Portable install of WebStorm? - webstorm

Is there a simple way to get a portable (USB stick) installation of WebStorm?
I've found a few posts around the 'Net about how to do it for PHPStorm (rename the .exe file to .zip, unpack and edit a particular setup file), but that doesn't seem to be working for me with WebStorm - when I go to unpack the .zip file, I get a pop-up asking me to insert the last disk of a multi-volume set...

You may use this portable version of WebStorm. This is an unofficial portable app and it is pakaged in the portableapps.com format.
This version supports migrating your existing WebStrom install's appdata to the new portable version. But you need to copy the .WebIde data folder to the Root/Data folder in the portable app directory.


VS2017 Installer project output does not replace the current installation

I have a standard windows forms application that is being deployed using the VS2017 setup project. When opening the setup project using the "File System", I added to the application folder the following:
Primary output from the win forms app.
The EPPlus library's dll.
Some excel files.
The setup project gives the output .msi package just fine. The problem is, when I run the .msi output after building the setup project (of course after building the source project) and run the application, I do not see my updates, even the files on C:\Program Files .... directory are not modified. I tried changing the product code and the increasing the version and it does not work. My questions are:
Besides removing and installing the program again, is there anyway to make the installer package actually updating the software's installation?
How to avoid the problem in #1 no matter how much I update the software?
What is the cause and how to avoid this error "Another version of this product is already installed"? I'm not sure of what I did for it to pop up.
If I want some part of the source code to be in a separate dll, is it as simple as adding a class library project and adding its output to the setup project?
Thank you very much.
The way you do the upgrade is to use the RemovePreviousVersions project setting. The steps are:
Increment the setup project's version and accept the changes, this will include a change of ProductCode.
Make sure that RemovePreviousVersions is set true.
The UpgradeCode (setup project properties) needs to be the same so don't change it.
Increment the file versions of the binaries that need updating (that's the standard rule about updating versioned binaries).
The resulting MSI will do a major upgrade (in Windows Installer terminology) and upgrade the older version, replacing it with your new product MSI. Note that an upgrade will work only with the same context of install. An Everyone will not upgrade a Just me, so that will result in two entries in Programs and Features. Doing the install creating a verbose log and searching foe FindRelatedProducts entries will tell you if it found the upgrade or not. msiexec /I [path to msi file] /l*vx [path to a text log file]
There's a longer explanation here:
which is old but relevant. and doesn't mention the requirement to update binary file versions (it wasn't needed with early VS setup projects).

Deploy C++ MFC application with folder strucuture and .ini file

Good Morning,
I have a C++ MFC application generated with VS2013 that I would like to deploy. I am storing some persistent values in an .ini file in a certain location on the c-drive.
How can I create an install version that automatically creates this folder structure for me and puts the .ini file there?
I already experimented with the free version of Installshield but I cannot make the folder/.ini generation work.
Any suggestions?

Keeping source folder structure in windows runtime application assets

I am trying to create a Windows runtime application (in c++) and I want to store some "external" files in the application's Assets. I figured out there is a 'Content' flag which makes the file included in the package. However, if files are not located in the solution folder, all the files from all subfolders go directly into the Assets folder, which creates a huge mess. I want to keep my source folder structure. This works if the assets are located in the solution folder, but this is inconvenient for me.
On Android, you simply specify any assets folder location, and this folder is packaged as is. Can I do something like this on windows?
This post sort of gives answer to this question: Assets folder for Windows 8 Phone app.
However it feels like almost nobody including me have that drop-down option on the Add button (I am using VS2013 Ultimate Update 4).
So is there another solution? Can I for instance edit the visual studio project by hands?
Add as Link is only available for C# and VB Projects.

Edit a build system in Sublime Text 3

How can I edit a build system in Sublime Text 3, whether its a native one or one I installed through Package Control? For instance, for the Sass Build package, it outputs .map files recently, so I'd like to configure it so that it stops doing that.
It seems to be different from Sublime Text 2 because those instructions don't seem to apply to what I have in my Sublime Text 3 folder.
And can I change them on a per-project basis?
Unlike Sublime Text 2, version 3 uses zipped .sublime-package files to contain both the default packages and plugins installed via Package Control. As a result, they don't all have folders within the Packages folder accessed via Preferences -> Browse Packages....
To access the files in these packages, use the PackageResourceViewer plugin. By default it adds PackageResourceViewer: Extract Package and PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource menu options to the Command Palette. Use Extract Package to completely unzip a package or plugin to the Packages directory, where its contents will override the original files in the .sublime-package archive. Use Open Resource to open a file within a package for viewing. This file can be edited, and if saved will be put in Packages/PluginName/file.name and will override the original.
While this feature is great, keep in mind that subsequent upgrades to an extracted plugin will not be applied, as the extracted files in Packages/PluginName override those in the PluginName.sublime-package archive. Monitor the Package Control messages that appear periodically in Sublime as well as your various plugins' pages on the Package Control website to see if you need to update your extracted files. The most conservative mode of action is to just extract individual files that you know you need to modify, allowing the rest of the plugin/package to be upgraded if needed.

build error about AllJoyn in Xcode 5.1.1(alljoyn/Version.h can't find)

I'm refer "AllJoyn Programming Guide for the Objective-C Language" Document.
document is here
But when I build basic code, It will show
/myroot/alljoyn-14.02.00-osx_ios-sdk/alljoyn_objc/AllJoynFramework/AllJoynFramework/AJNVersion.mm:17:9: 'alljoyn/Version.h' file not found
I had put AllJoyn SDK and OpenSSL file in the folder and setting some property based on the document.
Have any one know how to resolve the problem?
I fell It's not find the AllJoyn iOS SDK Framework, but I had setting based on this document.
Thank you very much.
-- renew--
my header search path
It's my data folder structure
I had find the problem. The problem is header search path not correct. When I set environment variable by terminal. I was not restart xcode . So there are still not find header file.