Any side effect of using underscore wildcard in let command (i.e., let _ = ... in) in OCaml? - ocaml

When using OCaml, I almost always use underscore wildcard in let _ = exp, especially when the result of exp is not important, but the computation inside it is. For example:
let _ = print_endline "abc" in
let _ = a := !a + 1 in
let _ = do_some_thing ... in
So, I just wonder if there is any side effect of extensively using let _ = ... ?

The side effect is annoying bugs to track in your software in the future. The problem with let _ = is that it will silently ignore partial applications you intended to be total. Suppose you write the following:
let f a b = ...
let _ = f 3 4
And that in the future you add an argument to f:
let f a b c = ...
The expression let _ = f 3 4 will still silently compile and your program will not invoke the function, leaving you wondering what is happening. It is much better to always let to () and use ignore when if you need to ignore a non unit result:
let () = ignore (f 3 4)
let () = print_endline "abc"
Using let _ = ... should be considered bad style.

No, there is absolutely no consequence to using let _ = extensively. The compiler does not add a name to the global environment since you didn't give one.

The purpose of let is to bind values to identifiers. If you doing side-effects only it's its better to wrap it in a begin .. end block. In your case:
print_endline "abc";
a := !a + 1;
do_some_thing ();


Use meta-programming in F* for a syntactic check on a function argument

I would like to write a function that enforces that its argument is, syntactically, a constant string. Here's what I tried:
module Test
module R = FStar.Reflection
let is_literal (t: R.term) =
match R.inspect_ln t with
| R.Tv_Const (R.C_String _) -> true
| _ -> false
let check_literal (s: string { normalize (is_literal (`s)) }) =
let test () =
check_literal ""; // should work
let s = "" in
check_literal s // should not work
However, I'm pretty sure static quotations (with `) are not what I want, but instead dynamic quotations with quote. But this would put my precondition into the Tac effect. Is there any way to do what I want in the current state of things?
I don't know if you finally found a solution, but what about implicit meta arguments?
They somehow allow running Tac code at function invocation time, making quote usable.
Changing your code a bit doing so seems to work:
module Is_lit
open FStar.Tactics
let is_literal (t: term) =
match inspect_ln t with
| Tv_Const (C_String _) -> true
| _ -> false
let check_literal (s: string)
(#[(if (normalize_term (is_literal (quote s)))
then exact (`())
else fail "not a litteral")
] witness: unit)
: unit =
// success
let _ = check_literal "hey"
// failure
let _ = let s = "hey" in check_literal s

Simple parsing of strings in Ocaml

I'm not sure about the best way to approach this, so I figured I'd ask. I have a line like this :
NAME="/dev/sda" TYPE="disk" MODEL="KINGSTON SV300S3"
(gotten from lsblk with a few options) and I'd like to extract each field as simply as possible. Yes, I know lsblk has a very nice --json, but that's unfortunately a recent addition I can't use, we have some pretty old servers still in production.
Maybe using Str with some regex ? Google seems to say menhir a lot, I've never used it, but I'm afraid that might be a bit heavy just for a few variables like that ?
I've tried using String.split_on_char and String.slice, but it starts getting complicated when model contains spaces, String.split_on_char doesn't ignore spaces between double quotes of course.
For simple format like this, the Scanf module might be a viable alternative:
let extract s = Scanf.sscanf s "NAME=%S TYPE=%S MODEL=%S" (fun x y z -> x, y ,z);;
;; extract {|NAME="/dev/sda" TYPE="disk" MODEL="KINGSTON SV300S3"|}
("/dev/sda", "disk", "KINGSTON SV300S3")
as expected.
While Str could probably do the trick, the lesser-known Genlex module from the standard library can come quite handy for not-too-heavy string manipulation, at least for formats that more or less obey OCaml's lexical convention. Basically, it will transform your char stream into a stream of tokens that you can parse much more easily. I imagine that the full output format of lsblk might require some refinements, but for your example, the following is sufficient:
let lexer = Genlex.make_lexer [ "=" ]
let test = "NAME=\"/dev/sda\" TYPE=\"disk\" MODEL=\"KINGSTON SV300S3\""
let test_stream = Stream.of_string test
let test_stream_token = lexer test_stream
let info =
let l = ref [] in
while true do
let kw = test_stream_token in
let eq = test_stream_token in
let v = test_stream_token in
let kw =
match kw with Ident s -> s | _ -> failwith "Unrecognized pattern"
let () = match eq with Kwd "=" -> () | _ -> failwith "Expected '='" in
let v = match v with String s -> s | _ -> failwith "Expected string" in
assert false
with Stream.Failure -> List.rev !l
Basically, the main loop considers that the information contained in the input is a sequence of items of the form <key>="<value>", decomposed in three tokens by the Genlex-generated lexer.
It results in: [("NAME", "/dev/sda"); ("TYPE", "disk"); ("MODEL", "KINGSTON SV300S3")]
Got it :
let re = Str.regexp "NAME=\"\\(.*\\)\" TYPE=\"\\(.*\\)\" MODEL=\"\\(.*\\)\"" in
match Str.string_match re line 0 with
| false -> [`Null]
| true ->
let name = Str.matched_group 1 line in
let typ = Str.matched_group 2 line in
let model = Str.matched_group 3 line in
Printf.printf "%s, %s, %s\n" name typ model

OCaml Syntax Error in Parser

Can someone help me explain why I have a syntax error at this line: let wordMap = StringMap.empty? This is contained in an .mll file. The module StringMap is defined above.
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in
let wordlist =
let rec next l = match token lexbuf with
EOF -> l
| Word(s) -> next (s :: l)
in next []
let wordMap = StringMap.empty in
let wcList = StringMap.fold (fun word count l -> (string_of_int count ^ " " ^ word) :: l) wordMap [] in
List.iter print_endline wcList;;
I know it prints nothing, this is just for testing.
A declaration like:
let v = expr
can only appear at the outermost level of a module. It's the way to declare the global names of the module.
But you have such a declaration (of wordlist) inside an expression:
let lexbuf = ... in
let wordlist = ...
In all places other than the outer level of a module, let must be followed by in. This is the way to declare a local variable (in any expression).
let v = expr1 in expr2
I'm not clear which of your names you want to be global. But one way to solve the problem would be to remove the first in. Then you would have three global names, lexbuf, wordlist, and wordMap.
Another way would be to add in after the definition of wordlist. Then you would have no global names.
You have a problem with your let-bindings. This should work if I rewrite your as below:
let main () =
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in
let wordlist =
let rec next l = match token lexbuf with
EOF -> l
| Word s -> next (s :: l) in
next []
let wordMap = StringMap.empty
The function main return wordList as the result.
A golden rule for this sort of trouble: use a proper indentation tool, caml-mode, tuareg-mode or ocp-indent. If these tools show an indentation different from your intention, it is often the case that you made a syntax error.

Empty character in OCaml

I am trying to do something fairly simple. I want to take a string such as "1,000" and return the string "1000".
Here was my attempt: (function x -> if x = ',' then '' else x) "1,000";;
however I get a compiler error saying there is a syntax error wrt ''
Thanks for the insight!
Unfortunately, there's no character like the one you're looking for. There is a string that's 0 characters long (""), but there's no character that's not there at all. All characters (so to speak) are 1 character.
To solve your problem you need a more general operation than The essence of a map is that its input and output have the same shape but different contents. For strings this means that the input and output are strings of the same length.
Unless you really want to avoid imperative coding (which is actually a great thing to avoid, especially when starting out with OCaml), you would probably do best using String.iter and a buffer (from the Buffer module).
The string_map_partial function given by Andreas Rossberg is pretty nice. Here's another implementation that uses String.iter and a buffer:
let string_map_partial f s =
let b = Buffer.create (String.length s) in
let addperhaps c =
match f c with
| None -> ()
| Some c' -> Buffer.add_char b c'
String.iter addperhaps s;
Buffer.contents b
Just an alternate implementation with different stylistic tradeoffs. Not faster, probably not slower either. It's still written imperatively (for the same reason).
What you'd need here is a function like the following, which unfortunately is not in the standard library:
(* string_map_partial : (char -> char option) -> string -> string *)
let string_map_partial f s =
let buf = String.create (String.length s) in
let j = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
match f s.[i] with
| None -> ()
| Some c -> buf.[!j] <- c; incr j
String.sub buf 0 !j
You can then write:
string_map_partial (fun c -> if c = ',' then None else Some c) "1,000"
(Note: I chose an imperative implementation for string_map_partial, because a purely functional one would require repeated string concatenation, which is fairly expensive in OCaml.)
A purely functional version could be this one:
let string_map_partial f s =
let n = String.length s in
let rec map_str i acc =
if i < n then
map_str (i + 1) (acc ^ (f (String.make 1 s.[i])))
else acc
in map_str 0 ""
Which is terminal recursive, but less performant than the imperative version.

What's the difference between "let ()=" and "let _=" ;

let () = Random.self_init();;
let _ = Random.self_init ();;
│- : unit = ()
It seems "let ()" returns nothing ?
let is the keyword used to define new variables, like in the following construct:
let pattern = expr
For instance
let a = 2
assigns the value 2 to the name a. (Note this is not a way to assign a value to an already existing variable, but this is another topic).
But the pattern to the left of the = sign can be more than just a name. For instance
let (a,b) = (42,"foo")
defines both a and b, to be respectively 42 and "foo".
Of course, the types on both sides must match.
Which is the case here: both sides are of type int * string.
The expressions to the right of the = sign can also be elaborated, for instance
let foo =
let temp = String.make 10 'a' in
temp.[2] <- 'b';
defines foo as the string "aabaaaaaaa". (As a side note, it also ensures that temp is local to this code snippet).
Now, let's use both: on the left, a pattern matching values of type unit, and on the right, an expression of type unit:
let () = Printf.printf "Hello world!\n"
Which explains the let () = construct.
Now, about the let _, one simply needs to know that _ can be used in a pattern as a wildcard: it matches values of any type and does not bind any name. For instance
let (a,_) = (42,"foo")
defines a as 42, and discards the value "foo". _ means "I know there is something here and I explicitly say I will not use it, so I don't name it". Here _ was used to match values of type string, but it can match value of any type, like int * string:
let _ = (42,"foo")
which does not define any variable and is not very useful. Such constructs are useful when the right hand side has side effects, like this:
let _ = Printf.printf "Hello world!\n"
which explains the second part of the question.
Practical purposes
Both are used and it's rather a matter of taste whether to use one or the other.
let () = is slightly safer as it has the compiler check that the right hand side is of type unit.
A value of any other type than unit is often a bug.
let _ = is slightly shorter (I've seen this argument). (Note that with an editor that automatically closes parenthesizes, the number of keystrokes is the same ;-)
I'm not an OCaml expert, although let me share something :)
The let in OCaml can represent two things:
The way you can assign variables;
The way you can declare functions or assign functions to names;
Using examples, you can see clearly how it works:
Assigning variables:
# let ten = 10;;
val ten : int = 10
# let hello_world_string = "Hello World";;
val hello_world_string : string = "Hello World"
Declaring functions:
# let sum a b = a+b;;
val sum : int -> int -> int = <fun>
# sum 2 3;;
- : int = 5
So, answering the question the difference between let ()= and let _= is:
At first example, you are declaring a function that doesn't have name, parameters nor instructions that should output an unit. The second example, you aren't assigning to _, that is OCaml's wildcard, any value.
As we can see below, we can define a function, that will be executed immediatly because we won't be able to call it anymore:
# let () = print_string "Hello";;
Or assign to OCaml's wildcard a type and value, or a function:
# let _ = 10;;
- : int = 10
# let _ = print_string "Maybe I answered your question :) ";;
Maybe I answered your question :) - : unit = ()