I am trying to replace the Arduino IDE with the Arduino Eclipse plugin.
After downloading everything needed and trying to compile even the simplest "Hello World" - Program I get the following error in eclipse:
When calling:
which avr-gcc
in terminal it returns the correct directory, no problems here.
Arduino eclipse plugin V2 (Eclipse Marketplace)
Arduino IDE 1.6 (newest from homepage)
Ubuntu 14.10
Eclipse Luna
From Eclipse > Properties of project > Environment > add the variable A.RUNTIME.TOOLS.AVR-GCC.PATH
You could use XDAQ that provides a scientific ecosystem of powerfull tools with Arduino IDE + Eclipse Luna C++. See more here: XDAQ
You must do some configuration at Eclipse(project). In Eclipse are a Plugin fpr AVR, too.
Here are some links to tutorials, which can help to solve your problem:
If you understand german:
Download arduino 1.6.0 and point your eclipse arduino ide path to that. 1.6.1 to 1.6.3 don't work with the plug in.
I just solved the same problem on my all newly installed laptop ...
Ubuntu 15.04 "vivid"
Arduino 1.6.5
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers 4.5.0
AVR Eclipse plugin 2.4.1
Arduino eclipse extensions
I used this video guide to install
I haven't tryed the #misteralex solution but if it work's it's cleaner than mine :-/
In my case, all avr binary are stored in /usr/bin, but Eclipse tool chain wants to use then from /bin . I want to create some links to do the substitution without moving binaries. But there is 28 binaries and I'm a little lazy so I use the commandline to create them :
cd /bin
for ff in `ls /usr/bin/avr-*` ; do ln -s $ff $(echo $ff | awk -F "/" '{ print $4 }') ; done
Now verify command from Eclipse give "Finished building target" message !
I could not find the answer to my problem in the other similar questions.
After installing Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers on my mac, when I want to run a simple Hello program in C++, I get the following error in the console:
Error: build command 'cmake' not foundFailure running cmake:
Any ideas will be appreciated.
That answer does the job perfectly:
Under Eclipse Preferences -> C/C++ -> Build -> Environment click the select button then check the PATH row and click ok.
Double-click on the PATH row and modify the value by adding a :then the location of your make executable (for me /Applications/CMake.app/Contents/bin/cmake so I added /Applications/CMake.app/Contents/bin)
Tested on macOS Monterey 12.6 and Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers 2022-09 (4.25.0)
I followed the answer provided here and it worked.
Make sure to replace the PATH string by your echo $PATH output in the Info.plist, as mentioned here. Also, execute the command suggested here.
I am on macOS Catalina 10.15 and Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers Version: 2019-09 R (4.13.0).
Ps: I also tried to set the environment variables on Eclipse, as suggested here, but it did not work.
I installed Eclipse for C/C++ Developers.
After installing it I also installed PyDev.
I managed to create a C++ project (The Hello World project that comes with it). But I cannot compile/run it.
When I created the project there was nothing in the toolchain list. So I think I will need to install a toolchain. But I cannot find anything. I need someone to help me with this please.
I am using 64 bit Windows 7.
No compiler, no executable.
Check MinGW
This is one of the first results i got in google for eclipse and mingw:
You need to install not only Eclipse CDT, but also a C/C++ compiler for Windows, like minGW.
Try installing TDM-GCC from http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/ . This should have you up and going with a compatible GCC setup under Windows in a snap.
I installed NetBeans 6.9.1 with C++ support. I also installed MinGW.
When I create a C++ project and run it, I get this:
I checked the C++ configuration in NetBeans (looks good):
Perl is installed on my PC under C:\perl.
I tried reinstalling NetBeans, and I tried removing NetBeans and Perl and then reinstalled NetBeans. It didn't work (perl is not recognized as internal command).
Otherwise, I have to work with Dev-C++ :( (I like the NetBeans functionality better:) )
I think the problem is that you installed NetBeans in a directory with a space in the name: "Program Files". Many Unix tools do not work properly with paths containing spaces. Try to reinstall NetBeans in a directory that does not contain spaces.
Apparently I had to change the path to msys in NetBeans, because I installed some package to develop in Symbian.
I downloaded the c++ version of eclipse from the eclipse website. This installed then when i ran the basic hello world code, it wouldn't compile.
What else do i need to install to get c++ compiling on eclipse? I thought linux already had what it needed for c++ building/running? Ive googled around but the advice is for older versions of eclipse and the screen captures show options not available anymore.
I'm on Ubuntu 64
Eclipse CDT needs a makefile to build.
You need:
Eclipse has a built-in option to create a "helloworld" app. You simply go to File->New->C++ Project->Hello World C++ Project (Under the executable dropdown)->Enter a project name->Finish
Then you just click the run button and you should see "Hello World!!!" in the terminal at the bottom of the Eclipse window. If you still get this same error you did previously respond to this and I'll show you how to check to see if you have gcc installed.
If that doesn't help visit this blog post from July 2010 detailing how to achieve your goal.
You should already have gcc but try this just in case:
sudo apt-get install gcc
If that doesn't do anything then you have gcc installed and the problem is probably with eclipse.
I've been trying to use CDT with Eclipse 3.4 under Windows XP with cygwin.
What do I need to do, in order to get startet?
I used "eclipse-cpp-ganymede-SR1-win32.zip" found on the Eclipse homepage.
The main problem is, that I cannot compile and run the code.
In the run configuration, I tried gcc.exe for the C/C++ Application:
After adding the path of make.exe to my $Path, and starting from scratch, it works perfectly.
I finally found. Thanks guys.
After downloading and unpacking "eclipse-cpp-ganymede-SR1-win32.zip", you need to install either Cygwin or MinGW.
Make sure the compiler (e.g. gcc.exe) and make.exe is on your $Path.
Start Eclipse and everything should work fine.
If you want to use Eclipse/CDT on Windows, you should consider using Wascana Desktop Developer, a CDT distro specially targeting Windows hosts.
According the the CDT Downloads page:
As a minimum, you need to install the Eclipse Platform Runtime before installing the CDT
So adding the CDT Ganymede update site to your current eclipse 3.4 configuration should be enough for you to install CDT.
After that, do you have any error message ?
For instance, there can be some eclipse.ini-related issues when using this package.
For me the package you downloaded worked from start. However I was using it with MinGW instead of Cygwin.
I am using it also for QT4 development together with QT Integrator.
I use MinGW, though I note that the documentation says you can use Cygwin. I would have a look through Max Berger's CDT guide to troubleshoot the problem.
you can install both Cygwin and MinGW in your system. gcc and make available with Mingw seems to be suitable better for native windows build. If the PATH environment is set to paths of Cygwin [and/or] MinGW Eclipse project wizard asks you select one . Either Cygwin or MinGW.
For MingW, you may need to download gdb as well, if you need to debug your application