osgWidget label within frame won't trigger the callback - c++

Here's my problem
I'm new to osg and I'm trying to create something like a dropdown list by adding osgWidget::Labels to a osgWidget::Box and then setting this same box as a osgWidget::Frame's window and all this works fine until the part where my callback "labelClicked" is never actually triggered once I click the label.
I tried adding this callback to other widgets such as an input and even the actual frame where I keep the box with the labels, and both worked fine.
Here's the functions that I use to add labels to my dropdown list:
osgWidget::Label* DropdownInput::createLabel(const std::string& l, unsigned int size) {
osgWidget::Label* label = new osgWidget::Label("", "");
label->setFontColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
return label;
void DropdownInput::addLabel(string text){
osg::ref_ptr<osgWidget::Label> label1 = createLabel(text,15);
label1->setColor(1,1,1, 1);
label1->setSize(300.0f, 40);
label1->setImage( "img.png" );
label1->addCallback( new osgWidget::Callback(&DropdownInput::labelClicked, this, osgWidget::EVENT_MOUSE_PUSH) );
dropdownContent.push_back(label1); //list where I store the labels for flitering purposes
and the callback:
bool DropdownInput::labelClicked(osgWidget::Event& ev) {
cout<<"label clicked!"<<endl;
return true;
Already tried to place the labels inside a box inside a frame and adding the callback to this frame instead, and then adding it to the main box but not only did it not resize correctly but also caused lag when filtering the labels which is not an option.
Also tried with other types of events like mouse over and such and still no answer from the label.
I was asked to avoid using other UI libraries, so if possible I would prefer osgWidget based solutions.
So, now I'm a bit lost, any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you didn't find my explanation to be comprehensible enough don't hesitate telling me since it's my first time posting here :)

For labels you should first add the push event to the label event mask:
Otherwise label->canMousePush() will return false and the callback will never be called.


Closing Popup and setting button label

I'm writing a C++ wxWidgets calculator application. I want to compress trigonometric function buttons into a single one to save on space, using what's basically a split button. If you left click on it, the current option is used. If you right click, a popup menu is opened, which contains all the buttons; when you click on one of them, it is used and the big button changes.
I've been suggested to use wxComboBox and other stuff for this job, but I preferred using wxPopupTransientWindow because this way I can display the buttons in a grid, making everything - in my opinion - neater.
Problem is, when I choose an option from the menu, the main button's ID changes (because when I reopen the menu the previously clicked button is light up as its ID and the big button's ID match), but the label does not. Furthermore, the popup is supposed to close itself when you left click on one of the buttons, but it does not.
This is the code for the custom button in the popup which is supposed to do all that stuff:
void expandButton::mouseReleased(wxMouseEvent& evt)
if (pressed) {
pressed = false;
wxWindow* mBtn = this->GetParent()->GetParent();
This is the code for the custom button in the main frame which opens up the popup (temporary setup just to test if the whole thing is working):
void ikeButton::rightClick(wxMouseEvent& evt) // CREA PANNELLO ESTENSIONE
if (flags & EXPANDABLE)
std::vector<expandMenuInfo> buttons;
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"sin", 3001));
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"cos", 3002));
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"tan", 3003));
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"arcsin", 3004));
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"arccos", 3005));
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"arctan", 3006));
wxPoint p = this->GetScreenPosition();
size_t sz = this->GetSize().GetHeight() / 1.15;
expandMenu* menu = new expandMenu(this, buttons, sz, wxPoint(
p.x, p.y + this->GetSize().GetHeight() + 2));
menu->GetPosition().x - ((menu->GetSize().GetWidth() - this->GetSize().GetWidth()) / 2),
Let me know if I need to show more code.
This is probably a terrible way of doing this, but this is basically the first "serious" application I'm creating using the wxWidgets framework. Any help is appreciated.
when I choose an option from the menu, the main button's ID changes
(because when I reopen the menu the previously clicked button is light
up as its ID and the big button's ID match), but the label does not.
If you're creating the popup menu like in your previous post, you had a popup window with a panel as its child and the buttons were then children of the panel layed out with a sizer.
If that's still the case, this->GetParent() and should be the panel, this->GetParent()->GetParent() should be the popup. So this->GetParent()->GetParent()->GetParent() should be the trig function button (assuming you created the popup with the trig function button as the parent).
So I think the line wxWindow* mBtn = this->GetParent()->GetParent(); should be changed to wxWindow* mBtn = this->GetParent()->GetParent()->GetParent();.
Or slightly shorter wxWindow* mBtn = this->GetGrandParent()->GetParent();;
the popup is supposed to close itself when you left click on one of
the buttons, but it does not.
It looks like wxPopupTransientWindow has a special Dismiss method that is supposed to be used to close it.
So I think the line this->GetParent()->Close(true); should be changed to this->GetGrandParent()->Dismiss(); (Assuming as above that the buttons in the popup are children pf a panel).
Alternately, if you want a solution that will work regardless of the parentage of the controls in the popup window, you could have a utility function to find the popup ancestor which would look something like this:
wxPopupTransientWindow* FindPopup(wxWindow* w)
wxPopupTransientWindow* popup = NULL;
while ( w != NULL )
popup = wxDynamicCast(w, wxPopupTransientWindow);
if ( popup )
w = w->GetParent();
return popup;
This uses the wxDynamicCast function which is slightly different from the c++ dynamic_cast expression. wxDynamicCast uses wxWidgets' RTTI system to check if the given pointer can be converted to the given type.
Then the mouseReleased method could use this utility function something like this:
void expandButton::mouseReleased(wxMouseEvent& evt)
if (pressed) {
pressed = false;
wxPopupTransientWindow* popup = FindPopup(this);
if (popup ) {
wxWindow* mBtn = popup->GetParent();
I'm not sure why you're setting trig function button to have a new id, but I assume you have a reason.
To make the SetLabel method work in your custom button class, I think the easist thing is to call the SetLabel() method in the button's constructor. This will store the string passed to the constructor in the button's internal label member.
Based on other questions, I think the ikeButton constructor looks something like this:
ikeButton::ikeButton(wxFrame* parent, wxWindowID id, wxString text,...
this->text = text;
To store the label, you would need to change the line this->text = text; to
And when you draw the button, I think the method you use looks like this:
void ikeButton::render(wxDC& dc)
dc.DrawText(text, ...);
You would need to change, the line dc.DrawText(text, ...); to
dc.DrawText(GetLabel(), ...);
Likewise, any other references to the button's text member should be changed to GetLabel() instead.
Finally, when you set the label in the expandButton::mouseReleased method, it might be a good idea to call button's Refresh() method to force the button to redraw itself. I added that my suggestion for the mouseReleased method above.

How do I make a custom event with VTK?

I'm making a thread software with VTK, where I need to change the model itself in real time, while I need to change his method of rendering. Everything is working fine, but, the problem start with the interactor->start(); , the model data gets updated just fine, but it's only showed on screen when I move The camera. Also I have selected some methods for generating a 3D data from a imagedata file, for that I need to close the vtk window (interactor window) and then the code will reopen it and send the new data generated to it...
I would need something like these:
int force close_window = false; int refresh_interactor = false;
I managed to make the Window close, but only with vtkcommand::Keypressed command, but idk how do I do with a new command :S, I tried the vtkcommand::UserEvent but I didn't found a good information about how to deal with that data (like some way to call it)
the way I'm dealing with VTK is with two threads, the first one, is just about the vtk iren loop, and the second one would manage the models and check if iren requires to be updated.
In my dream code it should be something like this:
bool VTKWindow()
vtkSmartPointer ator = vtkSmartPointer::New();
iren = vtkSmartPointer::New();
RenWindow = vtkSmartPointer::New();
render->SetBackground(.1, .2, .3);
if(data_type == voxel_type)
void ManageVTK()
while true loop...
if(force close_window == true)
do some command to exit the iren loop
if(refresh_interactor == true)
do some command to refresh iren
Sorry for the english, it's not my native language, and also sorry about the question format, it's the first time I'm using stackoverflow
It may sounds stupid, but, I found a kind of solution for the problem.
I saw on related links this guy vtkRenderWindowInteractor event loop and threading and, it's almost the same problem...
class VTKNewEvent : public vtkCommand{
vtkTypeMacro(VTKNewEvent , vtkCommand);
static VTKNewEvent * New(){
return new VTKNewEvent ;
void Execute(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long vtkNotUsed(eventId), void * vtkNotUsed(callData)){
vtkRenderWindowInteractor *iren = static_cast<vtkRenderWindowInteractor*>(caller);
if (iren_close == true){
iren->GetRenderWindow()->Finalize // Stop the interactor
iren_close = false;
if (iren_update== true){
iren_update= false;
bool VTKWindow(){
vtkSmartPointer<VTKNewEvent > IrenRefresh= vtkSmartPointer<VTKNewEvent>::New();
iren->CreateRepeatingTimer(1);//this makes that IrenRefresh will be called at every 1ms
iren->AddObserver(vtkCommand::TimerEvent, IrenRefresh);
it's simple, but, maybe not the best, but it did Th job, I hope this link will help people that are starting into the VTK world, since threads + rendering loop wasn't a simple job to understand what was going on

Why double click event detecting on empty area of listBox in mfc

case 1 : I have a MFC dialog box having a LisBox.
I have added two items in listbox.
Whenever i am double clicking on empty area of list box i.e. not double clicking
on either of two item.
Double click is detecting on empty area of listbox.
case 2: When i created a small MFC test application with listbox. it iis detecting double click only on item, not on empty area.
I compared all properties of both cases but couldn't figure out what is the problem.
Anyone has idea what is going wrong in case 1.
I think it is abnormal process. I've tested your situation in VS2010. In my MFC test application sent LBN_DBLCLK when I double clicked on empty area. If you do not really want to know the reason this weired situation, you can just check whether double click event is occurred on empty area or not. I think it is better way for saving your time.
void CMfcDlgTestDlg::OnLbnDblclkList2()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
CListBox* list = (CListBox*)(GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST2));
int cur_sel = list->GetCurSel();
if (cur_sel == -1)
When one of list box item is already selected, how can it handle on ON_LBN_DBLCLK handler?
I think there will be some available methods for solving this, however I use below code and it can be useful way, also.
void CMfcDlgTestDlg::OnLbnDblclkList2()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
CListBox* list = (CListBox*)(GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST2));
CPoint cursor;
cursor.x = GetCurrentMessage()->pt.x;
cursor.y = GetCurrentMessage()->pt.y;
BOOL is_outside = FALSE;
UINT item_index = list->ItemFromPoint(cursor, is_outside);
//mouse clicked on empty area
return ;
// do something with 'item_index'
I hope this will help you a little.

Spin Control not working

I'm using spin control in MFC, C++ to change the value for the number.
here is my code:
void CHello_worldDlg::OnDeltaposSpin1(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
LPNMUPDOWN pNMUpDown = reinterpret_cast<LPNMUPDOWN>(pNMHDR);
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
m_fSpinIncrement = m_fScalingFactor;
if(pNMUpDown->iDelta == -1) // Increment the value
else // Decrement the value
SetDlgItemText(IDC_TEXT3, IDC_SPIN1);
*pResult = 0;
is there any error inside? and the number change will be at another static textbox~
You're doing too much work. Everything you're trying to do can be done better by simply setting the appropriate properties of the spin control:
Auto Buddy connects the spin control to the edit box preceding it.
Set Buddy Integer makes the edit box handle integers automatically.
Alignment set to 'Right' will make the spin control neatly dock against the edit box.
The only code you need is calling SetRange() in the OnInitDialog.
Did you call the SpinButtonCtrl::SetRange() method in any part of your code? From your code, I don't think it is getting the range you want.

How does MFC's "Update Command UI" system work?

I'd like to know more about how this system works, specifically when and how the framework actually decides to update a UI element.
My application has a 'tools' system where a single tool can be active at a time. I used the "ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI" message to 'check' the tool's icon/button in the UI, which affected both the application menu and the toolbars. Anyway, this was all working great until some point in the last couple of days, when the toolbar icons stopped getting highlighted properly.
I investigated a little and found that the update command was only being received when the icon was actually clicked. What's strange is this is only affecting the toolbars, not the menu, which is still working fine. Even when the buttons in the menu are updated the toolbar icon stays the same.
Obviously I've done something to break it - any ideas?
Never mind. I'd overwritten the Application's OnIdle() method and hadn't called the original base class method - that is, CWinApp::OnIdle() - which I guess is where the update gets called most of the time. This code snippet from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/3e077sxt.aspx illustrates:
BOOL CMyApp::OnIdle(LONG lCount)
// CWinApp's original method is involved in the update message handling!
// Removing this call will break things
BOOL bMore = CWinApp::OnIdle(lCount);
if (lCount == 0)
TRACE(_T("App idle for short period of time\n"));
bMore = TRUE;
// ... do work
return bMore;
// return TRUE as long as there are any more idle tasks
Here's a good article that kinda explains how to do it. Don't use his code example with WM_KICKIDLE though, instead scroll down to the comments section. There are two code samples that explain how to do it better. I quote:
void CDialog::OnInitMenuPopup(CMenu* pPopupMenu, UINT nIndex, BOOL bSysMenu)
CDialog::OnInitMenuPopup(pPopupMenu, nIndex, bSysMenu);
// TODO: Add your message handler code here
if(pPopupMenu &&
CmdUI.m_nIndexMax = pPopupMenu->GetMenuItemCount();
for(UINT i = 0; i < CmdUI.m_nIndexMax; i++)
CmdUI.m_nIndex = i;
CmdUI.m_nID = pPopupMenu->GetMenuItemID(i);
CmdUI.m_pMenu = pPopupMenu;
// There are two options:
// Option 1. All handlers are in dialog
CmdUI.DoUpdate(this, FALSE);
// Option 2. There are handlers in dialog and controls
CmdUI.DoUpdate( this, FALSE );
// If dialog handler doesn't change state route update
// request to child controls. The last DoUpdate will
// disable menu item with no handler
if( FALSE == CmdUI.m_bEnableChanged )
CmdUI.DoUpdate( m_pControl_1, FALSE );
if( FALSE == CmdUI.m_bEnableChanged )
CmdUI.DoUpdate( m_pControl_Last, TRUE );
See if this helps - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/essk9ab2(v=vs.80).aspx