Redmine BitNami 'DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle' - redmine

(This question is not duplicated, already asked question is for Ruby)
Actually I am trying to install Redmin on windows.
to achieve this I am using Bitnami, and following these installation instructions
I have reached to step 4 where I have to run bundle command but I am getting error
DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle
Now how can I override this and what I am missing?

I was using ruby two versions, 1.9 and later install 2.0. I was assuming I am using 2.0 but when I check I was using 1.9 so 2.0 solve my problem.
Thanks you all


How to find the correct version of PyBindGen for Python Bindings

Currently, I am working on the Ns3 simulator and now trying to enable the pyviz visualizer. According to the doc, I have downloaded the three dependencies which are
Now in order to use this, I still need to enable the python bindings which I used /usr/bin/python2.7 ./waf configure wanna to check what needs for enabling python bindings. The result shows that
Python Bindings : not enabled (PyBindGen version not correct and newer version could not be retrieved)
So I checked the Doc and downloaded PyBindGen (version 0.18.0). The output shows
Installed /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/PyBindGen-0.18.0-py2.7.egg
Processing dependencies for PyBindGen==0.18.0
Finished processing dependencies for PyBindGen==0.18.0
After I ran the configuration check the results still showed that PyBindGen version not correct and newer version could not be retrieved
So I presume that is that because I installed the wrong version of PyBindGen? If so how can I get the suitable version for enabling Python Binding?
I would appreciate if there is someone who can help me figure it out. Many thanks.
According to the Google Group
Here is the resolution(tested it worked):
follow the instruction
hg clone
cd ns-3-allinone && ./
This will solve the Python Binding problem
Updated: after downloading this version of ns3. Solving the python binding problem. Then there will be another problem after running
./waf configure
it will show the result like this:
PyViz visualizer: not enabled (Missing python modules: gtk, goocanvas, pygraphviz)
Even though I have installed all of the three dependencies. So after some researches I found that there has another questions post So there is a guy gave the guessing that
" Waf found the standard Python here (/usr/bin/python is the Apple path), and you installed the python libraries using MacPorts.
Most probably you'll need to configure Python to point to the MacPort-based Python, or it will not see what you installed."
So according to How to: Macports select python
here is the solution:
port select --list python
sudo port select --set python python27
Hope it will help anyone come afterwards to use this.

How to list module in opencv python

I search in google and still no found any that work.
I want to compare between opencv 2.4.13 and opencv 3.1 and opencv 3.2 for python
I know that i can check module list in opencv docs. But i don't know that list is for only C++ version or same as python version.
ps. my first laptop i download and install manually and second laptop i install by typing python -m pip install opencv-python and i get opencv 3.2
So i want to check it and try a difference version to know more about them by myself.
Add more in formation :
I'm not good in english but this link might help you understand my point. As they say "those functions are just not wrapped into python or java" for opencv 3.0. So instead of asking many simple question about many function because of my curiosity. I think asking this question will help me can learn, compare difference between version by myself. I'm sorry if i can't explain my you to understand

Calabash Android test procedure got very slow

I been using calabash-android for long time with real device, but never had this kind of slow testing procedure.I mean it used to go really in seconds to test my scenarios, but now it takes more than 1 minute .. It is the same laptop, only difference I tested on 15.04 Ubuntu before. Now I'm on
Ubuntu 14.04.03LTS 64bit
... Is it library missing or update to be made? or is Calabash got slower. Have no idea why its doing this...
please can u suggest how to get my speed back?
Thanks in advance
We've actually recently made speed improvements to the queries, so the framework itself shouldn't be the cause of any new slowness. Which version are you using? Should be 0.6.0.
If you're saying you've downgraded your OS from 15.04 to 14.04, that would probably be my first guess. Is there any difference in log output from before if you run with -v for verbose?
Never mind, I found out that Ruby version is old and reason cause installing Ruby through sudo new version was wrong way, cause it's not setting latest version to default. So I had to install RVM Ruby Version Manager and install latest ruby and set latest ruby version --default and re-install my Calabash-Android.

How to upgrade Portable Python 2.X after installation / deployment

I had recently installed Portable Python from Portable Python, and I understand that the latest Python version of the 2.X family is 2.7.9.
I am wondering if it is possible for me to upgrade my installation of Portable Python, after I had deployed it on my USB? If it is possible, please show me the way.
If this question had already been answered (although I had searched and researched quite a bit), please point me the question. I am more than happy to close this question and offer my apologies.
I may be wrong - but just to provide anyone who stumbled upon this - there is no way I can upgrade the python interpreter that comes with the portable python package.
Eventually I switched to WinPython instead. It seems like there is no easy way to upgrade itself either, but for a portable environment, it can be replaced by downloading the newer version from project homepage.
I may be too early in my response, I think Anaconda distribution has an ability to update itself by:
conda update all

Upgrade ember-precompile without rails or grunt

I am writing an ember app, and not using rails nor grunt for anything. I previously had a short python program that took text files and did some markdown stuff with them, and then compiled them all to a templates.js file using ember-precompile:
ember-precompile templates/*.hbs -f templates/templates.js
This worked great until I upgraded ember, and now I'm getting this error.
Uncaught Template was precompiled with an older version of Handlebars than the current runtime.
Please update your precompiler to a newer version (>= 1.0.0) or downgrade your runtime to an older version (== 1.0.0-rc.3).
I need to upgrade my ember-precompile program, but solutions like changing a grunt config or changing gemfiles are no good for me, since I'm not using either of those tools.
Also, attempts to upgrade or reinstall haven't made any changes at all.
Ember version Version: v1.0.0
Last commit: e2ea0cf (2013-08-31 23:47:39 -0700)
Handlebars version Handlebars.VERSION = "1.0.0";
Feel free to fill in any gaps in my understanding. For short term development purposes I'm just going to put my templates in index.html but I want to do markdown stuff to my templates first, so that won't do forever.
You would need to recompile your handlebar files using the latest ember-precompile version that matches the run time version. Basically, ember-precompile that you are using is older version but you are currently running the newer version of ember. That is what the compliant is about.
Turns out I just needed to learn the magic of github and npm and download a non "release" version of the program and install it. Pretty stupid of me really.
If anyone in the future has this problem, just check out npm install and get one of the fixed versions from github in a zip file or whatever suits you.