi;
dx = ((float)swidth)/dwidth;
dy = ((float)sheight)/dheight;
for(yt= 0, y=0;y<dheight;y++, yt += dy)
yfrag = ceil(yt) - yt;
if(yfrag == 0)
yfrag = 1;
yfrag2 = yt+dy - (float) floor(yt + dy);
if(yfrag2 == 0 && dy != 1.0f)
yfrag2 = 1;
for(xt = 0, x=0;x<dwidth;x++, xt+= dx)
xi = (int) xt;
yi = (int) yt;
xfrag = (float) ceil(xt) - xt;
if(xfrag == 0)
xfrag = 1;
xfrag2 = xt+dx - (float) floor(xt+dx);
if(xfrag2 == 0 && dx != 1.0f)
xfrag2 = 1;
red = xfrag * yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi)*4];
green = xfrag * yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi)*4+1];
blue = xfrag * yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi)*4+2];
alpha = xfrag * yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi)*4+3];
for(i=0; xi + i + 1 < xt+dx-1; i++)
red += yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi+i+1)*4];
green += yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi+i+1)*4+1];
blue += yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi+i+1)*4+2];
alpha += yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi+i+1)*4+3];
red += xfrag2 * yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi+i+1)*4];
green += xfrag2 * yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi+i+1)*4+1];
blue += xfrag2 * yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi+i+1)*4+2];
alpha += xfrag2 * yfrag * src[(yi*swidth+xi+i+1)*4+3];
for(i=0; yi+i+1 < yt +dy-1 && yi + i+1 < sheight;i++)
red += xfrag * src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi)*4];
green += xfrag * src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi)*4+1];
blue += xfrag * src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi)*4+2];
alpha += xfrag * src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi)*4+3];
for (ii = 0; xi + ii + 1 < xt + dx - 1 && xi + ii + 1 < swidth; ii++)
red += src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi+ii+1)*4];
green += src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi+ii+1)*4+1];
blue += src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi+ii+1)*4+2];
alpha += src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi+ii+1)*4+3];
if (yi + i + 1 < sheight && xi + ii + 1 < swidth)
red += xfrag2 * src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi+ii+1)*4];
green += xfrag2 * src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi+ii+1)*4+1];
blue += xfrag2 * src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi+ii+1)*4+2];
alpha += xfrag2 * src[((yi+i+1)*swidth+xi+ii+1)*4+3];
if (yi + i + 1 < sheight)
red += xfrag * yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi) * 4];
green += xfrag * yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi) * 4 + 1];
blue += xfrag * yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi) * 4 + 2];
alpha += xfrag * yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi) * 4 + 3];
for (ii = 0; xi + ii + 1 < xt + dx - 1 && xi + ii + 1 < swidth; ii++)
red += yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi + ii + 1) * 4];
green += yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi + ii + 1) * 4 + 1];
blue += yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi + ii + 1) * 4 + 2];
alpha += yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi + ii + 1) * 4 + 3];
if (yi + i + 1 < sheight && xi + ii + 1 < swidth)
red += xfrag2 * yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi + ii + 1) * 4];
green += xfrag2 * yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi + ii + 1) * 4 + 1];
blue += xfrag2 * yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi + ii + 1) * 4 + 2];
alpha += xfrag2 * yfrag2 * src[((yi + i + 1)*swidth + xi + ii + 1) * 4 + 3];
red /= dx * dy;
green /= dx * dy;
blue /= dx * dy;
alpha /= dx * dy;
red = clamp(red, 0, 255);
green = clamp(green, 0, 255);
blue = clamp(blue, 0, 255);
alpha = clamp(alpha, 0, 255);
dest[(y*dwidth+x)*4] = (unsigned char) red;
dest[(y*dwidth+x)*4+1] = (unsigned char) green;
dest[(y*dwidth+x)*4+2] = (unsigned char) blue;
dest[(y*dwidth+x)*4+3] = (unsigned char) alpha;
It is maintained in the Baby X resource compiler on github.
Hey so I'm relatively new to the SDL library and just trying to get to grips with it.
I found a C++ conversion for Minecraft4k but it was based on SDL1.x so I'm trying to convert it to SDL2.0
At present the build is successful, but when it gets to;
plot(x, y, rgbmul(col, fxmul(br, ddist)));
It throws a read access violation exception:
screen was nullptr
This is my code;
// C++ port of Minecraft 4k JS (http://jsdo.it/notch/dB1E)
// By The8BitPimp
// See: the8bitpimp.wordpress.com
#include <SDL.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "plot.h"
#include "llist.h"
const int w = 320;
const int h = 240;
SDL_Surface *screen = nullptr;
const float math_pi = 3.14159265359f;
static inline float math_sin(float x) {
return sinf(x);
static inline float math_cos(float x) {
return cosf(x);
// the texture map
int texmap[16 * 16 * 16 * 3];
// the voxel map
char map[64 * 64 * 64];
static inline int random(int max) {
return (rand() ^ (rand() << 16)) % max;
static inline void plot(int x, int y, int c) {
int *p = (int*)screen->pixels;
p[y * w + x] = c;
static void makeTextures(void) {
// each texture
for (int j = 0; j<16; j++) {
int k = 255 - random(96);
// each pixel in the texture
for (int m = 0; m<16 * 3; m++)
for (int n = 0; n<16; n++) {
int i1 = 0x966C4A;
int i2 = 0;
int i3 = 0;
if (j == 4)
i1 = 0x7F7F7F;
if ((j != 4) || (random(3) == 0))
k = 255 - random(96);
if (j == 1)
if (m < (((n * n * 3 + n * 81) >> 2) & 0x3) + 18)
i1 = 0x6AAA40;
else if (m < (((n * n * 3 + n * 81) >> 2) & 0x3) + 19)
k = k * 2 / 3;
if (j == 7)
i1 = 0x675231;
if ((n > 0) && (n < 15) && (((m > 0) && (m < 15)) || ((m > 32) && (m < 47))))
i1 = 0xBC9862;
i2 = n - 7;
i3 = (m & 0xF) - 7;
if (i2 < 0)
i2 = 1 - i2;
if (i3 < 0)
i3 = 1 - i3;
if (i3 > i2)
i2 = i3;
k = 196 - random(32) + i2 % 3 * 32;
else if (random(2) == 0)
k = k * (150 - (n & 0x1) * 100) / 100;
if (j == 5)
i1 = 0xB53A15;
if (((n + m / 4 * 4) % 8 == 0) || (m % 4 == 0))
i1 = 0xBCAFA5;
i2 = k;
if (m >= 32)
i2 /= 2;
if (j == 8)
i1 = 5298487;
if (random(2) == 0)
i1 = 0;
i2 = 255;
// fixed point colour multiply between i1 and i2
i3 =
((((i1 >> 16) & 0xFF) * i2 / 255) << 16) |
((((i1 >> 8) & 0xFF) * i2 / 255) << 8) |
((i1 & 0xFF) * i2 / 255);
// pack the colour away
texmap[n + m * 16 + j * 256 * 3] = i3;
static void makeMap(void) {
// add random blocks to the map
for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < 64; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < 64; z++) {
int i = (z << 12) | (y << 6) | x;
float yd = (y - 32.5) * 0.4;
float zd = (z - 32.5) * 0.4;
map[i] = random(16);
float th = random(256) / 256.0f;
if (th > sqrtf(sqrtf(yd * yd + zd * zd)) - 0.8f)
map[i] = 0;
static void init(void) {
// fixed point byte byte multiply
static inline int fxmul(int a, int b) {
return (a*b) >> 8;
// fixed point 8bit packed colour multiply
static inline int rgbmul(int a, int b) {
int _r = (((a >> 16) & 0xff) * b) >> 8;
int _g = (((a >> 8) & 0xff) * b) >> 8;
int _b = (((a)& 0xff) * b) >> 8;
return (_r << 16) | (_g << 8) | _b;
static void render(void) {
float now = (float)(SDL_GetTicks() % 10000) / 10000.f;
float xRot = math_sin(now * math_pi * 2) * 0.4 + math_pi / 2;
float yRot = math_cos(now * math_pi * 2) * 0.4;
float yCos = math_cos(yRot);
float ySin = math_sin(yRot);
float xCos = math_cos(xRot);
float xSin = math_sin(xRot);
float ox = 32.5 + now * 64.0;
float oy = 32.5;
float oz = 32.5;
// for each column
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
// get the x axis delta
float ___xd = ((float)x - (float)w / 2.f) / (float)h;
// for each row
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
// get the y axis delta
float __yd = ((float)y - (float)h / 2.f) / (float)h;
float __zd = 1;
float ___zd = __zd * yCos + __yd * ySin;
float _yd = __yd * yCos - __zd * ySin;
float _xd = ___xd * xCos + ___zd * xSin;
float _zd = ___zd * xCos - ___xd * xSin;
int col = 0;
int br = 255;
float ddist = 0;
float closest = 32.f;
// for each principle axis x,y,z
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) {
float dimLength = _xd;
if (d == 1)
dimLength = _yd;
if (d == 2)
dimLength = _zd;
float ll = 1.0f / (dimLength < 0.f ? -dimLength : dimLength);
float xd = (_xd)* ll;
float yd = (_yd)* ll;
float zd = (_zd)* ll;
float initial = ox - floor(ox);
if (d == 1) initial = oy - floor(oy);
if (d == 2) initial = oz - floor(oz);
if (dimLength > 0) initial = 1 - initial;
float dist = ll * initial;
float xp = ox + xd * initial;
float yp = oy + yd * initial;
float zp = oz + zd * initial;
if (dimLength < 0) {
if (d == 0) xp--;
if (d == 1) yp--;
if (d == 2) zp--;
// while we are concidering a ray that is still closer then the best so far
while (dist < closest) {
// quantize to the map grid
int tex = map[(((int)zp & 63) << 12) | (((int)yp & 63) << 6) | ((int)xp & 63)];
// if this voxel has a texture applied
if (tex > 0) {
// find the uv coordinates of the intersection point
int u = ((int)((xp + zp) * 16.f)) & 15;
int v = ((int)(yp * 16.f) & 15) + 16;
// fix uvs for alternate directions?
if (d == 1) {
u = ((int)(xp * 16.f)) & 15;
v = (((int)(zp * 16.f)) & 15);
if (yd < 0)
v += 32;
// find the colour at the intersection point
int cc = texmap[u + v * 16 + tex * 256 * 3];
// if the colour is not transparent
if (cc > 0) {
col = cc;
ddist = 255 - ((dist / 32 * 255));
br = 255 * (255 - ((d + 2) % 3) * 50) / 255;
// we now have the closest hit point (also terminates this ray)
closest = dist;
// advance the ray
xp += xd;
yp += yd;
zp += zd;
dist += ll;
plot(x, y, rgbmul(col, fxmul(br, ddist)));
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
SDL_Window *screen;
screen = SDL_CreateWindow(
"Minecraft4k", // window title
SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, // initial x position
SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, // initial y position
320, // width, in pixels
240, // height, in pixels
SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL // flags - see below
SDL_Renderer* renderer;
renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(screen, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED);
if (screen == nullptr) {
return 1;
bool running = true;
while (running) {
SDL_Event event;
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
running &= (event.type != SDL_QUIT);
return 0;
When I actually run the code I do get a black screen, but the debugger lands on the line
plot(x, y, rgbmul(col, fxmul(br, ddist)));
in ;
static void render(void)
This is all just "for fun" so any information or guidance is appreciated.
You define screen twice (the first time as a global variable, the second time within your main), but you initialize it only once (within your main).
Because of that, the global variable screen actually is set to nullptr and plot fails trying to use it, as the error message states.
Hi I am having an exception error in CUDA.. I am trying to run the following code as it is..
CUdeviceptr pDecodedFrame[2] = { 0, 0 };
CUdeviceptr pInteropFrame[2] = { 0, 0 };
uint32 n_Width = g_pVideoDecoder->targetWidth();
uint32 n_Height = g_pVideoDecoder->targetHeight();
dim3 block(32,16,1);
dim3 grid((nWidth+(2*block.x-1))/(2*block.x), (nHeight+(block.y-1))/block.y, 1);
NV12ToARGB_drvapi<<<block,grid>>>(&pDecodedFrame[active_field], nDecodedPitch,
&pInteropFrame[active_field], nTexturePitch, nWidth, nHeight,constHueColorSpaceMat, constAlpha);
My other function is as follows :
__global__ void NV12ToARGB_drvapi(uint32 *srcImage, size_t nSourcePitch,
uint32 *dstImage, size_t nDestPitch,
uint32 width, uint32 height, float constHueColorSpaceMat[9] , uint32 constAlpha)
int32 x, y;
uint32 yuv101010Pel[2];
uint32 processingPitch = ((width) + 63) & ~63;
uint32 dstImagePitch = nDestPitch >> 2;
uint8 *srcImageU8 = (uint8 *)srcImage;
processingPitch = nSourcePitch;
// Pad borders with duplicate pixels, and we multiply by 2 because we process 2 pixels per thread
x = blockIdx.x * (blockDim.x << 1) + (threadIdx.x << 1);
y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
if (x >= width)
return; //x = width - 1;
if (y >= height)
return; // y = height - 1;
// Read 2 Luma components at a time, so we don't waste processing since CbCr are decimated this way.
// if we move to texture we could read 4 luminance values
yuv101010Pel[0] = (srcImageU8[y * processingPitch + x ]) << 2;
yuv101010Pel[1] = (srcImageU8[y * processingPitch + x + 1]) << 2;
uint32 chromaOffset = processingPitch * height;
int32 y_chroma = y >> 1;
if (y & 1) // odd scanline ?
uint32 chromaCb;
uint32 chromaCr;
chromaCb = srcImageU8[chromaOffset + y_chroma * processingPitch + x ];
chromaCr = srcImageU8[chromaOffset + y_chroma * processingPitch + x + 1];
if (y_chroma < ((height >> 1) - 1)) // interpolate chroma vertically
chromaCb = (chromaCb + srcImageU8[chromaOffset + (y_chroma + 1) * processingPitch + x ] + 1) >> 1;
chromaCr = (chromaCr + srcImageU8[chromaOffset + (y_chroma + 1) * processingPitch + x + 1] + 1) >> 1;
yuv101010Pel[0] |= (chromaCb << (COLOR_COMPONENT_BIT_SIZE + 2));
yuv101010Pel[0] |= (chromaCr << ((COLOR_COMPONENT_BIT_SIZE << 1) + 2));
yuv101010Pel[1] |= (chromaCb << (COLOR_COMPONENT_BIT_SIZE + 2));
yuv101010Pel[1] |= (chromaCr << ((COLOR_COMPONENT_BIT_SIZE << 1) + 2));
yuv101010Pel[0] |= ((uint32)srcImageU8[chromaOffset + y_chroma * processingPitch + x ] << (COLOR_COMPONENT_BIT_SIZE + 2));
yuv101010Pel[0] |= ((uint32)srcImageU8[chromaOffset + y_chroma * processingPitch + x + 1] << ((COLOR_COMPONENT_BIT_SIZE << 1) + 2));
yuv101010Pel[1] |= ((uint32)srcImageU8[chromaOffset + y_chroma * processingPitch + x ] << (COLOR_COMPONENT_BIT_SIZE + 2));
yuv101010Pel[1] |= ((uint32)srcImageU8[chromaOffset + y_chroma * processingPitch + x + 1] << ((COLOR_COMPONENT_BIT_SIZE << 1) + 2));
// this steps performs the color conversion
uint32 yuvi[6];
float red[2], green[2], blue[2];
yuvi[0] = (yuv101010Pel[0] & COLOR_COMPONENT_MASK);
yuvi[1] = ((yuv101010Pel[0] >> COLOR_COMPONENT_BIT_SIZE) & COLOR_COMPONENT_MASK);
yuvi[2] = ((yuv101010Pel[0] >> (COLOR_COMPONENT_BIT_SIZE << 1)) & COLOR_COMPONENT_MASK);
yuvi[3] = (yuv101010Pel[1] & COLOR_COMPONENT_MASK);
yuvi[4] = ((yuv101010Pel[1] >> COLOR_COMPONENT_BIT_SIZE) & COLOR_COMPONENT_MASK);
yuvi[5] = ((yuv101010Pel[1] >> (COLOR_COMPONENT_BIT_SIZE << 1)) & COLOR_COMPONENT_MASK);
// YUV to RGB Transformation conversion
YUV2RGB(&yuvi[0], &red[0], &green[0], &blue[0], constHueColorSpaceMat);
YUV2RGB(&yuvi[3], &red[1], &green[1], &blue[1], constHueColorSpaceMat);
// Clamp the results to RGBA
dstImage[y * dstImagePitch + x ] = RGBAPACK_10bit(red[0], green[0], blue[0], constAlpha);
dstImage[y * dstImagePitch + x + 1 ] = RGBAPACK_10bit(red[1], green[1], blue[1], constAlpha);
__device__ void YUV2RGB(uint32 *yuvi, float *red, float *green, float *blue, float constHueColorSpaceMat[9])
float luma, chromaCb, chromaCr;
// Prepare for hue adjustment
luma = (float)yuvi[0];
chromaCb = (float)((int32)yuvi[1] - 512.0f);
chromaCr = (float)((int32)yuvi[2] - 512.0f);
// Convert YUV To RGB with hue adjustment
*red = MUL(luma, constHueColorSpaceMat[0]) +
MUL(chromaCb, constHueColorSpaceMat[1]) +
MUL(chromaCr, constHueColorSpaceMat[2]);
*green= MUL(luma, constHueColorSpaceMat[3]) +
MUL(chromaCb, constHueColorSpaceMat[4]) +
MUL(chromaCr, constHueColorSpaceMat[5]);
*blue = MUL(luma, constHueColorSpaceMat[6]) +
MUL(chromaCb, constHueColorSpaceMat[7]) +
MUL(chromaCr, constHueColorSpaceMat[8]);
__device__ uint32 RGBAPACK_8bit(float red, float green, float blue, uint32 alpha)
uint32 ARGBpixel = 0;
// Clamp final 10 bit results
red = min(max(red, 0.0f), 255.0f);
green = min(max(green, 0.0f), 255.0f);
blue = min(max(blue, 0.0f), 255.0f);
// Convert to 8 bit unsigned integers per color component
ARGBpixel = (((uint32)blue) |
(((uint32)green) << 8) |
(((uint32)red) << 16) | (uint32)alpha);
return ARGBpixel;
This is the error I am having
First-chance exception at 0x7571812f in testing_project.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: cudaError at memory location 0x0015e6b8..
First-chance exception at 0x7571812f in testing_project.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: [rethrow] at memory location 0x00000000..
Everytime I am running the GPU code. Anybody can help me out here please.
If your application is running normally and returning no errors (are you doing proper cuda error checking?) the first chance exception will be seen only when running in the MSVC environment and can safely be ignored.
Some of the CUDA libraries run into exceptions during ordinary processing functions. These exceptions are handled normally, but when you are in the MSVC environment, Visual Studio gives you the option of intercepting the exception and having "first chance" access to it, before it is passed to the ordinary exception handler built into the code/library.
You should not see this if you are running your application from the command line, outside of the MSVC environment.
You may also see a difference in behavior if you switch to CUDA 5.5