(Beginner) C++ regarding inheritance - c++

I'm trying to workout a problem in C++ regarding inheritance and wondering how to go about doing it correctly.
I have 3 classes set up:
- Enemy (which has member data: int Damage, int Health and int Level)
- Wolf
- Bear
The way my inheritance is set up is: Wolf is-a Enemy and Bear is-a Enemy. In other words, both Wolf and Bear inherit from Enemy.
I want to set up my program so that when I create a new Enemy like so:
Enemy anEnemy;
Then in Enemy::Enemy() constructor it will randomly decide whether that enemy is a Wolf or a Bear.
How would one approach this problem? I know I'd have to generate a random number in the Enemy::Enemy() constructor and based on the result of the random number it would turn the enemy into either a bear or wolf. But I just can't wrap my head around how to "turn it" (the enemy) into a wolf or a bear.
Any help would be really appreciate. Thanks!

To decide the type randomly at run time, then for type safety you practically have to use dynamic allocation, e.g.
Enemy* p_enemy = random_enemy();
// Use p_enemy here, e.g. p_enemy->make_noises(), then:
delete p_enemy;
where random_enemy is a function like
auto random_enemy()
-> Enemy*
return (my_random_number() > 0.5? new Wolf : new Bear);
As you'll discover, however, manual delete is difficult to get right in many/most situations. Therefore it's common to automate that, by using smart pointers such as std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr. Then the usage code might look like:
unique_ptr<Enemy> p_enemy = random_enemy();
// Use p_enemy here, e.g. p_enemy->make_noises(), then it auto-deletes.
And the function like
auto random_enemy()
-> unique_ptr<Enemy>
return unique_ptr<Enemy>(
my_random_number() > 0.5? new Wolf : new Bear

You have 2 problems right now :
First, polymorphism (look it up) is based on references or pointers, not values.
Therefore, when you create your Ennemy (who might be a Bear or Wolf "at random") you cannot hold a variable of value type to it, because the type won't always be the same.
Ennemy my_ennemy = (Bear or Wolf); // This is impossible.
Essentially Bear and Wolf are not the same type, and not even of the same size, so they cannot fit inside an allocated Ennemy-sized amount of memory.
You need something along these lines :
Ennemy *my_ennemy = new Bear(); // OR
Bear someExistingBear;
Ennemy *my_ennemy = &someExistingBear; // Or even
std::unique_ptr<Ennemy> my_ennemy(new Bear());
Conversely, you have to decide whether to build a Bear or a Wolf outside of the Ennemy constructor.
You could use a free function like so :
Ennemy *make_ennemy() {
// Some random way to choose. Probably with a static seed.
if (isbear)
return new Bear();
return new Wolf();


c++ particle system inheritance

i'm creating particle system and i want to have possibility to choose what kind of object will be showing on the screen (like simply pixels, or circle shapes). I have one class in which all parameters are stored (ParticleSettings), but without those entities that stores points, or circle shapes, etc. I thought that i may create pure virtual class (ParticlesInterface) as a base class, and its derived classes like ParticlesVertex, or ParticlesCircles for storing those drawable objects. It is something like that:
class ParticlesInterface
std::vector<ParticleSettings> m_particleAttributes;
ParticlesInterface(long int amount = 100, sf::Vector2f position = { 0.0,0.0 });
const std::vector<ParticleSettings>& getParticleAttributes() { return m_particleAttributes; }
and :
class ParticlesVertex : public ParticlesInterface
std::vector<sf::Vertex> m_particleVertex;
ParticlesVertex(long int amount = 100, sf::Vector2f position = { 0.0,0.0 });
std::vector<sf::Vertex>& getParticleVertex() { return m_particleVertex; }
So... I know that i do not have access to getParticleVertex() method by using polimorphism. And I really want to have that access. I want to ask if there is any better solution for that. I have really bad times with decide how to connect all that together. I mean i was thinking also about using template classes but i need it to be dynamic binding not static. I thought that this idea of polimorphism will be okay, but i'm really need to have access to that method in that option. Can you please help me how it should be done? I want to know what is the best approach here, and also if there is any good answer to that problem i have if i decide to make that this way that i show you above.
From the sounds of it, the ParticlesInterface abstract class doesn't just have a virtual getParticleVertex because that doesn't make sense in general, only for the specific type ParticlesVertex, or maybe a group of related types.
The recommended approach here is: Any time you need code that does different things depending on the actual concrete type, make those "different things" a virtual function in the interface.
So starting from:
void GraphicsDriver::drawUpdate(ParticlesInterface &particles) {
if (auto* vparticles = dynamic_cast<ParticlesVertex*>(&particles)) {
for (sf::Vertex v : vparticles->getParticleVertex()) {
draw_one_vertex(v, getCanvas());
} else if (auto* cparticles = dynamic_cast<ParticlesCircle*>(&particles)) {
for (CircleWidget& c : cparticles->getParticleCircles()) {
draw_one_circle(c, getCanvas());
// else ... ?
(CircleWidget is made up. I'm not familiar with sf, but that's not the point here.)
Since getParticleVertex doesn't make sense for every kind of ParticleInterface, any code that would use it from the interface will necessarily have some sort of if-like check, and a dynamic_cast to get the actual data. The drawUpdate above also isn't extensible if more types are ever needed. Even if there's a generic else which "should" handle everything else, the fact one type needed something custom hints that some other future type or a change to an existing type might want its own custom behavior at that point too. Instead, change from a thing code does with the interface to a thing the interface can be asked to do:
class ParticlesInterface {
// ...
virtual void drawUpdate(CanvasWidget& canvas) = 0;
// ...
class ParticlesVertex {
// ...
void drawUpdate(CanvasWidget& canvas) override;
// ...
class ParticlesCircle {
// ...
void drawUpdate(CanvasWidget& canvas) override;
// ...
Now the particles classes are more "alive" - they actively do things, rather than just being acted on.
For another example, say you find ParticlesCircle, but not ParticlesVertex, needs to make some member data updates whenever the coordinates are changed. You could add a virtual void coordChangeCB() {} to ParticlesInterface and call it after each motion model tick or whenever. With the {} empty definition in the interface class, any class like ParticlesVertex that doesn't care about that callback doesn't need to override it.
Do try to keep the interface's virtual functions simple in intent, following the Single Responsibility Principle. If you can't write in a sentence or two what the purpose or expected behavior of the function is in general, it might be too complicated, and maybe it could more easily be thought of in smaller steps. Or if you find the virtual overrides in multiple classes have similar patterns, maybe some smaller pieces within those implementations could be meaningful virtual functions; and the larger function might or might not stay virtual, depending on whether what remains can be considered really universal for the interface.
(Programming best practices are advice, backed by good reasons, but not absolute laws: I'm not going to say "NEVER use dynamic_cast". Sometimes for various reasons it can make sense to break the rules.)

List structure for c++ game

I'm making a very very basic game in C++ to gain some experience in the language and I have hit a bit of a brick wall in terms of progress.
My problem is, while I was designing a class for the player's weapons, I realized I required a list, as I will only have a certain number of weapons throughout the game.
So I ask you, if you were designing this, what implementation would you use for storing all of the weapons in a game? Why?
Here is my code so far for the weapons. as you can see I was just about to start defining all of them manually, starting with the "DoubleBlades"... (Edit* I forgot to note that players should be able to have more than one wepaon, and they can pick up more or drop some, so the list can grow and shrink)
#ifndef __WEAPON_H__
#define __WEAPON_H__
#include <string>
class Item
Item(const std::string& name)
: name(name){ }
const std::string& getName(void) const { return name; }
int getID(void) const { return this->itemID;}
std::string name;
int itemID;
class Weapon
: public Item
int damage;
Weapon(const std::string& name)
: Item(name) { }
virtual int getDamage(void) const = 0;
class DoubleBlades
: public Weapon
DoubleBlades(int ammo)
: Weapon("DoubleBlades") { }
virtual int getDamage(void) const { return 12; }
Also if you spot any bad habits I would really appreciate letting me know.
I would use the standard implementation (std::list<Item*>) because it's easy to use ("out of the box") and, out of the standard containers, it seems to be most suitable:
You probably need support for fast adding/deleting of weapons (so no std::vector or C arrays)
You probably don't need support for fast searching of the list for a specific item (so no std::map)
BTW you need to have a virtual destructor in the Item class (this is a general rule on base classes in c++).
Oh, and another minor problem - i think the Weapon class does not need the damage member variable - the class doesn't use it and it has private access, so the deriving classes cannot use it either.
You might have to use dynamic_cast in your implementation - a virtual environment such as yours will probably require "safe" casting of pointers from Item* to Weapon*.
On a very basic level, you may not necessarily need a data structure. For instance, if you know exactly how many weapons, etc. you need/may possibly have, you can (wastefully) allocate an array of size n and have certain spots in the array as a pointer to a weapon (if you currently have that weapon, else NULL). Then, simply cast appropriately based on weapon index. But this is a naive approach. Otherwise, refer to Mike's comment above on the original post.
If the list is going to vary in size, I'd use either an std::vector or and std::set. With both, you'll get to use all the nice stl functions and what not. If you use set, it will be quicker to sort the "weapon objects". The vector is more useful if you want to know the order in which a particualr object was added.
If they are going to have a fixed number of weapons you can still use a vector or a set, just make sure you pass the exact size you're going to use to the constructors. This will allow for some optimizations like allocating contiguous blocks of memory (which speeds up access times).
You might actually look at std::map, -- consider something like
std::map<std::string, Item*>
This would allow you to access items by name, which can be nice syntactic sugar, and would allow you to quickly check for existence of an item using the count method.

Pointer Reference Pattern - Common use?

In a system where current object is operated by other contained objects, when reference to current object is passed, it appears that the link goes on and on....without any end ( For the code below, Car->myCurrentComponent->myCar_Brake->myCurrentComponent->myCar_Brake->myCurrentComponent ....).
ICar and Car->myCurrentComponent->myCar_Brake refer to same address, point to same objects. It's like Car contains Brake which refers to Car.
In fact, Car is the only object, myCar_Brake and myCar_Speed just refer(point) to it.Is this kind of use of reference and pointer normal? Are there any potential problem with this approach?
Sample Code
class Brake
class C
class Car
// Objects of type B and C.
Brake* myBrake;
Speed* mySpeed;
// Current component under action.
Component* myCurrentComponent;
// Constructor
myBrake = new Brake(*this);
mySpeed = new Speed(*this);
myCurrentComponent = myBrake;
class Brake: public Component
// Needs to operate on A.
Car* myCar_Brake;
// Constructor
myCar_Brake = Car;
class Speed
// Needs to operate on A.
Car* myCar_Speed;
// Constructor
myCar_Speed = Car;
There's no fundamental problem with having circular references in your object graph, so long as you understand that and don't try to traverse your object graph without keeping track of which objects you've encountered. To specifically answer your question, having circular references between objects is relatively common; it's the way a doubly-linked list works, for example.
Although, as Paul mentions, there is no problem with having circular references, the above code example is totally missing encapsulation and is not memory leak safe.
Does it make sense to allow something like this?
Speed::Speed(Car& value)
myCar_Speed = value;
// WTF code below
value->myCurrentComponent->myCar_Brake = NULL;
myBrake = new Brake(*this);
mySpeed = new Speed(*this);
//if Speed::Speed(Car&) throws an exception, memory allocated for myBrake will leak
myCurrentComponent = myBrake;
Never use raw pointers without some kind of a resource manager.
Without debating the validity of the actual object structure of the relation of Car, Break and Speed, this approach has one minor problem: it can be in invalid states.
If - something - goes wrong, it is possible in this setup, that a Car instance#1 has a Break instance#2 that belongs to a Car instance#3. A general problem with doubly-linked lists too - the architecture itself enables invalid states. Of course careful visibility modifier choosing and good implementation of functions can guarantee it will not happen. And when its done and safe, you stop modifying it, take it as a 'black box', and just use it, thus eliminating the probability of screwing it up.
But, I'd personally recommend to avoid architectures that allow invalid states for high level, constantly maintained code. A doubly-linked list is a low level balck box code that will most likely not need any code changes, like ever. Can you say that about your Car, Break and Speed?
If a Car had a Break and Speed, and Break and Speed would not know of their "owning Car", it would be impossible to make and invalid state. Of course, it might not suit the concrete situation.

How to write an elegant collision handling mechanism?

I'm in a bit of a pickle: say I'm making a simple, 2D, Zelda-like game.
When two Objects collide, each should have a resulting action. However, when the main character collides with something, his reaction depends solely on the type of the object with which he collided. If it's a monster, he should bounce back, if it's a wall, nothing should happen, if it's a magical blue box with ribbons, he should heal, etc. (these are just examples).
I should also note that BOTH things are part of the collision, that is, collision events should happen for both the character AND the monster, not just one or the other.
How would you write code like this? I can think of a number of incredibly inelegant ways, for instance, having virtual functions in the global WorldObject class, to identify attributes - for instance, a GetObjectType() function (returns ints, char*s, anything that identifies the object as Monster, Box, or Wall), then in classes with more attributes, say Monster, there could be more virtual functions, say GetSpecies().
However, this becomes annoying to maintain, and leads to a large cascading switch (or If) statement in the collision handler
MainCharacter::Handler(Object& obj)
There's also the option of using files, and the files would have things like:
And then the code can retrieve the attributes without the need for virtual functions cluttering everything up. This doesn't solve the cascading If problem, however.
And THEN there's the option of having a function for each case, say CollideWall(), CollideMonster(), CollideHealingThingy(). This is personally my least favourite (although they're all far from likeable), because it seems the most cumbersome to maintain.
Could somebody please give some insight into more elegant solutions to this problem?
Thanks for any and all help!
I would do it vice versa - because if the character collides with an object, an object collides with the character as well. Thus you can have a base class Object, like this:
class Object {
virtual void collideWithCharacter(MainCharacter&) = 0;
class Monster : public Object {
virtual void collideWithCharacter(MainCharacter&) { /* Monster collision handler */ }
// etc. for each object
Generally in OOP design virtual functions are the only "correct" solution for cases like this:
switch (obj.getType()) {
case A: /* ... */ break;
case B: /* ... */ break;
After your clarification, you will need to adjust the above a bit. The MainCharacter should have overloaded methods for each of the objects it can collide with:
class MainCharacter {
void collideWith(Monster&) { /* ... */ }
void collideWith(EvilScaryDog&) { /* ... */ }
void collideWith(Boss&) { /* ... */ }
/* etc. for each object */
class Object {
virtual void collideWithCharacter(MainCharacter&) = 0;
class Monster : public Object {
virtual void collideWithCharacter(MainCharacter& c)
c.collideWith(*this); // Tell the main character it collided with us
/* ... */
/* So on for each object */
This way you notify the main character about the collision and it can take appropriate actions. Also if you need an object that should not notify the main character about the collision, you can just remove the notification call in that particular class.
This approach is called a double dispatch.
I would also consider making the MainCharacter itself an Object, move the overloads to Object and use collideWith instead of collideWithCharacter.
How about deriving all collidable objects from one common abstract class (let's call it Collidable). That class could contain all properties that can be changed by a collission and one HandleCollision function. When two objects collide, you just call HandleCollision on each object with the other object as the argument. Each object manipulates the other to handle the collision. Neither object needs to know what other object type it just bounced into and you have no big switch statements.
Make all colidable entities implement an interface (lets say "Collidable") with a collideWith(Collidable) method.
Then, on you collision detection algorithm, if you detect that A collides with B, you would call:
Assume that A is the MainCharacter and B a monster and both implement the Collidable interface.
Would call the following:
MainCharacter::collideWith(Collidable& obj)
// case MONSTER:
// ...
//instead of this switch you were doing, dispatch it to another function
obj->collideWith(this); //Note that "this", in this context is evaluated to the
//something of type MainCharacter.
This would in turn call the Monster::collideWith(MainCharacter) method and you can implement all monster-character behaviour there:
Monster::CollideWith(MainCharacter mc){
//take the life of character and make it bounce back
More info: Single Dispatch
Hope it helps.
What you call "an annoying switch statement" i would call "a great game" so you are on the right track.
Having a function for every interaction/game rule is exactly what I would suggest. It makes it easy to find, debug, change and add new functionality:
void PlayerCollidesWithWall(player, wall) {
player.velocity = 0;
void PlayerCollidesWithHPPotion(player, hpPoition) {
player.hp = player.maxHp;
So the question is really how to detect each of these cases. Assuming you have some sort of collision detection that results in X and Y collide (as simple as N^2 overlap tests (hey, it works for plants vs zombies, and that's got a lot going on!) or as complicated as sweep and prune + gjk)
void DoCollision(x, y) {
if (x.IsPlayer() && y.IsWall()) { // need reverse too, y.IsPlayer, x.IsWall
PlayerCollidesWithWall(x, y); // unless you have somehow sorted them...
if (x.IsPlayer() && y.IsPotion() { ... }
This style, while verbose is
easy to debug
easy to add cases
shows you when you have
logical/design inconsistencies or
omissions "oh what if a X is both a
player and a wall due to the
"PosessWall" ability, what then!?!"
(and then lets you simply add cases
to handle those)
Spore's cell stage uses exactly this style and has approximately 100 checks resulting in about 70 different outcomes (not counting the param reversals). It's only a ten minute game, that's 1 new interaction every 6 seconds for the whole stage - now that's gameplay value!
If I am getting your problem correctly, I would sth like
Class EventManager {
// some members/methods
handleCollisionEvent(ObjectType1 o1, ObjectType2 o2);
// and do overloading for every type of unique behavior with different type of objects.
// can have default behavior as well for unhandled object types

Good practice for choosing an algorithm randomly with c++

A pseudo-random pattern has to be generated. There are several ways / or algorithms availible to create different content. All algorithms will generate a list of chars (but could be anything else)... the important part is, that all of them return the same type of values, and need the same type of input arguments.
It has to be possible to call a method GetRandomPattern(), which will use a random one of the algorithms everytime it is called.
My first aproach was to put each algorithm in it's own function and select a random one of them each time GetRandompattern() is called. But I didn't come up with another way of choosing between them, than with a switch case statement which is unhandy, ugly and inflexible.
class PatternGenerator{
list<char> GetRandomPattern();
list<char>GeneratePatternA(foo bar);
list<char>GeneratePatternB(foo bar);
list<char>GeneratePatternX(foo bar);
What would be a good way to select a random GeneratePattern function every time the GetRandomPattern() method is called ?
Or should the whole class be designed differently ?
Thanks a lot
Create a single class for each algorithm, each one subclassing a generator class. Put instances of those objects into a list. Pick one randomly and use it!
More generically, if you start creating several alternative methods with the same signature, something's screaming "put us into sibling classes" at you :)
Can't resist arguing a bit more for an object-oriented solution after the pointer-suggestion came
Imagine at some point you want to print which method created which random thing. With objects, it's easy, just add a "name" method or something. How do you want to achieve this if all you got is a pointer? (yea, create a dictionary from pointers to strings, hm...)
Imagine you find out that you got ten methods, five of which only differ by a parameter. So you write five functions "just to keep the code clean from OOP garbage"? Or won't you rather have a function which happens to be able to store some state with it (also known as an object?)
What I'm trying to say is that this is a textbook application for some OOP design. The above points are just trying to flesh that out a bit and argue that even if it works with pointers now, it's not the future-proof solution. And you shouldn't be afraid to produce code that talks to the reader (ie your future you, in four weeks or so) telling that person what it's doing
You can make an array of function pointers. This avoids having to create a whole bunch of different classes, although you still have to assign the function pointers to the elements of the array. Any way you do this, there are going to be a lot of repetitive-looking lines. In your example, it's in the GetRandomPattern method. In mine, it's in the PatternGenerator constructor.
typedef list<char>(*generatorFunc)(foo);
class PatternGenerator{
PatternGenerator() {
functions[0] = &GeneratePatternA;
functions[1] = &GeneratePatternB;
functions[24] = &GeneratePatternX;
list<char> GetRandomPattern() {
foo bar = value;
int funcToUse = rand()%FUNCTION_COUNT;
generatorFunc functions[FUNCTION_COUNT];
One way to avoid switch-like coding is using Strategy design pattern. As example:
class IRandomPatternGenerator
virtual list<int> makePattern(foo bar);
class ARandomPatternGenerator : public IRandomPatternGenerator
virtual list<int> makePattern(foo bar)
class BRandomPatternGenerator : public IRandomPatternGenerator
virtual list<int> makePattern(foo bar)
Then you can choose particular algorithm depending on runtime type of your RandomPatternGenerator instance. (As example creating list like nicolas78 suggested)
Thank you for all your great input.
I decided to go with function pointers, mainly because I didn't know them before and they seem to be very powerfull and it was a good chance to get to know them, but also because it saves me lot of lines of code.
If I'd be using Ruby / Java / C# I'd have decided for the suggested Strategy Design pattern ;-)
class PatternGenerator{
typedef list<char>(PatternGenerator::*createPatternFunctionPtr);
int randomMethod = (rand()%functionPointerVector.size());
createPatternFunctionPtr randomFunction = functionPointerVector.at( randomMethod );
list<char> pattern = (this->*randomFunction)();
return pattern;
void Initialize(){
createPatternFunctionPtr methodA = &PatternGenerator::GeneratePatternA;
createPatternFunctionPtr methodB = &PatternGenerator::GeneratePatternB;
functionPointerVector.push_back( methodA );
functionPointerVector.push_back( methodB );
vector< createPattern > functionPointerVector;
The readability is not much worse as it would have been with the Design Pattern Solution, it's easy to add new algorithms, the pointer arithmetics are capsuled within a class, it prevents memory leaks and it's very fast and effective...