OpenGL: Why triangles are chosen as basic building blocks? - opengl

I am starting openGL. Not able to understand why everything in graphics starts from triangles. Every article that I read says entire graphics rests on triangles.
What is the reason for choosing such a shape as a basic building block? I though square or circle would be much better and is logical because of the symmetry properties.

Great question. It's because triangles are the only polygons that can approximate other shapes while also being guaranteed to lie in a plane, which means they have well-defined and easy-to-compute surfaces.


GL_TRIANGLES filling makes curve straight

EDIT: I had written GL_POLYGONS instead of GL_TRIANGLES, sorry
I have a shape which comprises of a 2 joined bezier curves. I'm trying to fill it using GL_TRIANGLES about an internal point. Here are the results:
On the right is the actual shape displayed via GL_LINE_STRIP.
On the left is the result after GL_TRIANGLES after giving the points in a triangular way.
As you can see, the curvy shape has disappeared and instead it's (almost) a straight edge.
Any idea how can I fix this? Or maybe a better way to fill such shapes?
Things supplied to GL_POLYGON must be convex. Your object is concave.
If you know that your shape is always going to appear convex if approached from one direction — e.g. with your shape I can definitely say that any horizontal line is going to hit exactly two boundaries — then you can approach it as a triangle strip.
If you don't know anything at all about your polygon in advance, you need to look into tesselation, which is any number of algorithms for reducing an arbitrary polygon to a list of convex polygons that cover the same area. GLU contains a tesselator for which simple use is described here. The Wikipedia article on triangulation neatly summarises the most popular algorithms if you want to implement your own, and Mesa provides an open source implementation of GLU if your platform doesn't already have it.

How to break up 2d art into triangles using OpenGL

I have 2d character art that will be mapped to a Box2d skeleton. The character's arm, for example, may be 2 physics rectangles connected with a joint at the elbow. Each rectangle will have its own corresponding art sprite. The art for the lower arm will not be completely rectangular. It may be a rectangular png source, but there will be a lot of negative space where the arm isn't necessarily drawn.
My question is what is the best way to break up the 2d art into triangles? Should I treat all flat sprites as a simple rectangle made up of 2 triangles, leaving a lot of alpha space? Or is it best to break up the shape into multiple triangles and try to match the actual shape (possibly with a triangle fan)? What might be some of the advantages/disadvantages of each approach? I will be updating the textures as various things happen to the character.
Here's an illustration of what I'm talking about:
(the red square is the physics shape, and the blue lines are possible triangle configurations)
Less geometry is usually better for performance (3rd from the left).
The "exact" triangulation (4th from the left) would be useful for high-fidelity collision-detection (lasers reflecting off a shiny asteroid?).
Be careful with frequent texture updates. glTexSubImage2d() is the way to go.
If your GL implementation supports it you can do asynchronous uploads using PBOs.

GL_POINT and GL_LINES - real use?

I've been using OpenGL since some time now for making 3D applications, but I never really understood the use of the GL_POINT and GL_LINES primitive drawing types for 3D games in the production phase.
(Where) are point and line primitives in OpenGL still used in modern games?
You know, OpenGL is not just for games and there are other kind of programs than just games. Think CAD programs, or map editors, where wireframes are still very usefull.
GL_POINTS are used in games for point sprites (either via the pointsprite functionality or by generating a quad from a point in the geometry shader) both for "sparkle" effects and volumetric clouds.
They are also used in some special algorithms just when, well... when points are needed. Such as in building histograms in the geometry shader as by the chapter in one of the later GPU Gems books. Or, for GPU instance culling via transform feedback.
GL_LINES have little use in games (mostly useful for CAD or modelling apps). Besides not being needed often, if they are needed, you will normally want lines with a thickness greater than 1, which is not well supported (read as: fast) on all implementations.
In such a case, one usually draws thick lines with triangle strips.
Who ever said those primitives were used in modern games?
GL_LINES is critical for wireframe views in 3D modeling tools.
(Where) are point and line primitives in OpenGL still used in modern games?
Where do you want them to be used?
Under standard methods, points can be used to build point sprites, which are 2D flatcards that always face the camera and are of a particular size. They are always square in window-space. Sadly, the OpenGL specification makes using them somewhat dubious, as point sprites are clipped based on the center of the point, not the size of the two triangles that are used to render it.
Lines are perfectly reasonable for line drawing. Once upon a time, lines weren't available in consumer hardware, but they have been around for many years now. Of course, antialiased line rendering (GL_LINE_SMOOTH) is another matter.
More importantly is the interaction of these things with geometry shaders. You can convert points into a quad. Or a triangle. Or whatever you want, really. Each "point" is just an execution of the geometry shader. You can have points which contain the position and radius of a sphere, and the geometry shader can output a window-aligned quad that is the appropriate size for the fragment shader to do some raytracing logic on it.
GL_POINTS just means "one vertex per geometry shader". GL_LINES means "two vertices per geometry shader." How you use it is up to you.
I'd say for debugging purposes, but that is just from my own perspective.
Some primitives can be used in areas where you don't think they can be applied, such as a particle system.
I agree with Pompe de velo about lines being useful for debugging. They can be useful when debugging AI and collision detection algorithms so that you can visualize the data that is being used by the AI or collision detection. Some example uses for AI, the lines can be used to show AI paths or path meshes. Lines can be used to show steering data that the AI is using. Lines can be used to show what an AI is aiming at. The data that is shown can be displayed in text form but sometimes it is easier to see it in visual form.
In most cases particles are based on GL_POINT, considering that there can be a huge number of particles on the screen it would be very expensive to use 4 vertices per particle, so GL_POINT solves this problem
GL_LINES good for debugging purposes, wireframe mode can be used in various cases. As mentioned above - in CAD apps, but if you're interesed in gamedev use - it's good for a scene editor.
In terms of collision detection, they come in handy when you want to visualize bounding volumes(boxes,spheres,k-dops) and contact manifolds in wireframe mode. Setting the colour of these primitives based on the status of collisions as well is incredibly useful.

ExtrudeCut in OpenGl

How can I extrude cut (like solidworks) a 3D model?
Is there an easy way or I have to do some complex calculation?
What you want to do is part of a discipline called Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) and it's about one of the trickiest subjects of 3D graphics and processing. There are several approaches how to tackle the problem:
If you're just interested in rendering CSG in a raytracer things get actually quite easy: At every ray/surface intersection you increment/decrement a counter. CSG combinations can also be transformed into surface count. By compariring ray intersection counter and CSG surface count you can apply the CSG operations on the traced ray
If you're interested on doing CSG on triangulated models, the most common approach is to build BSP trees from the geometry and apply the CSG operations on the BSP. Then from the resulting BSP you recreate the mesh. This is how it's implemented in mesh based modellers (take a look at Blender's source code, which does exactly this)
CSG on analytical surfaces is extremely difficult. There are no closed solutions for the intersection of curves or curved surfaces. The best approach is to numerically find a number of sampling points in the intersection and fit a curve along the intersection. This can get numerically unstable.
Tesselation Phase Processing (this is what I implemented (or even invented maybe) for my 3D engine): When rendering curves or curved patches on 3D hardware, one usually must tesselate them into triangular meshes before. In this tesselation phase you can test if the edges of a newly created triangle intersect with curves/curved surfaces; use a few iterations in a Newton zero crossing solver to find the point of intersection of both curves/surfaces and store this as a sampling point at the edge for both patches involved (so that the tesselation of the other surface will share its vertices' positions with the first surface). After the first tesselation stage use a relaxation method (basically apply a Laplacian) on the vertices, while constraining them to the surface (remember that your surfaces are mathematical exact and it's very easy to fiddle with the variables of the surface, but use the resulting positions as metric). It works very well as long as not intersections with ordinary triangulated meshes are to be considered (each triangle of the mesh had to be turned into a surface patch, slowing down the method)
You tagged this OpenGL, so to get this straight: OpenGL can't help you there, as OpenGL is just drawing triangles, not processing complex geometry.
Citing OpenGl faq:
What is OpenGL?
OpenGL stands for Open Graphics
Library. It is an API for doing 3D
In more specific terms, it is an API
that is used to "draw triangles on
your scene". In this age of GPUs, it
is about talking to the GPU so that it
does the job of drawing. It does not
deal with file formats. It does not
open bmp, png and any image format. It
does not open 3d object formats like
obj, max, maya. It does not do
animation. It does not handle
keyboard, mouse and any input devices.
It does not create a window, and so
All that stuff should be handled by an
external library (GLUT is one example
that is used for creating and
destroying a window and handling mouse
and keyboard).
GL has gone through a number of
So the answer is no. Things like extrude cut are complex operations. You have to implement it by your own, ore use third party libraries.

Why is there no circle or ellipse primitive in OpenGL?

Circles are one of the basics geometric entities. Yet there is no primitives defined in OpenGL for this, like lines or polygons. Why so? It's a little annoying to include custom headers for this all the time!
Any specific reason to omit it?
While circles may be basic shapes they aren't as basic as points, lines or triangles when it comes to rasterisation. The first graphic cards with 3D acceleration were designed to do one thing very well, rasterise triangles (and lines and points because they were trivial to add). Adding any more complex shapes would have made the card a lot more expensive while adding only little functionality.
But there's another reason for not including circles/ellipses. They don't connect. You can't build a 3D model out of them and you can't connect triangles to them without adding gaps or overlapping parts. So for circles to be useful you also need other shapes like curves and other more advanced surfaces (e.g. NURBS). Circles alone are only useful as "big points" which can also be done with a quad and a circle shaped texture, or triangles.
If you are using "custom headers" for circles you should be aware that those probably create a triangle model that form your "circles".
Because historically, video cards have rendered points, lines, and triangles.
You calculate curves using short enough lines so the video card doesn't have to.
Because graphic cards operate on 3-dimensional points, lines and triangles. A circle requires curves or splines. It cannot be perfectly represented by a "normal" 3D primitive, only approximated as an N-gon (so it will look like a circle at a certain distance). If you want a circle, write the routine yourself (it isn't hard to do). Either draw it as an N-gon, or make a square (2 triangles) and cut a circle out of it it using fragment shader (you can get a perfect circle this way).
You could always use gluSphere (if a three-dimensional shape is what you're looking for).
If you want to draw a two-dimensional circle you're stuck with custom methods. I'd go with a triangle fan.
The primitives are called primitives for a reason :)