I have some code that raises a basic pubsub event:
export default Ember.Service.extend(ConnectListenersMixin, {
onGetInitial: function() {
this.trigger('listUpdated', payload);
This request that ends up triggering the event is made from the beforeModel hook of a route:
beforeModel: function() {
The problem is that the code that subscribes to this event is made in the init event of a component:
export default Ember.Mixin.create({
connect: Ember.on('init', function(){
// subscribing code
When the application is first loaded the event is triggered before the subscribing code has ran. After the component is initialised, then all is good.
Is there any way that I can initialize the components earlier so that they are all subscribed before the event is raised?
I'm not sure what events are available from initializers, the only one that I am aware of is registerComponentLookup, e.g.
before: 'registerComponentLookup'
Is there anyway round this?
I'm experimenting with not using proimises and not using the model hook so please don't suggest that. I know all about that.
Components are instantiated when Ember sees that they need to instantiated. If the component is instantiated from a Handlebars template, then this is naturally after the model hooks and there's nothing you can do about that. The template won't even render until the model hooks are finished, in fact.
I would take a look at doing the subscription from the controller and either have it emit events, trigger events on the components, or simply store the data so the component can bind to it. I don't have enough information about your use case to say which (or if any) is best, however.
I'm playing with ideas for making a drag and drop interface. I have multiple components that can be dragged into position over a grid. I will have a button that will allow the user to select different arrangements.
I want a function on the component that sets its position (quite simply with left and top). I want to be able to call this function when the component is inserted, and when a different arrangement is selected.
What I want to do is create an event in the route's controller. I then want each component to be able to listen for the event, and react as necessary. I'm afraid I don't understand enough to make this work. I've read the API, and a couple of questions on here (1, 2), but no luck.
Here's what I have...
The route's controller:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend(Ember.Evented, {
actions: {
callPosition: function(){
console.log('Trigger set...');
And the component:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend(Ember.Evented, {
didInsertElement : function(){
this.get('controller').on('position', this, this.position);
position: function(){
console.log('event heard by the component');
A few things I don't understand:
Have I added the Ember.Evented mixin correctly?
I've added the listener in the didInsetElement event as per the example. Is this the correct way to ensure the component will listen for the event throughout its lifetime?
What's the scope of the event? Can it only be listened for so long at we 'get' the controller that set it?
Your advice is a great help to this budding amateur!
You should not try to fire an event on components from the controller! What you should do is to pass the variables (left, top) and then register an observer on them on the component
sizeChanged: Ember.on('didInsertElement', Ember.observer('top', 'left' function () {
// arrange it
Now you pass down these attributes when you call the component:
{{my-component top=myCoolDnDElement.top left=myCoolDnDElement.left}}
And the sizeChanged will automatically be called whenever the top or left attribute changes as well as on didInsertElement.
This question is not about components, but about controller/view pairs which are not longer part of ember.
Back then every controller had an associated view, which often lead to confusion when to place things on the controller and when on the view.
Back then the separation was between controllers and views, where controllers managed global and local state and views basically managed the rendering.
With the introduction of components this has changed. Components handle local state as well as the rendering for that. Basically every component is a view. But its not anymore magically coupled to a controller, but explicit called from the template. For global state services were introduced.
Today you should follow the DDAU (Data Down Actions Up) principle and pass all actions and attributes explicit to the components in the template.
Components call actions on the parent component and pass updatable attributes and callable actions to child components. Thats how you should handle it.
just imagine there are more components rendered in web page, and when i click a link, i route to home page, which fills the entire page. (means all components gone in UI)
What are all the things i should make sure to clean up to avoid memory leaks?
Few examples:
If i used Ember.addObserver in component's didInsertElement, i should remove it using Ember.removeObserver in willDestroyElement method.
And any event handlers attached should be detached.
Can i get some more examples / link to see what are all the things i should cleanup and where?
The ideal is to write your code so that no clean-up is required.
For instance, if you define an observer as
observeWhatever: Ember.observer('whatever', function() {...
no special teardown is necessary. In the same way, if you define an event handler as
click: function(event) { ...
then no tear-down is necessary. But what if you want to listen to a DOM event on some element within your component? We often see people who can't remember whether they're programming in Ember or jQuery do things like:
setupWhatever: function() {
Ember.$('.foo.bar.baz').on('click', function() { alert('baz clicked!'); });
This is pretty much an anti-pattern, and not just because it will need to be torn down. It is completely jumbling up how to refer to parts of the app, and how to set up callbacks, and how to handle actions. The thing you are referring to as .foo.bar.baz should be its own component, which sets up its own listener at the component level. It would send an action, which would be handled as follows:
{{foo-bar-baz action=(action 'bazClicked')}}
actions: {
bazClicked() { alert('baz clicked'); }
If you want to set up a hook, such as
listen: Ember.on('message', function() ...
that will also be torn down for you.
If I used Ember.addObserver in component's didInsertElement, I should remove it using Ember.removeObserver in willDestroyElement method.
What kind of observer would you be setting up in didInsertElement? Excessive use of didInsertElement is also an anti-pattern. If you are using Ember correctly, it should hardly ever be necessary. A possible exception is initializing a jQuery add-on, if you are so unfortunate as to be using one of those.
If for whatever reason you are working with timers, you may need to cancel them on exit.
I am currently learning Ember and I have come across a problem that I would like to solve.
I have a component that presents X amounts of buttons that are linked to actions on the component.
When one of these buttons are pressed the proper action should execute and in executing it should add a newly instantiated component to another component.
I realize that the proper way would not be to let component X know about component Y, but what does the proper solution look like?
I solved my issue by daisy chaining an action from the source component to the destination component(the one I wanted to handle the action).
Component JavaScript:
export default Ember.Component.extend({
actions: {
elementSelected: function(){
this.sendAction('elementSelected', this.model);
Defining an action is not strictly required, it could be any code in javascript that actually calls sendAction. It is the sendAction that exposes an event to the world outside of the component.
Component template:
<div {{action 'elementSelected'}}>
Any subsequent component in the chain needs to bind the action to a local action. The implementation of that action is almost the same as the first component (note that we now pass whatever object/s from the original action through).
The Binding:
{{component-some-component type="text" elementSelected="elementSelected"}}
The Implementation:
export default Ember.Component.extend({
actions: {
elementSelected: function(model){
this.sendAction('elementSelected', model);
This solution really still leaves some issues:
1) Every component in the chain needs to know the action explicitly.
2) The verbosity re-sending the action at each level.
Sadly this has a lot to do with how actions currently bubble in Ember 2.3<.
By default, the {{action}} helper triggers a method on the template's
controller, as illustrated above.
If the controller does not implement a method with the same name as
the action in its actions object, the action will be sent to the
router, where the currently active leaf route will be given a chance
to handle the action.
Source: https://guides.emberjs.com/v1.10.0/templates/actions/
(this particular link is for 1.10, but this is still valid in 2.3)
As stated above, actions do not bubble through the component hierarchy, so what my verbose daisy-chain solution actually does is to explicitly bubble a specific event through the component hierarchy.
This might also be solved by a service or a helper class, but in my opinion component actions exposed to the outside world should bubble through the component chain before they land in the route.
To explain the issue I'm facing, I have 2 routes : ApplicationRoute and SomeRoute. I would need to wait for ApplicationRoute to resolve before trying to do something with SomeRoute.
The call order I see in debug :
ApplicationRoute.model // which returns a promise
What I would want :
ApplicationRoute.model // which returns a promise
There's probably a detail I'm missing somewhere...
The reason I incist for the ApplicationRoute.setupController to be able before other routes is that I use this to initialize some others controllers.
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return Ember.$.getJSON("api/settings");
setupController: function(controller, jsonSettings) {
this.controllerFor("foobar").set("content", this.store.all("foobar"));
this.controllerFor("foobaz").set("content", this.store.all("foobaz"));
this.controllerFor("foobam").set("content", this.store.all("foobam"));
For a transition to proceed, all models in the hierarchy must resolve. That's as it should be; we don't want to start doing application logic--which includes things that might be done in a setupController, at whatever level of the hierarchy--while the necessary models are still pending and the transition has not been finalized and might even still be aborted.
So if we agree that models are resolved in top-down order, which makes sense--after all, a child route's model hook might want to refer to this.modelFor('parent')--why is setupController called in reverse order, from the bottom up? I'm guessing there may be good reasons for this, including the rendering lifecycle, but in one important sense it doesn't really matter: a parent route's controller being set up properly is not a prerequisite for the child route's controller to be set up. The parent route's controller is not even directly accessible from the child route's controller unless you inject it. For more on this topic, see http://discuss.emberjs.com/t/why-is-setupcontroller-called-after-the-model-hook-of-nested-routes/2655/9.
As an aside, you use the expression "a route resolving", and seem to imply that calling setupController is a part of that resolution process, but it would be more correct to refer to "a route's model resolving", and that does not include the invocation of setupController, which is something that happens after all the models in the chain of routes have resolved and the transition finalized.
In the specific case shown in the update to your question, consider putting your setupController logic in an afterModel hook instead. Logically, what you are doing in setupController is not setting up the controller; it's manipulating and processing the model, and therefore rightfully belongs in one of the model hooks.
from ember.js documentation, for RC4:
Previously, the {{linkTo}} helper caused the router to transition
without any hooks to affect that behavior. Thanks to the work of Alex
Matchneer, the {{linkTo}} helper now generates a routeTo event that
can be handled just like any other event in a controller or a route's
events object. The default behavior of transitioning to the specified
route remains unchanged.
I don't understand how I can use it. I tried to do something like this:
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend
routeTo: -> alert "hello"
but it's never fired when i click a link.
My goal was rolling back transactions when i leave a route
This should have been in the blog post, but you need to enable a flag on the ENV object. This would work:
That said, routeTo might be short-lived as the next iteration of the router API is fully realized. Most likely, all transitions will fire an event that can be intercepted to halt the transition, and likely the event will be called willTransition. But this is not 100% solidified, so be sure to subscribe to https://gist.github.com/machty/5647589 for the latest.
I also totally missed out on the other part of your question (or maybe it was updated later), but routeTo is not a property you define on the controller, but rather an event that gets fired on the routes. So instead of having it on the controller, you'd do
App.SomeRoute = Ember.Route.extend
routeTo: -> alert "hello"
But you wouldn't want this on ApplicationRoute since that's where the default-installed routeTo handler lives to perform the transition for you. The whole purpose of routeTo is to catch the event on a leafier route and possibly prevent it from happening.
important caveat
Just want to reiterate that this is a very short-lived feature of the API (it was somewhat experimental anyway, hence the fact that it was wrapped in a flag). In the next iteration of the router API, routeTo will likely be replaced by a willTransition event, at which I'll update this answer.
If you want to roll back transactions when you leave a route, you can use the deactivate hook as detailed here: http://emberjs.com/api/classes/Ember.Route.html#method_deactivate
This is called just before the route exits.
Something like this:
App.MyFavouriteRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
deactivate: function() {
//roll back your transaction here
console.log('deactivating my favourite route');
Note that this isn't called if you simply change the model... ie: if you transition from /myFavourite/1 to /myFavourite/2 then deactivate won't be called.... however if you transition to /myFavourites then it will be called