Google App Engine JasperReports - web-services

So I have created a local java web application and many JasperReports. It is now time to move to production and I think I am going to use the Google App Engine. Before I started though I wanted to make sure all my JasperReports would work?
The previous questions regarding this were from 3-5 years ago, so I was just wondering if the Google App Engine now supports this?
Or should I use Amazon Elastic Beanstalk? (If this even supports JasperReports also)

No, it doesn't work on App Engine. Jasper Reports uses classes from AWT/Swing, that are restricted on App Engine
Btw, as you're comparing App Engine to Beanstalk (that's different things anyway), then maybe Google Compute Engine or Container Engine could help you? There're no any restrictions, just plain VMs, you may run anything here. And Google Cloud will provide load balancing, automatic scaling and restart after failure.
PS Also, I don't think that "just app" can be moved to App Engine. App Engine is very specific platform, and app should be designed specifically for App Engine from the beginning.


How do deploy a play application on google cloud

This is my first time deploying an application. I have some idea about it but I am not sure if it is correct. How do I go about deploying a play application on google cloud?
1) I have created a package using dist command. I have the zip file now on my local pc.
2) Do I first need to create a compute resource on gcp? What configuration shall I use for the vm? My app is still in test phase so there are no external users at the moment
3) I suppose play uses netty web server. So do I need to install netty on the compute resource? I have looked online a bit but can't find a resource on how to deploy an application on netty.
deploy an application on netty
Netty is not a web server/application server, but an IO framework which can be used to build web servers or any high-performant IO applications.
If you really want to use netty, you need to write an HTTP server yourself, or just use an HTTP framework built on netty.
If you want to build an application using netty, have a look at the examples on
Deploying a container to the Cloud using Google Cloud Platform and Kubernetes Engine
Kubernetes is a way of orchestrating containers in the Cloud, enabling you to do things like auto-scale, fast deploys and manage running versions of containers. You simply create a container and upload it to a container repository. In this example I used Google’s Container Registry, it’s really simple to use and works brilliantly with their Kubernetes implementation.
follow this tutorial might help you with this

how to migrate virtual machine scale set in windows azure (

I'm working on web app and i want to migrate this web app to virtual machine scale set in windows azure cloud,i'm new to cloud computing ,till i didn't got any proper tutorial about virtual machine scale set,please someone help with this
A few things to consider..
You could build a custom VM which contains the complete app, or you could use VM extensions to deploy the app on a platform image each time a new VM in the scale set is deployed. See: for some thoughts on this. Ultimately it might depend on how much you need to install over a base image, and how fast you want scaling to be.
Do you need autoscale based on resource usage or do you plan to manually increase/decrease the number of VMs in the set? See
A good way to get started with scale sets is to deploy an existing template directly from Azure Quick start templates. Look at and search for vmss. These templates will give you an idea of some of the options you have.
To learn the basics about VM Scale Sets, start with the documentation page: and the GA announcement:
Also look at higher level services like the Azure Web App service if you haven't already, the advantage of a higher level service is that some of the basic web app operations get taken care of for you:

What is the difference between Bitnami and Click to deploy on GCE?

Just trying to understand what's the difference between bitnami apps and google 'click-to-deploy' options on Google Cloud Engine?
For example: There is a 'Cassandra' click-to-deploy and there is a Bitnami version of 'Cassandra'
Can anyone tell me how do they compare and what are the differences?
- is one restrictive compared to the other?
- does bitnami version lock you in somehow?
- is there any performance difference (other than obvious performance difference that the hardware change would bring)
Bitnami makes application stacks that run on several cloud platforms including Google Cloud Platform, AWS, Azure and a few others. The Bitnami images you see on Google Cloud Launcher are created by employees of Bitnami and are mostly standard across cloud.
Click to Deploy images are usually created by Google Cloud Platform employees working in conjunction with application vendors.
There are differences in versions here and there related to maintenance, but there isn't any difference in the way they are intended to be used. Some Click to Deploy images will incur higher use charges due to licensing (ie. the Click to Deploy image contains the "Pro" version of a vendor's software), but these are called out during the selection process.
Neither version is intended to lock you into a particular platform, Google or Bitnami, it's just that there is duplication among the applications provided.

I deployed to CloudFoundry, now what? (Excuse my ignorance)

I realize CloudFoundry is still in beta and I'll admit to being moderately ignorant when it comes to this level of cloud computing but here's my question: I create an app, everything works, I upload it to CF. Now what? I want to launch my app in the wild. I want users to not see a CF URL.
Here are some pieces I do know, but I'm not getting the entire picture.
I know I can map a URL to an app. So presumably that's just some DNS routing happening. But other than that, is it safe at this point to bet the farm on CF and, for example, launch of startup using it? At what point am I going to realize I need to move to something like RackSpace (or whatever) and is it possible to take my CF VM and just move it?
Overall, I just don't fully understand what we're getting with CF other than a quick way to deploy a demo application.
At this point, if you need a custom domain, you need to configure an external proxy and from there route the traffic to your URL. This is a good example.
But the advantage of CloudFoundry is that it is entirely open source. You can always move your app to a compatible service provider, for example AppFog, with not much more than a simple push.
You could even deploy your own CF instance/server on Rackspace.
It appears that there is still no support for external domain mapping on Cloud Foundry. Here is another example that uses a Python reverse proxy running on Google AppEngine. This works well.
Right now, doesn't offer domain mapping. You might expect that it will do so in a future fully-supported paid version, but as you note, right now it is still in beta.
For what it's worth, I am running a startup B2B product on CloudFoundry.
I have deployed the open source version on our own infrastructure though, I keep a close watch on changes and even review other people's commits.
That's a significant investment in terms of learning and time, but in my opinion it's worth it.

How does cloud foundry handle process isolation?

Let's say that I setup my own cloud using the open source cloud foundry implementation provided on Will each app that I deploy be run as a separate user? Or is there any of VMWare's virtualization technology in use here? E.g. would each app run in a separate virtual machine or anything like that? How can I configure the memory, cpu, and disk resource limits for each app?
I asked this on the mailing list. Here's the response I got:
If your DEA is configured to run in secure mode, then each app runs as its own user and process isolation is used to protect them. We are moving toward a model of using linux cgroups when on linux, using the warden cgroup wrappers that are already in our source tree.
VM based isolation for a single app is pretty heavy weight, but we have long term plans to provide this for apps that need/desire it. (As opposed to the warden/cgroup work which is a near term project)
Since this is related to the open source for cloud foundry, you can try asking your question on
You should get a quick response there!