XML when statement doesn't work - xslt

The following is giving me the "memberstable is an unexpected token" error.
<xsl:when value-of memberstable/#member_cancontactthem =1>
<td bgcolor="#ff00ff">
<xsl:value-of select="You can contact this member"/></td>
I've used this to initialize it:
<xsl: value of select = "memberstable/#member_cancontactthem" />
The value in the DB is boolean, so either 1 or 0.

Until now, all suggestions will produce errors if I am not mistaken. xsl:when needs a test attribute:
<xsl:when test="memberstable[#member_cancontactthem='1']">
is the correct syntax. Also, xsl:when must be inside an xsl:choose element.
In general, please be careful with whitespace, and with hyphenations (for instance, value of is not the same as value-of) and make sure all attribute values are between quotes. XSLT must respect the rules of XML, which is not as forgiving as HTML.


displaying the result of xsl in cusomised format

I have the below xsl tag
<xsl:value-of select="../#id" />
and there can be two possible out come values of this as shown below..
1) <RectypeLegType>fixedLeg_612822</RectypeLegType>
but i want this value to be dispalyed as
now please advise how can i achieve this possible outcome i need to do cheanges in my please advise what changes need to be done
Assuming the underscore will always exist in the id attribute:
<xsl:value-of select="substring-before(../#id, '_')" />

Manage flags in xslt?

i am searching in a list of fields those who has the type clob and i am writing it separed by a comma like this [field1, field2, ... fieldn]
my problem is how to identify the first matched field to write it without comma ( i can't use position() because the first field matched can be the first of the list or the last of the list)
I want to make this algorithm in xslt,
variable is_first = TRUE;
if(is_first) {
do smthng;
isfirst = False;
Actually it is not possible to make something like this in xslt since variable are immutable. There probably could be workarounds but you have to specify your need in more details.
If your input is string with values separated by commas...
<xsl:variable name="inputString" select="'field1,field2,field3a,field4,field3b'" />
... you could use tokenize() functions...
<xsl:variable name="tokenized" select="tokenize($inputString, ',')" />
... and then select items corresponding to your condition
<!-- Select item corresponding to condition (e.g. it contains 3). Take first one if there are several such items -->
<xsl:value-of select="$tokenized[contains(., '3')][1]" />
You can use separator attribute of xsl:value-of (xslt 2.0) for output of delimited values.
Assuming following variable
<xsl:variable name="list">
this <xsl:value-of select="$list/item" separator="," /> makes desired output first,second,third
You need to write this using functional code rather than procedural code. It's not possible to do the conversion without seeing the context (it's much easier to work from the problem rather than from the solution in a lower-level language).
But the most common equivalent in XSLT would take the form
<xsl:for-each select=".....">
<xsl:if test="position() = 1"><!-- first time code --></xsl:if>

In XSLT, why do I need to do comparisons with variables instead of with attribute values (in a test expression)

I am parsing a document, with different behavior depending on whether the id attribute is an element of a collection of values ($item-ids in the code below). My question is, why do I need to assign a variable and then compare with that value, like this:
<xsl:template match="word/item">
<xsl:variable name="id" select="#abg:id"/>
<xsl:if test="$item-ids[.=$id]">
<xsl:message>It matches!</xsl:message>
It seems to be that I should be able to do it like this, though it doesn't work:
<xsl:template match="word/item">
<xsl:if test="$item-ids[.=#abg:id]">
<xsl:message>It matches!</xsl:message>
This is something I keep forgetting and having to relearn. Can anybody explain why it works this way? Thanks.
To understand XPath, you need to understand the concept of the context node. An expression like #id is selecting an attribute of the context node. And the context node changes inside square brackets.
You don't have to use a variable in this case. Here you can use:
<xsl:template match="word/item">
<xsl:if test="$item-ids[. = current()/#abg:id]">
<xsl:message>It matches!</xsl:message>
The reason you can't just use $item-ids[. = #abg:id] is that inside the [], you are in the context of whatever is right before the [] (in this case $item-ids), so #abg:id would be treated as $item-ids/#abg:id, which isn't what you want.
current() refers to the current context outside of the <xsl:if> so current()/#abg:id should reflect you the value you want.
I think it's because the line
<xsl:if test="$item-ids[.=#abg:id]">
compares the value of $item-ids to the string '#abg:id' - you need to compare it to the value of #abg:id which is why you need to select that value into the $id variable for the test to work.
Does that help at all?
Edit: I've misunderstood the issue - the other answers are better than mine.

How to know variable has value or not in XSLT

I am creating XSLT file.
I have one variable which take value from XML file.But it may happen that there is no reference in xml for the value and at that time XSL variable will return False/None(don't know).I want keep condition like,If there is no value for the variable use the default one.
How to do that ?
With the few details given in the question, the simplest test you can do is:
<xsl:if test="$var">
Or you might use xsl:choose if you want to provide output for the else-case:
<xsl:when test="not($var)"> <!-- parameter has not been supplied -->
<xsl:otherwise> <!--parameter has been supplied --> </xsl:otherwise>
The second example will also handle the case correctly that the variable or parameter has not been supplied with an actual value, i.e. it equals the empty string. This works because not('') returns true.
You haven't explained what you mean by "has no value". Here is a generic solution:
not($v) and not(string($v))
This expression evaluates to true() iff $v "has no value".
Both conditions need to be met, because a string $v defined as '0' has a value, but not($v) is true().
In XSLT 1.0 using a default can be achieved in different ways if the "value" is a node-set or if the value is a scalar (such as a string, a number or a boolean).
#Alejandro provided one way to get a default value if a variable that is supposed to contain a node-set is empty.
If the variable is supposed to contain a scalar, then the following expression returns its value (if it has a value) or (otherwise) the desired default:
concat($v, substring($default, 1 div (not($v) and not(string($v)))))
You can use string-length to check, if a variable called $reference for example contains anything.
<xsl:when test="string-length($reference) > 0">
<xsl:value-of select="$reference" />
<xsl:text>some default value</xsl:text>
If necessary use normalize-space, too.
First, all variables has values, because XSLT belongs to declarative paradigm: there is no asignation instruction, but when you declare the variable you are also declaring the expression for its value relationship.
If this value it's a node set data type (that looks from your question), then you should test for an empty node set in case nothing was selected. The efective boolean value for an empty node set is false. So, as #0xA3 has answered: test="$node-set".
You wrote:
If there is no value for the variable
use the default one. How to do that ?
Well, that depends on what kind of data type you are looking for.
Suppose the node set data type: if you want $node-set-1 value or $node-set-2 if $node-set-1 is empty, then use:
I tried a lot of solution from SO, my last solution was taken from #dimitre-novatchev, but that one also not working every time. Recently I found one more solution from random google search, thought to share with the community.
In order to check empty variable value, we can declare an empty variable and compare its value against test condition. Here is code snippet:
<xsl:variable name="empty_string"/>
<xsl:if test="testVariableValue != $empty_string">
Here testVariableValue hold the value of new variable to be tested for empty
Hope it would help to test empty variable state.

XPath find if node exists

Using a XPath query how do you find if a node (tag) exists at all?
For example if I needed to make sure a website page has the correct basic structure like /html/body and /html/head/title.
<xsl:if test="xpath-expression">...</xsl:if>
so for example
<xsl:if test="/html/body">body node exists</xsl:if>
<xsl:if test="not(/html/body)">body node missing</xsl:if>
Try the following expression: boolean(path-to-node)
Patrick is correct, both in the use of the xsl:if, and in the syntax for checking for the existence of a node. However, as Patrick's response implies, there is no xsl equivalent to if-then-else, so if you are looking for something more like an if-then-else, you're normally better off using xsl:choose and xsl:otherwise. So, Patrick's example syntax will work, but this is an alternative:
<xsl:when test="/html/body">body node exists</xsl:when>
<xsl:otherwise>body node missing</xsl:otherwise>
Might be better to use a choice, don't have to type (or possibly mistype) your expressions more than once, and allows you to follow additional different behaviors.
I very often use count(/html/body) = 0, as the specific number of nodes is more interesting than the set. For example... when there is unexpectedly more than 1 node that matches your expression.
<xsl:when test="/html/body">
<!-- Found the node(s) -->
<!-- more xsl:when here, if needed -->
<!-- No node exists -->
I work in Ruby and using Nokogiri I fetch the element and look to see if the result is nil.
require 'nokogiri'
url = "http://somthing.com/resource"
resp = Nokogiri::XML(open(url))
first_name = resp.xpath("/movies/actors/actor[1]/first-name")
puts "first-name not found" if first_name.nil?
A variation when using xpath in Java using count():
int numberofbodies = Integer.parseInt((String) xPath.evaluate("count(/html/body)", doc));
if( numberofbodies==0) {
// body node missing