CFZip of certain file type - coldfusion

Is it possible to use cfzip to create a zip folder containing of a certain type. I need to do this to take out .bak files from a folder with different filetypes and insert them into a zip folder.

Steve already pointed you to the CF documentation which has example of delete. To create a zip, the simplest way is as follows:
<cfset fileName = createUUID() />
<cfzip file="D:\" action="zip"
recurse="No" >
If you want to add the files of a sub-directory, then make recurse="yes". To filter multiple file types you can simply use comma separated file type in filter like this filter="*.jpg, *.gif, *.png"
Note: I have used dynamic file name in case you want to run this script multiple times and have different file name, or multiple users are accessing this script at the same time.


Load files from folder with a custom query with power BI

I am trying to load csv files from a folder but I need to apply several custom steps to each file, including dropping the PromoteHeaders default.
I have a custom query that can load a single file successfully. How do I turn it into a query that loads all files in a folder?
By default, File.folder's "promoteHeaders" messes up my data because of a missing column name (which my custom query fixes).
The easiest way to create a function that reads a specific template of file is to actually do it. Just create the M to read it and by right click on the entity transform it to a function.
After that is really simple to transform your M so it uses parameters.
You can create a blank query and replace the code with this on as an example, customize with more steps to deal with your file requirements.
= (myFile) => let
Source = Csv.Document(myFile,[Delimiter=",", Columns=33, Encoding=1252, QuoteStyle=QuoteStyle.None])
And then Invoke Custom Function for each file with the content as the parameter.

kettle wildcard subdirectory regex

I'm trying to process a file in a Kettle transformation. The targeted file has a static name, let's say TARGETED.LOG and it's in a subdirectory which contains a date component (variable) in his name. So, the whole path name will be something like:
Any advice?
Use the Get File Names step with the include subfolders option, and drop the resulting list of files in your Text File Input with the Accept filenames from previous step option.
Of course between these two step you would probably want to add some Filter step.

Pick up a particular file from a directory using regex in Talend

My directory contains files named as WM_PersonFile_22022018 , WM_PersonFile_23022018, WM_PersonFile_24022018 , WM_PersonFile_25022018 and these files come on a daily basis. I am using tFileList to iterate through the files
What should be my regex in my Filemask to pick up the most recent file? Should the Use Global Expressions as Filemask be unchecked?
I tried "*.txt" which is picking up all the files.
RegEx would help you to filter for the correct files.
Some other logic would get you the newest file. If you use tFileList, you might be able to sort after date and only take the first result.
Alternatively, if you also want to check the date in the filename is correct, you might need to add a little logic with a tMap, tAssert, tJava or tJavaRow.

Use TfileUnarchive on Amazon S3

I have a talend job which is simple like below:
ts3Connection -> ts3Get -> tfileinputDelimeted -> tmap -> tamazonmysqloutput.
Now the scenario here is that some times I get the file in .txt format and sometimes I get it in a zip file.
So I want to use tFileUnarchive to unzip the file if it's in zip or process it bypassing the tFileUnarchive component if the file is in unzipped format i.e only in .txt format.
Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
The trick here is to break the file retrieval and potential unzipping into one sub job and then the processing of the files into another sub job afterwards.
Here's a simple example job:
As normal, you connect to S3 and then you might list all the relevant objects in the bucket using the tS3List and then pass this to tS3Get. Alternatively you might have another way of passing the relevant object key that you want to download to tS3Get.
In the above job I set tS3Get up to fetch every object that is iterated on by the tS3List component by setting the key as:
and then downloading it to:
"C:/Talend/5.6.1/studio/workspace/S3_downloads/" + ((String)globalMap.get("tS3List_1_CURRENT_KEY"))
The extra bit I've added starts with a Run If conditional link from the tS3Get which links the tFileUnarchive with the condition:
Which checks to see if the file being downloaded from S3 is a .zip file.
The tFileUnarchive component then just needs to be told what to unzip, which will be the file we've just downloaded:
"C:/Talend/5.6.1/studio/workspace/S3_downloads/" + ((String)globalMap.get("tS3List_1_CURRENT_KEY"))
and where to extract it to:
This then puts any extracted files in the same place as the ones that didn't need extracting.
From here we can now iterate through the downloads folder looking for the file types we want by setting the directory to "C:/Talend/5.6.1/studio/workspace/S3_downloads" and the global expression to "*.csv" in my case as I wanted to read in only the CSV files (including the zipped ones) I had in S3.
Finally, we then read the delimited files by setting the file to be read by the tFileInputDelimited component as:
And in my case I simply then printed this to the console but obviously you would then want to perform some transformation before uploading to your AWS RDS instance.

Specifying Source file name using parameter variables in informatica 9?

I have a mapping like
The source will be of the same structure and the tartget also.
There are a bunch of files(with the same structure) which will go through this mapping .
So i want to use a parameter file through which i will give the file names for every run manually.
How to use the param file in session for Source filename attribute
Please suggest..
you could use indirect source type, wherein your source file is basically a list of files, and in turn the session reads each of the files one by one.
the parameter file could reference a source file name (the list) as
In line with what Raghav says, indicate the name of a file that will hold a list of input files in the 'Source filename' property box for the SQ in question in the Mapping tab, making the file 'Source filetype' be 'Indirect', specified in the Session Properties. If you already know ahead of time the names of the input files, you can specify them in that file and deploy that file with the workflow to the location you indicate in the 'Source file directory' property box. However if you won't know the names of the input files until run-time but know the files' naming standard (e.g: "Input_files_name_ABC_" where "" represents variable text, such as a numeric value incremented per input file generated by some other process), then one way to deal with that is to use a Pre-Session Command specifiable in the 'Components' tab of the Session. Create one that will build a new file at the location and with the name specified for the Indirect input file referenced above by using the Unix shell (or if running on Windows, the cmd shell) to list the files conforming to the naming standard for them and redirect the listing output to that file.
Tricky thing is that there must be one or more files listed in that Indirect type of input file. If that file is empty, the workflow will fail (abend). An Indirect file type must have in it listed at least one file (even if that file is empty) and that file must exist. The workflow fails if the indirect file reader gets no files to read from or if a file listed in it is not present on the server to be read from. One way to get around this is to make sure an empty file is present at all times that conforms to the naming standard. This can be assured by creating a "touchfile" before executing the listing command to build the Indirect file type listing file. In Unix, you'd use the 'touch {path}/{filename}' command ({filename} could be, for example, "Input_files_name_ABC_TOUCHFILE"), or on Windows you'd redirect an empty string to a file likewise named via cmd shell process. Either way, that will help you avoid an abend. Cleaning up that file is easy to do: a Post-Session command can be used to delete the empty touchfile. Likewise, you can do the same for the Indirect type of file if desired.