I can see that ABP logs all errors in the log.txt file in the but wonder if there is any tutorial that explains how to add ELMAH to the Boilerplate template?
I am using Asp core + Angular template. I have already installed Elmah to my solution but not quite sure how to integrate AbpHandledExceptionData with it.
Here are my settings:
services.AddElmahIo(o =>
o.ApiKey = _appConfiguration["Authentication:Elmah:APIKey"];
o.LogId = new Guid(_appConfiguration["Authentication:Elmah:LogId"]);
You can refer Logging from ASP.NET Core. Another option similar to ELMAH (and ELM) is Glimpse: http://getglimpse.com/
You can also use ASP.NET Core Diagnostics for the same purpose.
I am trying to configure an existing application to use Swagger. This application uses Resteasy 3 and Jetty 9.2 along with JAX-RS 3.
My changes are based on the explanations given on the Swagger wiki.
I have first added swagger 1.5.0 in my build.gradle before adding annotations #Api and #ApiOperation on a resource named SchedulerStateRest.
The next step was to edit my web.xml in order to hook up Swagger-Core in my Application and Initialize Swagger using Swagger's Servlet.
My issue is that when I launch my application, no resource is found when I browse /swagger.json or /swagger.yaml from http://localhost:8080. However, I get no error while starting Jetty and existing services are running and available.
I have enabled Jetty logs but I found no information relevant to me (the class in charge to launch Jetty embedded is JettyStarter).
By looking for similar problems, I found people who say that swagger content should be available at /v1/api-docs, so I tried different URLs but I always get a 404 error.
Recently, I found a gist from ben-manes for configuring swagger with Resteasy 3 + Guice 4. I tried to mimic its configuration and deduce the configuration for web.xml based on Guice-servlet explanations but I end up with the same problem as for the configuration explained above (no resource available are the expected address).
Since there is no error while starting embedded Jetty, I wonder if the issue is not related to a wrong address. Do you know how to list "resources" that are available on a Jetty instance?
I noticed that explanations on Swagger wiki are for Resteasy 2.X. Does it mean that Swagger is not compatible with Resteasy 3.x?
Ideas, suggestions, etc. to debug, solve the issue are welcome ;)
I actually figured it out yesterday. I'm going to post a sample application on git hub sometime this week since I can't find an example anywhere
I have used Elmah for many of my web applications till date Thanks to Atif Aziz.
Now I am trying to use Elmah in one of my windows based application. Before implementing
I m trying out some Examples and so far everything works Good.
But Do we have any configuration which can help me stopping Elmah at once ?
My Client doesnt want to have Elmah enabled for few of his Environment. I didnt come across
such kind of settings in Elmah except I have heard once about ErrorEmail configuration.
DO any one knows how to stop Elmah using configuration from logging emails ?
Thanks in advance.
The default web interface is fine for exception logging, but I am using it for general logging and need to get some other people to be able to examine the logs. I was just thinking that someone else may have already developed a front end for it.
I recently ran into the ASP.NET Exception Reporter (based on ELMAH) project on codeplex. They've built a UI for ELMAH that organizes by type of error.
I don't want WCF, I only want web service.
Thank you.
They've obscured it, but it's easy enough:
Right-click on your solution, select Add New Project.
In the Framework selection dropdown, select .NET Framework 3.5
Select the Web installed templates listing and you'll find ASP.NET Web Service Application as the last one in the list.
In other words, you can create one in .NET 3.5, but not 4. Now, that being said, it seems like it may be possible to create a .NET 4 template for VS2010, but I'm not a VS2010 guru, so that's for someone else to elaborate on.
Edited to Add: Somebody else posted a response to your question that was also a good answer, I thought, but they deleted it themselves for some reason. I don't remember their user name. I'll repeat it here.
If you create a new Web Application in the solution, you can then Add New Item, and one of the options under Web is "Web Service" at the very bottom.
The only drawback to this is that besides the web service, you also have the usual default items for a web application, namely default.aspx, about.aspx, global.asax, and site.master, as well as the folders Account, Scripts, and Styles. But you can delete these, so no problem. Also keep in mind that the web.config in the Web Application project will be different from that of the Web Service, and that the assembly bindings for the web service will point to ASP.NET v2 & v3.5 (see its web.config), whereas the service in the web application project will default to ASP.NET v4 (through its project file). I don't know if any negative implications exist for either way of working, though I suspect that both will work just fine.
If you select the framework like mentioned above to 3.5 you can select a web service application. If you want it to be targeted at .NET 4.0 framework, go into my project --> Compile --> Advanced Compile Options --> change the target framework to .net framework 4.
You can also change your compile options to target it at a x64 or x86 (32 bit) server.
web.config in the Web Application project will be different from that of the Web Service, and that the assembly bindings for the web service will point to ASP.NET v2 & v3.5 (see its web.config), whereas the service in the web application project will default to ASP.NET v4 (through its project file). I don't know if any negative implications exist for either way of working, though I suspect that both will work just fine.
Here was my resolution:
Right-click on your project name and select to Add Service Reference.
Select the Advance button at the very bottom.
Select the Add Web Reference button at the very bottom.
Proceed as usual. :)