Event-based Game engine based on polymorphism of Entities - c++

I would like to create a simple framework for throwing and catching events in a game. Events could be things like a Collision which (according to the type) can take several arguments (note that every Event type may take another amount of arguments, not just two as in the example).
I would then like to implement functions/classes/... to deal with a Collision, based on polymorphism. This example should illustrate the problem:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
class Entity {};
class Player: public Entity {};
class Bomb: public Entity {
bool exploded;
class MineSweeper: public Entity {};
// For now, I only included Collisions, but I eventually want to extend it to
// more types of Events too (base class Event, Collision is derived class)
void onCollision(Player* p, Bomb* b) {
if (! b->exploded) {
std::cout << "BOOM";
b->exploded = true;
void onCollision(Entity* e, Entity* f) {
std::cout << "Unhandled collision\n";
// Possibility for Collision between Minesweeper and Bomb later
class Game {
std::vector<Entity*> board; // some kind of linear board
Game() {
board = {new Player, new Bomb, new MineSweeper};
void main_loop() {
onCollision(board[0], board[1]); // player and bomb!
onCollision(board[1], board[2]);
int main() {
Game g;
Note that I understand perfectly well why the above code doesn't work as intended, I included this example solely to illustrate my problem better.
The above example uses functions for the events, but I'm perfectly fine with classes or any other solution that is maintainable.
I hope it is clear that I would like C++ to decide which event handler to use based on the types of the arguments (presumably at runtime).
My question: How can I do this in C++? An example would be appreciated.
(not my question: fix my code please)

user2864740 provided enough clues for me to find a solution myself. Multiple dispatch was indeed the missing piece.
The following code works as intended, making use of dynamic_cast to dispatch correctly.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
class Entity {
virtual void please_make_this_polymorphic() {}
// although this function does nothing, it is needed to tell C++ that it
// needs to make Entity polymorphic (and thus needs to know about the type
// of derived classes at runtime).
class Player: public Entity {};
class Bomb: public Entity {
bool exploded;
class MineSweeper: public Entity {};
// For now, I only included Collisions, but I eventually want to extend it to
// more types of Events too (base class Event, Collision is derived class)
void onCollision(Player* p, Bomb* b) {
if (!b->exploded) {
std::cout << "BOOM\n";
b->exploded = true;
void onCollision(Entity* e, Entity* f) {
std::cout << "Unhandled collision\n";
void dispatchCollision(Entity* e, Entity* f) {
Player* p = dynamic_cast<Player*>(e);
Bomb* b = dynamic_cast<Bomb*>(f);
if (p != nullptr && b != nullptr) {
onCollision(p, b); // player and bomb
} else {
onCollision(e, f); // default
class Game {
std::vector<Entity*> board; // some kind of linear board
Game() {
board = {new Player, new Bomb, new MineSweeper};
void main_loop() {
dispatchCollision(board[0], board[1]); // player and bomb
dispatchCollision(board[1], board[2]);
int main() {
Game g;
Although it works, I'd like to point out some problems with this code:
Manual editing of dispatchCollision needed when adding new Collisions.
Currently, the dispatcher using a simple kind of rule-based system. (Does it fit rule 1? What about rule 2? ...) When adding loads of different functions it needs to dispatch, that may have an impact on the performance.
A collision between A and B should be the same as a collision between B and A, but that isn't properly handled yet.
Solving these problems is not necessarily in the scope of this question IMHO.
Also, the example given should work just as well for more than 2 arguments. (Multiple dispatch, not just double dispatch.)

You should decide first what event subscription model you need.
It could be signal/slot mechanism and you can find plenty of libraries:
https://code.google.com/p/cpp-events/ , http://sigslot.sourceforge.net/ and the like.
Or it could be bubbling/sinking events like in HTML DOM when event gets propagated on parent/child chain ( from event source element to its containers).
Or even other schema.
It is quite easy to create whatever you need with std::function holders in modern C++.

Maybe a good structure for your case could be something like this:
class Entity{
virtual int getType() = 0;
enum EntityTypes {
class Actor : public Entity{
virtual int getType() {return int(ACTOR);}
void applyDamage() {
std::cout << "OUCH";
class Bomb : public Entity{
Bomb() : exploded(false) {}
virtual int getType() {return int(BOMB);}
void explode() {
this->exploded = true;
bool isExploded() {
return this->exploded;
bool exploded;
class MineSweeper : public Entity{
virtual int getType() {return int(MINESWEEPER);}
class CollisionSolver {
virtual solve(Entity* entity0, Entity* entity1) = 0;
class ActorBombCollisionSolver : public CollisionSolver {
virtual solve(Entity* entity0, Entity* entity1) {
Actor* actor;
Bomb* bomb;
if (entity0->getType() == ACTOR && entity1->getType() == BOMB) {
actor = static_cast<Actor*>(entity0);
bomb = static_cast<Bomb*>(entity1);
}else if (entity1->getType() == ACTOR && entity0->getType() == BOMB) {
actor = static_cast<Actor*>(entity1);
bomb = static_cast<Bomb*>(entity0);
}else {
//throw error;
if (!bomb->isExploded()) {
class CollisionDispatcher {
CollisionDispatcher() {
CollisionSolver* actorBombCollisionSolver = new ActorBombCollisionSolver;
this->solvers[ACTOR][BOMB] = actorBombCollisionSolver;
this->solvers[BOMB][ACTOR] = actorBombCollisionSolver;
// this part wouldn't be necessary if you used smart pointers instead of raw... :)
this->solvers[BOMB][MINESWEEPER] = 0;
this->solvers[MINESWEEPER][BOMB] = 0;
this->solvers[ACTOR][MINESWEEPER] = 0;
this->solvers[MINESWEEPER][ACTOR] = 0;
void dispatchCollision(Entity* entity0, Entity* entity1) {
CollisionSolver* solver = this->solvers[entity0->getType()][entity1->getType()];
if (!solver) {
solver->solve(entity0, entity1);
unordered_map<int, unordered_map<int, CollisionSolver*> > solvers;
class Game {
std::vector<Entity*> board; // some kind of linear board
Game() : dispatcher(new CollisionDispatcher)
board = {new Player, new Bomb, new MineSweeper};
void main_loop() {
dispatcher->dispatchCollision(board[0], board[1]);
dispatcher->dispatchCollision(board[0], board[2]);
dispatcher->dispatchCollision(board[1], board[2]);
CollisionDispatcher* dispatcher;
int main() {
Game g;
This way you can easily add new collision solvers, just define the class, and register t in the CollisionDispatcher constructor.
If you use smart pointers you won't need to set zeroes in the map entries not registered, but if you use raw pointers you have to set them to zero OR use unordered_map::find method instead of just grabbing the solver using operator []
Hope it helps!


Inheritance and 2 interface types

I have a question regarding inheritance and designing a user interface.
I have a class KeyboardKey which represents an individual keyboard key, such as Q, W, E, R, ... etc.
I have a class Keyboard which contains a vector of class Keyboardkey. [Important!]
I am using SFML, and so each time an event is generated from an event loop, it is sent to the keyboard class. This class then farms that event out to the corresponding key.
In addition, I have a class SynthesizerKey which inherits from KeyboardKey. In addition to the regular key stuff, such as "is the key enabled", "is the key pressed", this class contains data and functions to handle generating a sin wave tone. Variables include the amplitude and current phase of the sin wave.
I am now about to create a class SynthesizerKeyboard. I was about to copy and paste all the code from class Keyboard into this class, however this is not good programming practice, as code is duplicated!
The main issue I have is that SynthesizerKeyboard contains a function to generate a sequence of samples to be stored in a buffer. In order to generate the samples, a loop iterates over each KeyboardKey and checks if it is pressed. If it is, then we must generate a sample corresponding to that keys note/frequency.
However, since the vector contains class KeyboardKey and not class SynthesizerKey I do not have the variables for the phase and amplitude of the sin waves as member data of the elements of the vector.
I think I may have to do what is known as "refactoring" [?], and separate the "sin wave" parts of SynthesizerKey from the KeyboardKey parts. In other words, I ditch the SynthesizerKey class and have an Synthesizer class and a KeyboardKey class, separately. I then have a vector of Synthesizer in class SynthesizerKeyboard in addition to the vector of KeyboardKey in class Keyboard which I have access to in SynthesizerKeyboard through inheritance.
However this is less elegant. Is there another way?
Below is some code which might help the reader understand the quesiton in more detail.
class SynthesizerKeyboard : public Keyboard
SynthesizerKeyboard(const sf::Font& sf_font)
: Keyboard(sf_font)
double Sample() const
for(std::vector<KeyboardKey>::iterator it = m_keyboardkey.begin()
it != m_keyboardkey.end(); ++ it)
void GenerateBufferSamples(std::vector<sf::Int16> buffer)
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < buffer.size(); ++ i)
buffer[i] = Sample();
class SynthesizerKey : public KeyboardKey
AbstractOscillator *m_abstractoscillator;
double Sample() const
return m_abstractoscillator->Sample();
class Keyboard
std::vector<KeyboardKey> m_keyboardkey;
Keyboard(const sf::Font& sf_font)
void Draw(sf::RenderWindow& window)
void Event(const sf::Event& event)
for(std::vector<KeyboardKey>::iterator it = m_keyboardkey.begin();
it != m_keyboardkey.end(); ++ it)
bool IsKeyPressed(const sf::Keyboard::Key& sf_key)
for(std::vector<KeyboardKey>::iterator it = m_keyboardkey.begin();
it != m_keyboardkey.end(); ++ it)
if((*it).Key() == sf_key)
return (*it).IsKeyPressed();
class KeyboardKey
KeyState m_keystate;
sf::Color m_pressed_color;
sf::Color m_release_color;
sf::Text m_sf_text;
sf::Keyboard::Key m_sf_keyboard_key;
sf::RectangleShape m_sf_rectangle;
KeyboardKey(const sf::Keyboard::Key& sf_keyboard_key, const std::string& text, const sf::Font& sf_font,
const double position_x, const double position_y)
void Draw(sf::RenderWindow& window)
void Event(const sf::Event& event)
bool IsKeyPressed()
Going to skip over the keys for now, but you should consider something similar for them.
First define a bare bones abstract that performs all of the common tasks and includes hooks for the classes that specialize the abstract to fill out to perform their particular behaviour:
class AbstractKeyboard
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<KeyboardKey>> m_keyboardkey;
void Draw();
void Event()
for(auto &key: m_keyboardkey)
bool IsKeyPressed(const sf::Keyboard::Key& sf_key)
for(auto &key: m_keyboardkey)
return key->IsKeyPressed();
return false; // need this to handle the no match case, otherwise undefined behaviour
void doStuff()
// generic keyboard stuff goes here
virtual void doSpecificStuff() = 0;
AbstractKeyboard(const sf::Font& sf_font);
virtual ~AbstractKeyboard();
All keyboards have keys, so the vector of keys goes here. Note that we've gone from a vector of keys to a vector of smart pointers to keys. Now we can have any key that inherits the basic key, synthesizer key for example, and the smart pointer eliminates the usual memory woes of dealing with pointers.
The big takeaway here is the doStuff function. It does stuff. What is up to you. When it's done doing the basic stuff that all keyboards must do, it calls doSpecificStuff, a function that each inheritor must fill out, even if it does nothing. doSpecificStuff does whatever the inheritor does differently, add extra behaviours, and generally makes a synthesizer more than just a regular keyboard.
Here is the basic keyboard:
class Keyboard:public AbstractKeyboard
void doSpecificStuff()
// Do keyboard Stuff, if there is any specific stuff to do
Keyboard(const sf::Font& sf_font): AbstractKeyboard(sf_font)
It doesn't do anything special, but it could but putting special code into doSpecificStuff.
The synthesizer adds a few functions for folk who know it is a synthesizer (Sample and GenerateBufferSamples) as well as implementing doSpecificStuff to do synthesizer stuff.
class SynthesizerKeyboard : public AbstractKeyboard
void doSpecificStuff()
// I do specific stuff! Yay me!
SynthesizerKeyboard(const sf::Font& sf_font): AbstractKeyboard(sf_font)
// leaving these as an example of how to get a SynthesizerKey out of m_keyboardkey
double Sample() const
// just going to sum because I don't know what's supposed to happen in here
double sum = 0.0;
for(auto &key: m_keyboardkey)
if(SynthesizerKey* skey = dynamic_cast<SynthesizerKey*>(key.get()))
sum += skey->Sample();
// like freak out, man.
return sum;
void GenerateBufferSamples(std::vector<sf::Int16> buffer)
for(sf::Int16 & val: buffer)
val = Sample();
Since the synthesizer uses synthesizer keys, Sample contains an example of how to turn a pointer to a regular key into a synthesizer key and trap a configuration error that places the wrong type of key into m_keyboardkey
By adding a virtual destructor and the virtual keyword to Sample in SynthesizerKeyboard, we could also make a
class MoogSynthesizer: public SynthesizerKeyboard
double Sample() const override
// I do Moog sampling!

Efficiently manage same code for single element or array of elements

I have a large class with many methods. This class has a subclass that manages a different situation.
Just to clear it up with an example the actual situation is the following:
class Logic {
virtual void method()
class ArrayLogic : public Logic {
Something** array;
void method() override
for (int i = 0; i < AMOUNT; ++i)
Now this pattern repeats itself in multiple methods and I'd like to have just one implementation without trading for performance (since some of this methods are actually already proven to require efficiency).
I was thinking if it's possible with C++11 to have a template solution approach which is able to manage this situation at compile time without the necessity to duplicate the code.
Mind that the array doesn't make sense to exist for Logic so having a Something*[1] is not a viable option.
An additional problem is that at the moment Something** array is not directly contained in ArrayLogic but resides in another class, so it's more like
class ArrayLogic : public Logic {
Container* container;
void method() override {
for (int i = 0; i < AMOUNT; ++i)
if (container->array[i])
While having to check for container->array[i] != nullptr may seems strange the fact is that the position is relevant, so an element removed from the array doesn't cause a shift of the successive element but leaves a hole.
I'd try and create separate classes for single and multiplayer games. Base both of these on a base class LogicBase that has a method(Something*) function that calls doSomething() on its parameter. This is what #Pradhan was referring to.
In your main game, you can use a LogicBase* to refer to either a SinglePlayerLogic or a MultiPlayerLogic object and call the relevant method() using a virtual function call.
I'm passing what is stored in Container to the constructor of MultiPlayerLogic. But it could be in a separate class and accessed that way. Similarly, it may be cleaner to pass a Something to the constructor of SinglePlayerLogic, but I wanted to keep the code structure close to your original, so didn't do this.
It initially looks funny for LogicBase to call to a subclass, then have those subclasses call the protected method(Something*) back in the super class. I've seen it elsewhere as a design pattern, but can't recall it's name.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
const int AMOUNT = 5;
struct Something {
void doSomething() { std::cout << "Something::doSomething\n"; }
static Something* getInstance() { static Something s; return &s; }
class LogicBase {
virtual void method() = 0;
void method(Something* s) { s->doSomething(); }
class SinglePlayerLogic : public LogicBase {
void method() override
std::cout << "SinglePlayer::method\n";
class MultiPlayerLogic : public LogicBase {
MultiPlayerLogic(Something **s) : players(s) {}
void method() override
std::cout << "MultiPlayer::method\n";
for (int i = 0; i < AMOUNT; ++i) {
if (players[i] == nullptr) {
std::cout << i << " ";
Something** players;
int main() {
LogicBase* lb;
SinglePlayerLogic spl;
lb = &spl;
std::vector<Something*> players{AMOUNT};
MultiPlayerLogic mpl(players.data());
lb = &mpl;

What is the best way to dynamically check the types of a class that uses variadic inheritance?

I am writing an entity component system for a 2D game engine that uses variadic templates to construct game objects. Here is the object class which is just the container for all components. I removed the unrelated stuff.
template<class ... Components>
class Object : public Components...{
Object(Game* game) : Components(game)...{
The components are inherited by the object but I am trying to find the best way to check the type of these components so that they can correctly communicate with each other. For example, the Physics component would contain the updated position of the object. The Drawable component needs to get that position so it can be drawn in the correct spot in the world. I would like to add an update function to Object that updates each component and transfers whatever information can/needs to be transferred between present components.
polymorphism is what you want .
Simply make all components like that :
public Object
enum TYPE{
Object(TYPE id){m_id = id;}
TYPE m_id;
virtual void Update(void) = 0;
virtual void Render(void) = 0;
void GetTypeOf(void)const{return m_id;}
class Component : Object
Component() : Object (COMPONENT){/**/}
virtual void Update(void){return;}
virtual void Render(void){return;}
class BoxCollider : Component
BoxCollider(void) : Component(BOXCOLLIDER){/**/}
void Update(void)
//to do
void Render(void)
//to do
then you can simply have a data structure of Object* or Component*
and you can iterate through that way :
std::vector<Component*>::iterator components = ComponentVector.begin();
for(;components != ComponentVector.end() ; ++components)
std::cout << "id" << *component->getTypeOf() << std::endl;
The Object class inherits from all its Components, that means that actually it is all its components.
You can use this information to design your update method.
As an example:
#include <cassert>
struct Game { };
struct Physics {
int position{0};
Physics(Game *) { }
void update(void *) { }
struct Drawable {
Drawable(Game *) { }
void update(Physics *physics) {
physics->position = 42;
template<class ... Components>
class Object: public Components... {
Object(Game* game) : Components(game)... { }
void update() {
int a[] = { (Components::update(this), 0)... };
int main() {
Game game;
Object<Physics, Drawable> object{&game};
assert(object.position == 0);
assert(object.position == 42);
Here you can see as Drawable receives Physics when its update method is called.
The drawbacks of this solution are:
The update methods of the components must get a pointer argument even if they do not need to refer to any other component.
If there exists a component that needs to refer to more than one component, you have either to get two or more pointers as arguments of the update method or to cast a void * around.

Is a big switch block unavoidable in C++ due to lack of reflection [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there a way to instantiate objects from a string holding their class name?
(12 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Assume I have a hierarchy of classes:
class Shape {
class Circle : public Shape {
class Square : public Shape {
... hundreds of other shapes continue on...
When given the name of a shape class as a string, I need to instantiate objects of that class.
In java, I can do something like this (pseudo code!)
Shape createShape(String name) {
return new Class.forName(name);
But in C++, I have to do this: (pseudo code!)
Shape * createShape(const string &name) {
if (name.compare("Circle") == 0) {
return new Circle();
else if (name.compare("Square") == 0) {
return new Square();
else if ... //hundreds of else if continues, one for each shape
Is there any better way in C++ to handle situation like this?
It's avoidable using the factory pattern, but you still need a bunch of boilerplate code to get off the ground. For example:
// Class factory functions -- these could also be inlined into their respective
// class definitions using a macro
Shape *createCircle() { return new Circle(); }
Shape *createSquare() { return new Square(); }
// etc.
// Create a map from type name to factory
typedef std::map<std::string, Shape *(*)()> ShapeFactoryMap;
ShapeFactoryMap factoryMap;
factoryMap["Circle"] = &createCircle;
factoryMap["Square"] = &createSquare;
// etc.
Then, when you want to instantiate an object, you can do this:
ShapeFactoryMap::iterator factory = factoryMap.find("Circle");
if (factory != factoryMap.end())
Shape *circle = factory->second(); // Creates a Circle instance
// Handle error
Whether this is better than just doing a series of if/else... string comparisons is not clear, since it depends on what exactly you're doing to be doing with this.
I second Adam Rosenfield's solution using maps. However, a lower level interface to get your higher level functionality is to use a dlsym() lookup.
Assume that your generic Shape interface lies in the file Shape.hpp and has the following form:
class Shape {
virtual ~Shape () {}
//...virtual methods
virtual void draw () const = 0;
template <typename DERIVED>
class ShapeBridge : public Shape {
static Shape * create () { return new DERIVED; }
struct ShapeFactory {
Shape * (*create) ();
Suppose you wanted to add a new shape dynamically by creating a new shared object, and then linking it dynamically into your existing running executable. Then, you can now create an abstract factory of sorts, which uses dynamic loading of shared objects to obtain the concrete factory functions:
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <dlfcn.h>
struct ShapeCreator {
void *dlhandle_;
void *factory_;
ShapeCreator () : dlhandle_(0), factory_(0) {}
void open (std::string libname) {
dlhandle_ = dlopen(libname.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY);
factory_ = dlsym(dlhandle_, "factory");
void close () { if (dlhandle_) dlclose(dlhandle_); }
ShapeFactory * factory () const {
return static_cast<ShapeFactory *>(factory_);
static Shape * create (std::string name) {
static std::map<std::string, ShapeCreator> lookup;
static std::string dir = "./";
if (lookup[name].factory() == 0) {
lookup[name].open(dir + name + ".so");
return lookup[name].factory()->create();
Your shared object could have the following implementation:
// gcc -fPIC -shared -Wl,-export-dynamic -o Circle.so Circle.cpp -lc
#include "Shape.hpp"
#include <iostream>
class Circle : public ShapeBridge<Circle> {
void draw () const { std::cout << "I am a circle.\n"; }
extern "C" {
ShapeFactory factory = { Circle::create };
Then to dynamically create the shape:
Shape *s = ShapeCreator::create("Circle");
Of course, the example is a little more interesting if it actually obtained its name dynamically (like from a configuration file, or from a user input).
The main difference is that unlike Java, C++ doesn't have an in-built function like forName(String), which does the task for you. In C++ you have to implement it.
Now it's important how you do that stuff. The proposed way of switch/case is one way, which is straight forward but lengthy way. You can automate the things:
(1) First introduce an intermediate template class, which creates an object, so that you don't have to implement method for each and every class.
template<class Derived>
class ShapeCreator : public Shape { // This class automates the creations
static Shape* Create () {
new Derived(); // Assuming that no-argument default constructor is avaialable
class Circle : public ShapeCreator<Circle> {
class Square : public ShapeCreator<Square> {
//... and so on
(2) Now inside the class Shape, introduce one static std::map, which holds a handle to every derived class.
class Shape {
typedef std::map<std::sting, Shape* (*)()> ShapeMap;
static ShapeMap s_ShapeMap;
static Shape* Create (const std::string name) {
ShapeMap::iterator it = s_ShapeMap.find(name);
if(it == s_ShapeMap.end())
return 0;
(3) Populating s_ShapeMap has to be done statically, you can choose to do it before the main() is called (be careful while doing this) or as the first function inside the main(). Use preprocessor trick to automate the things:
#define INIT(SHAPE) Shape::s_ShapeMap[#SHAPE] = &SHAPE::Create
Shape* InitializeShapeMap () {
// ...
#undef INIT
Whenever any new shape is introduced, then just add it as an INIT inside the function.
C++ is a 'class based' language which means the structure of a class is only known at compile time. Hence you cannot generate a type at runtime.
It's better to avoid that sort of class instanciation unless you only know the class name at runtime.
If need to do that at large scale, have a look at third-party code generators such as jinja.
It'll help you create a factory off a template and a given mapping "string" -> "class name".
There's no way to do what you want the way it is in Java, but there are ways to make it slightly less painful than a giant switch statement. You will need some kind of factory. Personally I like to use something along these lines:
class ShapeBase
template<class TShape>
class Shape: public ShapeBase
typedef TShape shape_type;
template< class TFactory >
static void registerClass(TFactory* factory)
factory->registerShape(shape_type::name(), [](){ return new shape_type(); });
class Circle: public Shape<Circle>
static const char* name() { return "Circle"; }
class Square: public Shape<Square>
static const char* name() { return "Square"; }
class ShapeFactory
typedef std::function<ShapeBase*()> shape_creator;
std::map<std::string,shape_creator> _creators;
void registerShapes()
void registerShape( const std::string& name, shape_creator creator )
_creators[name] = creator;
ShapeBase* create(const std::string& name)
return _creators[name]();
int main( int argc, char** argv )
ShapeFactory factory;
ShapeBase* circle = factory.create("Circle");
ShapeBase* square = factory.create("Square");
return 0;
If you can get away with defining all of your Shape objects in an executable component or dynamic library, rather than a static library, then there are tricks that you can use to auto-register your classes with a singleton factory, but I think it's a better idea to do it this way and avoid the singleton.
There is no support for what you are asing in the language. Nevertheless you can use the following pattern to streamline your design:
class Shape
Shape *CreateShape(const char *name)
// Iterate single linked list of known derived classes.
Node *item = ListOfDerivedClasses;
while (item != NULL)
if (strcmp(item->name, name) == 0)
return item->factory();
item = item->next;
typedef Shape *CreateShapeInstance();
struct Node
char *name;
CreateShapeInstance *factory;
Node *next;
Node(char *n, CreateShapeInstance *f)
name = n; factory = f;
next = Shape::ListOfDerivedClasses;
Shape::ListOfDerivedClasses = this;
static Node *ListOfDerivedClasses;
class Circle : public Shape
static Shape *CreateInstance() { return new Circle(); }
static Shape::Node circle_info("Circle", Circle::CreateInstance);
The idea is that the single linked list that contains only static elements is created during initialization of static objects and it is never modified after that. This design allows adding derived classes without modifying the base class while CreateShape in the base class can create any derived class that registered itself in the list.

Polymorphism with new data members

I would like to write a function that can initialize and return objects of different classes using polymorphism. I also would like these classes to have different data members which may be called through the virtual function. What I wrote below might work. Could you check if I have some undefined behavior in there? Thank you! One thing I am worried about is that when I call "delete polypoint" at the end it will not free the data member "scale" that is unique to "CRectangle". If my code doesn't work is there a way to make it work?
class CPolygon {
int width, height;
void set_values (int a, int b)
{ width=a; height=b; }
virtual int area ()
{ return (0); }
class CRectangle: public CPolygon {
int scale;
int area ()
{ return (width * height * scale ); }
CPolygon *polytestinner()
CPolygon *polypoint = 0;
int consoleinput = 2;
if (consoleinput>1)
CRectangle *rectpoint = new CRectangle();
rectpoint->scale = 4;
polypoint = rectpoint;
return polypoint;
void polytest()
CPolygon *polypoint = polytestinner();
delete polypoint;
int main()
return 0;
Thank you!
I feel compelled to point out Andrei Alexandrescu's object factory architecture. It allows your architecture to grow without having to modify the factory every time you create a concrete type. It is based on a "callback register", and it is actually implemented as a generic component in some libraries. The code is below.
Live Code Example
// your typical base class
class Shape {
virtual void Draw() const = 0;
// virtual destructor allows concrete types to implement their own
// destrucion mechanisms
virtual ~Shape() {}
// this factory architecture was suggested by Andrei Alexandrescu in
// his book "Modern C++ Design" --- read it to get the full
// explanation (and a more generic implementation); this is just an
// example
class ShapeFactory {
// this typedef allows to "name" arbitrary functions which take no
// arguments and return a pointer to a Shape instance
typedef Shape* (*CreateShapeCallback)();
Shape* CreateShape(int ShapeId) {
// try to find the callback corresponding to the given shape id;
// if no shape id found, throw exception
CallbackMap::const_iterator it = m_callbacks.find(ShapeId);
if(it == m_callbacks.end()) {
throw std::runtime_error("unknown shape id");
} else {
// create the instance using the creator callback
return (it->second)();
bool RegisterShape(int ShapeId, CreateShapeCallback Creator) {
// returns true if shape was registered; false if it had already
// been registered
return m_callbacks.insert(CallbackMap::value_type(ShapeId, Creator)).second;
bool UnRegisterShape(int ShapeId) {
// returns true if shape was unregistered, false if it was not
// registered in the first place
return m_callbacks.erase(ShapeId) == 1;
// the typedef simplifies the implementation
typedef std::map<int, CreateShapeCallback> CallbackMap;
// the callbacks are stored in a map int->callback (see typedef
// above)
CallbackMap m_callbacks;
// create some concrete shapes... you would do this in other CPP files
class Line : public Shape {
void Draw() const {
std::cout<<"Drawing a line"<<std::endl;
// another concrete shape...
class Circle : public Shape {
void Draw() const {
std::cout<<"Drawing a circle"<<std::endl;
// ... other concrete shapes...
enum ShapeIds {LINE=1, CIRCLE, COUNT};
Shape* CreateLine() { return new Line; }
Shape* CreateCircle() { return new Circle; }
int main() {
// suppose this is the "singleton" instance for the ShapeFactory
// (this is an example! Singletons are not implemented like this!)
ShapeFactory *factory = new ShapeFactory;
factory->RegisterShape(ShapeIds::LINE, CreateLine);
factory->RegisterShape(ShapeIds::CIRCLE, CreateCircle);
Shape* s1 = factory->CreateShape(ShapeIds::CIRCLE);
Shape* s2 = factory->CreateShape(ShapeIds::LINE);
// will throw an error
try {
Shape *s3 = factory->CreateShape(-1);
} catch(const std::exception& e) {
std::cout<<"caught exception: "<<e.what()<<std::endl;
return 0;
CPolygon needs a virtual destructor:
virtual ~CPolygon() {}
You have undefined behavior in your code:
CPolygon *polypoint;
delete polypoint;
deleting a base class pointer when there is no virtual destructor will result in undefined behavior.
Your CPolygon class and CRectangle classes have no destructors, though the compiler will generate default destructor for you in this case, but they are not virtual by default. Therefore, you need to at least define a virtual destructor for your base class, i.e., CPolygon.