Django registration that works well with django-authtools - django

I have a Django app that uses django-authtools which provides a custom auth model so that I can use email as user id.
I am wondering if there is a reusable app that I can reuse for doing registrations. Something like django-registration-redux but that works well with the just using email as user id. Or can django-registration-redux be used in this scenario?

I figured that what I was trying to achieve is achieved by using django-allauth instead. This link shows the way how to achieve it:
I think I can achieve what I am trying to do how it is specified in Remove 'username' field from django-allauth. So I guess


How to use Django's inbuilt authentication with custom forms (html templates)

I am trying to create a website using Django where user can register and login currently I am storing the user registration data in my custom database table.
But I am not finding any sold way to do user authentication using the data from my custom tables
So I am in search of a way where I can use Django's inbuilt user auth but with my custom forms( html templates) on top
Please Help me !!
I suggest that you use django-allauth package. What you want has been implemented already.
You can follow the documentation below

Django user creation with costume boostrap form

I know how to create and extend a usercreation form using the Django modelsform.
But how can I create and authenticate a user without using the inbuilt Django form instead i will use a bootstrap form having my own tailored designs and additional fields?
to solve this issue i had to use django-widget-tweaks to modify my interfaces. it is really a good Django package

Tastypie Authentication without default User model

I am building an API with Django Tastypie and I am trying to implement the ApiKeyAuthentication.
My system doesn't use the built in User model that Django provides and all the examples seem to rely on that.
I've created my own version of the User model called Author which is much simpler. For the ApiKeyAuthorization I was hoping to be able to use the id of an Author rather than the username of the User model.
Is there a way I can build this authorization system without using the User model?
ApiKeyAuthentication relies on Django's builtin User object. It's a fairly simple class implementation, looking at its source should give you an idea how to write your own Authentication model.

django : how to confirm registration without email verification

I wnat to confirm registration without email verification
How can it config?
And, Where is the django-registration views?
Can I change the registration views?
Thank you.
You could use django-social-auth to make users register with their social account (which has been verified already). This would have the added bonus of being much quicker to sign up via.
You can see the registration views here. If you want to change them, copy the urls from django-registration's and put them into your own, then link them to a new file and wrap the registration views with your own custom code.
Django-registration comes with a default backend as well as a simple backend.
The default backend takes care of the email verification / activation.
If you want to disable the email verification in django-registration, then you'd need to use the simple backend instead.
Add something like the following to your
(r'^registration/', include('registration.backends.simple.urls')),
i would use janrain or gigya, i think janrain is better, it's just my opinion.
anyway what that would do is let people login using facebook, gmail, twitter etc.. like the django social auth...i'm just giving you other options :)

User management app for Django's auth

I am working on a small Django site where every user who leaves a comment on the site gets an email with a password (email is the user name) to change the comment later on.
The site should also support functions for users to retrieve or reset passwords. For this simple task I wanted to use the Django auth capabilities.
Is there a Django app which provides a simple package of user management (to reset or change a user's password) which I could incorporate in my site?
Would packages like Pinax or Drupal help for this simple task? They seem to be the overkill.
If you are looking for an advanced profile-/account-module you could take a look at django-userena
Some other options are listed in the profiles-grid on Django Packages.
Reset and change password are both included in the standard contrib.auth views.
I would have a look at django-user-accounts