How can I know which item in a handlebars each loop triggered a function in my Ember controller? - ember.js

I am new to Ember, and I am trying to set up a list of folders. When you click on the icon next to a folder, it will load (i.e. find('folder', folder_id) ) the child folders. If the top level folder has 16 sub-folders, I am trying to set a property on those sixteen folders as they are finished loading -- so if the model for one of the sub-folders is finished loading, I want to set a property on it while the other fifteen folders are still being retrieved and serialized.
In my folder model:
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
files: DS.hasMany('file'),
children: DS.hasMany('folder', { inverse: 'parent', async: true }),
parent: DS.belongsTo('folder', {inverse: 'children'}),
name : DS.attr('string'),
nodeId : DS.attr('string'),
classId : DS.attr('string'),
parentId: DS.attr('string'),
contents: DS.attr(),
isVisible: DS.attr('boolean'),
childName: DS.attr('string')
In my template/view:
{{#each child in children}}
{{#if child.isLoading}}
Loading -->
In my controller:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
children: function() {
var model = this.get('model');
var children = model.get('children');
return children;
setChildProperty: function(){
// how can I know, here in the controller, what the index is for
// the child that triggered this function, so that I can set a
// property on it without getting some type of
// 'didSetProperty / root.state.loading' error.
// The code below will cause errors because not all of the
// children have finished loading:
// var model = this.get('model');
// var self = this;
// var children = model.get('children');
// var contents = model.get('contents');
// children.forEach(function(item, index){
// var folderName = contents[index].folder;
// item.set('name',folderName);
// });
My Ember-CLI version is 0.1.15
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In regards to mpowered's solution, the real problem is the nature of my folder models, in that the folder model does not have a name property, instead it has a list of child names. And since the child relationships are retrieved asynchronously when a user clicks on a sub-folder, I need to get the child folder names from another array, the contents array, which has identical indices. So using mpowered's solution my problem would be like so:
foldr: {{}}<br>
{{#each child in folder.children}}
{{#view 'toggle-list'}}
<i {{bind-attr id=""}} class="fa fa-caret-right"></i>
Index: {{_view.contentIndex}}
<!-- I need to be able to echo the above index in the
folder.contents array to get the child name.
<!-- these work when uncommented, but I need a dynamic solution
name: {{folder.contents.[1].folder}}
name: {{folder.contents.1.folder}}
<!-- None of these work:
<div {{bind-attr id="child.childName"}} class="folder-child hidden">
{{#if child.isVisible}}
isVisible is true<br>
{{folder-tree-component folder=child}}
I should also note that I am using a PODS structure and I have no control over the JSON response I get from the server to populate my models (other than Ember serializers of course).

There are many things that are concerning about this.
First, properties are not actions. You don't EVER want to change the state of an object when you're getting a property unless you have very very good reasons for doing so, or if you're implementing a getter/setter pattern. Delete setChildProperty, because that's all bad. In the template, you should just be displaying the property, not trying to "do" anything with it.
Second, this should probably be created as a component, because it sounds like the recursive structure you have here would lend itself well to reusable components. Something like folder-tree-component.hbs:
{{#each child in folder.children}}
{{folder-tree-component folder=child}}
And in your main route:
{{folder-tree-component folder=model}}
// Or, alternatively
{{#each child in model.children}}
{{folder-tree-component folder=child}}
If I understand you correctly, you want a computed property on your model, not to "set" something on the model (or the controller/component) when it's finished loading. When the property is requested, it will compute the value and cache it in case you ask for it again. On your model:
name: function() {
// something with this.get('contents')
}.property('contents', 'otherDependency') // <- These will tell Ember to recompute the property when changed
I would learn more about ember fundamentals before trying to tackle this, there are some very simple, yet crucial things to learn about how Ember ticks, and a file tree isn't the simplest implementation to begin with.


How does one access model data in a router/controller?

Bear with me please, I'm new.
Been breaking my head over this problem and sort of here as last resort. It's about how to access a model's data when that route loads. For instance, when /meals/2 loads, I want a function to run that sets the background of the document using that model's background-image string property. Or when /meals loads, the a function that uses a property of the collection's first item.
Any help on 'the ember way' to do this would be much appreciated.
{{#each meal in model}}
<span {{action 'mealSelected' meal.image_large}}>
{{#link-to 'menu.meal' meal tagName="li" class="meal-block" href="view.href"}}
<div id="meal-info-wrapper">
export default DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
image: DS.attr('string')
export default {
this.route('menu', { path: '/' }, function() {
this.route('meal', { path: '/meal/:id/:slug' });
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
afterModel: function() {
What I want to do in routes/menu.js for instance would be to have that image url be supplied by the model.
afterModel will run only once the model has been resolved, and the model is passed as an argument. So, based on my understanding of your app, you can adjust your routes/menu example to:
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
afterModel: function(model) {
Correct me if I misunderstood something, what you want to do is:
Change the background image of a DOM element based on a property found
in each Model's record.
Model loading is an async operation, you want to do the image swaping once you are sure the data is loaded. You used the afterModel hook to guarantee that, but that is not enough.
You want to modify the DOM inside your template, but you need to make sure that the template has been rendered. So, the DOM manipulation logic, instead of placing it in afterModel, it belongs to the didInsertElement event that Views have.
I suggest you use a component (its a view too), something like:
// your template
{{#each meal in model}}
{{meal-component content=meal}}
// the meal-component
didInsertElement: function() {
var imgURLProperty = this.get('content.imgURLProperty');
Of course, you can't copy paste any of that. It just shows you the main mechanic of how you can modify a template based on the properties of a model.

Ember - #each pass the instance of the model

For a small webapp I'm trying to do the following:
I have a list of objects (achievement-model)that's being served through a json api
export default Ember.Route.extend({
export default DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
description: DS.attr('string'),
{{#each a in model}}
<button {{action 'addThis'}}/>
The setup of the app is that there is a list of achievements. I want one list of achievements in a database. Every user that logs in can add with the button his own achievements to his profile. If a user logs in he should see the list of all the achievements but the one he already added to his profile should have a green background color and the button removed. I know this can be done with if-statements etc.
The problem however is, how do i pass the specific model to the controller so i can log this to the userprofile? I tried the following:
<button {{action 'addThis' a}}/>
and then in the controller
addThis: function(obj){
which logs the object, but somehow I can't acces it to get let's say the name or id to copy it to the user-profile.
I also don't know if this is the best approach for what I'm trying to achieve?
I think this has something to do with promises. I can see the data is logged in the above console.log. I just don't know how to target it. it's wrapped in _data. I tried the afterModel to wait untill everything's loaded, but that doesn't seem to work.
What you could is to use an ItemController, e.g. which handles each item in the ArrayController,
{{#each a in model itemController="achievement"}}
<button {{action 'addThis'}}/>
Since the itemController is "achievement", by naming convention, the controller becomes
App.AchievementController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
init: function() {
var name = this.get('name');
var description = this.get('description');

Using Ember.js, how do I get a template to show dynamically all of the properties of a model? [duplicate]

Is there a way to iterate over a view's context's attributes in EmberJS? I am using Ember-Data ( for ORM.
Lets say I use connectOutlets to register a UserView with a user that has attributes such as email, name, etc. In the connected Handlebars template, is there anyway that I can iterate over those attributes?
I basically need to build a generic view that can be reused with different models...
Ryan is right about the attributes, but it takes some doing to actually get where you're going. My examples here are using the latest RC1 Ember.
Here is an editor template that is model agnostic:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="edit_monster">
{{#if clientId}}
<h1>Edit Monster: {{name}}</h1>
{{#each metadata}}
<span class="edit-label">{{name}}</span>
<span class="edit-field">
{{view App.AutoTextField typeBinding="type" nameBinding="name" }}
No monster selected.
To make that work, we need a couple of pieces of magic-magic. This controller is a good start:
App.EditMonsterController = Em.ObjectController.extend({
metadata: function() {
var vals = [];
var attributeMap = this.get('content.constructor.attributes');
attributeMap.forEach(function(name, value) {
return vals;
That uses that "attributes" property that Ryan mentioned to provide the metadata that we are feeding into our #each up there in the template!
Now, here is a view that we can use to provide the text input. There's an outer container view that is needed to feed the valueBinding in to the actual textfield.
App.AutoTextField = Ember.ContainerView.extend({
type: null,
name: null,
init: function() {
createChildView: function() {
this.set('currentView', Ember.TextField.create({
valueBinding: 'controller.' + this.get('name'),
type: this.get('type')
}.observes('name', 'type')
Here is a fiddle demonstrating the whole crazy thing:
The Ember Data objects that represent your models have an attributes property that contains all of the attributes for the given model. This is what Ember Data's toJSON uses to convert your models into Javascript objects.
You can use this attributes property to read a models attributes and then pull those specific attributes out of an instance. Here is an example.
Just to reiterate what's going on here. We are reading the attributes from App.User and then pulling the values out of App.ryan and App.steve. Hope this makes sense.

How to add multiple selection into a many-to-many model in Ember.js?

I have this small app where I'm trying to add the fruits selections of a multiple Ember.Select into an attribute of a model, "myfruits" of Person Alice. However, things are broken.
Perhaps my model is set up incorrectly.
This is the Ember.Select handlebars in the html:
{{view Ember.Select
This is the model:
App.Person = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
myfruits: DS.hasMany('App.Fruit')
App.Fruit = DS.Model.extend({
kind: DS.attr('string'),
likedBy: DS.hasMany('App.Person')
This is the function that tries to save the multiple selection:
pickThem: function(){
var input_fruits = this.get('pickedFruits');
// should I create a Fruit object for each input_fruits?
var aperson = App.Person.createRecord({
name: "Alice",
myfruits: input_fruits
I feel like the problem might be I'm not creating the Fruit objects. But I'm not sure how to make it work with the many-to-many relationship between Person and Fruit.
I guess what you need to do is as you already mentioned to create a App.Fruit record for every selected fruit and add it to the newly created App.Person.
Basically the important bit is:
App.PersonController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
pickThem: function(){
var aperson = App.Person.createRecord({name: "Alice", myfruits: []});
aperson.get('myfruits').pushObject(App.Fruit.createRecord({kind:item, likedBy:[aperson.get('id')]}));
Then provide a model for your person template:
App.PersonRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return App.Person.find();
and in your template you can loop over the person records and inside that loop over their respective fruits:
{{#each model}}
{{name}} likes are:
{{#each myfruits}}
Have a look at this updated jsbin.
You should however reset your local store adapter's data to avoid multiple entries after each application initialization. I've done it by creating a pseudo random suffix for the namespace of the LSAdapter, but this could be anything you find more convenient.
App.LSAdapter = DS.LSAdapter.create({
namespace: 'app-emberjs-'+Math.floor(Math.random()*1000)
Hope it helps.
After reading your last comment and just to show how it looks like in the chrome debugger tools that the LSAdapter stores the data. Have a look at the below screenshot. Here I've reloaded 2 times the app, and as expected two namespaces are created. If you have the same namespace every time thing are going to overlap resulting in some unexpected behavior.

Ember.js arraycontroller call from view

I might be using this all wrong, but:
I've got an ArrayController representing a collection of products. Each product gets rendered and there are several actions a user could take, for example edit the product title or copy the description from a different product.
Question is: how do you interact with the controller for the specific product you're working with? How would the controller know which product was being edited?
I also tried to create an Ember.Select with selectionBinding set to "controller.somevar" but that also failed.
I think the most important thing you need to do, is first move as much logic as you can away from the views, and into controllers.
Another thing that would be useful in your case, is to have an itemController for each product in the list. That way, you can handle item specific logic in this item controller.
I don't have enough information to understand your architecture, so I will make a few assumptions.
Given you have the following ProductsController:
App.ProductsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend();
You need to create a ProductController that will be created to wrap every single product on its own.
App.ProductController = Ember.ObjectController.extend();
You need to modify your template as follows:
{{#each controller itemController="product"}}
Now every product in your list will have its own ProductController, which can handle one product's events and will act as the context for every list item.
Another option:
If you will only be handling one product at a time, you can use routes to describe which product you are working with: {
this.resource('products', { path: '/products' }, function() {
this.resource('product', { path: '/:product_id' }, function() {
And create a controller for editing a product:
App.ProductEditController = Ember.ObjectController.extend();
And your list items would link to that product route:
{{#each controller}}
<li>{{#linkTo "product.edit" this}}name{{/linkTo}}</li>
If you define itemController on your ProductsController you don't need to specify that detail in your template:
App.ProductsController = Em.ArrayController.extend({
itemController: 'product',
needs: ['suppliers'],
actions: {
add: function() {
// do something to add an item to content collection
App.ProductController = Em.ObjectController.extend({
actions: {
remove: function() {
// do something to remove the item
Use a collection template like this:
<button {{action="add"}}>Add Item</button>
{{#each controller}}
<li>{{name}} <button {{action="remove"}}>x</button></li>
The Ember documentation describesitemController here:
You can even define a function lookupItemController which can dynamically decide the item controller (eg based on model type perhaps).
The thing I found when rendering a collection wrapped in an ArrayController within another template/view is the way #each is used. Make sure you use {{#each controller}} as Teddy Zeeny shows otherwise you end up using the content model items and NOT the item controller wrapped items. You may not notice this until you try using actions which are intended to be handled by the item controller or other controller based content decoration.
When I need to nest an entire collection in another view I use the view helper as follows to set the context correctly so that any collection level actions (eg an add item button action) get handled by the array controller and not by the main controller setup by the route.
So in my products template I would do something like this to list the nested suppliers (assuming your route for 'product' has properly the 'suppliers' controller):
{{view controller=controllers.suppliers templateName="products/suppliers"}}
The suppliers template just follows the same pattern as the template I show above.