Find results with grep and write to file - regex

I would like to get all the results with grep or egrep from a file on my computer.
Just discovered that the regex of finding the string
'+33. ... ... ..' is by the following regex
\+33.[0-9].[0-9].[0-9].[0-9].' Or is this not correct?
My grep command is:
grep '\+31.[0-9].[0.9].[0.9].[0-9]' Samsung\ GT-i9400\ Galaxy\ S\ II.xry >> resultaten.txt
The output file is only giving me as following:
"Binary file Samsung GT-i9400 .xry matches"
..... and no results were given.
Can someone help me please with getting the results and writing to a file?

Firstly, the default behavior of grep is to print the line containing a match. Because binary files do not contain lines, it only prints a message when it finds a match in a binary file. However, this can be overridden with the -a flag.
But then, you end up with the problem that the "lines" it prints are not useful. You probably want to add the -o option to only print the substrings which actually matched.
Finally, your regex isn't correct at all. The lone dot . is a metacharacter which matches any character, including a control character or other non-text character. Given the length of your regex, you are unlikely to catch false positives, but you might want to explain what you want the dot to match. I have replaced it with [ ._-] which matches a space and some punctuation characters which are common in phone numbers. Maybe extend or change it, depending on what interpunction you expect in your phone numbers.
In regular grep, a plus simply matches itself. With grep -E the syntax would change, and you would need to backslash the plus; but in the absence of this option, the backslash is superfluous (and actually wrong in this context in some dialects, including GNU grep, where a backslashed plus selects the extended meaning, which is of course a syntax error at beginning of string, where there is no preceding expression to repeat one or more times; but GNU grep will just silently ignore it, rather than report an error).
On the other hand, your number groups are also wrong. [0-9] matches a single digit, where apparently the intention is to match multiple digits. For convenience, I will use the grep -E extension which enables + to match one or more repetitions of the previous character. Then we also get access to ? to mark the punctuation expressions as optional.
Wrapping up, try this:
grep -Eao '\+33[0-9]+([^ ._-]?[0-9]+){3}' \
'Samsung GT-i9400 Galaxy S II.xry' >resultaten.txt
In human terms, this requires a literal +33 followed by required additional digits, then followed by three number groups of one or more digits, each optionally preceded by punctuation.
This will overwrite resultaten.txt which is usually what you want; the append operation you had also makes sense in many scenarios, so change it back if that's actually what you want.
If each dot in your template +33. ... ... .. represents a required number, and the spaces represent required punctuation, the following is closer to what you attempted to specify:
\+33[0-9]([^ ._-][0-9]{3}){2}[^ ._-][0-9]{2}
That is, there is one required digit after 33, then two groups of exactly three digits and one of two, each group preceded by one non-optional spacing or punctuation character.
(Your exposition has +33 while your actual example has +31. Use whichever is correct, or perhaps allow any sequence of numbers for the country code, too.)

It means that you're find a match but the file you're greping isn't a text file, it's a binary containing non-printable bytes. If you really want to grep that file, try:
strings Samsung\ GT-i9400\ Galaxy\ S\ II.xry | grep '+31.[0-9].[0.9].[0.9].[0-9]' >> resultaten.txt


grep with regex to match lines starting with exactly three lowercase letters

So normally I have a pretty good handle on using grep with regular expressions but I'm hung up on this simple thing. I have the following text file named first-paragraph.txt (shown below) and I want to find all lines that start with exactly three lowercase characters '^[a-z]{3}' but I cannot seam to make it work.
It was the best of times,
it was the worst of times,
it was the age of wisdom,
it was the age of foolishness,
it was the epoch of belief,
it was the epoch of incredulity,
it was the season of Light,
it was the season of Darkness,
it was the spring of hope,
it was the winter of despair,
we had everything before us,
we had nothing before us,
we were all going direct to Heaven,
we were all going direct the other way--
in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of
its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for
evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
And trying this gives me all lines starting with three or more lowercase characters but, I don't understand why I'm not only getting the one line that actually starts with three characters 'its ....'
$ grep '^[a-z]\{3\}' first-paragraph.txt
its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for
evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
$ grep '^[a-z]\{3\}$' first-paragraph.txt # no lines
$ grep '^([a-z])\{3\}' first-paragraph.txt # no lines
You may use
grep '^[a-z]\{3\}\b' file # \b is a word boundary
See this grep demo.
Or, if your grep does not support the word boundary construct, you may use
grep -e '^[a-z]\{3\}$' -e '^[a-z]\{3\}[^[:alnum:]]' file
where the first pattern will match 3-letter only lines and the second one will only match those where the fourth char is a non-alphanumeric char.
See this grep demo.
You may replace [^[:alnum:]] with [^[:alpha:]] if you want to allow any char other than a letter to appear inside a "word" (i.e. if you want to get a match for cat123). Or, you may replace [:alnum:] with [:space:] to only signal the end of a word when it ends with a whitespace.

Extract specific string using regular expression

I want to extract only a specific string if its match
example as an input string:
I'm using this regex [0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9] to extract only digit.digit.digit from a string if its match
but in that case, this is the wrong output related to my regex :
13.10.3 (no need to match this string 13.10.4 ) (no need to match this string13.10.4 ) need to match this string 13.10.4 )
the correct output that I need :
It's hard to say without knowing how you're passing these strings in -- are they lines in a file? An array of strings in a programming language?
If you're searching a file using grep or a similar tool, it will give you all lines that match anywhere, even if only part of the line matches.
Normally, you'd deal with this using anchors to specify the regex must start on the first character of the line, and end on the last (e.g. ^[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]$). ^ matches the start of the line, and $ matches at the end.
In your case, you've got slashes at the end of all the lines, so the easiest fix is to match that final slash, with ^[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]/.
You could also use lookahead or groups to match the slash without returning it -- but that depends a bit more on what tool you're running this regex in and how you're processing it.
If your strings are separated by whitespace (other than newlines), replacing ^ with (^|\s) (either the beginning of the string, or some whitespace character) may work -- but it will add a leading space to some of your results.
You may also need to set your regex tool to match multiple times in a line (e.g. the -o flag in grep). Again, it's hard to give useful advice about this without knowing what regular-expression tool you're using, or how you're processing the results.
I think you want:
Which is exactly 3 groups of digit(s) separates by (literal) dots.
Some tools (like grep) match all lines that contain your regex, and may have additional characters before/after.
Use $ character to match end of line after your regex. (Also note, that . matches any character, not literal dot)

Awk indicating the first character not to be #

Is there a way to specify the first character not to be something?
There are many ways to limit what it can be but I don't recall a way to say what it can't be.
for example if ! meant not to be
root 4
awk {/[!#][Rr][Oo][Oo][Tt]/{ }}
The symbol for "not" in a bracket expression is the caret (or "circumflex") ^, but it must be the first character inside the brackets in order to have this meaning. The example given in the comments above is [^#], which means one character that is not #. So the regular expression /[^#]/ would match any string that does not have a # anywhere in it. This is not all of what you asked for:
Is there a way to specify the first character not to be something?
One thing that makes regular expressions hard for some people to read is that many symbols have different meanings based on context. The caret ^ is also used to indicate the beginning of a line. With a regex in awk, you can specify that the first character on the line (the first thing after the beginning of the line ^) is not a # with:
awk '/^[^#]/{ ... }'
This would execute the block of code { ... } for every line of input that does not start with # at the beginning of the line. Note that this would, however, match a line that starts with other characters, and then has a # somewhere in it. /^[^#]/ would also not match an empty line, since there is no character for [^#] to consume. As you can see, there are many nuances and subtleties to consider as you tailor your regex for your needs. For more, look up awk regex, POSIX regex, or just type man -s7 regex in your terminal.

I'm struggling with Bash regular expressions

I'm frustrated trying to find out how to use regex to do anything useful. I'm completely uncertain on everything that I do, and I've resorted to trial and error; which has not been effective.
I'm trying to list files in the current directory that starts with a letter, contains a number, end with a dot followed by a lowercase character, etc.
So I know starts with a letter would be:
but I don't know how to follow that up with CONTAINS a number. I know ends with a dot can be [\.]*, but I'm not sure. I'm seeing that $ is also used to match strings at the end of the word.
I have no idea if I should be using find with regex to do this, or ls | grep .... I'm completely lost. Any direction would be appreciated.
I guess the specific question I was trying to ask, was how to I glue the expressions together. For example, I tried ls | grep ^[a-zA-Z][0-9] but this only shows files that start with letter, followed by a number. I don't know how write a regex that starts with a letter, and then add the next requirement, ie. contains a number.
Starts with a letter: ^[a-zA-Z]
Contains a number: .*[0-9].*
Ends with a dot and lowercase letter: \.[a-z]$
The best way to find files that match a regex is with find -regex. When you use that the ^ and $ anchors are implied, so you can omit them. You'll need to tack on .*/ at the front to match any directory, since -regex matches both the directory and file name.
find -regex '.*/[a-zA-Z].*[0-9].*\.[a-z]'
There's plenty of documentation online, eg. GNU's Reference Manual.
Your particular example, would require something like:
or if POSIX classes are not available:
You can read either as:
start of line
a letter (upper or lower case)
any character, zero or more times
a digit
any character, zero or more times
a dot (must be escaped with a backslash)
a lower case letter
end of line
Once you settle on a regular expression, you can use it with ls within the directory you wish to find the files in:
cd <dir>
ls -1 | grep '^[a-zA-Z].*[0-9].*\.[a-z]$'
NOTE: I tried to improve my answer based on some of the comments.

Select all files that do not have string between 2 other strings

I have a set of files that i need to loop through and find all the files that does not have a specific string between 2 other specific strings. How can i do that?
I tried this but it didnt work:
grep -lri "\(stringA\).*\(?<!stringB\).*\(stringC\)" ./*.sql
the file could have structure as following:
all i want i s to know if there is any occurences where string A and stringC has no stringC in between.
You can use the -L option of grep to print all files which don't match and look for the specific combination of strings:
grep -Lri "\(stringA\).*\(stringB\).*\(stringC\)" ./*.sql
The short answer is along the lines of:
grep "abc[^(?:def)]*ghi" ./testregex
That's based on a testregex file like so:
The output will be:
$ grep "abc[^(?:def)]*ghi" ./testregex
Mapped to your use-case, I'd wager this translates roughly to:
grep -lri "stringA[^(?:stringB)]*stringC" ./*.sql
Note that I've removed the ".*" between each string, since that will match the very string that you're attempting to exclude.
Update: The original question now calls out line breaks, so use grep's -z flag:
suppress newline at the end of line, subtituting it for null character. That is, grep knows where end of line is, but sees the input as one big line.
grep -lriz "stringA[^(?:stringB)]*stringC" ./*.sql
When I first had to use this approach myself, I wrote up the following explanation...
Specifically: I wanted to match "any character, any number of times,
non-greedy (so defer to subsequent explicit patterns), and NOT
The last part is what I'm writing to share: "not matching the sequence
/>". This is the first time I've used character sequences combined
with "any character" logic.
My target string:
<img class="photo" src="" alt="Iron or Gold" />
My first attempt:
This worked in online regex testers, but failed for some reason within
my actual Java code. Through trial and error, I found that replacing
every ".?" with "[^<>]?" was successful. That is, instead of
"non-greedy matching of any character", I could use "non-greedy
matching of any character except < or >".
But, I didn't want to use this, since I've seen alt text which
includes these characters. In my particular case, I wanted to use the
character sequence "/>" as the exclusion sequence -- once that
sequence was encountered, stop the "any character" matching.
This brings me to my lesson:
Part 1: Character sequences can be achieved using (?:regex). That is,
use the () parenthesis as normal for a character sequence, but prepend
with "?:" in order to prevent the sequence from being matched as a
target group. Ergo, "(?:/>)" would match "/>", while "(?:/>)*" would
match "/>/>/>/>".
Part 2: Such character sequences can be used in the same manner as
single characters. That is, "[^(?:/>)]*?" will match any character
EXCEPT the sequence "/>", any number of times, non-greedy.
That's pretty much it. The keywords for searching are "non-capturing
groups" and "negative lookahead|lookbehind", and the latter feature
goes much deeper than I've gone so far, with additional flags that I
don't yet grok. But the initial understanding gave me the tool I
needed for my immediate task, and it's a feature that I've wondered
about for awhile -- thus, I figured I'd share the basic introduction
in case any of you were curious about tucking it away in your toolset.
After playing around with the statement provided by the DreadPirateShawn:
I figured out that it is not a truly valid regex. This statement was excluding every character in the given set and not the full string. So I continued digging.
After some googling and testing the pattern, I came up with the following statement, that seems to fit my needs:
This pattern matches any text except the provided string between 2 specified strings. It also takes into consideration whitespace characters.
There is more testing to be done, but it seems that this pattern perfectly fits my requirements
UPDATE: Here is a final version of the statement that seems to work for me:
grep -lriz "(set feedback on){0,}[ \t]*(?:(?!set feedback off).)*[ \t]*select sysdate from dual" ./*.sql