Communicate with EPP using wosa xfs - cen-xfs

I'm creating a program to communicate with the EPP like if I press any key the application should recognise it and print it back for now for illustration on how to create an application to communicate with the EPP.
Thank you.
I've found what I will call a function on "cwa 14050-6:2005" on page 42 "WFS_CMD_PIN_GET_DATA" and the description states that "This function is used to return keystrokes entered by user." My problem is writing or calling this function and when you go to page 43 on the output param "LPWFSPINDATA lpPinData;" which the "typedef" of it contains I will say a variable "lpPinKeys" which points to an array of pointers to WFSPINKEY structures that contains the keys entered by the user. So after going through this document I saw that in my case I need this, this is because when let's say I key in 1234 enter the application can be able to assign 1234 to a variable so that it can be verified and enter will cause the app to begin the keys verification to see if they match that's from database/server database and if they do then the app will call the relevant service else error will be displayed.
My main problem is calling this within my app. Even if the app can for now display back or assign the keys to a variable from a PIN pad (EPP). For now I don't use any encrypt just want to get and verify the plain keys.

If you require EPP development for NCR machines, you have to use Key Library API. This is not a part of CEN XFS standard, but is explained in the NCR XFS documentation.


What is the best way to store authentication (login) in a system when a user has been authenticated using shadow in Linux with C++

I have a project called kos and it's a simple SUID tool,
recently as a lot of people in private have been asking
me I added authentication storing/remembering,
but it's not that good
So what happens basically is:
Verify that the user has entered the correct password
If the password is correct set the temp_validate_user variable to true and temp_validate_user_id to the authenticated user's ID (e.g. 1000)
In the run_command function, after setting the appropriate IDs (uid, euid, gid and egid) do:
If the last modified timestamp is less than the set max ammount, remove /var/kos/<user id>
Else if temp_validate_user is still set make sure /var/kos exists, if not make it then make a file called /var/kos/<user id> (e.g. /var/kos/1000)
To put it simply we just store a file called /var/kos/<user id> and then check if its last modified timestamp is less than the max ammount
But we got a problem
Even though the dir is root-only with kos you can
get root and if you verify once you can do this:
while true; do echo | kos touch "/var/kos/$(id -u)"; done
And when the user authenticates the file will be
be updated all the time meaning you can have infinite
root bypass
So the question is, is there ANY better way to do this,
I really need to find a better way because as more of the
time passes I keep getting more and more worried about
it and I can't think of anything
Oh and if it wasn't clear already, I don't want to
use PAM or anything else other than pure C or C++
Related commits and lines of code:
Thanks for the answers in advance :)
Questions and answers
What's your goal?
Store that the user has logged in for x ammount of seconds
then if x seconds have passed invalidate it,
but until x seconds hasn't passed don't ask the
specific logged in user to enter their password
As #ThomasWeller sudo does the same thing, meaning it's secure
enough, I dropped the terms on the dir from 744 to 711 and file
perms from 744 to 600
Thank you #ThomasWeller once again

Inserting UNICODE into Oracle from C/C++ shows garbage in DB

I have the below sample program...
int main(void)
char insertQuery[] = "INSERT INTO ABCD_TABLE VALUES('987','31-AUG-16','19-JAN-17','901',
return 0;
When I run the program, the query is inserted successfully into the DB but the ÜÜ is shown as garbage.
When I run the same query manually in Toad, it is inserted proprly and the ÜÜ is shown properly in Toda.
"INSERT INTO ABCD_TABLE VALUES('987','31-AUG-16','19-JAN-17','901','31-DEC-12','1','','','','','','','ÜÜcreate02_de,ää')";
What might be the issue?
Please do let me know if you guys need the code sample of connectToSQLServer() and executeINSERTQuery(insertQuery). I will provide.
You have set NLS_LANG variable to ALL32UTF8. Also there is a way how to do it on OCI level, see: OCIEnvNlsCreate and Database Globalization Support Guide.
By doing this you till tell the OCI driver that everything you store in buffers is in UTF8 charset, and everything withdrawn from from database also must be in UTF8.
PS: note that some OCI api functions do distinguish number of bytes and number of characters. So for example you must not use OCILobRead/OCILobWrite to manipulate CLOBS. You must use extended versions OCILobRead2/OCILobWrite2.

How do I renew a namecoin domain?

I own a couple domains, I would just like to renew them using the CLI. I see a thing to renew using the QT client, but my domains are in my CLI wallet, not my QT client wallet.
Credit to
First of all make sure your CLI client is synchronized, i.e. getinfo (or better: getblockcount) gives you the same block number as you get at or
You should also check if the amount of NMCs in your wallet is sufficient for the renewal command(s). One renew or update attempt costs you 0.005 NMC or less.
Renewing a name is identical to updating a name. In both cases you use name_update, and the command line looks like this:
./namecoin-cli name_update name "value"
Example: if you own the name d/hrdwdmrbl (which translates to the domain name hrdwdmrbl.bit) then your name renewal command could be:
./namecoin-cli name_update d/hrdwdmrbl "{\"map\":{\"\":\"\"}}"
- The example above is correct for Linux or Mac OSX. I think it looks slightly different in MS-Windows. It may need double or triple backslashes for escaping the inner doublequotes (e.g. "{\\"map\\" ... )
- Older Namecoin client versions use ./namecoind instead of ./namecoin-cli
- If you get it wrong then you either get an error message and you can try again instantly, or you don't get an error message and you have to wait for at least 1 confirmation before you can update again. You can always check the results of your commands with listtransactions

Why is a Remote WMI call to Win32_Printer Coming Back With An Empty Set For Some Machines?

I am using WMI (prototyping everything in VBScript first, as examples are more plentiful and it removes VBScript/Python impedence) to connect remotely to a fresh PC (we will call this PC2). Most Win32_* classes can be remotely read, yet Win32_Printer returns an empty set when queried, but only when I query remotely. The resulting SWbemObjectSet always has a .Count of zero. No error. I can connect to PC1 and receive a SWbemObjectSet with a non-zero .Count, can iterate through it, etc. If I run the script locally (after removing the superuser username and password from the .ConnectServer method, naturally), I get a non-zero .Count back and can iterate through it. Even if I foolishly use my own Domain Administrator account, the problem persists. The Script:
strComputer = "nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn"
username = "DOMAIN\superuser"
password = "thisisaverygoodpassword"
Set objSWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
objSWbemLocator.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3
objSWbemLocator.Security_.AuthenticationLevel = 6
Set objSWbemServices = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer(strComputer, "root\cimv2", username, password)
Set colSWBemObjectSet = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Printer")
WScript.Echo colSWBemObjectSet.Count & " Found."
For Each objPrinter in colSWBemObjectSet
For Each Property in objPrinter.Properties_
If TypeName(Property.Value) = "Variant()" Then
Wscript.Echo """" & Property.Name & """, """ & TypeName(Property.Value) & """, ""Skipping ..."""
Wscript.Echo """" & Property.Name & """, """ & TypeName(Property.Value) & """, """ & Property.Value & """"
End If
Commenting and error checking have been omitted for brevity.
It does not appear to be a firewall problem.
Reason 1: Where a firewall blockage does exist, I receive an error
back from SWbemLocator, "The RPC server is unavailable."
Reason 2: I can access and run through the WMI class Win32_ComputerSystem
with ease.
It does not appear to be a username/password problem.
Reason 1: I can retrieve information from Win32_ComputerSystem.
Reason 2: I ought to get an error.
It does not appear to be an OS version problem:
Reason: PC2 and PC1 are both running Windows 7 Professional. PC1 is running the 64-bit version, PC2 the 32-bit.
Although I started trying to reach a 32-bit machine from a 64-bit server, it does not appear to be a 32-bit vs. 64-bit problem.
Reason 1: I added a value of 32 for __ProviderArchitecture in a SWbemNamedValueSet prior to my .ConnectServer attempt (with that SWbemNamedValueSet in the arguments to no avail), although I was unable to later add that same context to the .ExecQuery method of the connected server without a type mismatch operator.
Reason 2: I later ran the script from a 32-bit server with the same result.
It does not appear to be a corrupted WMI problem.
Reason: Once I stop using credentials, I can run the script from the target machine itself and receive a result set with more than zero items and can iterate through it.
It does not appear to be a credential/namespace mistake within my script.
Reason: Using WBemTest.exe from the same source machine and using identical username, password, authentication level, impersonation level, namespace, and so forth, I receive the same null set for an answer.
It does not appear to be an issue of WMI Namespace security on the target machine.
Reason 1: Logging in to the target machine with the same credentials as the script uses generates results.
Reason 2: Win32_Printer is in the same namespace as Win32_ComputerSystem. Win32_ComputerSystem works.
Reason 3: After using the Wmimgmt.msc Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to give the superuser full permissions, starting in the root namespace, propagating to "This namespace and subnamespaces," rebooting, and checking again, I still receive the same empty set.
It does not appear to be the respective OUs of PC2 and PC1 that are the problem.
Reason: I swapped the OUs each machine was in and rebooted. No change.
It does not appear to be the Local Computer Groups:
Reason: I made the membership of groups in PC2 look like PC1 and rebooted. No change.
It does not appear to be something magical about Win32_Printer in that remote access does not work.
Reason: I can read PC1's Win32_Printer class.
It does not appear that my WQL is unusual.
Reason: "SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer" is my test case.
It does not appear that my DCOM settings are off.
Reason: They appear identical when I go through PC1 and PC2.
I have even gone so far as to hit the Trace logs in WMI-Activity, print them out for both PC1 and PC2, then sort by GroupOperationID, OperationID (the TimeCreated SystemTime is not granular enough and EventID seems ... out of order. I can see events from the following actions:
Start IWbemServices::ExecQuery - Select * from __ClassProviderRegistration
Start IWbemServices::GetObject - __Win32Provider.Name="WmiPerfClass"
Start IWbemServices::ExecQuery - references of {__Win32Provider.Name="WmiPerfClass"}
Start IWbemServices::GetObject - Win32_Printer
Start IWbemServices::ExecQuery - Select * From Win32_Printer
Provider::CreateInstanceEnum - Win32_Printer
in both sets of logs, and if I sort by GroupOperationID, OperationID they appear to happen in identical order. Sorting by EventID shows a somewhat different order. That's the closest I can see to a difference. I'm stumped at this point.
I know this verges perilously close to a system administration issue.
Found this link in the win32_printer spec page referring to this problem It appears only printers installes for this user are returned, not all printers on the system. So if you've never logged on to the remote system under the credentials of the user you are using to enumerate the printers then you get an empty result.
Looks like you've had a good shot at it. ServerFault might yield something more...
It's a long shot, but I once heard terminal services being disabled aparently caused issues when issuing WMI queries...
This may not apply, but could be worth a look: AD Delegation

When is the handle with name \GLOBAL?? is created?

I have a dump of process where the handle count in the process did reached 16 million handles (which is the maximum allowed handles per process). Hence the process got hanged.
From dump (This is second dump where the handle count is high but not max limit.) I get following data :
53778 Handles
Type Count
None 2
Event 238
Section 3
File 84
Port 16
**Directory 53120**
Mutant 35
WindowStation 2
Semaphore 151
Key 42
Token 4
Process 1
0:000> !handle 9735 f
Handle 00009735
Type Directory
Attributes 0x10
GrantedAccess 0x1:
HandleCount 53575
PointerCount 53788
Name \GLOBAL??
No object specific information available
There are many such handles open with Name : \GLOBAL?? and type Directory. Here I want to know in what scenarios do we see this particular handle being created?
Is there any way to know the code where the leak is occurring from the full dump?
I believe you are using WinDBG.
If I am not wrong, "\GLOBAL??" indicates that your symbolic link is relates to all sessions. On Win2K it was "\??". Symbolic links and Handles can be local to a session. For an example: I can create a Mutex handle and make it local to each terminal service sessions. This can be done by prefixing the mutex name explicitly with a "Global\" or "Local\" to create the object in the global or local session name space.
Is this reproducible? If so, you should try the !htrace extension.
In Windows NT, the old DOS filesystem is essentially a set of shortcuts. This is necessary because it's a multi-user filesystem. Your H:\ drive might differ from someone elses H:\ drive. Hence, both are implemented as shortcuts or symbolic links.
SysInternals Process Monitor has a handle viewm and IIRC can capture a stack dump for each file operation. That of course adds up quickly; you'll need to learn its filters.