Haskell list comprehension (print sqrt for element of list) - list

I have GHCi, version 7.8.3. I would like calculate the sum of the sqrt items, which are divisible by 10.
If I write [ x | x <- [10..100], x `mod` 10 == 0] or sum [sqrt x | x <- [10..100]] is correct.
But if I write sum [ sqrt x | x <- [10..100], x `mod` 10 == 0] when an error is displayed:
No instance for (Show t0) arising from a use of ‘print’
The type variable ‘t0’ is ambiguous
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance Show Double -- Defined in ‘GHC.Float’
instance Show Float -- Defined in ‘GHC.Float’
instance (Integral a, Show a) => Show (GHC.Real.Ratio a)
-- Defined in ‘GHC.Real’
...plus 23 others
In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it'
How to change the command , the program that was correct ?

The problem comes from the fact that when you use mod, the type of the numbers must be Integral a => a, and when you use sqrt the type of the numbers must be Floating a => a. There are no types that GHC knows of that fit both of these constraints, although because you're executing it in GHCi the error message for whatever reason is mostly useless. The error message is like that because GHCi uses print, which calls show, and for some reason that's the first constraint that gets checked. Since there are no types with the constraints Show, Integral, and Floating, it doesn't type check.
Your other two examples typecheck because they only use one of mod or sqrt. You can get the combination of the two to work using fromIntegral before applying sqrt:
sum [sqrt $ fromIntegral x | x <- [10..100], x `mod` 10 == 0]


Haskell List comprehension: show even and double odd elements

I've been working on an assignment and I just can't get it to work.
I should write a function that takes a list of numbers and gives back a list that shows even numbers but doubles all odd numbers. (Basically the same list but with doubled odds).
doubleOdd :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
doubleOdd [] = []
doubleOdd a = [x*2 | x <- a, odd x]
My problems are:
I'm only allowed to use +, -, *, /, ==, /=, sum, mod, elem, maximum, odd, even
I don't know how I get different conditions for the same value to work (like if x is even = x and in the same List Comprehension have: if x is odd = x*2)
So far I only got to print the even or the odd numbers, but never both.....
I hope someone can help me.
In case you are looking for a math-trick version:
> take 10 $ [ x + (x `mod` 2) * x | x <- [1..] ]
(you can do lot's of cheating like this with mod)
In the recursive case treat both possible cases, the case of odds and the case of evens, with the two mutually exclusive tests:
doubleOdd a = [ .... | x <- a, y <- ([x*2 | .... x] ++ [x | .... x]) ]
Since the two tests are mutually exclusive, there will be only one result.
You either must use ++, or the if...then...else. I don't see a way to do this without one or the other.
Or maybe it can be done with some arithmetic trick but then it'd be a math question, not a Haskell question.

Haskell - Defining result as a list and returning null

listX n = xs
if sum[x | x <- [2, 4..n-1], y <- [1..n-1], y `rem` x == 0] == y
then insert y xs
else return ()
Alright, first time trying to work with Haskell, and only having novice Java knowledge has led to some problems.
What I was trying to do, was to define the result of the function listX n as a list called xs.
My idea was that the program would grab every number of from 1 to n, and check if it was equal to the sum of its positive divisors.
Clearly, I have failed horribly and need help, pointers to concepts I haven't understood is extremely appreciated.
Your main problem seems to be that you still think imperative (with the insert) - also () is the value unit - you probably wanted to write [] (the empty list) instead - but still the xs here is totally undefined so you would have to fix this too (and I don't see how to be honest).
perfect numbers
I think I can see a basic idea in there, and I think the best way to fix this is to go full list-comprehension (as you seem to understand them quite well) - here is a version that should work:
listX n = [ x | x <- [1..n], sum [ y | y <- [1..x-1], x `mod` y == 0] == x]
As you can see I changed this a bit - first I check all x from 1 to n if they could be perfect - and I do this by checking by summing up all proper divisors and checking if the sum is equal to x (that's the job of the sum [...] == x part) - in case you don't know this works because you can add guards to list comprehensions (the sum [..] == x filters out all values of x where this is true).
a nicer version
to make this a bit more readable (and separate the concerns) I would suggest writing it that way:
properDivisors :: Integer -> [Integer]
properDivisors n = [ d | d <- [1..n-1], n `mod` d == 0]
isPerfect :: Integer -> Bool
isPerfect n = sum (properDivisors n) == n
perfectNumbers :: [Integer]
perfectNumbers = filter isPerfect [1..]
perfectNumbersUpTo :: Integer -> [Integer]
perfectNumbersUpTo n = takeWhile (<= n) perfectNumbers

Evaluating List to Weak Head Normal Form

Given the following list from 1 to 100:
> let x = [1..100]
I run sprint x to observe its unevaluated value.
> :sprint x
x = _
Then, I ran seq to evaluate it to Weak Head Normal Form:
> seq x ()
But re-running sprint x shows (what I think) is the same value.
> :sprint x
x = _
Why is that?
I think this bheklilr's comment should be marked as the answer:
What is the type of x? If it's (Num a, Enum a) => [a] then this won't work as expected. Try let x = [1..100] :: [Int]. In reality, when you print x with the more general type GHCi specializes it to Integer to do the printing. This means that the values you see printed are not actually stored back in x's thunk. Using a concrete type avoids this problem.
With the additional note from David Young that this problem won't occur on GHCi versions earlier than 7.8, when the monomorphism restriction was enabled.

elm list comprehensions, retrieving the nth element of a list

I was trying to do a simulation of the Rubik's cube in Elm when I noticed Elm doesn't support list comprehensions. In Haskell or even Python I would write something like:
ghci> [2*c | c <- [1,2,3,4]]
I could not find a way in Elm. The actual list comprehension I had to write was (in Haskell):
ghci> let x = [0,1,3,2]
ghci> let y = [2,3,1,0]
ghci> [y !! fromIntegral c | c <- x]
where fromIntegral :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b turns Integer into Num.
In Elm, I tried to use Arrays:
x = Array.fromList [0,1,3,2]
y = Array.fromList [2,3,1,0]
Array.get (Array.get 2 x) y
And I started getting difficulties with Maybe types:
Expected Type: Maybe number
Actual Type: Int
In fact, I had to look up what they were. Instead of working around the maybe, I just did something with lists:
x = [0,1,3,2]
y = [2,3,1,0]
f n = head ( drop n x)
map f y
I have no idea if that's efficient or correct, but it worked in the cases I tried.
I guess my two main questions are:
does Elm support list comprehensions? ( I guess just use map)
how to get around the maybe types in the Array example?
is it efficient to call head ( drop n x) to get the nth element of a list?
Elm doesn't and will not support list comprehensions: https://github.com/elm-lang/Elm/issues/147
The style guide Evan refers to says 'prefer map, filter, and fold', so.. using `map:
map ((y !!).fromIntegral) x
map (\i-> y !! fromIntegral i) x
Commenters point out that (!!) isn't valid Elm (it is valid Haskell). We can define it as either:
(!!) a n = head (drop n a), a total function.
or perhaps
(!!) a n = case (head (drop n a)) of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> crash "(!!) index error"
I don't know much about Elm, so I can't answer to whether it supports list comprehensions (couldn't find anything via Google about it either way), but I can answer your other two questions.
How to get around the Maybe types in the Array example?
The type of Array.get is Int -> Array a -> Maybe a, which means that it returns either Nothing or Just x, where x is the value at the given index. If you want to feed the result of one of these operations into another, in Haskell you could just do
Array.get 2 x >>= \i -> Array.get i y
Or with do notation:
i <- Array.get 2 x
Array.get i y
However, from a quick search it seems that Elm may or may not support all monadic types, but hopefully you can still use a case statement to get around this (it's just not very fun)
case Array.get 2 x of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just i -> Array.get i y
In fact, I would recommend writing a function to do this in general for you, it's just a direct clone of >>= for Maybe in Haskell:
mayBind :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
mayBind Nothing _ = Nothing
mayBind (Just x) f = f x
Then you could use it as
Array.get 2 x `mayBind` (\i -> Array.get i y)
Is it efficient to call head (drop n x) to get the nth element of a list?
No, but neither is direct indexing, which is equivalent to head . drop n. For lists, indexing will always be O(n) complexity, meaning it takes n steps to get the nth element from the list. Arrays have a different structure, which lets them index in logarithmic time, which is significantly faster. For small lists (< 100 elements), this doesn't really matter, but once you start getting more than a hundred or a thousand elements, it starts becoming a bottleneck. Lists are great for simple code that doesn't have to be the fastest, as they are generally more convenient. Now, I don't know how exactly this gets translated in Elm, it may be that Elm will convert them into Javascript arrays, which are true arrays and indexable in O(1) time. If Elm uses its own version of Haskell lists after it's been compiled, then you'll still have a slowdown.

Error: Instance : Num (a -> b) when I try to get the sign of the elements of a list

This is what I want to do:
INPUT: [1,2,3,-1,-2,-3]
I tried this:
signNum (x:n) = map(if x>0
then 1
else -1)n
Can anyone tell me where I've made a mistake in the logic?
The first problem is that map expects a function. So you have to wrap your if statement in a lambda. However, this will still not do exactly what you want. Instead of breaking the list into its head and tail, your really want to map your function over the whole list.
Remember that map just takes a function and applies it to each element. Since you want to turn each element into either 1 or -1, you just need to map the appropriate function over your list.
So in the end, you get:
sigNum ls = map (\ x -> if x > 0 then 1 else - 1) ls
In this case, it is probably easier to break the function down into smaller parts.
At the very lowest level, one can compute the signum of a single number, i.e.:
signum :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> a
signum x = if x > 0 then 1 else -1
Once you have this, you can then use it on a list of numbers, like you would for any function:
signNum ls = map signum ls
(p.s. what is signum 0 meant to be? Your current definition has signum 0 = -1.
If you need to expand the function to include this case, it might be better to use guards:
signum x | x < 0 = -1
| x == 0 = 0
| otherwise = 1
or a case statement:
signum x = case compare x 0 of
LT -> -1
EQ -> 0
GT -> 1
Your comments suggest you'd like to be able to do this with a comprehension.
How to use a comprehension
If you do want to do this with a comprehension, you can do
signNum ls = [ if x>0 then 1 else -1| x <- ls ]
How not to use a comprehension
...but you can't put the condition on the right hand side
brokenSignNum ls = [ 1| x <- ls, x > 0 ]
Because putting a condition on the right hand side removes anything that
doesn't satisfy the condition - all your negatives get ignored! This would
shorten your list rather than replace the elements. Let's try
brokenSignNum2 ls = [ 1| x <- ls, x > 0 ] ++ [ -1| x <- ls, x <= 0 ]
This has the same length as your original list but all the positives are at the front.
Summary: you have to put this conditional expression on the left hand side
becuase that's the only place substitution can happen - on the right hand side it does deletion.
Is zero negative?
Note that your if statement counts 0 as negative. Are you sure you want that? Perhaps you'd be better with defining the sign of a number seperately:
sign x | x == 0 = 0 -- if x is zero, use zero
| x > 0 = 1 -- use 1 for positives
| x < 0 = -1 -- use -1 for negatives
workingSignNum1 ls = [sign x | x <- ls]
But sign is (almost) the same as the function signum, so we may as well use that
workingSignNum2 ls = [signum x | x <- ls]
Making it tidier
Now that's a lot of syntax for what basically means "replace x with sign x all along the list ls". We do that kind of thing a lot, so we could write a function to do it:
replaceUsing :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
replaceUsing f xs = [f x | x <- xs]
but there's already a function that does that! It's called map. So we can use map on our list:
quiteSlickSignNum :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
quiteSlickSignNum ls = map signum ls
or even slicker:
slickSignNum :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
slickSignNum = map signum
which is how I would have defined it.
Why did you say sign was almost the same as signum?
sign takes a number and returns a number, 1, 0, or -1, but what's the type of 1?
Well, 1 has the type Num a => a so you can use it with any numeric type. This means
sign takes any type of number and returns any type of number, so its type is
sign :: (Num a,Num b) => a -> b
so my version of sign can give you a different type. If you try it out, you'll find that 3 * sign 4.5 gives you 3, not 3.0, so you can get an Integer out of it, but also if you do 3.14 * sign 7.4, you get 3.14, so you can get a decimal type too. By contrast,
signum :: Num a => a -> a
so it can only give you back the type you gave it - 3 * signum 4.5 gives you 3.0.
The error message "no instance for Num" is one of the trickiest for new Haskellers to decipher. First, here's the fully polymorphic type signature for the function you are trying to write (I added this to the source file in order to get the same error as you):
signNum :: (Ord a, Num a) => [a] -> [a]
Finding the error
Now, the compile error message says:
Could not deduce (Num (a -> a)) from the context (Ord a, Num a)
arising from the literal `1' at prog.hs:3:17
Notice that the error message gives us the location of the problem. It says that "the literal 1" at file_name.hs:line_number:column_number is the problem.
signNum (x:n) = map(if x>0
then 1 -- <-- here's the problem! (according to that message)
else -1)n
Understanding the error
Now, the error message also suggests some possible fixes, but whenever you run into "no instance for Num", the suggested "possible fixes" are almost always wrong, so ignore them. (I wish GHC would provide better error messages for Num-related stuff like this).
Recall what the error message said:
Could not deduce (Num (a -> a)) ... arising from the literal `1' ...
What this means is that you put a literal 1 somewhere where the context expected something of type
a -> a. 1 is obviously not a function, so either the context is wrong, or the number 1 is wrong.
So what is the context of the literal 1?
Finding the error (precisely)
(if x > 0
then <<hole>>
else -1)
If statements in Haskell produce a value. The branches of an if statement must have the same type, and the type of the if statement is determined by the type of the branches.
Here, the other branch has the value -1, which is a number. So we therefore expect the <<hole>> to have the same type: a number. Well, this obviously isn't the problem (since 1 is a number), so let's look at the context of that expression.
map <<hole>> n
The map function expects a function as its first argument. However, we know the <<hole>> will produce a number. Eureka! Here's the discrepancy: we're giving map a number where it expects a function.
Correcting the error
The obvious solution -- now that we know precisely what and where the problem is -- is to give map a function, rather than a number. See the various other answers for details.